Ann Surg Treat Res 2017;92(3):149-55
To the Editor:
Thanks for giving us the opportunity to contribute to Annals of Surgical Treatment and Research entitled “Laparoscopic resection of retroperitoneal benign neurilemmoma”. We found that there is some mistake printings regarding corresponding author and affiliations. This mistake was not due to editorial office of Annals of Surgical Treatment and Research. We attached a corrigendum along with this letter to request for a correction of the corresponding author and minor change of affiliations.
Best Regards,
Chang Moo Kang
Corrected the second and fourth authors' affiliation
Jung Hwan Ji1, Joon Sung Park1,2, Chang Moo Kang1,3, Dong Sup Yoon1,2, Woo Jung Lee1,3
1Department of Surgery, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, 2Pancreatobiliary Cancer Clinic, Gangnam Severance Hospital, Seoul, 3Pancreatobiliary Cancer Clinic, Yonsei Cancer Center, Institute of Gastroenterology, Severance Hospital, Seoul, Korea
Corrected Corresponding author
Corresponding author: Chang Moo Kang
Department of Surgery, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Pancreatobiliary Cancer Clinic, Yonsei Cancer Center, Institute of Gastroenterology, Severance Hospital, 50 Yonsei-ro, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul 03722, Korea
Tel: +82-2-2228-2135
Fax: +82-2-313-8289