Figure 1. Box plot of abundance of perennial (A–D) and annual (E–H) species recorded at four patches in the central Nacozari tailings deposit.
Boxes indicate the 25–75th percentile, the line within the box shows the median, error bars indicate the 90th percentile and dots indicate outlying points. 1A: patch 1; 1B: patch 2; 1C: patch 3; 1D: patch 4; 1E: patch 1; 1F: patch 2; 1G: patch 3; 1H: patch 4. Perennial species; Acfa: Acacia farnesiana, Gnle: Gnaphalium leucocephalum, Brco: Brickellia coulteri, Basa: Baccharis sarothroides and Prve: Prosopis velutina. Annual species; Amwa: Amaranthus watsonii, Boco: Boerhavia coulteri, Solu: Solanum lumholtzianum and Brca: Bromus catharticus. Notice that unit area is 100 m2 for perennial species and 1 m2 for annual species.