Expected Progress
Week 2
Become familiar with the diagnosis of stroke and the pathophysiology behind the disease process. Learn basic vascular neuroanatomy
Week 3
Learn the basics of secondary stroke prevention and medical management of the disease. Be able to perform an NIHSS and calculate an MRS
Week 4
Become familiar with neuroimaging modalities of CT and MRI. Become efficient at the use of the EHR
Week 5
Learn to manage the acute stroke patient and become familiar with the use of IV tPA and other intra-arterial procedures
Week 6
Feel confident in the day-to-day management of common issues in the stroke population (e.g., blood pressure management)
Week 7
Appreciate the vast array of the spectrum of neurologic disease and become familiar with the abilities and limitations of outpatient disease management
Week 8
Become familiar with a normal EEG tracing as well as learn about the common antiepileptic drugs
Week 9
Become exposed to common inpatient neurologic diagnoses such as Multiple Sclerosis, headache, Guillan-Barre Syndrome, encephalopathy, etc.
Week 10
Learn the management strategies for the commonest inpatient neurologic disorders and be exposed to lumbar punctures
Week 11
Feel confident in performing a complete neurological examination and be able to provide thoughtful differential diagnosis
Week 12
Become proficient at the daily tasks of pre-rounding, progress note writing, admitting, discharging, and EHR use