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. 2017 May 26;6:e27389. doi: 10.7554/eLife.27389

Table 2.

BG1-Env-8ANC195 complex cryo-EM structure data collection and model statistics.


Data collection/processing
Microscope Titan krios
Voltage 300 kV
Camera Gatan K2 Summit
Camera mode counting
Defocus range 1.5–3.5
Exposure time 15 s
Dosage rate 2.92 electrons⋅pixel−1⋅subframe−1
Magnified pixel size 1.35
Total Dose (e/A2) 80
Software Relion-1.4
Symmetry C1
Particles refined
Resolution(automask, Å) 6.18
Resolution(masked out Fab CHCL domains, Å) 6.18
Map sharpening B-factor (Å2) −24.7274
Model Statistics
Map CC (whole unit cell): 0.931
Map CC (around atoms): 0.731
All-atom clashscore 17.66
Ramachandran plot:
outliers: 0.44%
allowed: 7.44%
favored: 92.12%
rmsd (bonds): 0.01
rmsd (angles): 1.11
Rotamer outliers: 0.85%
C-beta deviations: 0