VOLUME 292 (2017) PAGES 6715–6727
PAGE 6720:
There was an error in Fig. 6. Panels A and B were inadvertently exchanged. The correct legend should read as follows. Microscale thermophoretic analysis of interaction between 5 μm E52C/C348S MAP2c and 14-3-3ζ in 50 mm Tris buffer. A, phosphorylated MAP2c; B, unphosphorylated MAP2c. The plots show interactions in the 14-3-3ζ monomer concentration range from 36.6 nm to 1.2 mm. The mean values ± S.D. for each concentration point were calculated from triplicate measurements.
The results are described correctly in the text, and the error does not affect the results or conclusions of the work.