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. 2017 Jun 19;4(3):ENEURO.0070-17.2017. doi: 10.1523/ENEURO.0070-17.2017

Figure 1.

Figure 1.

Apparent differential responses to deuterated and non-deuterated benzaldehyde. A, Example of responses to benzaldehyde-d5 (green traces) and benzaldehyde-h (blue traces) at two different dilutions (dashed: 10−3, continuous 10−2) in two areas of the antennal lobe (R1 and R2). The left photograph indicates the position of R1 and R2 in the antennal lobe stained with the calcium sensor GCaMP5, the middle graph depicts the response time-traces in area R1, the right graph R2. Gray bars indicate stimulation times. Scale bar, 20 µm. B, B', Spatial activity maps of the Drosophila antennal lobe for the odorants E2-hexenal and ethyl butyrate, taken from the DoOR database, C, Spatial response patterns in the antennal lobe (false color) superimposed onto the morphologic view of the brain (grayscale). Responses to E2-hexenal, ethyl butyrate, and the two benzaldehydes (BZA-h and BZA-d5). Glomerulus DM1 innervated by dOr42b is circled with a dotted line. The midline of the brain is to the left, and the orientation of the brain corresponds to B. Scale bar, 20 µm. D, Calcium recording from neurons expressing Or42b in the DM1 glomerulus of the antennal lobe using the calcium sensor GCaMP6m. Stimuli were diluted to 10−2. Ethyl butyrate elicited long-lasting responses, which did not resolve the temporal structure of the double stimulus. Benzaldehyde-d5 elicited clear excitatory responses (calcium increases), while benzaldehyde-h elicited clear inhibitory responses (calcium concentration decreases) to each of the two odor pulses. Mean ± SEM (N = 3 animals). E, Coupled GC-antennal lobe recordings in Or42b > GCaMP6m flies. The two bottom traces show the FID signal for the two benzaldehydes used, the top panel shows the mean response ± SEM to benzaldehyde-h (concentration 10−2, blue trace) and benzaldehyde-d5 (concentration 10−2, green trace, N = 3 animals). Both benzaldehydes show a clear calcium decrease in glomerulus DM1 at the elution time of benzaldehyde (approximately 240 s), but only benzaldehyde-d5 shows a strong calcium increase at elution time around 100 s.