Author response image 2. Calcium transients recorded in RB neurons from a non representative zebrafish larva in Tg(isl2b:gal4;cry:GFP,UAS: mRFP; UAS:GCaMP5G) triple transgenic animals.
(A,B) Expression of mRFP (A) and GCaMP5G (B) is restricted to RB neurons in this field of view. Successive snapshots show signals before the stimulus (0s), during tail motion (3 s), immediately after the motion artifact when the cells are back in the plane (3.5 s) and long after tail motion (9 s). (C) Calcium transients estimated as relative △F/F = △F (green) – △F (red) is depicted for four trials before (top) and after (bottom) application of the paralytic agent Pancuronium Bromide (PB) in the bath.