(A) Pv+ interneurons visualized by Alexa Fluor
594 fluorescence in Pv-Cre control and in Pv-Cre Nrxn123 cKO mice. Neurons
identified via virally administered double-floxed mCherry were filled via the
patch pipette with Alexa Fluor 594 (50 μM; to visualize the axonal arbor
and dendrites) and Fluo-5F (200 μM; to monitor presynaptic
Ca2+-transients). The top image depicts a representative
z-stack projection of the entire neuron (arrowheads = axon). The bottom
image displays an expanded view of axonal boutons (yellow dashed arrows
= line scans during action potential stimulation).
(B) Decreased density of axonal boutons of neurexin-deficient
Pv+ interneurons (circles, individual axon branches;
lines, means ± SEM).
(C) Representative traces depicting the fast-spiking firing pattern
of Pv+ interneurons in Pv-Cre and Pv-Cre Nrxn123 cKO
(D) Representative traces of Ca2+-transients
monitored via Fluo-5F fluorescence in presynaptic boutons by line scans as
indicated in A. Trains of action potentials (1, 2, 5,10, 20 APs at 50 Hz) were
elicited by injecting current pulses (2 nA, 1 ms) via the recording
(E) Summary plots of the peak amplitudes (ΔG/Gmax,
left) and decay times (measured from 100% to
37% of peak amplitude, right) of
Ca2+-transients as a function of action potential number
monitored in presynaptic boutons of Pv+ interneurons.
Data in B and E are means ± SEM (numbers indicate number of axon
branches/neurons analyzed [B] or boutons/neurons analyzed
[E]); statistical comparisons were performed with
Student’s t-test (*P<0.05;
**P<0.01; ***P<0.001);
non-significant comparisons are not labeled.