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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2017 Jul 12.
Published in final edited form as: Dev Psychol. 2011 Sep 19;48(1):136–148. doi: 10.1037/a0025511

Evaluating the Predictive Validity of the Computerized Comprehension Task: Comprehension Predicts Production

Margaret Friend 1, Sara A Schmitt 1, Adrianne M Simpson 1
PMCID: PMC5506687  NIHMSID: NIHMS875258  PMID: 21928878


Until recently, the challenges inherent in measuring comprehension have impeded our ability to predict the course of language acquisition. The present research reports on a longitudinal assessment of the convergent and predictive validity of the CDI: Words and Gestures and the Computerized Comprehension Task (CCT). The CDI: WG and the CCT evinced good convergent validity however the CCT better predicted subsequent parent reports of language production. Language sample data in the third year confirm this finding: the CCT accounted for 24% of the variance in unique word use. These studies provide evidence for the utility of a behavior-based approach to predicting the course of language acquisition into production.

Understanding the developmental path to early literacy is a priority in psychological and educational research. Importantly, literacy is dependent upon earlier developing language comprehension and production and the activities that support it. Dovetailing with this focus is a long-standing focus on identifying those children at greatest risk for language delay early in development. These children are also at greatest risk for difficulties in school. One early potential indicator of developing literacy and school-readiness is the pace of language acquisition in late infancy and early toddlerhood.

The Computerized Comprehension Task (CCT; Friend & Keplinger, 2003; 2008) was developed to augment other language assessments in laboratory settings and to facilitate direct assessment in settings where resources for data coding and analysis may be limited. At present there is no standard direct measure of early receptive language that predicts language into the preschool period. The CCT builds on extant Intermodal Preferential Looking (Hirsh-Pasek & Golinkoff, 1996; Meints et al., 1999; Hollich et al., 2000) and picture book approaches (Ring & Fenson, 2000) and incorporates colorful images and reinforcing auditory stimuli that recruit attention. In a within-subjects assessment of word comprehension on the CCT and a picture book, Friend & Keplinger (2008) found that infants were significantly more attentive and attempted more trials on the CCT. The psychometric properties of the CCT are strong: internal consistency and test-retest reliability have been demonstrated in toddlers who are acquiring English as a primary language (Friend & Keplinger, 2008; Robledo, personal communication, April 20, 2010). In addition, scores on the CCT correlate with parent report on the MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventories: Words and Gestures (CDI: WG; Fenson et al., 1993; Fenson, et al., 1994, Fenson et al., 2007; Friend & Keplinger, 2008). Because the procedure takes less than 10 min to administer and can be self-contained on any computer—even a laptop—with a touch sensitive screen, assessment can be made widely available in a variety of settings.

One goal of the present paper is to assess the reliability and validity of the CCT in a sample whose demographic characteristics approximate the local population. A second goal of the present paper is to predict language production in the third year as assessed by the CDI: Words and Sentences and a language sample from comprehension scores on the CCT in the second year of life. We consider the relevant literature on demographic influences on language acquisition and on the relation between comprehension and production. Next, we review the recent work on language delay and consider the need for an independent measure of comprehension to facilitate the identification of children at risk. Finally, we evaluate the reliability and convergent and predictive validity of the CCT. One strength of this research is that it provides a tool for assessing language comprehension at the individual level that is independent of parent report and language sample data to clarify basic findings in language acquisition research.

Demographic Influences on Child Language

It is well-established that SES in early childhood is positively related to child language and that it may have effects on parental reporting as well. For example, Feldman et al. (2000) reported higher scores on the CDI: WG for children whose mothers had completed high school or less or received Medicaid relative to children whose mothers had completed college or had private health insurance. One interpretation of this finding is that lower maternal education may lead to different expectations about developmental milestones relative to higher maternal education and these expectations may be reflected in parent reports of early language (Feldman et al., 2000).

Demographic factors such as low income and maternal education may have broad consequences for early language acquisition beyond an influence on parent reports. Mothers with lower educational attainment engage in speech toward their children that is more directive and includes fewer questions than mothers with higher educational attainment. Mothers with less education also tend to talk less to their children and to use smaller vocabularies (Hoff, Laursen, & Tardif, 2002). Hart and Risley (1995) report that children from lower SES families hear about 62,000 words a week in contrast to children from working class families who hear about 125,000 words and children from professional upper SES backgrounds who hear 215,000 words. Moreover children of poor and working class parents appear to develop vocabulary more slowly than children of parents in professional occupations. Similarly Hoff and Tian (2005) report that maternal education has direct effects on maternal language and this, in turn, has effects on development: both maternal vocabulary and length of utterance are positively associated with child language.

These findings are consistent with a growing literature that reports SES influences on parent child interaction and child language outcomes (Beitchman et al., 2008; Vernon-Feagans, et al., 2008; see Hoff, 2006 for a review) and underscore the importance of supplementing parent reports and language samples with independent behavioral measures to provide a clearer picture of the relationship between demographic factors and early language. One interest in the present paper is whether SES effects similar to those reported for parent report and language samples obtain on the CCT. Additionally, we are interested in the utility of the CCT in predicting developmental outcomes. We turn now to a consideration of empirical findings on the relation between comprehension and production.

The Relation between Comprehension and Production

The assertion that children’s earliest facility with language should provide an estimate of future language development has a great deal of face validity. Nevertheless, extensive variability in language achievements at any one age coupled with similar variability in the rate of language acquisition has made the prediction of language production from comprehension a daunting task and, a few decades ago, the topic generated considerable controversy. On the one hand, it was argued that the content and function of comprehension and production vocabularies are sufficiently distinct to suggest that they are dissociated processes (Benedict, 1979; Snyder, Bates, & Bretherton, 1981). Conversely, comprehension and production can be seen as related components of a single language process to the extent that overall levels of comprehension predict production. Bates, Benigni, Bretherton, Camaioni, and Volterra (1979) used detailed parent interviews and found that comprehension vocabulary was correlated with production vocabulary around the end of the first year of life. Snyder, Bates, and Bretherton used a similar procedure and reported an asymmetric relation between comprehension and production. Specifically, the correlation between comprehension and production was low and comprehension outpaced production in some infants. However, Bates (1993) later concluded that the lack of sufficiently sensitive experimental measures may have contributed to the poor correspondence between comprehension and production.

More recently, in a large, demographically diverse sample, Feldman et al. (2000) reported modest but significant correlations between parent reports of comprehension on the CDI: WG and production on the CDI: WS across the period from roughly 1 to 2 years of age. Recent gains have also been made in predicting language outcomes from direct assessments as well. For example, Kuhl (2009) has shown that the perception of native and non-native contrasts at 7 months of age is related to subsequent vocabulary size. Specifically, infants with high discrimination scores for native contrasts had larger productive vocabularies at 24 months than infants with low discrimination scores. Additionally, infants with high discrimination scores for non-native contrasts were at a disadvantage and had smaller vocabularies than infants with lower scores. These differences diminish after 24 months of age suggesting that phonetic sensitivity to native speech contrasts best predicts the early phases of language acquisition. Kuhl suggests that phonetic sensitivity paves the way for word learning by increasing “neural commitment” (p. 226) to the native language and enhancing attention to its statistical regularities.

Extending prediction beyond the second year, Marchman and Fernald (2008) used a modified preferential looking approach (the “looking-while-listening task”) and found that the speed with which children shift attention to a named referent at 25 months of age predicts language outcomes at 8 years. Marchman and Fernald concluded that the efficient processing of spoken language at 25 months facilitates subsequent language development by freeing cognitive resources to develop rich lexical representations.

Together, these recent studies reveal continuity between comprehension and production: children’s earliest facility with native words and sound patterns presages their facility with spoken language in spite of the considerable variability that exists between and within individual developmental trajectories. That is, the perceptual and cognitive abilities that scaffold language are good predictors of subsequent parent reports of language achievement. An independent, direct assessment of language comprehension prior to the second birthday is needed to extend these findings. Such a measure may enable us to assess risk for language delay sufficiently early in development to provide timely and effective interventions prior to school entry.

Risk for Language Delay

Children with persistent language delay exhibit difficulties in school as well as a host of other developmental problems (Snowling, Adams, Bishop, & Stothard, 2001; Snowling, Bishop, Stothard, Chipchase, & Kaplan, 2006). Approximately 15–16% of children at age 2 years present with a language delay in the absence of known underlying sensory, cognitive, or neurological deficits (Desmarais, Sylvestre, Meyer, Bairati, & Rouleau, 2008; Law, Boyle, Harris, Harkness, & Nye, 2000) and those who are delayed in both language comprehension and production are at greatest risk for persistent language delay (Law et al., 2000). The persistence of language delay among children delayed in production only is approximately 40% whereas the persistence among children delayed in comprehension and production is approximately 75% (Law et al., 2000). Children who continue to show language delay at age 5 are significantly more likely to develop literacy difficulties than children whose language delay resolves by age 3 or 4 (Stothard, Snowling, Bishop, Chipchase, & Kaplan, 1998) and, at 3 years of age, there is evidence for a direct link between oral language skills and first grade reading in typically-developing children (NICHD Early Child Care Research Network, 2005).

The fact that the persistence of language delay carries risk for literacy and other developmental difficulties and that children with delays in comprehension and production carry the highest risk, argues strongly for predicting developmental risk on the basis of language comprehension. Yet, in Desmarais et al.’s (2008) review, only 5 of 217 studies on language delay assessed comprehension skills. Language comprehension is central to the development of productive language, literacy, and general cognitive skills but has received limited attention due in part to the difficulty of assessing comprehension early in development.

Two primary difficulties limit the measurement of early comprehension. First, infant attention is poor through the second year of life making direct assessment of comprehension a challenge. Researchers have circumvented this problem by taking infant visual orientation to lexical targets as a measure of vocabulary comprehension (Golinkoff, Hirsh-Pasek, Cauley, & Gordon, 1987; Reznick, 1990; Schafer, Plunkett, & Harris, 1998).

This approach has permitted exploration of a range of phenomena in early language acquisition including the learning of novel words (Schafer & Plunkett, 1998), typicality effects in the comprehension of nouns, verbs, and prepositions (Meints, Plunkett, & Harris, 2008; Meints, Plunkett, & Harris, 2002, Meints, Plunkett, & Harris, 1999), and the early understanding of syntax (Golinkoff, Hirsh-Pasek, Cauley, & Gordon, 1987). However within-infant variability in Preferential Looking tasks is high and convergent validity is often low (Reznick, 1990; Hirsh-Pasek & Golinkoff, 1996; Hollich et al., 2000; but see Killing & Bishop, 2008). For example, Reznick (1990) reported increases in visual fixation to lexical targets from 14 to 20 months of age. However, younger infants did not appear to understand the task and data loss was high owing to the number of trials that had to be eliminated due to inattention. This speaks to the need to make word recognition tasks engaging and their contingencies transparent to insure complete and meaningful data. These limitations make it difficult both to verify basic findings at the individual level and to evaluate existing individual findings from parent report.

A second difficulty is ease of administration. Basic research outside the laboratory as well as widespread screening for developmental risk requires an instrument that can be administered and scored easily in a range of environments without extensive data extraction and analysis (i.e., “portability”). One approach to these difficulties is the use of parent report. The MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventories which have been adapted into nearly 60 languages and for good reason: parents observe their children in a wide range of contexts and are useful informants on the words their children understand and say. Nevertheless, it has been argued memory demands (Stiles, 1994), and education (Feldman et at., 2000) may limit parent accuracy in detailing the potentially large set of words in an infant’s receptive lexicon. In addition, parent reports may be overly based on context-specific knowledge (Tomasello & Mervis, 1994). This could lead to either under- or over-prediction of true vocabulary. For example, the parent may have limited knowledge of the full range of words that the child comprehends (under-prediction) or the child’s comprehension may be limited to a small set of—or even a single—exemplar(s) (over-prediction). More recently, concern has been raised over the sensitivity and specificity of parent report (Law & Roy, 2008).

The present research evaluates the predictive validity of a computerized measure of early comprehension that is portable and overcomes the attention limitations of infants in the second year of life. Although it does not benefit from assessing the child’s knowledge in multiple contexts as does parent report, it is a useful direct measure of early de-contextualized word knowledge. Indeed, it is potentially useful as a means of augmenting or clarifying parent report. Of interest is whether, at a summary level, comprehension as measured on the CCT predicts subsequent language production and, in particular, whether the CCT accounts for significant additional variance in language outcomes beyond that accounted for by parent reports of comprehension.

We present two studies both of which are part of a larger longitudinal investigation of the relation between home environments and early language outcomes. In Study 1, we compare performance on the CCT at 16–21 months of age concurrently with parent reports on the CDI: WG in a small sample that approximates the demographic characteristics of the local county population. In Study 2, we report on the predictive relation between comprehension and production in a subset of these participants one year later using the CCT and the CDI: WG comprehension scores at time 1 as predictors of parent reports of production on the CDI: WS and children’s performance in a language sample at time 2.

Study 1



Data were collected from 57 typically-developing infants; data on 7 participants were excluded and the final data analyses were conducted on a sample of 50 infants. Exclusion was due to parental non-compliance (2), technical failure (2), and infant fussiness (3). The final sample consisted of 24 males and 26 females ranging in age from 16 to 21 months (M = 18;2, range 16;2 to 21;4). There were 4 infants at 16 months, 14 at 17 months, 5 at 18 months, 7 at 19 months, 7 at 20 months, and 13 at 21 months of age. Although we welcomed participation from both parents, more mothers (N= 48) than fathers (N=2) participated. Thus, throughout this paper, our discussions of “parent” and “parent report” refer to findings from a sample composed predominantly of mothers.

A majority of parents reported that their infants were exposed exclusively to English (62%) however a substantial minority (38%) was exposed to a second language. Maternal ethnicity is reported for consistency with the census data. Participants were 72% Caucasian, 14% Hispanic, 4% Asian, 4% Black, and 6% Mixed Race (consisting of 4% Caucasian and Hispanic, and 2% Caucasian and East Indian). These proportions are similar to those reported in the 2000 census of the English-speaking population in the county. The average education level of parents was 15 years of formal education and ranged from 9 to 18 years which was somewhat higher than the general population of the county: 95% of parents in our sample had attained a high school diploma, in contrast to 82.6% in the county, and 55% had attained a bachelor’s degree or higher, in contrast to 29.5% in the county. Similarly, reported family income clustered about the mean (96,381) for the county. Although this sample approximates the local population, it must be acknowledged that it remains predominately middle-class. Selected demographic characteristics of the sample are presented in Table 1.

Table 1.

Distribution of Selected Demographic Characteristics of Participants in Study 1.

Characteristic Boys (N=24) Girls (N=26) Total (N=50) % in County a
Number (%) of participants
Maternal education
 High School or Less 2 (8.3) 5 (19.2) 7 (14.0) (34.0)
 Some College 3 (12.5) 5 (19.2) 8 (16.0) (31.0)
 College Graduate 10 (41.7) 6 (23.1) 16 (32.0) (21.1)
 Post-Baccalaureate 9 (37.5) 10 (38.5) 19 (38.0) (12.7)
Approximate Income
 15,000–34,999 1 (4.2) 4 (15.4) 5 (10.0) (17.5)
 35,000–49,999 2 (8.3) 4 (15.4) 6 (12.0) (12.9)
 50,000–74,999 4 (16.7) 4 (15.4) 8 (16.0) (17.8)
 75,000–99,999 5 (20.8) 7 (26.9) 12 (24.0) (13.8)
 100,000–150,000 8 (33.3) 2 (7.7) 10 (20.0) (15.7)
 150,000+ 1 (4.2) 2 (7.7) 3 (6.0) (13.0)
Maternal Ethnicity b
 Asian 1 (4.2) 1 (3.8) 2 (4.0) (4.9)
 Black/not Hispanic 1 (4.2) 1 (3.8) 2 (4.0) (5.0)
 Hispanic c 2 (8.3) 5 (19.2) 7 (14.0) (15.5)
 White/not Hispanic 18 (75.0) 18 (69.2) 36 (72.0) (71.2)
 Mixed Race 2 (8.3) 1 (3.8) 3 (6.0) (3.8)
Second Language
 No 16 (66.7) 15 (57.7) 31 (62.0) (64.8)
 Yes 7 (16.7) 5 (19.2) 18 (38.0) (35.2)



Source is U.S. Census Bureau, 2006–2008 American Community Survey at


For Asian and Hispanic categories, county values are corrected to reflect the proportion of adults who “speak English very well.”


Hispanic ethnicity is not independent from race.

Participants were recruited through advertisements in local parenting magazines, community-based internet resources, a free weekly newspaper, and flyers distributed at local libraries, daycare facilities, and low-income nutrition centers. Parents received a $10 gift certificate to a local store to compensate for travel to the lab and infants received a small gift, either a toy or book for their participation.


Demographic Measure

Parents reported demographic characteristics by completing a brief questionnaire at home which they brought with them to the laboratory. All of our participants provided data on maternal education and ethnicity, 42 participants provided data on approximate income, and 49 participants provided data on second language exposure. These data were collected to characterize our sample and to permit an analysis of SES effects on CCT scores since maternal education, in particular, has been linked to reporting differences on the CDI (Feldman et al., 2000), to parent language practices (Hart & Risley, 1995; Hoff & Tian, 2005; cf. Vernon-Feagans et al., 2008), and to child language outcomes (Beitchman et al., 2008; Hoff & Tian, 2005).

MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventory: Words and Gestures (CDI: WG)

The CDI: WG is a well-established measure on which parents are queried on their child’s understanding and production of a wide range of words, phrases, and gestures (Fenson et al., 1993, 2007). Of particular interest in the present study were parent reports of comprehension on the vocabulary checklist. Fenson et al. (1994) report test-retest reliability for comprehension scores on the vocabulary checklist in the .80 range across a 1 to 3 month interval for infants older than 12 months of age. Percentile rankings for the CDI have recently been extended to 18 months of age, however, in our experience the instrument can be extended productively to a majority of children at 20–21 months of age.

Computerized Comprehension Task (CCT)

The CCT addresses the need for an extensive performance-based measure of comprehension in infants younger than 20 months of age. It contains vibrantly-colored, high-quality digital images presented in a forced-choice format using lexical targets selected from the CDI: WG and the CDI: Words and Sentences. Images are prototypical and contemporary exemplars of lexical targets matched within trials for brightness, size, color, word class, and word difficulty. Infants are prompted to touch images on a touch-sensitive screen in response to experimenter prompts in which target vocabulary items are embedded (e.g., Where’s the dog? Touch dog!). When a correct touch is executed, a congruous auditory stimulus is played. For example, prompted touches to the image of a dog elicit the sound of a dog barking. These sounds maintain interest and motivate compliance and occur only after a touch to the target image to avoid confounding responses to the sounds with lexical comprehension.

There are 4 training trials, 41 test trials, and 13 reliability trials in which images are presented in opposite left-right orientation on the screen. In each trial, two images appear simultaneously at left- and right-center screen. Blue screens are interleaved between trials and the pace of the assessment is experimenter-controlled with the exception that trials have a maximum duration of 7 seconds before the screen is refreshed and a blue screen appears. This is necessary to insure that the experimenter maintains control of the cursor at the end of the trial since children, having executed a correct response, often touch the target repeatedly. Extensive pilot testing indicates that this trial duration is optimal, enabling toddlers to execute a touch to the screen without unduly taxing attention. The maximum duration for the entire assessment is 41 trials X 7s = ~5 min. An additional 1.5 min is required for reliability testing. Thus the time required for administration of the entire assessment, including training trials, is less than 10 min.

There are equal numbers of easy (comprehended by more than 66% of 16-month-olds), moderately difficult (comprehended by 33–66%), and difficult words (comprehended by less than 33%) defined a priori based on parent report data from the CDI: WG at 16 months of age (Dale & Fenson, 1996). The distribution of test items by word class and difficulty is presented in the Appendix. Like the CDI: WG, the CCT also has a high ceiling and, in our experience, can be productively extended to children at 20–21 months of age.

There are two forms of the test such that the image that serves as the target is counterbalanced across forms and form is counterbalanced across participants. Within forms, level of difficulty is matched within pairs and randomized across trials rather than presented in order of increasing difficulty. This organization helps to keep children engaged in the task since items understood by the majority of 16-month-olds are interspersed throughout the procedure and correct touches to these targets produce auditory reinforcement. Targets appear with equal frequency on right- and left-screen. Side is randomized with the restriction that targets appear no more than twice in succession on the same side consistent with the approach developed by Hirsh-Pasek and Golinkoff (1996) to reduce orientation-bias effects.

The CCT has strong immediate (.70) test-retest reliability, moderate reliability over a 4-month delay (.61), and converges with parent report on the CDI: WG (.64). In addition, word class and word difficulty analyses reveal the predicted patterns of performance: children are most accurate for nouns as contrasted with verbs and adjectives and for easy as contrasted with moderately difficult and difficult words (Friend & Keplinger, 2008; Friend & Zesiger, 2011; Robledo, personal communication, April 20, 2010). Finally, exclusion rates for fussiness are low relative to many other infant-based tasks including PL. Test-retest reliability, convergence with parent report, and predicted word class and word difficulty effects indicate that the CCT is a valid and reliable measure of early word comprehension and that children’s responses are independent and non-random.


Participants initiated contact with the laboratory via telephone or email. Once a participant contacted the laboratory, an initial screening interview was conducted over the telephone. Participants who met the screening criteria were scheduled to visit the lab. Selection criteria for infant participation were: reported English exposure greater than or equal to 75% of total weekly language exposure, full-term pregnancy, and normal hearing and vision. Participants were also screened on the basis of parental education and occupation and to ensure a sample as representative as possible of the local population.

Approximately 1 week prior to the appointment a basic demographic information sheet, the CDI: WG, and instructions for completing it were sent to the participants to be completed prior to their appointment. Parents were encouraged to consult with others who spent time with the child when filling out the CDI. They were also instructed to give credit for words with the same meaning and for mispronunciations but not for imitations when reporting vocabulary production.

Upon arrival in the lab, infants were given time to warm-up and play with toys in the lobby and parents completed the CB with the experimenter. As part of the warm-up, all infants engaged in “finger-painting” on a portable computer screen using a large brush setting in Microsoft Paint™ to become familiar and comfortable with the touch-sensitive screen on which the CCT is administered.

The CCT was administered on a kiosk situated on the floor of a separate testing room dimly lit by star and moon shaped night lights. Infants were seated in front of the kiosk with parents seated behind. The kiosk permits the toddler to sit in a low, cushioned chair or on their parent’s lap to complete the procedure. A touch sensitive screen is enclosed in the kiosk and positioned 30 cm from the child and 16 cm above the floor at a 60 degree angle. Parents wore opaque glasses to prohibit them from guiding their infants’ responses to experimenter’s prompts. Parents were instructed not to repeat the experimenters’ questions or interact with their child for the duration of the testing session. Responses were coded as correct if the child touched/pointed to the target image and incorrect if they: 1.) touched/pointed to the distractor, 2.) provided an ambiguous response (e.g., a touch to the center of the screen) or 3.) did not touch or point in response to the prompt.

Children participated in four training trials containing pairs of items that parents report are known by 85% of 16-months-olds (Dale & Fenson, 1996): diaper and shoe, cup and sock, bathtub and door, and book and car. These trials familiarized participants with the contingencies of the testing situation (i.e., colorful images will appear and touching the one that corresponds to the experimenter’s prompt will elicit an interesting sound). Once the child successfully completed these trials, testing commenced and proceeded until all of the trials were completed or until the child failed to respond on four consecutive trials (see Figure 2). The proportion of correct responses to trials presented before the procedure was terminated was taken as the final comprehension score on the CCT. Only those children who could not be engaged in the task during the training phase were excluded from further participation (N=3).

In each trial, target and distractor images appeared on the touch sensitive screen following the experimenter’s prompt. The prompt was dependent upon word class:

  • For nouns, “Where’s the ___? Touch ___;”

  • For verbs, “Who’s ___? Touch ___;” and

  • For adjectives, “Which one is ___? Touch ___.”

If a child failed to respond on two consecutive trials, the experimenter reintroduced the contingency between a correct response and an auditory reinforcement by touching the target image. If a child attempted to touch the target image but failed to do so within the 7 second window, the image pair was re-presented. Following the presentation of 41 test trials, 13 image pairs were re-presented in opposite left-right orientation for reliability testing. We administered the reliability assessment only to those infants who remained alert and attentive throughout the testing session (N=31).

Results and Discussion

The average vocabulary comprehension score on the CDI: WG was 234.92 (Σ = 94.83) for girls and 217.88 (Σ =107.97) for boys. Scores ranged from the 1st to the 99th percentile. Only 3 of our 50 participants reached ceiling (one 18-month-old and two 21-month-olds). The average vocabulary comprehension score on the CCT was 17.92 (Σ =7.90) for girls and 16.71 (Σ =7.17) for boys. Scores ranged from 4 to 32 correct responses (out of a possible 41). As expected, immediate test-retest reliability at the summary level on the CCT was strong (r (48) =.69, R2=.58, p<.001). To explore the consistency of responses to specific exemplars, we calculated item-level agreement. On average, children responded consistently across test and reliability phases on 67% of the items. However the median (71%) and mode (79%) better capture the central tendency of the distribution of agreement scores. This strong reliability for items presented in opposite left-right orientation from test indicates that side-bias effects were negligible. Both the CDI: WG and CCT vocabulary comprehension scores were approximately normally distributed. There was good item-level agreement between parent reports and child performance on the CCT (M = .54) and parent-child agreement scores were normally distributed. Age was significantly related to CDI: WG scores (r (48) = .52, p < .001) and CCT scores (r (48) = .29, p = .03).

We assessed children’s use of static images as referents by comparing CCT responses as a function of word class to parent report on the CDI: WG. Children’s knowledge of nouns, verbs, and adjectives on the CCT was significantly correlated with parent reports of noun, verb, and adjective knowledge (r (48) = .412, p = .003, .357, p = .01, and .415, p = .003, respectively). The average item-level agreement was .54 for nouns, .42 for verbs, and .55 for adjectives. Children appeared to recognize the static images as referents however there was a slight attenuation in performance on verbs. There was no effect of test form on CCT scores.

Demographic Analyses

Descriptive data on vocabulary comprehension scores on the CDI: WG and the CCT are presented as a function of demographic characteristics in Table 2. We conducted preliminary correlations to assess the influence of Age, Sex, Maternal Education, Approximate Family Income, and Exposure to a Second Language (in hours/week) on comprehension vocabulary scores on the CDI: WG and the CCT. No significant relation was observed between any demographic variable and comprehension vocabulary scores.

Table 2.

Mean Language Comprehension (and Σ) as a Function of Selected Demographic Characteristics in Study 1.

Characteristic CDI: WG CCT
Maternal education
 High School or Less 224.83 ( 95.90) 15.83 (6.52)
 Some College 224.33 (130.52) 13.33 (9.37)
 College Graduate 262.00 ( 90.51) 20.06 (6.43)
 Post-Baccalaureate 198.79 ( 93.12) 17.42 (7.95)
Approximate Income
 15,000–24,999 190.00 (100.93) 13.60 (11.97)
 35,000–49,999 237.00 (154.42) 17.33 ( 9.99)
 50,000–74,999 283.13 ( 87.97) 21.00 ( 5.85)
 75,000–99,999 189.50 ( 86.77) 15.75 ( 4.82)
 100,000–150,000 261.60 (101.84) 17.80 ( 9.33)
 150,000+ 226.00 ( 74.65) 21.33 ( 1.53)
Maternal Ethnicity
 Asian 287.00 (154.15) 15.00 (11.31)
 Black/not Hispanic 241.00 ( 46.67) 21.00 ( 2.83)
 Hispanic 210.00 (130.29) 16.00 ( 9.07)
 White/not Hispanic 229.42 ( 90.84) 17.58 ( 8.03)
 Mixed Race 184.00 (179.02) 16.67 ( 2.31)
Second language
 No 232.68 ( 99.16) 16.90 (7.24)
 Yes 217.05 (104.93) 18.05 (8.70)

We conducted two regression analyses using only maternal education and age as predictors first on the CDI: WG and then on the CCT. For the CDI: WG, this model was significant (F(2, 47) = 8.50, p = .001) and age was the only significant predictor (t(47) = 4.08, p < .001, B = .52) with the effect of maternal education not approaching significance. For the CCT, the model was also significant, (F(2, 47) = 4.18, p = .01). Both maternal education and age were significant predictors of comprehension scores on the CCT (t(47) = 2.23, p = .03, B=.31, t(47) = 2.61, p = .01, B =.36, respectively). As can be seen in Table 2, the effect of maternal education reflects an advantage for children of college-educated mothers such that they are reported to know more lexical items than children of mothers without a college degree. The age effect is consistent with reports on two previous studies of this instrument (Friend & Keplinger, 2003; 2008).

Convergent Validity

To assess the convergent relation between scores on the CDI: WG and the CCT, we evaluated the correlation between these scores after partialing out the effect of age. Of interest was whether parent reports of vocabulary comprehension account for significant variance in CCT scores beyond that accounted for by the age of the participants. Vocabulary comprehension scores on the CDI: WG accounted for a small but significant proportion of unique variance in performance on the CCT above that accounted for by age (partial r(47) = .361, p < .01, R2 = .13).

Consistent with previous research on English- (Friend & Keplinger, 2003, 2008) and French-speaking samples (Friend & Zesiger, 2011), vocabulary comprehension scores on the CCT converge with parent reports on the CDI: WG. The present results confirm the test-retest reliability and convergent validity of the CCT in a sample whose demographic characteristics are representative of the region. In addition, an analysis of responses on the CCT indicated that infants accurately identify the referent for a word on the majority of trials that they attempt. Thus children do not appear to be responding randomly rather, their responses appear tied to word knowledge. However, the modest correlation between scores on the CDI: WG and the CCT reveal that these instruments are capturing different aspects of that knowledge.

One question that remains is whether the vocabulary comprehension scores on the CCT can predict subsequent language development. Friend & Keplinger (2008) report stability in comprehension scores on the CCT from 16 to 20 and from 20 to 24 months of age. What is unknown is whether comprehension scores on the CCT can predict language production. If so, this would suggest that direct measures of early comprehension, particularly the CCT, have utility for predicting the trajectory of language acquisition as it transitions into production.

Study 2



A sample of 25 children (14 females, 11 males) between the ages of 24 to 41 months (M = 28; 26) and their primary caregivers from Study 1 returned to the laboratory to participate in Study 2. The distribution of selected demographic characteristics can be found in Table 3. Of this sample, 80% of mothers were Caucasian, 12% were Hispanic, 4% were Asian and 4% were of Mixed Race. The average maternal education level was 16 years of formal education and ranged from 9 to 18 years.

Table 3.

Distribution of Selected Demographic Characteristics of Participants in Study 2.

Characteristic Boys (N=11) Girls (N=14) Total (N=25) % in County
Number (%) of participants
Maternal education
 High School or Less 1 (9.1) 2 (14.3) 3 (12.0) (34.0)
 Some College 1 (9.1) 3 (21.4) 4 (16.0) (31.0)
 College Graduate 5 (45.5) 3 (21.4) 8 (32.0) (21.1)
 Post-Baccalaureate 4 (36.4) 6 (42.9) 10 (40.0) (12.7)
Approximate Income
 15,000–24,999 0 3 (21.4) 3 (12.0) (16.5)
 35,000–49,999 0 3 (21.4) 3 (12.0) (12.9)
 50,000–74,999 1 (9.1) 2 (14.3) 3 (12.0) (17.8)
 75,000–99,999 7 (63.6) 2 (14.3) 9 (36.0) (13.8)
 100,000–150,000 3 (27.3) 1 (7.1) 4 (16.0) (15.7)
 150,000+ - 3 (21.4) 3 (12.0) (13.0)
Maternal Ethnicity
 Asian - 1 (7.1) 1 (4.0) (4.9)
 Black/not Hispanic - - - (5.0)
 Hispanic 1 (9.1) 2 (14.3) 3 (12.0) (15.5)
 White/not Hispanic 9 (81.8) 11 (78.6) 20 (80.0) (71.2)
 Mixed Race 1 (9.1) - 1 (4.0) (3.8)
Second language
 No 8 (72.7) 7 (50.0) 15 (60.0) (64.8)
 Yes 3 (27.3) 7 (50.0) 10 (40.0) (35.2)

The interval between the first and second laboratory visit ranged from 6 to 20 months (M = 10; 11). One participant did not contribute a language sample on the second visit due to equipment failure. Thus the final sample for the language sample analyses was 24 participants, 14 females and 10 males between the ages of 24 and 41 months (M=28; 27) with a mean interval of 10 months between first and second testing (range= 6 to 20 months).


MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventories: Words and Sentences (CDI: WS)

Like the CDI: WG, the CDI: WS is a well-established parent report measure of child language designed for use with children from 16 to 30 months of age. The CDI: WS is designed to elicit parent estimates of productive vocabulary as well as utterance length and sentence complexity.

Language Sample

During their second visit, parents and their children participated in 10 minutes of toy play and 10 minutes of shared book reading. The entire 20 minute session was recorded onto Digital Audio Tape (DAT) from an Audio Technica AT898 Subminiature Cardioid Condenser microphone. The DAT tapes were transcribed independently by two coders. Inter-rater agreement was established on an utterance by utterance basis at a level equal to or exceeding .80 for 10% of the participants (N=3) across the full 20-minute language sample. Disagreements were resolved by discussion.

For each language sample, we obtained two measures: MLU (the mean length of utterance in morphemes, a measure of syntactic complexity) and NDW (Number of Different Words, or unique word roots, a measure of lexical diversity). For the MLU analyses, all complete and intelligible utterances were sampled. For the NDW analyses, we obtained two estimates: one from the full set of complete and intelligible utterances (to capture the full variability of children’s language production) and one from the first 50 complete and intelligible utterances (in the interest of standardizing the sample). Due to the low verbal productivity and intelligibility of several participants, we combined transcripts across the toy play and book reading situations in order to obtain 50 complete and intelligible utterances for the NDW analyses. Even so, there were three participants for whom the number of complete and intelligible utterances did not reach this threshold (1 26-month-old, 1 28-month-old, and 1 29-month-old). The completed transcripts were analyzed using the Systematic Analysis of Language Transcripts software (SALT, Miller & Iglesias, 2008).


Participants were contacted by telephone. Approximately 1 week prior to their scheduled visit, parents were mailed the CDI: WS to complete at home, and were asked to bring it to the lab on the day of the appointment. The researcher and dyads were introduced during a warm-up period of 10 minutes during which children played with toys in the lobby. After the warm-up period, dyads were guided into the testing room for observation. Adjacent to this room was an observation room equipped with a one-way mirror behind which a DAT recorder was stationed. Attached to the DAT recorder was a microphone housed discreetly in a conduit between the testing and observation rooms. For the first 10 minutes, caregivers were asked to play with their child in the same manner as they would at home with a toy farmhouse that included moving parts, animal sound effects, and a set of toy animals. During the second 10 minutes, caregivers were asked to read with their child just as they would at home from a selection of three age-appropriate picture books: Biscuit’s Picnic by Alyssa Satin Capucilli, Where is the Big Red Doggie by Norman Bridwell, and Mighty Tugboats by Noeline Cassetari. Pilot-testing revealed that the transition from the warm-up period to the observational session was smoother when the toy play situation preceded the book-reading situation. For this reason, toy play preceded book reading for all participants.

Results and Discussion

Descriptive Data

There was no difference between girls and boys in average vocabulary production scores on the CDI: WS or in language sample MLU and NDW (family-wise α = .05). Parents reported an average of 455.32 (Σ =144.15) words produced on the CDI: WS. Scores ranged from the 8th to the 99th percentile for girls and from the 25th to the 65th percentile for boys. Because three of our participants were older than the reference sample for the CDI: WS, we conducted a preliminary analysis to determine whether vocabulary production was related to age and whether there were any statistical outliers. There was no effect of age on the CDI: WS (nor on any language measure) and there were no outliers. In view of this, all participants were included in subsequent analyses involving the CDI: WS.

Because the toy play situation (MLU = 2.55, Σ =.67) and the book reading situation (MLU = 2.35, Σ =.77) were not counterbalanced, we report analyses using summary MLU across the two situations (M = 2.48, Σ = .68). Also, in the interest of obtaining a sufficiently large number of utterances for the NDW analyses, the number of unique word roots was calculated across the entire 20-minute observation. The average NDW for the full transcripts was 89.29 (Σ = 36.02). There were no striking demographic effects and, given the small sample size, we did not conduct additional demographic analyses. Descriptive data on language measures as a function of demographic characteristics are presented in Table 4.

Table 4.

Mean Language Production (and Σ) as a Function of Selected Demographic Characteristics in Study 2.

Characteristic CDI: WS Language Sample
Production Vocabulary MLU Unique Words
Maternal education
 High School or Less 469.33 (186.85) 2.00 (.21) 75.33 (16.65)
 Some College 409.00 (257.88) 2.31 (.56) 80.50 (48.74)
 College Graduate 482.75 (31.49) 3.07 (.47) 112.71 (42.56)
 Post-Baccalaureate 447.70 (101.43) 2.27 (.71) 80.60 (30.95)
Approximate Income
 15,000–24,999 481.67 (113.73) 1.80 (.19) 62.00 (14.73)
 35,000–49,999 634.67 ( 48.34) 2.75 (.46) 112.00 (16.37)
 50,000–74,999 375.67 (276.49) 2.52 (.64) 89.00 (58.59)
 75,000–99,999 424.22 (139.78) 2.59 (.78) 88.62 (43.65)
 100,000–150,000 421.75 ( 96.04) 2.68 (.81) 97.75 (38.70)
 150,000+ 466.00 ( 5.66) 2.64 (.34) 86.50 ( 3.53)
Maternal Ethnicity
 Asian 462.00 2.88 84.00
 Hispanic 552.33 ( 81.83) 2.13 (.26) 91.33 (20.13)
 White/not Hispanic 447.75 (151.22) 2.45 (.69) 86.68 (38.36)
 Mixed Race 309.00
Second language
 No 460.87 (126.12) 2.42 (.60) 87.93 (31.31)
 Yes 447.00 (174.77) 2.55 (.81) 91.20 (43.50)

Note. Unique word roots are reported across the full language sample although both the full sample and the first 50 utterances were analyzed.

Scatterplots of the CDI: WG subscales and the CCT were examined with respect to their relation to language outcomes. Both the CDI: WG and CCT comprehension vocabulary scores exhibited acceptable range and serve as predictors. Of interest is whether vocabulary comprehension performance on the CCT predicts significant variance in language production beyond that predicted by parent reports on the CDI: WG.

Prediction to CDI: WS Production

To assess the predictive relation between parent reports of vocabulary production and vocabulary comprehension scores obtained during participants’ initial visit to the laboratory 6 to 20 months earlier we first examined the zero-order correlations between these measures. As can be seen in Table 5, both the CDI: WG and CCT scores are strongly correlated with reported production on the CDI: WS. Next we examined the prediction of CDI: WS scores from each of the comprehension measures in turn, to determine the unique variance in production vocabulary accounted for by the CDI: WG and the CCT. The partial correlation between the CDI: WG and the CDI: WS was not significant when controlling for CCT scores. In contrast, the correlation between comprehension scores on the CCT and production score on the CDI: WS remained strong when controlling for CDI: WG scores. We repeated these analyses controlling for age at second testing and found that this basic pattern of findings was maintained.

Table 5.

Zero-Order and Partial Correlations for Comprehension and Production Measures

Comprehension Measures Production Measures Language Sample NDW
CDI: Words and Sentences Language Sample MLU
CDI: Words and Gestures
 Zero-order .503* .605** .397
 Controlling for CCT .278 .450* .190
 Controlling for CCT and Age .151 .350 .058
 Zero-order .645** .539** .490*
 Controlling for CDI:WG .500* .329 .361
 Controlling for CDI:WG and Age .520* .325 .359

Note. MLU and NDW refer to the total unique word roots for this table taken across all complete and intelligible utterances in the language sample. Degrees of freedom are 22 for the CDI: WS partial correlations and 21 for all other partial correlations.


p < .05,


p < .01.

The CCT significantly predicts parent reports of language production on the CDI: WS in the third year. Moreover, the CCT accounts for greater variance in subsequent language production than parent reports of comprehension on the CDI: WG obtained during the same testing session. Of greater importance, however, is the extent to which estimates of language comprehension predict the language sample.

Prediction to the Language Sample

Zero order correlations reveal that the relation between the comprehension measures in Study 1 and productive lexical diversity in Study 2 as measured by the number of unique word roots is strong and positive (see Table 5). The partial correlations of each predictor with children’s NDW scores clarified these relationships. Because the sample size is small, we focus on relative effect sizes across our two predictors. The CCT accounted for 24% of the variance in children’s unique word use and 13% of unique variance, controlling for the CDI:WG (see Figure 1). In contrast, the CDI: WG accounted for 16% of the variance in children’s unique word use but only 4% of unique variance. This pattern was maintained when we repeated these analyses controlling for age at second testing. Earlier performance on the CCT accounts for unique variance over and above parent reports of comprehension on the CDI: WG. Parent reports on the CDI: WG do not account for significant unique variance over and above scores on the CCT.

Figure 1.

Figure 1

Relation between Scores on the CCT and Children’s Unique Word Use in a Language Sample.

Next we evaluated the prediction from comprehension to language sample MLU. Parent reports on the CDI: WG were superior to child performance on the CCT as a predictor of sentence complexity in the third year. The CDI: WG accounted for 20% of unique variance in MLU after controlling for the CCT whereas the CCT accounted for 10% of unique variance after controlling for the CDI: WG. When we repeated these analyses controlling for age at second testing, both measures accounted for comparable variance. Whereas the CCT accounted for greater variance in the overall size of children’s spontaneous vocabulary as indexed by the number of unique words used in a language sample, parent reports on the CDI: WG and child performance on the CCT were roughly equal indicators of subsequent MLU.

General Discussion

Demographic Influences on Child Language

The demographic variables selected for inclusion in this study, with the exception of maternal education, did not account for significant variance on either the CDI: WG or the CCT. Consistent with previous research indicating an influence of SES and maternal education on parent language input and child outcomes (Beitchman et al., 2008; Hoff, Laursen, & Tardif, 2002; Hart & Risley, 1995; Vernon-Feagans et al., 2008), maternal education accounted for a small but significant proportion of the variance in scores on the CCT indicating that children of college-educated mothers were more successful than children of mothers who had not completed college at identifying word-referent relationships.

Vernon-Feagans et al. (2008) argue that the relation between demographic characteristics and child language outcomes is mediated by maternal language. That is, demographic characteristics (such as maternal education and income) may have their effects on child language indirectly through their impacts on maternal vocabulary and language use. It must be noted that the variance in language status accounted for by SES can be small, if significant, particularly early in development. For example, Hoff & Tian (2005) found that SES accounted for 5% of the variance in vocabulary size in a sample of children in the U.S. roughly the same age as the present sample. Consistent with this finding, maternal education accounted for 5% of the variance in vocabulary comprehension scores on the CCT, suggesting that the CCT captures established variability in child language as a function of SES. At the same time, SES influences do not appear to have a disproportionate effect on CCT scores.

The Relation between Comprehension and Production

In the present sample, both parent report on the CDI: WG and child performance on the CCT predicted parent report on the CDI: WS. This finding is consistent with Feldman et al. (2000) who found that CDI: WG comprehension at 12 months of age predicted CDI: WS production at 24 months. However, the CDI: WG did not account for unique variance in parent reports of language production beyond that accounted for by child performance on the CCT.

The CDI: WG was a stronger predictor than the CCT of language sample MLU 6 to 20 months later, accounting for about 20% of the variance. However, the CCT emerged as a stronger predictor of children’s vocabulary as measured by the number of unique words used in the language sample accounting for 24% of the variance in children’s unique word use (or 13% of the unique variance when controlling for the influence of scores on the CDI: WG). Parent report and direct assessment provide different windows on early language comprehension. Parents, on the one hand, have a wide range of experience with the child, in different settings, from which they can draw when assessing their child’s word knowledge. However, it is possible that children evince knowledge of some words under very specific circumstances and with very specific exemplars. That is, some of the word knowledge that parents report may be context-dependent. To the extent that this is the case, we might expect parents to err on the side of over-estimating early word knowledge by treating children’s context-dependent responses as generalized and flexible word comprehension. Alternatively, if the parent does not see their child in a wide range of contexts, under-prediction may occur. On the other hand, direct assessments like the CCT assess word knowledge without the supporting context to which children may be accustomed and the exemplars likely vary from the ones with which children are most familiar. In addition, there is the added burden of touching or pointing on cue which arguably requires rather stable word representations. Therefore, direct assessments most likely err on the side of under-estimating early word knowledge. Yet, in the present case, this arguably conservative estimate predicts parent reports of vocabulary production and children’s spontaneous word use several months later. These findings reveal, consistent with other recent reports, that we can predict the course of language acquisition into production at a group level from early direct measures of comprehension.

The CCT is the first assessment to predict language development from the 2nd through the 3rd year of life. It allows us to assess the continuity of language acquisition behaviorally with a high participant retention rate and provides an estimate of vocabulary knowledge that converges with parent report. However, unlike parent report, it requires a de-contextualized, volitional response from the child. By combining the two approaches, we may be better able to define the typical range of early word knowledge.

The finding that an easy-to-administer behavioral task can predict children’s language as it is transitioning from comprehension to production also has implications for clinical work. Toddlers with combined deficits in comprehension and production have been shown to be at the greatest risk for persistent clinically significant language delay (Law, Boyle, Harris, Harkness, & Nye, 2000) and they remain at risk for deficits in academic and social functioning as they mature (Snowling, Adams, Bishop, & Stothard, 2001; Snowling, Bishop, Stothard, Chipchase, & Kaplan, 2006).

The present findings suggest that the CCT is a potential new approach to this long-standing problem. A chief advantage of the CCT is that it is a portable, easy-to-administer assessment appropriate to the attention limitations of children in the second year of life. The CCT has revealed itself to be a reliable and valid measure of comprehension vocabulary in the second year and a significant predictor of production in the third year of life. These findings hold across children exposed only to English and those who heard another language at home. However it is important to note two limitations of the present research: a small sample size and a variable measurement interval between first and second testing. These limitations argue for replication in larger samples with a consistent measurement interval. In addition, predicting production at the group level is not evidence of clinical utility. Future research to establish the sensitivity and specificity of the CCT in identifying children who may be at risk for language delay and other developmental problems is needed.


Grateful acknowledgement is extended to Larry Fenson and Philip Dale for their suggestions on an earlier version of this manuscript and to two anonymous reviewers whose constructive suggestions greatly improved this manuscript. Gratitude is also extended to the parents and children who participated in this research. Portions of this research were presented at International Conference on Infant Studies in 2010.

Appendix. Test Phase: Lexical Items, Screen Orientation, and Difficulty Level

Orientation Target

Left Right Form 1 Form 2 Difficulty Level
Dog Bird Dog Bird Moderate
Sliding Running Running Sliding Moderate
Mouth Eye Mouth Eye Easy
Sheep Lion Sheep Lion Difficult
Orange Green Green Orange Difficult
Kissing Hugging Hugging Kissing Easy
Pulling Swimming Pulling Swimming Difficult
Telephone Keys Telephone Keys Easy
Kicking Drawing Drawing Kicking Difficult
Bus Firetruck Bus Firetruck Difficult
Nose Foot Foot Nose Easy
Happy Sad Happy Sad Difficult
Button Hat Button Hat Moderate
Juice Banana Banana Juice Easy
Old New Old New Difficult
Toothbrush Spoon Toothbrush Spoon Easy
Drinking Dancing Dancing Drinking Easy
Swinging Jumping Jumping Swinging Moderate
Horse Cow Horse Cow Moderate
Milk Cookies Cookies Milk Easy
Table Chair Table Chair Moderate
Little Big Big Little Difficult
Eating Throwing Eating Throwing Easy
Scissors Money Scissors Money Difficult
Red Blue Blue Red Difficult
Truck Airplane Airplane Truck Moderate
Full Empty Full Empty Difficult
Bicycle Train Train Bicycle Moderate
Penguin Giraffe Penguin Giraffe Difficult
Cheese Apple Apple Cheese Easy
Smiling Crying Smiling Crying Moderate
Playing Sleeping Playing Sleeping Moderate
Bottle Ball Ball Bottle Easy
Reading Washing Reading Washing Moderate
Turtle Butterfly Butterfly Turtle Difficult
Touching Riding Touching Riding Moderate
Dirty Clean Clean Dirty Moderate
Cat Duck Duck Cat Easy
Pig Fish Pig Fish Moderate
Girl Boy Boy Girl Difficult

Note. For difficulty level, E (easy) = items comprehended by more than 66% of infants, M (moderate) = items comprehended by 33–66% of infants, and D (difficult) = items comprehended by less than 33% of infants at 16 months of age (Dale & Fenson, 1996).


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