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. 2016 Sep 21;76(9):513. doi: 10.1140/epjc/s10052-016-4338-8

Study of the rare decays of Bs0 and B0 into muon pairs from data collected during the LHC Run 1 with the ATLAS detector

M Aaboud 180, G Aad 115, B Abbott 144, J Abdallah 92, O Abdinov 14, B Abeloos 148, R Aben 138, O S AbouZeid 183, N L Abraham 199, H Abramowicz 203, H Abreu 202, R Abreu 147, Y Abulaiti 195,196, B S Acharya 214,215, L Adamczyk 60, D L Adams 36, J Adelman 139, S Adomeit 130, T Adye 170, A A Affolder 104, T Agatonovic-Jovin 16, J Agricola 79, J A Aguilar-Saavedra 159,164, S P Ahlen 30, F Ahmadov 94, G Aielli 173,174, H Akerstedt 195,196, T P A Åkesson 111, A V Akimov 126, G L Alberghi 27,28, J Albert 221, S Albrand 80, M J Alconada Verzini 100, M Aleksa 45, I N Aleksandrov 94, C Alexa 38, G Alexander 203, T Alexopoulos 12, M Alhroob 144, M Aliev 102,103, G Alimonti 121, J Alison 46, S P Alkire 56, B M M Allbrooke 199, B W Allen 147, P P Allport 21, A Aloisio 134,135, A Alonso 57, F Alonso 100, C Alpigiani 184, M Alstaty 115, B Alvarez Gonzalez 45, D Álvarez Piqueras 219, M G Alviggi 134,135, B T Amadio 18, K Amako 95, Y Amaral Coutinho 32, C Amelung 31, D Amidei 119, S P Amor Dos Santos 159,161, A Amorim 159,160, S Amoroso 45, G Amundsen 31, C Anastopoulos 185, L S Ancu 72, N Andari 139, T Andeen 13, C F Anders 84, G Anders 45, J K Anders 104, K J Anderson 46, A Andreazza 121,122, V Andrei 83, S Angelidakis 11, I Angelozzi 138, P Anger 67, A Angerami 56, F Anghinolfi 45, A V Anisenkov 140, N Anjos 15, A Annovi 156,157, M Antonelli 70, A Antonov 128, F Anulli 171, M Aoki 95, L Aperio Bella 21, G Arabidze 120, Y Arai 95, J P Araque 159, A T H Arce 68, F A Arduh 100, J-F Arguin 125, S Argyropoulos 92, M Arik 22, A J Armbruster 189, L J Armitage 106, O Arnaez 45, H Arnold 71, M Arratia 43, O Arslan 29, A Artamonov 127, G Artoni 151, S Artz 113, S Asai 205, N Asbah 65, A Ashkenazi 203, B Åsman 195,196, L Asquith 199, K Assamagan 36, R Astalos 190, M Atkinson 218, N B Atlay 187, K Augsten 167, G Avolio 45, B Axen 18, M K Ayoub 148, G Azuelos 125, M A Baak 45, A E Baas 83, M J Baca 21, H Bachacou 182, K Bachas 102,103, M Backes 45, M Backhaus 45, P Bagiacchi 171,172, P Bagnaia 171,172, Y Bai 49, J T Baines 170, O K Baker 228, E M Baldin 140, P Balek 168, T Balestri 198, F Balli 182, W K Balunas 154, E Banas 62, Sw Banerjee 225, A A E Bannoura 227, L Barak 45, E L Barberio 118, D Barberis 73,74, M Barbero 115, T Barillari 131, T Barklow 189, N Barlow 43, S L Barnes 114, B M Barnett 170, R M Barnett 18, Z Barnovska 7, A Baroncelli 175, G Barone 31, A J Barr 151, L Barranco Navarro 219, F Barreiro 112, J Barreiro Guimarães da Costa 49, R Bartoldus 189, A E Barton 101, P Bartos 190, A Basalaev 155, A Bassalat 148, R L Bates 78, S J Batista 208, J R Batley 43, M Battaglia 183, M Bauce 171,172, F Bauer 182, H S Bawa 189, J B Beacham 142, M D Beattie 101, T Beau 110, P H Beauchemin 212, P Bechtle 29, H P Beck 20, K Becker 151, M Becker 113, M Beckingham 222, C Becot 141, A J Beddall 25, A Beddall 23, V A Bednyakov 94, M Bedognetti 138, C P Bee 198, L J Beemster 138, T A Beermann 45, M Begel 36, J K Behr 65, C Belanger-Champagne 117, A S Bell 108, G Bella 203, L Bellagamba 27, A Bellerive 44, M Bellomo 116, K Belotskiy 128, O Beltramello 45, N L Belyaev 128, O Benary 203, D Benchekroun 177, M Bender 130, K Bendtz 195,196, N Benekos 12, Y Benhammou 203, E Benhar Noccioli 228, J Benitez 92, D P Benjamin 68, J R Bensinger 31, S Bentvelsen 138, L Beresford 151, M Beretta 70, D Berge 138, E Bergeaas Kuutmann 217, N Berger 7, J Beringer 18, S Berlendis 80, N R Bernard 116, C Bernius 141, F U Bernlochner 29, T Berry 107, P Berta 168, C Bertella 113, G Bertoli 195,196, F Bertolucci 156,157, I A Bertram 101, C Bertsche 65, D Bertsche 144, G J Besjes 57, O Bessidskaia Bylund 195,196, M Bessner 65, N Besson 182, C Betancourt 71, S Bethke 131, A J Bevan 106, W Bhimji 18, R M Bianchi 158, L Bianchini 31, M Bianco 45, O Biebel 130, D Biedermann 19, R Bielski 114, N V Biesuz 156,157, M Biglietti 175, J Bilbao De Mendizabal 72, H Bilokon 70, M Bindi 79, S Binet 148, A Bingul 23, C Bini 171,172, S Biondi 27,28, D M Bjergaard 68, C W Black 200, J E Black 189, K M Black 30, D Blackburn 184, R E Blair 8, J -B Blanchard 182, J E Blanco 107, T Blazek 190, I Bloch 65, C Blocker 31, W Blum 1,113, U Blumenschein 79, S Blunier 47, G J Bobbink 138, V S Bobrovnikov 140, S S Bocchetta 111, A Bocci 68, C Bock 130, M Boehler 71, D Boerner 227, J A Bogaerts 45, D Bogavac 16, A G Bogdanchikov 140, C Bohm 195, V Boisvert 107, P Bokan 16, T Bold 60, A S Boldyrev 214,216, M Bomben 110, M Bona 106, M Boonekamp 182, A Borisov 169, G Borissov 101, J Bortfeldt 130, D Bortoletto 151, V Bortolotto 87,88,89, K Bos 138, D Boscherini 27, M Bosman 15, J D Bossio Sola 42, J Boudreau 158, J Bouffard 2, E V Bouhova-Thacker 101, D Boumediene 55, C Bourdarios 148, S K Boutle 78, A Boveia 45, J Boyd 45, I R Boyko 94, J Bracinik 21, A Brandt 10, G Brandt 79, O Brandt 83, U Bratzler 206, B Brau 116, J E Brau 147, H M Braun 1,227, W D Breaden Madden 78, K Brendlinger 154, A J Brennan 118, L Brenner 138, R Brenner 217, S Bressler 224, T M Bristow 69, D Britton 78, D Britzger 65, F M Brochu 43, I Brock 29, R Brock 120, G Brooijmans 56, T Brooks 107, W K Brooks 48, J Brosamer 18, E Brost 147, J H Broughton 21, P A Bruckman de Renstrom 62, D Bruncko 191, R Bruneliere 71, A Bruni 27, G Bruni 27, BH Brunt 43, M Bruschi 27, N Bruscino 29, P Bryant 46, L Bryngemark 111, T Buanes 17, Q Buat 188, P Buchholz 187, A G Buckley 78, I A Budagov 94, F Buehrer 71, M K Bugge 150, O Bulekov 128, D Bullock 10, H Burckhart 45, S Burdin 104, C D Burgard 71, B Burghgrave 139, K Burka 62, S Burke 170, I Burmeister 66, E Busato 55, D Büscher 71, V Büscher 113, P Bussey 78, J M Butler 30, C M Buttar 78, J M Butterworth 108, P Butti 138, W Buttinger 36, A Buzatu 78, A R Buzykaev 140, S Cabrera Urbán 219, D Caforio 167, V M Cairo 58,59, O Cakir 4, N Calace 72, P Calafiura 18, A Calandri 115, G Calderini 110, P Calfayan 130, L P Caloba 32, D Calvet 55, S Calvet 55, T P Calvet 115, R Camacho Toro 46, S Camarda 45, P Camarri 173,174, D Cameron 150, R Caminal Armadans 218, C Camincher 80, S Campana 45, M Campanelli 108, A Camplani 121,122, A Campoverde 198, V Canale 134,135, A Canepa 209, M Cano Bret 53, J Cantero 145, R Cantrill 159, T Cao 63, M D M Capeans Garrido 45, I Caprini 38, M Caprini 38, M Capua 58,59, R Caputo 113, R M Carbone 56, R Cardarelli 173, F Cardillo 71, I Carli 168, T Carli 45, G Carlino 134, L Carminati 121,122, S Caron 137, E Carquin 48, G D Carrillo-Montoya 45, J R Carter 43, J Carvalho 159,161, D Casadei 21, M P Casado 15, M Casolino 15, D W Casper 213, E Castaneda-Miranda 192, R Castelijn 138, A Castelli 138, V Castillo Gimenez 219, N F Castro 159, A Catinaccio 45, J R Catmore 150, A Cattai 45, J Caudron 113, V Cavaliere 218, E Cavallaro 15, D Cavalli 121, M Cavalli-Sforza 15, V Cavasinni 156,157, F Ceradini 175,176, L Cerda Alberich 219, B C Cerio 68, A S Cerqueira 33, A Cerri 199, L Cerrito 106, F Cerutti 18, M Cerv 45, A Cervelli 20, S A Cetin 24, A Chafaq 177, D Chakraborty 139, S K Chan 82, Y L Chan 87, P Chang 218, J D Chapman 43, D G Charlton 21, A Chatterjee 72, C C Chau 208, C A Chavez Barajas 199, S Che 142, S Cheatham 101, A Chegwidden 120, S Chekanov 8, S V Chekulaev 209, G A Chelkov 94, M A Chelstowska 119, C Chen 93, H Chen 36, K Chen 198, S Chen 51, S Chen 205, X Chen 54, Y Chen 96, H C Cheng 119, H J Cheng 49, Y Cheng 46, A Cheplakov 94, E Cheremushkina 169, R Cherkaoui El Moursli 181, V Chernyatin 1,36, E Cheu 9, L Chevalier 182, V Chiarella 70, G Chiarelli 156,157, G Chiodini 102, A S Chisholm 21, A Chitan 38, M V Chizhov 94, K Choi 90, A R Chomont 55, S Chouridou 11, B K B Chow 130, V Christodoulou 108, D Chromek-Burckhart 45, J Chudoba 166, A J Chuinard 117, J J Chwastowski 62, L Chytka 146, G Ciapetti 171,172, A K Ciftci 4, D Cinca 78, V Cindro 105, I A Cioara 29, A Ciocio 18, F Cirotto 134,135, Z H Citron 224, M Citterio 121, M Ciubancan 38, A Clark 72, B L Clark 82, M R Clark 56, P J Clark 69, R N Clarke 18, C Clement 195,196, Y Coadou 115, M Cobal 214,216, A Coccaro 72, J Cochran 93, L Coffey 31, L Colasurdo 137, B Cole 56, A P Colijn 138, J Collot 80, T Colombo 45, G Compostella 131, P Conde Muiño 159,160, E Coniavitis 71, S H Connell 193, I A Connelly 107, V Consorti 71, S Constantinescu 38, G Conti 45, F Conventi 134, M Cooke 18, B D Cooper 108, A M Cooper-Sarkar 151, K J R Cormier 208, T Cornelissen 227, M Corradi 171,172, F Corriveau 117, A Corso-Radu 213, A Cortes-Gonzalez 15, G Cortiana 131, G Costa 121, M J Costa 219, D Costanzo 185, G Cottin 43, G Cowan 107, B E Cox 114, K Cranmer 141, S J Crawley 78, G Cree 44, S Crépé-Renaudin 80, F Crescioli 110, W A Cribbs 195,196, M Crispin Ortuzar 151, M Cristinziani 29, V Croft 137, G Crosetti 58,59, T Cuhadar Donszelmann 185, J Cummings 228, M Curatolo 70, J Cúth 113, C Cuthbert 200, H Czirr 187, P Czodrowski 3, G D’amen 27,28, S D’Auria 78, M D’Onofrio 104, M J Da Cunha Sargedas De Sousa 159,160, C Da Via 114, W Dabrowski 60, T Dado 190, T Dai 119, O Dale 17, F Dallaire 125, C Dallapiccola 116, M Dam 57, J R Dandoy 46, N P Dang 71, A C Daniells 21, N S Dann 114, M Danninger 220, M Dano Hoffmann 182, V Dao 71, G Darbo 73, S Darmora 10, J Dassoulas 3, A Dattagupta 90, W Davey 29, C David 221, T Davidek 168, M Davies 203, P Davison 108, E Dawe 118, I Dawson 185, R K Daya-Ishmukhametova 116, K De 10, R de Asmundis 134, A De Benedetti 144, S De Castro 27,28, S De Cecco 110, N De Groot 137, P de Jong 138, H De la Torre 112, F De Lorenzi 93, A De Maria 79, D De Pedis 171, A De Salvo 171, U De Sanctis 199, A De Santo 199, J B De Vivie De Regie 148, W J Dearnaley 101, R Debbe 36, C Debenedetti 183, D V Dedovich 94, N Dehghanian 3, I Deigaard 138, M Del Gaudio 58,59, J Del Peso 112, T Del Prete 156,157, D Delgove 148, F Deliot 182, C M Delitzsch 72, M Deliyergiyev 105, A Dell’Acqua 45, L Dell’Asta 30, M Dell’Orso 156,157, M Della Pietra 134, D della Volpe 72, M Delmastro 7, P A Delsart 80, C Deluca 138, D A DeMarco 208, S Demers 228, M Demichev 94, A Demilly 110, S P Denisov 169, D Denysiuk 182, D Derendarz 62, J E Derkaoui 180, F Derue 110, P Dervan 104, K Desch 29, C Deterre 65, K Dette 66, P O Deviveiros 45, A Dewhurst 170, S Dhaliwal 31, A Di Ciaccio 173,174, L Di Ciaccio 7, W K Di Clemente 154, C Di Donato 171,172, A Di Girolamo 45, B Di Girolamo 45, B Di Micco 175,176, R Di Nardo 45, A Di Simone 71, R Di Sipio 208, D Di Valentino 44, C Diaconu 115, M Diamond 208, F A Dias 69, M A Diaz 47, E B Diehl 119, J Dietrich 19, S Diglio 115, A Dimitrievska 16, J Dingfelder 29, P Dita 38, S Dita 38, F Dittus 45, F Djama 115, T Djobava 76, J I Djuvsland 83, M A B do Vale 34, D Dobos 45, M Dobre 38, C Doglioni 111, T Dohmae 205, J Dolejsi 168, Z Dolezal 168, B A Dolgoshein 1,128, M Donadelli 35, S Donati 156,157, P Dondero 152,153, J Donini 55, J Dopke 170, A Doria 134, M T Dova 100, A T Doyle 78, E Drechsler 79, M Dris 12, Y Du 52, J Duarte-Campderros 203, E Duchovni 224, G Duckeck 130, O A Ducu 125, D Duda 138, A Dudarev 45, E M Duffield 18, L Duflot 148, L Duguid 107, M Dührssen 45, M Dumancic 224, M Dunford 83, H Duran Yildiz 4, M Düren 77, A Durglishvili 76, D Duschinger 67, B Dutta 65, M Dyndal 65, C Eckardt 65, K M Ecker 131, R C Edgar 119, N C Edwards 69, T Eifert 45, G Eigen 17, K Einsweiler 18, T Ekelof 217, M El Kacimi 179, V Ellajosyula 115, M Ellert 217, S Elles 7, F Ellinghaus 227, A A Elliot 221, N Ellis 45, J Elmsheuser 36, M Elsing 45, D Emeliyanov 170, Y Enari 205, O C Endner 113, M Endo 149, J S Ennis 222, J Erdmann 66, A Ereditato 20, G Ernis 227, J Ernst 2, M Ernst 36, S Errede 218, E Ertel 113, M Escalier 148, H Esch 66, C Escobar 158, B Esposito 70, A I Etienvre 182, E Etzion 203, H Evans 90, A Ezhilov 155, F Fabbri 27,28, L Fabbri 27,28, G Facini 46, R M Fakhrutdinov 169, S Falciano 171, R J Falla 108, J Faltova 168, Y Fang 49, M Fanti 121,122, A Farbin 10, A Farilla 175, C Farina 158, T Farooque 15, S Farrell 18, S M Farrington 222, P Farthouat 45, F Fassi 181, P Fassnacht 45, D Fassouliotis 11, M Faucci Giannelli 107, A Favareto 73,74, W J Fawcett 151, L Fayard 148, O L Fedin 155, W Fedorko 220, S Feigl 150, L Feligioni 115, C Feng 52, E J Feng 45, H Feng 119, A B Fenyuk 169, L Feremenga 10, P Fernandez Martinez 219, S Fernandez Perez 15, J Ferrando 78, A Ferrari 217, P Ferrari 138, R Ferrari 152, D E Ferreira de Lima 84, A Ferrer 219, D Ferrere 72, C Ferretti 119, A Ferretto Parodi 73,74, F Fiedler 113, A Filipčič 105, M Filipuzzi 65, F Filthaut 137, M Fincke-Keeler 221, K D Finelli 200, M C N Fiolhais 159,161, L Fiorini 219, A Firan 63, A Fischer 2, C Fischer 15, J Fischer 227, W C Fisher 120, N Flaschel 65, I Fleck 187, P Fleischmann 119, G T Fletcher 185, R R M Fletcher 154, T Flick 227, A Floderus 111, L R Flores Castillo 87, M J Flowerdew 131, G T Forcolin 114, A Formica 182, A Forti 114, A G Foster 21, D Fournier 148, H Fox 101, S Fracchia 15, P Francavilla 110, M Franchini 27,28, D Francis 45, L Franconi 150, M Franklin 82, M Frate 213, M Fraternali 152,153, D Freeborn 108, S M Fressard-Batraneanu 45, F Friedrich 67, D Froidevaux 45, J A Frost 151, C Fukunaga 206, E Fullana Torregrosa 113, T Fusayasu 132, J Fuster 219, C Gabaldon 80, O Gabizon 227, A Gabrielli 27,28, A Gabrielli 18, G P Gach 60, S Gadatsch 45, S Gadomski 72, G Gagliardi 73,74, L G Gagnon 125, P Gagnon 90, C Galea 137, B Galhardo 159,161, E J Gallas 151, B J Gallop 170, P Gallus 167, G Galster 57, K K Gan 142, J Gao 50,115, Y Gao 69, Y S Gao 189, F M Garay Walls 69, C García 219, J E García Navarro 219, M Garcia-Sciveres 18, R W Gardner 46, N Garelli 189, V Garonne 150, A Gascon Bravo 65, C Gatti 70, A Gaudiello 73,74, G Gaudio 152, B Gaur 187, L Gauthier 125, I L Gavrilenko 126, C Gay 220, G Gaycken 29, E N Gazis 12, Z Gecse 220, C N P Gee 170, Ch Geich-Gimbel 29, M Geisen 113, M P Geisler 83, C Gemme 73, M H Genest 80, C Geng 50, S Gentile 171,172, S George 107, D Gerbaudo 15, A Gershon 203, S Ghasemi 187, H Ghazlane 178, M Ghneimat 29, B Giacobbe 27, S Giagu 171,172, P Giannetti 156,157, B Gibbard 36, S M Gibson 107, M Gignac 220, M Gilchriese 18, T P S Gillam 43, D Gillberg 44, G Gilles 227, D M Gingrich 3, N Giokaris 11, M P Giordani 214,216, F M Giorgi 27, F M Giorgi 19, P F Giraud 182, P Giromini 82, D Giugni 121, F Giuli 151, C Giuliani 131, M Giulini 84, B K Gjelsten 150, S Gkaitatzis 204, I Gkialas 204, E L Gkougkousis 148, L K Gladilin 129, C Glasman 112, J Glatzer 45, P C F Glaysher 69, A Glazov 65, M Goblirsch-Kolb 131, J Godlewski 62, S Goldfarb 119, T Golling 72, D Golubkov 169, A Gomes 159,160,162, R Gonçalo 159, J Goncalves Pinto Firmino Da Costa 182, L Gonella 21, A Gongadze 94, S González de la Hoz 219, G Gonzalez Parra 15, S Gonzalez-Sevilla 72, L Goossens 45, P A Gorbounov 127, H A Gordon 36, I Gorelov 136, B Gorini 45, E Gorini 102,103, A Gorišek 105, E Gornicki 62, A T Goshaw 68, C Gössling 66, M I Gostkin 94, C R Goudet 148, D Goujdami 179, A G Goussiou 184, N Govender 193, E Gozani 202, L Graber 79, I Grabowska-Bold 60, P O J Gradin 80, P Grafström 27,28, J Gramling 72, E Gramstad 150, S Grancagnolo 19, V Gratchev 155, P M Gravila 41, H M Gray 45, E Graziani 175, Z D Greenwood 109, C Grefe 29, K Gregersen 108, I M Gregor 65, P Grenier 189, K Grevtsov 7, J Griffiths 10, A A Grillo 183, K Grimm 101, S Grinstein 15, Ph Gris 55, J -F Grivaz 148, S Groh 113, J P Grohs 67, E Gross 224, J Grosse-Knetter 79, G C Grossi 109, Z J Grout 199, L Guan 119, W Guan 225, J Guenther 167, F Guescini 72, D Guest 213, O Gueta 203, E Guido 73,74, T Guillemin 7, S Guindon 2, U Gul 78, C Gumpert 45, J Guo 53, Y Guo 50, S Gupta 151, G Gustavino 171,172, P Gutierrez 144, N G Gutierrez Ortiz 108, C Gutschow 67, C Guyot 182, C Gwenlan 151, C B Gwilliam 104, A Haas 141, C Haber 18, H K Hadavand 10, N Haddad 181, A Hadef 115, P Haefner 29, S Hageböck 29, Z Hajduk 62, H Hakobyan 1,229, M Haleem 65, J Haley 145, G Halladjian 120, G D Hallewell 115, K Hamacher 227, P Hamal 146, K Hamano 221, A Hamilton 192, G N Hamity 185, P G Hamnett 65, L Han 50, K Hanagaki 95, K Hanawa 205, M Hance 183, B Haney 154, P Hanke 83, R Hanna 182, J B Hansen 57, J D Hansen 57, M C Hansen 29, P H Hansen 57, K Hara 211, A S Hard 225, T Harenberg 227, F Hariri 148, S Harkusha 123, R D Harrington 69, P F Harrison 222, F Hartjes 138, N M Hartmann 130, M Hasegawa 96, Y Hasegawa 186, A Hasib 144, S Hassani 182, S Haug 20, R Hauser 120, L Hauswald 67, M Havranek 166, C M Hawkes 21, R J Hawkings 45, D Hayden 120, C P Hays 151, J M Hays 106, H S Hayward 104, S J Haywood 170, S J Head 21, T Heck 113, V Hedberg 111, L Heelan 10, S Heim 154, T Heim 18, B Heinemann 18, J J Heinrich 130, L Heinrich 141, C Heinz 77, J Hejbal 166, L Helary 30, S Hellman 195,196, C Helsens 45, J Henderson 151, R C W Henderson 101, Y Heng 225, S Henkelmann 220, A M Henriques Correia 45, S Henrot-Versille 148, G H Herbert 19, Y Hernández Jiménez 219, G Herten 71, R Hertenberger 130, L Hervas 45, G G Hesketh 108, N P Hessey 138, J W Hetherly 63, R Hickling 106, E Higón-Rodriguez 219, E Hill 221, J C Hill 43, K H Hiller 65, S J Hillier 21, I Hinchliffe 18, E Hines 154, R R Hinman 18, M Hirose 207, D Hirschbuehl 227, J Hobbs 198, N Hod 209, M C Hodgkinson 185, P Hodgson 185, A Hoecker 45, M R Hoeferkamp 136, F Hoenig 130, D Hohn 29, T R Holmes 18, M Homann 66, T M Hong 158, B H Hooberman 218, W H Hopkins 147, Y Horii 133, A J Horton 188, J-Y Hostachy 80, S Hou 201, A Hoummada 177, J Howarth 65, M Hrabovsky 146, I Hristova 19, J Hrivnac 148, T Hryn’ova 7, A Hrynevich 124, C Hsu 194, P J Hsu 201, S -C Hsu 184, D Hu 56, Q Hu 50, Y Huang 65, Z Hubacek 167, F Hubaut 115, F Huegging 29, T B Huffman 151, E W Hughes 56, G Hughes 101, M Huhtinen 45, T A Hülsing 113, P Huo 198, N Huseynov 94, J Huston 120, J Huth 82, G Iacobucci 72, G Iakovidis 36, I Ibragimov 187, L Iconomidou-Fayard 148, E Ideal 228, Z Idrissi 181, P Iengo 45, O Igonkina 138, T Iizawa 223, Y Ikegami 95, M Ikeno 95, Y Ilchenko 13, D Iliadis 204, N Ilic 189, T Ince 131, G Introzzi 152,153, P Ioannou 1,11, M Iodice 175, K Iordanidou 56, V Ippolito 82, M Ishino 97, M Ishitsuka 207, R Ishmukhametov 142, C Issever 151, S Istin 22, F Ito 211, J M Iturbe Ponce 114, R Iuppa 173,174, W Iwanski 62, H Iwasaki 95, J M Izen 64, V Izzo 134, S Jabbar 3, B Jackson 154, M Jackson 104, P Jackson 1, V Jain 2, K B Jakobi 113, K Jakobs 71, S Jakobsen 45, T Jakoubek 166, D O Jamin 145, D K Jana 109, E Jansen 108, R Jansky 91, J Janssen 29, M Janus 79, G Jarlskog 111, N Javadov 94, T Javůrek 71, F Jeanneau 182, L Jeanty 18, J Jejelava 75, G -Y Jeng 200, D Jennens 118, P Jenni 71, J Jentzsch 66, C Jeske 222, S Jézéquel 7, H Ji 225, J Jia 198, H Jiang 93, Y Jiang 50, S Jiggins 108, J Jimenez Pena 219, S Jin 49, A Jinaru 38, O Jinnouchi 207, P Johansson 185, K A Johns 9, W J Johnson 184, K Jon-And 195,196, G Jones 222, R W L Jones 101, S Jones 9, T J Jones 104, J Jongmanns 83, P M Jorge 159,160, J Jovicevic 209, X Ju 225, A Juste Rozas 15, M K Köhler 224, A Kaczmarska 62, M Kado 148, H Kagan 142, M Kagan 189, S J Kahn 115, E Kajomovitz 68, C W Kalderon 151, A Kaluza 113, S Kama 63, A Kamenshchikov 169, N Kanaya 205, S Kaneti 43, L Kanjir 105, V A Kantserov 128, J Kanzaki 95, B Kaplan 141, L S Kaplan 225, A Kapliy 46, D Kar 194, K Karakostas 12, A Karamaoun 3, N Karastathis 12, M J Kareem 79, E Karentzos 12, M Karnevskiy 113, S N Karpov 94, Z M Karpova 94, K Karthik 141, V Kartvelishvili 101, A N Karyukhin 169, K Kasahara 211, L Kashif 225, R D Kass 142, A Kastanas 17, Y Kataoka 205, C Kato 205, A Katre 72, J Katzy 65, K Kawagoe 99, T Kawamoto 205, G Kawamura 79, S Kazama 205, V F Kazanin 140, R Keeler 221, R Kehoe 63, J S Keller 65, J J Kempster 107, K Kentaro 133, H Keoshkerian 208, O Kepka 166, B P Kerševan 105, S Kersten 227, R A Keyes 117, F Khalil-zada 14, A Khanov 145, A G Kharlamov 140, T J Khoo 72, V Khovanskiy 127, E Khramov 94, J Khubua 76, S Kido 96, H Y Kim 10, S H Kim 211, Y K Kim 46, N Kimura 204, O M Kind 19, B T King 104, M King 219, S B King 220, J Kirk 170, A E Kiryunin 131, T Kishimoto 96, D Kisielewska 60, F Kiss 71, K Kiuchi 211, O Kivernyk 182, E Kladiva 191, M H Klein 56, M Klein 104, U Klein 104, K Kleinknecht 113, P Klimek 195,196, A Klimentov 36, R Klingenberg 66, J A Klinger 185, T Klioutchnikova 45, E -E Kluge 83, P Kluit 138, S Kluth 131, J Knapik 62, E Kneringer 91, E B F G Knoops 115, A Knue 78, A Kobayashi 205, D Kobayashi 207, T Kobayashi 205, M Kobel 67, M Kocian 189, P Kodys 168, T Koffas 44, E Koffeman 138, T Koi 189, H Kolanoski 19, M Kolb 84, I Koletsou 7, A A Komar 1,126, Y Komori 205, T Kondo 95, N Kondrashova 65, K Köneke 71, A C König 137, T Kono 95, R Konoplich 141, N Konstantinidis 108, R Kopeliansky 90, S Koperny 60, L Köpke 113, A K Kopp 71, K Korcyl 62, K Kordas 204, A Korn 108, A A Korol 140, I Korolkov 15, E V Korolkova 185, O Kortner 131, S Kortner 131, T Kosek 168, V V Kostyukhin 29, A Kotwal 68, A Kourkoumeli-Charalampidi 204, C Kourkoumelis 11, V Kouskoura 36, A B Kowalewska 62, R Kowalewski 221, T Z Kowalski 60, C Kozakai 205, W Kozanecki 182, A S Kozhin 169, V A Kramarenko 129, G Kramberger 105, D Krasnopevtsev 128, M W Krasny 110, A Krasznahorkay 45, J K Kraus 29, A Kravchenko 36, M Kretz 85, J Kretzschmar 104, K Kreutzfeldt 77, P Krieger 208, K Krizka 46, K Kroeninger 66, H Kroha 131, J Kroll 154, J Kroseberg 29, J Krstic 16, U Kruchonak 94, H Krüger 29, N Krumnack 93, A Kruse 225, M C Kruse 68, M Kruskal 30, T Kubota 118, H Kucuk 108, S Kuday 5, J T Kuechler 227, S Kuehn 71, A Kugel 85, F Kuger 226, A Kuhl 183, T Kuhl 65, V Kukhtin 94, R Kukla 182, Y Kulchitsky 123, S Kuleshov 48, M Kuna 171,172, T Kunigo 97, A Kupco 166, H Kurashige 96, Y A Kurochkin 123, V Kus 166, E S Kuwertz 221, M Kuze 207, J Kvita 146, T Kwan 221, D Kyriazopoulos 185, A La Rosa 131, J L La Rosa Navarro 35, L La Rotonda 58,59, C Lacasta 219, F Lacava 171,172, J Lacey 44, H Lacker 19, D Lacour 110, V R Lacuesta 219, E Ladygin 94, R Lafaye 7, B Laforge 110, T Lagouri 228, S Lai 79, S Lammers 90, W Lampl 9, E Lançon 182, U Landgraf 71, M P J Landon 106, V S Lang 83, J C Lange 15, A J Lankford 213, F Lanni 36, K Lantzsch 29, A Lanza 152, S Laplace 110, C Lapoire 45, J F Laporte 182, T Lari 121, F Lasagni Manghi 27,28, M Lassnig 45, P Laurelli 70, W Lavrijsen 18, A T Law 183, P Laycock 104, T Lazovich 82, M Lazzaroni 121,122, B Le 118, O Le Dortz 110, E Le Guirriec 115, E P Le Quilleuc 182, M LeBlanc 221, T LeCompte 8, F Ledroit-Guillon 80, C A Lee 36, S C Lee 201, L Lee 1, G Lefebvre 110, M Lefebvre 221, F Legger 130, C Leggett 18, A Lehan 104, G Lehmann Miotto 45, X Lei 9, W A Leight 44, A Leisos 204, A G Leister 228, M A L Leite 35, R Leitner 168, D Lellouch 224, B Lemmer 79, K J C Leney 108, T Lenz 29, B Lenzi 45, R Leone 9, S Leone 156,157, C Leonidopoulos 69, S Leontsinis 12, G Lerner 199, C Leroy 125, A A J Lesage 182, C G Lester 43, M Levchenko 155, J Levêque 7, D Levin 119, L J Levinson 224, M Levy 21, D Lewis 106, A M Leyko 29, M Leyton 64, B Li 50, H Li 198, H L Li 46, L Li 68, L Li 53, Q Li 49, S Li 68, X Li 114, Y Li 187, Z Liang 49, B Liberti 173, A Liblong 208, P Lichard 45, K Lie 218, J Liebal 29, W Liebig 17, A Limosani 200, S C Lin 201, T H Lin 113, B E Lindquist 198, A E Lionti 72, E Lipeles 154, A Lipniacka 17, M Lisovyi 84, T M Liss 218, A Lister 220, A M Litke 183, B Liu 201, D Liu 201, H Liu 119, H Liu 36, J Liu 115, J B Liu 50, K Liu 115, L Liu 218, M Liu 68, M Liu 50, Y L Liu 50, Y Liu 50, M Livan 152,153, A Lleres 80, J Llorente Merino 49, S L Lloyd 106, F Lo Sterzo 201, E Lobodzinska 65, P Loch 9, W S Lockman 183, F K Loebinger 114, A E Loevschall-Jensen 57, K M Loew 31, A Loginov 228, T Lohse 19, K Lohwasser 65, M Lokajicek 166, B A Long 30, J D Long 218, R E Long 101, L Longo 102,103, K A Looper 142, L Lopes 159, D Lopez Mateos 82, B Lopez Paredes 185, I Lopez Paz 15, A Lopez Solis 110, J Lorenz 130, N Lorenzo Martinez 90, M Losada 26, P J Lösel 130, X Lou 49, A Lounis 148, J Love 8, P A Love 101, H Lu 87, N Lu 119, H J Lubatti 184, C Luci 171,172, A Lucotte 80, C Luedtke 71, F Luehring 90, W Lukas 91, L Luminari 171, O Lundberg 195,196, B Lund-Jensen 197, P M Luzi 110, D Lynn 36, R Lysak 166, E Lytken 111, V Lyubushkin 94, H Ma 36, L L Ma 52, Y Ma 52, G Maccarrone 70, A Macchiolo 131, C M Macdonald 185, B Maček 105, J Machado Miguens 154,160, D Madaffari 115, R Madar 55, H J Maddocks 217, W F Mader 67, A Madsen 65, J Maeda 96, S Maeland 17, T Maeno 36, A Maevskiy 129, E Magradze 79, J Mahlstedt 138, C Maiani 148, C Maidantchik 32, A A Maier 131, T Maier 130, A Maio 159,160,162, S Majewski 147, Y Makida 95, N Makovec 148, B Malaescu 110, Pa Malecki 62, V P Maleev 155, F Malek 80, U Mallik 92, D Malon 8, C Malone 189, S Maltezos 12, S Malyukov 45, J Mamuzic 219, G Mancini 70, B Mandelli 45, L Mandelli 121, I Mandić 105, J Maneira 159,160, L Manhaes de Andrade Filho 33, J Manjarres Ramos 210, A Mann 130, A Manousos 45, B Mansoulie 182, J D Mansour 49, R Mantifel 117, M Mantoani 79, S Manzoni 121,122, L Mapelli 45, G Marceca 42, L March 72, G Marchiori 110, M Marcisovsky 166, M Marjanovic 16, D E Marley 119, F Marroquim 32, S P Marsden 114, Z Marshall 18, S Marti-Garcia 219, B Martin 120, T A Martin 222, V J Martin 69, B Martin dit Latour 17, M Martinez 15, S Martin-Haugh 170, V S Martoiu 38, A C Martyniuk 108, M Marx 184, A Marzin 45, L Masetti 113, T Mashimo 205, R Mashinistov 126, J Masik 114, A L Maslennikov 140, I Massa 27,28, L Massa 27,28, P Mastrandrea 7, A Mastroberardino 58,59, T Masubuchi 205, P Mättig 227, J Mattmann 113, J Maurer 38, S J Maxfield 104, D A Maximov 140, R Mazini 201, S M Mazza 121,122, N C Mc Fadden 136, G Mc Goldrick 208, S P Mc Kee 119, A McCarn 119, R L McCarthy 198, T G McCarthy 44, L I McClymont 108, E F McDonald 118, K W McFarlane 1,81, J A Mcfayden 108, G Mchedlidze 79, S J McMahon 170, R A McPherson 221, M Medinnis 65, S Meehan 184, S Mehlhase 130, A Mehta 104, K Meier 83, C Meineck 130, B Meirose 64, D Melini 219, B R Mellado Garcia 194, M Melo 190, F Meloni 20, A Mengarelli 27,28, S Menke 131, E Meoni 212, S Mergelmeyer 19, P Mermod 72, L Merola 134,135, C Meroni 121, F S Merritt 46, A Messina 171,172, J Metcalfe 8, A S Mete 213, C Meyer 113, C Meyer 154, J-P Meyer 182, J Meyer 138, H Meyer Zu Theenhausen 83, F Miano 199, R P Middleton 170, S Miglioranzi 73,74, L Mijović 29, G Mikenberg 224, M Mikestikova 166, M Mikuž 105, M Milesi 118, A Milic 91, D W Miller 46, C Mills 69, A Milov 224, D A Milstead 195,196, A A Minaenko 169, Y Minami 205, I A Minashvili 94, A I Mincer 141, B Mindur 60, M Mineev 94, Y Ming 225, L M Mir 15, K P Mistry 154, T Mitani 223, J Mitrevski 130, V A Mitsou 219, A Miucci 72, P S Miyagawa 185, J U Mjörnmark 111, T Moa 195,196, K Mochizuki 125, S Mohapatra 56, S Molander 195,196, R Moles-Valls 29, R Monden 97, M C Mondragon 120, K Mönig 65, J Monk 57, E Monnier 115, A Montalbano 198, J Montejo Berlingen 45, F Monticelli 100, S Monzani 121,122, R W Moore 3, N Morange 148, D Moreno 26, M Moreno Llácer 79, P Morettini 73, D Mori 188, T Mori 205, M Morii 82, M Morinaga 205, V Morisbak 150, S Moritz 113, A K Morley 200, G Mornacchi 45, J D Morris 106, S S Mortensen 57, L Morvaj 198, M Mosidze 76, J Moss 189, K Motohashi 207, R Mount 189, E Mountricha 36, S V Mouraviev 1,126, E J W Moyse 116, S Muanza 115, R D Mudd 21, F Mueller 131, J Mueller 158, R S P Mueller 130, T Mueller 43, D Muenstermann 101, P Mullen 78, G A Mullier 20, F J Munoz Sanchez 114, J A Murillo Quijada 21, W J Murray 170,222, H Musheghyan 79, M Muškinja 105, A G Myagkov 169, M Myska 167, B P Nachman 189, O Nackenhorst 72, K Nagai 151, R Nagai 95, K Nagano 95, Y Nagasaka 86, K Nagata 211, M Nagel 71, E Nagy 115, A M Nairz 45, Y Nakahama 45, K Nakamura 95, T Nakamura 205, I Nakano 143, H Namasivayam 64, R F Naranjo Garcia 65, R Narayan 13, D I Narrias Villar 83, I Naryshkin 155, T Naumann 65, G Navarro 26, R Nayyar 9, H A Neal 119, P Yu Nechaeva 126, T J Neep 114, P D Nef 189, A Negri 152,153, M Negrini 27, S Nektarijevic 137, C Nellist 148, A Nelson 213, S Nemecek 166, P Nemethy 141, A A Nepomuceno 32, M Nessi 45, M S Neubauer 218, M Neumann 227, R M Neves 141, P Nevski 36, P R Newman 21, D H Nguyen 8, T Nguyen Manh 125, R B Nickerson 151, R Nicolaidou 182, J Nielsen 183, A Nikiforov 19, V Nikolaenko 169, I Nikolic-Audit 110, K Nikolopoulos 21, J K Nilsen 150, P Nilsson 36, Y Ninomiya 205, A Nisati 171, R Nisius 131, T Nobe 205, L Nodulman 8, M Nomachi 149, I Nomidis 44, T Nooney 106, S Norberg 144, M Nordberg 45, N Norjoharuddeen 151, O Novgorodova 67, S Nowak 131, M Nozaki 95, L Nozka 146, K Ntekas 12, E Nurse 108, F Nuti 118, F O’grady 9, D C O’Neil 188, A A O’Rourke 65, V O’Shea 78, F G Oakham 44, H Oberlack 131, T Obermann 29, J Ocariz 110, A Ochi 96, I Ochoa 56, J P Ochoa-Ricoux 47, S Oda 99, S Odaka 95, H Ogren 90, A Oh 114, S H Oh 68, C C Ohm 18, H Ohman 217, H Oide 45, H Okawa 211, Y Okumura 46, T Okuyama 95, A Olariu 38, L F Oleiro Seabra 159, S A Olivares Pino 69, D Oliveira Damazio 36, A Olszewski 62, J Olszowska 62, A Onofre 159,163, K Onogi 133, P U E Onyisi 13, M J Oreglia 46, Y Oren 203, D Orestano 175,176, N Orlando 88, R S Orr 208, B Osculati 73,74, R Ospanov 114, G Otero y Garzon 42, H Otono 99, M Ouchrif 180, F Ould-Saada 150, A Ouraou 182, K P Oussoren 138, Q Ouyang 49, M Owen 78, R E Owen 21, V E Ozcan 22, N Ozturk 10, K Pachal 188, A Pacheco Pages 15, C Padilla Aranda 15, M Pagáčová 71, S Pagan Griso 18, F Paige 36, P Pais 116, K Pajchel 150, G Palacino 210, S Palestini 45, M Palka 61, D Pallin 55, A Palma 159,160, E St Panagiotopoulou 12, C E Pandini 110, J G Panduro Vazquez 107, P Pani 195,196, S Panitkin 36, D Pantea 38, L Paolozzi 72, Th D Papadopoulou 12, K Papageorgiou 204, A Paramonov 8, D Paredes Hernandez 228, A J Parker 101, M A Parker 43, K A Parker 185, F Parodi 73,74, J A Parsons 56, U Parzefall 71, V R Pascuzzi 208, E Pasqualucci 171, S Passaggio 73, Fr Pastore 107, G Pásztor 44, S Pataraia 227, J R Pater 114, T Pauly 45, J Pearce 221, B Pearson 144, L E Pedersen 57, M Pedersen 150, S Pedraza Lopez 219, R Pedro 159,160, S V Peleganchuk 140, D Pelikan 217, O Penc 166, C Peng 49, H Peng 50, J Penwell 90, B S Peralva 33, M M Perego 182, D V Perepelitsa 36, E Perez Codina 209, L Perini 121,122, H Pernegger 45, S Perrella 134,135, R Peschke 65, V D Peshekhonov 94, K Peters 65, R F Y Peters 114, B A Petersen 45, T C Petersen 57, E Petit 80, A Petridis 1, C Petridou 204, P Petroff 148, E Petrolo 171, M Petrov 151, F Petrucci 175,176, N E Pettersson 116, A Peyaud 182, R Pezoa 48, P W Phillips 170, G Piacquadio 189, E Pianori 222, A Picazio 116, E Piccaro 106, M Piccinini 27,28, M A Pickering 151, R Piegaia 42, J E Pilcher 46, A D Pilkington 114, A W J Pin 114, M Pinamonti 164, J L Pinfold 3, A Pingel 57, S Pires 110, H Pirumov 65, M Pitt 224, L Plazak 190, M -A Pleier 36, V Pleskot 113, E Plotnikova 94, P Plucinski 120, D Pluth 93, R Poettgen 195,196, L Poggioli 148, D Pohl 29, G Polesello 152, A Poley 65, A Policicchio 58,59, R Polifka 208, A Polini 27, C S Pollard 78, V Polychronakos 36, K Pommès 45, L Pontecorvo 171, B G Pope 120, G A Popeneciu 39, D S Popovic 16, A Poppleton 45, S Pospisil 167, K Potamianos 18, I N Potrap 94, C J Potter 43, C T Potter 147, G Poulard 45, J Poveda 45, V Pozdnyakov 94, M E Pozo Astigarraga 45, P Pralavorio 115, A Pranko 18, S Prell 93, D Price 114, L E Price 8, M Primavera 102, S Prince 117, M Proissl 69, K Prokofiev 89, F Prokoshin 48, S Protopopescu 36, J Proudfoot 8, M Przybycien 60, D Puddu 175,176, D Puldon 198, M Purohit 36, P Puzo 148, J Qian 119, G Qin 78, Y Qin 114, A Quadt 79, W B Quayle 214,215, M Queitsch-Maitland 114, D Quilty 78, S Raddum 150, V Radeka 36, V Radescu 84, S K Radhakrishnan 198, P Radloff 147, P Rados 118, F Ragusa 121,122, G Rahal 230, J A Raine 114, S Rajagopalan 36, M Rammensee 45, C Rangel-Smith 217, M G Ratti 121,122, F Rauscher 130, S Rave 113, T Ravenscroft 78, I Ravinovich 224, M Raymond 45, A L Read 150, N P Readioff 104, M Reale 102,103, D M Rebuzzi 152,153, A Redelbach 226, G Redlinger 36, R Reece 183, K Reeves 64, L Rehnisch 19, J Reichert 154, H Reisin 42, C Rembser 45, H Ren 49, M Rescigno 171, S Resconi 121, O L Rezanova 140, P Reznicek 168, R Rezvani 125, R Richter 131, S Richter 108, E Richter-Was 61, O Ricken 29, M Ridel 110, P Rieck 19, C J Riegel 227, J Rieger 79, O Rifki 144, M Rijssenbeek 198, A Rimoldi 152,153, M Rimoldi 20, L Rinaldi 27, B Ristić 72, E Ritsch 45, I Riu 15, F Rizatdinova 145, E Rizvi 106, C Rizzi 15, S H Robertson 117, A Robichaud-Veronneau 117, D Robinson 43, J E M Robinson 65, A Robson 78, C Roda 156,157, Y Rodina 115, A Rodriguez Perez 15, D Rodriguez Rodriguez 219, S Roe 45, C S Rogan 82, O Røhne 150, A Romaniouk 128, M Romano 27,28, S M Romano Saez 55, E Romero Adam 219, N Rompotis 184, M Ronzani 71, L Roos 110, E Ros 219, S Rosati 171, K Rosbach 71, P Rose 183, O Rosenthal 187, N -A Rosien 79, V Rossetti 195,196, E Rossi 134,135, L P Rossi 73, J H N Rosten 43, R Rosten 184, M Rotaru 38, I Roth 224, J Rothberg 184, D Rousseau 148, C R Royon 182, A Rozanov 115, Y Rozen 202, X Ruan 194, F Rubbo 189, M S Rudolph 208, F Rühr 71, A Ruiz-Martinez 44, Z Rurikova 71, N A Rusakovich 94, A Ruschke 130, H L Russell 184, J P Rutherfoord 9, N Ruthmann 45, Y F Ryabov 155, M Rybar 218, G Rybkin 148, S Ryu 8, A Ryzhov 169, G F Rzehorz 79, A F Saavedra 200, G Sabato 138, S Sacerdoti 42, H F-W Sadrozinski 183, R Sadykov 94, F Safai Tehrani 171, P Saha 139, M Sahinsoy 83, M Saimpert 182, T Saito 205, H Sakamoto 205, Y Sakurai 223, G Salamanna 175,176, A Salamon 173,174, J E Salazar Loyola 48, D Salek 138, P H Sales De Bruin 184, D Salihagic 131, A Salnikov 189, J Salt 219, D Salvatore 58,59, F Salvatore 199, A Salvucci 87, A Salzburger 45, D Sammel 71, D Sampsonidis 204, A Sanchez 134,135, J Sánchez 219, V Sanchez Martinez 219, H Sandaker 150, R L Sandbach 106, H G Sander 113, M Sandhoff 227, C Sandoval 26, R Sandstroem 131, D P C Sankey 170, M Sannino 73,74, A Sansoni 70, C Santoni 55, R Santonico 173,174, H Santos 159, I Santoyo Castillo 199, K Sapp 158, A Sapronov 94, J G Saraiva 159,162, B Sarrazin 29, O Sasaki 95, Y Sasaki 205, K Sato 211, G Sauvage 1,7, E Sauvan 7, G Savage 107, P Savard 208, C Sawyer 170, L Sawyer 109, J Saxon 46, C Sbarra 27, A Sbrizzi 27,28, T Scanlon 108, D A Scannicchio 213, M Scarcella 200, V Scarfone 58,59, J Schaarschmidt 224, P Schacht 131, B M Schachtner 130, D Schaefer 45, R Schaefer 65, J Schaeffer 113, S Schaepe 29, S Schaetzel 84, U Schäfer 113, A C Schaffer 148, D Schaile 130, R D Schamberger 198, V Scharf 83, V A Schegelsky 155, D Scheirich 168, M Schernau 213, C Schiavi 73,74, S Schier 183, C Schillo 71, M Schioppa 58,59, S Schlenker 45, K R Schmidt-Sommerfeld 131, K Schmieden 45, C Schmitt 113, S Schmitt 65, S Schmitz 113, B Schneider 209, U Schnoor 71, L Schoeffel 182, A Schoening 84, B D Schoenrock 120, E Schopf 29, M Schott 113, J Schovancova 10, S Schramm 72, M Schreyer 226, N Schuh 113, M J Schultens 29, H -C Schultz-Coulon 83, H Schulz 19, M Schumacher 71, B A Schumm 183, Ph Schune 182, A Schwartzman 189, T A Schwarz 119, Ph Schwegler 131, H Schweiger 114, Ph Schwemling 182, R Schwienhorst 120, J Schwindling 182, T Schwindt 29, G Sciolla 31, F Scuri 156,157, F Scutti 118, J Searcy 119, P Seema 29, S C Seidel 136, A Seiden 183, F Seifert 167, J M Seixas 32, G Sekhniaidze 134, K Sekhon 119, S J Sekula 63, D M Seliverstov 1,155, N Semprini-Cesari 27,28, C Serfon 150, L Serin 148, L Serkin 214,215, M Sessa 175,176, R Seuster 221, H Severini 144, T Sfiligoj 105, F Sforza 45, A Sfyrla 72, E Shabalina 79, N W Shaikh 195,196, L Y Shan 49, R Shang 218, J T Shank 30, M Shapiro 18, P B Shatalov 127, K Shaw 214,215, S M Shaw 114, A Shcherbakova 195,196, C Y Shehu 199, P Sherwood 108, L Shi 201, S Shimizu 96, C O Shimmin 213, M Shimojima 132, M Shiyakova 94, A Shmeleva 126, D Shoaleh Saadi 125, M J Shochet 46, S Shojaii 121,122, S Shrestha 142, E Shulga 128, M A Shupe 9, P Sicho 166, A M Sickles 218, P E Sidebo 197, O Sidiropoulou 226, D Sidorov 145, A Sidoti 27,28, F Siegert 67, Dj Sijacki 16, J Silva 159,162, S B Silverstein 195, V Simak 167, O Simard 7, Lj Simic 16, S Simion 148, E Simioni 113, B Simmons 108, D Simon 55, M Simon 113, P Sinervo 208, N B Sinev 147, M Sioli 27,28, G Siragusa 226, S Yu Sivoklokov 129, J Sjölin 195,196, T B Sjursen 17, M B Skinner 101, H P Skottowe 82, P Skubic 144, M Slater 21, T Slavicek 167, M Slawinska 138, K Sliwa 212, R Slovak 168, V Smakhtin 224, B H Smart 7, L Smestad 17, J Smiesko 190, S Yu Smirnov 128, Y Smirnov 128, L N Smirnova 129, O Smirnova 111, M N K Smith 56, R W Smith 56, M Smizanska 101, K Smolek 167, A A Snesarev 126, S Snyder 36, R Sobie 221, F Socher 67, A Soffer 203, D A Soh 201, G Sokhrannyi 105, C A Solans Sanchez 45, M Solar 167, E Yu Soldatov 128, U Soldevila 219, A A Solodkov 169, A Soloshenko 94, O V Solovyanov 169, V Solovyev 155, P Sommer 71, H Son 212, H Y Song 50, A Sood 18, A Sopczak 167, V Sopko 167, V Sorin 15, D Sosa 84, C L Sotiropoulou 156,157, R Soualah 214,216, A M Soukharev 140, D South 65, B C Sowden 107, S Spagnolo 102,103, M Spalla 156,157, M Spangenberg 222, F Spanò 107, D Sperlich 19, F Spettel 131, R Spighi 27, G Spigo 45, L A Spiller 118, M Spousta 168, R D St Denis 1,78, A Stabile 121, R Stamen 83, S Stamm 19, E Stanecka 62, R W Stanek 8, C Stanescu 175, M Stanescu-Bellu 65, M M Stanitzki 65, S Stapnes 150, E A Starchenko 169, G H Stark 46, J Stark 80, P Staroba 166, P Starovoitov 83, S Stärz 45, R Staszewski 62, P Steinberg 36, B Stelzer 188, H J Stelzer 45, O Stelzer-Chilton 209, H Stenzel 77, G A Stewart 78, J A Stillings 29, M C Stockton 117, M Stoebe 117, G Stoicea 38, P Stolte 79, S Stonjek 131, A R Stradling 10, A Straessner 67, M E Stramaglia 20, J Strandberg 197, S Strandberg 195,196, A Strandlie 150, M Strauss 144, P Strizenec 191, R Ströhmer 226, D M Strom 147, R Stroynowski 63, A Strubig 137, S A Stucci 20, B Stugu 17, N A Styles 65, D Su 189, J Su 158, R Subramaniam 109, S Suchek 83, Y Sugaya 149, M Suk 167, V V Sulin 126, S Sultansoy 6, T Sumida 97, S Sun 82, X Sun 49, J E Sundermann 71, K Suruliz 199, G Susinno 58,59, M R Sutton 199, S Suzuki 95, M Svatos 166, M Swiatlowski 46, I Sykora 190, T Sykora 168, D Ta 71, C Taccini 175,176, K Tackmann 65, J Taenzer 208, A Taffard 213, R Tafirout 209, N Taiblum 203, H Takai 36, R Takashima 98, T Takeshita 186, Y Takubo 95, M Talby 115, A A Talyshev 140, K G Tan 118, J Tanaka 205, R Tanaka 148, S Tanaka 95, B B Tannenwald 142, S Tapia Araya 48, S Tapprogge 113, S Tarem 202, G F Tartarelli 121, P Tas 168, M Tasevsky 166, T Tashiro 97, E Tassi 58,59, A Tavares Delgado 159,160, Y Tayalati 180, A C Taylor 136, G N Taylor 118, P T E Taylor 118, W Taylor 210, F A Teischinger 45, P Teixeira-Dias 107, K K Temming 71, D Temple 188, H Ten Kate 45, P K Teng 201, J J Teoh 149, F Tepel 227, S Terada 95, K Terashi 205, J Terron 112, S Terzo 131, M Testa 70, R J Teuscher 208, T Theveneaux-Pelzer 115, J P Thomas 21, J Thomas-Wilsker 107, E N Thompson 56, P D Thompson 21, A S Thompson 78, L A Thomsen 228, E Thomson 154, M Thomson 43, M J Tibbetts 18, R E Ticse Torres 115, V O Tikhomirov 126, Yu A Tikhonov 140, S Timoshenko 128, P Tipton 228, S Tisserant 115, K Todome 207, T Todorov 1,7, S Todorova-Nova 168, J Tojo 99, S Tokár 190, K Tokushuku 95, E Tolley 82, L Tomlinson 114, M Tomoto 133, L Tompkins 189, K Toms 136, B Tong 82, E Torrence 147, H Torres 188, E Torró Pastor 184, J Toth 115, F Touchard 115, D R Tovey 185, T Trefzger 226, F Tresoldi 199, A Tricoli 36, I M Trigger 209, S Trincaz-Duvoid 110, M F Tripiana 15, W Trischuk 208, B Trocmé 80, A Trofymov 65, C Troncon 121, M Trottier-McDonald 18, M Trovatelli 221, L Truong 214,216, M Trzebinski 62, A Trzupek 62, J C-L Tseng 151, P V Tsiareshka 123, G Tsipolitis 12, N Tsirintanis 11, S Tsiskaridze 15, V Tsiskaridze 71, E G Tskhadadze 75, K M Tsui 87, I I Tsukerman 127, V Tsulaia 18, S Tsuno 95, D Tsybychev 198, A Tudorache 38, V Tudorache 38, A N Tuna 82, S A Tupputi 27,28, S Turchikhin 129, D Turecek 167, D Turgeman 224, R Turra 121,122, A J Turvey 63, P M Tuts 56, M Tyndel 170, G Ucchielli 27,28, I Ueda 205, R Ueno 44, M Ughetto 195,196, F Ukegawa 211, G Unal 45, A Undrus 36, G Unel 213, F C Ungaro 118, Y Unno 95, C Unverdorben 130, J Urban 191, P Urquijo 118, P Urrejola 113, G Usai 10, A Usanova 91, L Vacavant 115, V Vacek 167, B Vachon 117, C Valderanis 130, E Valdes Santurio 195,196, N Valencic 138, S Valentinetti 27,28, A Valero 219, L Valery 15, S Valkar 168, S Vallecorsa 72, J A Valls Ferrer 219, W Van Den Wollenberg 138, P C Van Der Deijl 138, R van der Geer 138, H van der Graaf 138, N van Eldik 202, P van Gemmeren 8, J Van Nieuwkoop 188, I van Vulpen 138, M C van Woerden 45, M Vanadia 171,172, W Vandelli 45, R Vanguri 154, A Vaniachine 8, P Vankov 138, G Vardanyan 229, R Vari 171, E W Varnes 9, T Varol 63, D Varouchas 110, A Vartapetian 10, K E Varvell 200, J G Vasquez 228, F Vazeille 55, T Vazquez Schroeder 117, J Veatch 79, L M Veloce 208, F Veloso 159,161, S Veneziano 171, A Ventura 102,103, M Venturi 221, N Venturi 208, A Venturini 31, V Vercesi 152, M Verducci 171,172, W Verkerke 138, J C Vermeulen 138, A Vest 67, M C Vetterli 188, O Viazlo 111, I Vichou 218, T Vickey 185, O E Vickey Boeriu 185, G H A Viehhauser 151, S Viel 18, L Vigani 151, R Vigne 91, M Villa 27,28, M Villaplana Perez 121,122, E Vilucchi 70, M G Vincter 44, V B Vinogradov 94, C Vittori 27,28, I Vivarelli 199, S Vlachos 12, M Vlasak 167, M Vogel 227, P Vokac 167, G Volpi 156,157, M Volpi 118, H von der Schmitt 131, E von Toerne 29, V Vorobel 168, K Vorobev 128, M Vos 219, R Voss 45, J H Vossebeld 104, N Vranjes 16, M Vranjes Milosavljevic 16, V Vrba 166, M Vreeswijk 138, R Vuillermet 45, I Vukotic 46, Z Vykydal 167, P Wagner 29, W Wagner 227, H Wahlberg 100, S Wahrmund 67, J Wakabayashi 133, J Walder 101, R Walker 130, W Walkowiak 187, V Wallangen 195,196, C Wang 51, C Wang 52,115, F Wang 225, H Wang 18, H Wang 63, J Wang 65, J Wang 200, K Wang 117, R Wang 8, S M Wang 201, T Wang 29, T Wang 56, W Wang 50, X Wang 228, C Wanotayaroj 147, A Warburton 117, C P Ward 43, D R Wardrope 108, A Washbrook 69, P M Watkins 21, A T Watson 21, M F Watson 21, G Watts 184, S Watts 114, B M Waugh 108, S Webb 113, M S Weber 20, S W Weber 226, J S Webster 8, A R Weidberg 151, B Weinert 90, J Weingarten 79, C Weiser 71, H Weits 138, P S Wells 45, T Wenaus 36, T Wengler 45, S Wenig 45, N Wermes 29, M Werner 71, P Werner 45, M Wessels 83, J Wetter 212, K Whalen 147, N L Whallon 184, A M Wharton 101, A White 10, M J White 1, R White 48, D Whiteson 213, F J Wickens 170, W Wiedenmann 225, M Wielers 170, P Wienemann 29, C Wiglesworth 57, L A M Wiik-Fuchs 29, A Wildauer 131, F Wilk 114, H G Wilkens 45, H H Williams 154, S Williams 138, C Willis 120, S Willocq 116, J A Wilson 21, I Wingerter-Seez 7, F Winklmeier 147, O J Winston 199, B T Winter 29, M Wittgen 189, J Wittkowski 130, S J Wollstadt 113, M W Wolter 62, H Wolters 159,161, B K Wosiek 62, J Wotschack 45, M J Woudstra 114, K W Wozniak 62, M Wu 80, M Wu 46, S L Wu 225, X Wu 72, Y Wu 119, T R Wyatt 114, B M Wynne 69, S Xella 57, D Xu 49, L Xu 36, B Yabsley 200, S Yacoob 192, R Yakabe 96, D Yamaguchi 207, Y Yamaguchi 149, A Yamamoto 95, S Yamamoto 205, T Yamanaka 205, K Yamauchi 133, Y Yamazaki 96, Z Yan 30, H Yang 53, H Yang 225, Y Yang 201, Z Yang 17, W-M Yao 18, Y C Yap 110, Y Yasu 95, E Yatsenko 7, K H Yau Wong 29, J Ye 63, S Ye 36, I Yeletskikh 94, A L Yen 82, E Yildirim 113, K Yorita 223, R Yoshida 8, K Yoshihara 154, C Young 189, C J S Young 45, S Youssef 30, D R Yu 18, J Yu 10, J M Yu 119, J Yu 93, L Yuan 96, S P Y Yuen 29, I Yusuff 43, B Zabinski 62, R Zaidan 52, A M Zaitsev 169, N Zakharchuk 65, J Zalieckas 17, A Zaman 198, S Zambito 82, L Zanello 171,172, D Zanzi 118, C Zeitnitz 227, M Zeman 167, A Zemla 60, J C Zeng 218, Q Zeng 189, K Zengel 31, O Zenin 169, T Ženiš 190, D Zerwas 148, D Zhang 119, F Zhang 225, G Zhang 50, H Zhang 51, J Zhang 8, L Zhang 71, R Zhang 29, R Zhang 50, X Zhang 52, Z Zhang 148, X Zhao 63, Y Zhao 52, Z Zhao 50, A Zhemchugov 94, J Zhong 151, B Zhou 119, C Zhou 68, L Zhou 56, L Zhou 63, M Zhou 198, N Zhou 54, C G Zhu 52, H Zhu 49, J Zhu 119, Y Zhu 50, X Zhuang 49, K Zhukov 126, A Zibell 226, D Zieminska 90, N I Zimine 94, C Zimmermann 113, S Zimmermann 71, Z Zinonos 79, M Zinser 113, M Ziolkowski 187, L Živković 16, G Zobernig 225, A Zoccoli 27,28, M zur Nedden 19, G Zurzolo 134,135, L Zwalinski 45; ATLAS Collaboration37,40,165,231
PMCID: PMC5512627  PMID: 28775663


A study of the decays Bs0μ+μ- and B0μ+μ- has been performed using data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 25 fb-1 of 7 and 8 TeV proton–proton collisions collected with the ATLAS detector during the LHC Run 1. For the B0 dimuon decay, an upper limit on the branching fraction is set at B(B0μ+μ-)<4.2×10-10 at 95 % confidence level. For Bs0, the branching fraction B(Bs0μ+μ-)=0.9-0.8+1.1×10-9 is measured. The results are consistent with the Standard Model expectation with a p value of 4.8 %, corresponding to 2.0 standard deviations.


Flavour-changing neutral-current (FCNC) processes are highly suppressed in the Standard Model (SM), and their study is relevant to indirect searches for physics beyond the SM. The branching fractions of the decays B0(s)μ+μ- are of particular interest because of the additional helicity suppression and since they are accurately predicted in the SM: B(Bs0μ+μ-)=(3.65±0.23)×10-9 and B(B0μ+μ-)=(1.06±0.09)×10-10 [1]. Significant deviations from these values can arise in models involving non-SM heavy particles, such as those predicted in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model [26], in extensions such as Minimal Flavour Violation [7, 8], Two-Higgs-Doublet Models [6], and others [9, 10]. The CMS and LHCb collaborations have reported the observation of Bs0μ+μ-  [11, 12] and evidence of B0μ+μ-, with combined values: B(Bs0μ+μ-)=2.8-0.6+0.7×10-9 and B(B0μ+μ-)=3.9-1.4+1.6×10-10 [13].

This paper reports the result of a search for Bs0μ+μ- and B0μ+μ- decays performed using pp collision data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 25 fb-1, collected at 7 and 8 TeV in the full LHC Run 1 data-taking period using the ATLAS detector. This analysis supersedes the previous result [14] based on 2011 data and exploits improved analysis techniques in addition to the larger dataset.


The Bs0μ+μ- and B0μ+μ- branching fractions are measured relative to the normalisation decay B+J/ψ(μ+μ-)K+ that is abundant and has a known branching fraction B(B+J/ψK+)×B(J/ψμ+μ-). In the simplest form, the B0μ+μ- (Bs0μ+μ-) branching fraction can be extracted as:


where Nd (Ns) is the B0μ+μ- (Bs0μ+μ-) signal yield, NJ/ψK+ is the B+J/ψK+ normalisation yield, εμ+μ- and εJ/ψK+ are the corresponding values of acceptance times efficiency, and fu/fd (fu/fs) is the ratio of the hadronisation probabilities of a b-quark into B+ and B0 (Bs0).

For this study, a modified formula is used to normalise independently samples of events collected in different data-taking periods and with different trigger selections:

B(B(s)0μ+μ-)=Nd(s)B(B+J/ψK+)×B(J/ψμ+μ-)×fufd(s)×1Dnorm, 1


Dnorm=kNJ/ψK+kαkεμ+μ-εJ/ψK+k. 2

The denominator Dnorm consists of a sum whose index k runs over the data-taking periods and the trigger selections. In the sum, the αk parameter takes into account the different trigger prescale factors and integrated luminosities in the signal and normalisation channels, and the ratio of the efficiencies corrects for reconstruction differences in each data sample k. Signal and reference channel events are selected with similar dimuon triggers.

The notation used throughout the paper refers to both the stated and charge-conjugated process, unless otherwise specified. The analysis is performed without tagging of the flavour B0(s) or B0¯(s) at production. The yield measurement in the normalisation channel is obtained by summing J/ψK+ and J/ψK- contributions.

The analysis is performed integrating over the decay time distribution of the event candidates. The relation between the measured branching fraction and the corresponding value at production is established assuming the decay time distribution predicted in the SM, where the decay occurs predominantly through the heavy eigenstate Bs/d,H of the B0(s)-B0¯(s) system. Models for new physics [15, 16] can predict modification to the decay time distribution of Bs0μ+μ- and a comparison with the experimental result may require a correction to the ratio of the time-integrated efficiencies.

The ATLAS inner tracking system and muon spectrometer are used to reconstruct and select the event candidates. Details of the detector, trigger, data sets, and preliminary selection criteria are discussed in Sects. 3 and 4. A blind analysis was performed in which data in the dimuon invariant mass region from 5166 to 5526 MeV were removed until the procedures for event selection and the details of signal yield extraction were completely defined. Section 5 introduces the three main categories of background (continuum background due to muons from uncorrelated hadron decays, background from partially reconstructed decays, and peaking background from B0(s) two-body hadronic decays, where both particles are misidentified as muon pairs). Section 6 describes the strategy used to reduce the probability of hadron misidentification. The final sample of candidates is selected using a multivariate classifier, designed to enhance the signal relative to the continuum background, as discussed in Sect. 7. Checks on the distributions of the variables used in the multivariate classifier are summarised in Sect. 8. They are based on the comparison of data and simulation for dimuon events, for B+J/ψK+ candidates and for events selected as Bs0J/ψϕμ+μ-K+K-, which provide an additional validation of the procedures used in the analysis. Section 9 details the fit procedure to extract the yield of B+J/ψK+ events. As an ancillary measurement to the B+J/ψK+ yield determination, a measurement of the ratio B(B+J/ψπ+)/B(B+J/ψK+) is performed, as presented in Sect. 9.1. The ratio of efficiencies in the signal and the normalisation channels is presented in Sect. 10. Section 11 describes the extraction of the signal yield, obtained with an unbinned maximum-likelihood fit performed on the dimuon invariant mass distribution, with the events classified according to three intervals in the classifier used for the final selection. The results on the branching fractions B(Bs0μ+μ-) and B(B0μ+μ-) are reported in Sect. 12.

ATLAS detector, data and simulation samples

The ATLAS detector1 consists of three main components: an inner detector (ID) tracking system immersed in a 2 T axial magnetic field, surrounded by electromagnetic and hadronic calorimeters and by the muon spectrometer (MS). A full description can be found in Ref. [17].

This analysis is based on the Run 1 data sample recorded in 2011 and 2012 by the ATLAS detector from pp collisions at the LHC at s=7 and 8 TeV, respectively. Data used in the analysis were recorded during stable LHC beam periods. Data quality requirements were imposed, notably on the performance of the MS and ID systems. The total integrated luminosity of good quality data used in this analysis is 4.9 fb-1 for the 2011 sample and 20 fb-1 for 2012. The average number of reconstructed primary vertices (PV) per event, related to multiple proton–proton interactions, is 6.2 and 11.4 in the two years respectively.

Samples of simulated Monte-Carlo (MC) events are used for training and validation of the multivariate analyses, for the determination of the efficiency ratios, and for guiding the signal extraction fits. Exclusive MC samples were produced for the signal channels Bs0μ+μ- and B0μ+μ-, the normalisation channel B+J/ψK+ (J/ψμ+μ-), the B+J/ψπ+ channel, and the control channel Bs0J/ψϕ (ϕK+K-). In addition, background studies employ MC samples of inclusive semileptonic decays BμX, samples of Bs0K-μ+ν, B0π-μ+ν, Λbpμ-ν¯, B0(s)hh decays with h() being a charged pion or kaon, and inclusive decays BJ/ψX.

Most of dimuon candidates in the data sample originate from the uncorrelated decays of hadrons produced in the hadronisation of a b and a b¯ quarks. To describe this background, defined as continuum, a large MC sample was generated by selecting specific topologies that dominate it. The strategy is to consider both the primary decays from b quarks and the secondary decays from c quarks. Independent samples of events with forced semileptonic decays or decays including muons pairs from J/ψ were generated in all combinations. The total number of events in each sample is chosen to reproduce the composition of oppositely charged muon pairs representative of our data.

The MC samples were generated with Pythia 6 [18] for studies related to data collected in 2011, and with Pythia 8 [19] and EvtGen [20] for the 2012 sample and the development of multivariate classifiers. The ATLAS detector and its response are simulated using Geant4 [21, 22]. Additional pp interactions in the same and nearby bunch crossings (pile-up) are included in the simulation. All simulated samples are reweighted to have the same distribution of the number of PVs per bunch crossing found in data.

Using the iterative reweighting method described in Ref. [14], the simulated samples of the exclusive decays considered are adjusted with two-dimensional data-driven weights (DDW) to correct for the differences between simulation and data observed in the pTB and and |ηB| distributions. DDW obtained from B+J/ψK+ decays are used to correct the simulation samples in the signal and normalisation channels. DDW obtained from the Bs0J/ψϕ control channel are found to agree with those from B+J/ψK+ showing the consistency of the corrections.

Similarly to the exclusive decays, the large continuum background MC sample is reweighted via DDW obtained from its comparison with the data in the sidebands of the signal region.

Data selection

For data collected during the LHC Run 1, the ATLAS detector used a three-level trigger system, consisting of a hardware-based Level-1 trigger, software-based Level-2 and Event Filter triggers.

A dimuon trigger [23, 24] is used to select events. The 2011 data sample contains events seeded by a Level-1 dimuon trigger that required a transverse momentum pT>4 GeV for both muon candidates. Due to the increased pile-up in 2012 data, this dimuon trigger was prescaled at the beginning of every fill. The effect of prescaling is mitigated by including in the analysis events selected by two additional Level-1 triggers scarcely affected by prescaling, where tighter selections were applied: pT>6 GeV or |η|<1.05 for one of the muons. A full track reconstruction of the muon candidates was performed at the software trigger levels, where an additional loose selection was applied to the dimuon invariant mass mμμ and the events were assigned to the J/ψ stream (2.5<mμμ<4.3 GeV) or to the B stream (4.0<mμμ<8.5 GeV).

Events from the 2012 dataset are divided into three mutually exclusive trigger categories:

  • T1  “Higher threshold” trigger with pT >6 GeV for one muon and >4 GeV for the other one;

  • T2  “Barrel” trigger with pT >4 GeV for both muon candidates and at least one of them with |η|<1.05 (and T1 requirement not satisfied);

  • T3  Basic dimuon trigger with pT >4 GeV for both muon candidates (and T1, T2 requirements not satisfied).

Events belonging to a given category are all associated with the same pattern of Level-1 prescaling. The event sample in the T2 (T3) category has an equivalent integrated luminosity equal to 97.7% (81.3%) of the luminosity of the T1 category. The impact of the trigger Level-1 prescale on the total sample of collected events is minor, since the majority of the events belong to the T1 category.

The events in the reference channels B+J/ψK+ and Bs0J/ψϕ collected in 2012 belong to a prescaled sample of events, which was processed together with the signal events. The effective prescaling factor is equal to 7.3, and does not affect the sensitivity of this analysis, given the large number of available events in the normalisation channel. This factor is included in the αk parameters in Eq. (1).

A fourth category is defined for events from the 2011 dataset. They were collected with a trigger requirement pT >4 GeV for both muon candidates, and prescaling was not applied to this sample.

After off-line reconstruction, a preliminary selection is performed on candidates for B0(s)μ+μ-, B+J/ψK+μ+μ-K+ and Bs0 J/ψϕμ+μ-K+K-. In the ID system, muons are required to have at least one hit in the pixel detector, five hits in the semiconductor tracker (two hits per each double-sided layer), and six hits in the transition-radiation tracker, if 0.1<|η|<1.9. They are also required to be reconstructed in the MS, and to have |η|<2.5 and pT>4 GeV. Kaon candidates have to satisfy similar requirements in the ID, except that at least nine instead of six hits are required in the transition-radiation tracker and a looser requirement of pT>1 GeV is imposed.

B meson properties are computed based on a decay vertex fitted to two, three or four tracks, depending on the decay process to be reconstructed. The χ2 per degree of freedom in the vertex fit is required to be less than six for the B vertex, and less than ten for the J/ψμμ vertex. The conditions 2915<m(μμ)<3275 MeV and 1005<m(KK)<1035 MeV are required on ID track combinations for the J/ψμμ and the ϕKK vertices, respectively. In the B+J/ψK+ and Bs0J/ψϕ fits the reconstructed J/ψ mass is constrained to the world average value [25].

Reconstructed B candidates are required to satisfy pTB>8.0 GeV and |ηB|<2.5. The dimuon invariant mass for B0(s)μ+μ- candidates is calculated using the combined ID and MS information, in order to improve the mass resolution in the end-caps with respect to using ID information only [26].

The invariant mass range considered for the B0(s)μ+μ- decay is 4766–5966 MeV in which the 5166–5526 MeV range is defined as the signal region while the low-mass and high-mass regions (4766–5166 and 5526–5966 MeV) are the signal mass sidebands. For the reference channels, the mass range considered is 4930–5630 (5050–5650) MeV for B+J/ψK+ (Bs0J/ψϕ) in which the 5180–5380 (5297–5437) MeV range is the peak region and the two low and high mass ranges are the mass sidebands used for background subtraction.

The coordinates of the PVs are obtained from charged tracks not used in the decay vertices, and are transversely constrained to the luminous region of the colliding beams. The matching of a B candidate to a PV is made by propagating the candidate to the point of closest approach to the collision axis, and choosing the PV with the smallest separation along z. Simulation shows that this method achieves a correct matching probability of better than 99%.

To reduce of the large background in the B0(s)μ+μ- channel before the final selection based on multivariate classifiers, a loose collinearity requirement is applied between the momentum of the B candidate (pB) and the spatial separation between the PV and the decay vertex (Δx). The absolute value of the difference in azimuthal angle α2D is required to be smaller than 1.0 rad. Using the difference in rapidity Δη, the combination ΔR=α2D2+Δη2 is required to be smaller than 1.5. These requirements reduce the background by a factor of 0.4, with a signal efficiency of 95%.

After the preliminary selection, approximately 2.6×106 (2.3×106) candidates are found in the B0(s)μ+μ- (B+J/ψK+) signal regions.

Background composition

The background to the B0(s)μ+μ- signal originates from three main sources:


Background, the dominant combinatorial component, made from muons coming from uncorrelated hadron decays and characterised by a small dependence on the dimuon invariant mass;

Partially reconstructed

BμμX decays, characterised by non-reconstructed final-state particles (X) and thus accumulating in the low dimuon invariant mass sideband;


Background, due to B0(s)hh decays, with both hadrons misidentified as muons.

The continuum background consists mainly of muons independently produced in the fragmentation and decay trees of a b and a b¯ quark (opposite-side muons). It is studied in the signal mass sidebands, and it is found to be correctly described by the inclusive MC sample of semileptonic decays of b and c hadrons.

Section 8 contains data–MC comparisons for the continuum background. As discussed in Sect. 7, a multivariate classifier trained on MC samples is used to reduce this component.

The partially reconstructed decays consist of several topologies: (a) same-side (SS) combinatorial background from decay cascades (bcμνs(d)μμνν); (b) same-vertex (SV) background from B decays containing a muon pair (e.g. B0K0μμ, BJ/ψXμμμX); (c) Bc decays (e.g. BcJ/ψμνμμμν); (d) semileptonic b-hadron decays where a final-state hadron is misidentified as a muon.

Inclusive MC samples of SS events, SV events, and BcJ/ψμν decays were generated. All subsamples have a dimuon invariant mass distribution accumulating below the mass range considered in this analysis. The high-mass tail extends to the signal region and becomes a significant fraction of the background only after applying a selection against the continuum background.

The semileptonic decays with final-state hadrons misidentified as muons consist mainly of three-body charmless decays B0πμν, Bs0Kμν and Λbpμν in which the tail of the invariant mass distribution extends to the signal region. Due to branching fractions of the order of 10-6, this background is not large, and is further reduced by the dedicated muon identification requirements, discussed in Sect. 6. The MC invariant mass distributions of these partially reconstructed decay topologies are shown in Fig. 1a after applying the preliminary selection criteria described in Sect. 4.

Fig. 1.

Fig. 1

a Dimuon invariant mass distribution for the partially reconstructed background, from simulation, before the final selection against continuum is applied but after all other requirements. The different components are shown as stacked histograms, normalised according to world-averaged measured branching fractions. The SM expectation for the Bs0μ+μ- signal is also shown for comparison (non-stacked). Continuum background is not included here. b Invariant mass distribution of the peaking background components B0(s)hh, after the complete signal selection is applied. In both plots the distributions are normalised to the expected yield for the integrated luminosity of 25 fb-1.

Finally, the peaking background is due to B0(s) decays containing two hadrons misidentified as muons, which populate the signal region as shown in Fig. 1b.

Hadron misidentification

In the preliminary selection, muon candidates are formed from the combination of tracks reconstructed independently in the ID and MS [27]. The performance of the muon reconstruction in ATLAS is presented in Ref. [26]. Additional studies were performed for this analysis to minimise and evaluate the amount of background related to hadrons erroneously identified as muons.

Detailed simulation studies were performed for the channels B0(s)hh and Λbph, with h()=π±,K±. A full Geant4-based simulation [21] in all systems of the ATLAS detector is used for this purpose. The vast majority of background events from particle misidentification are due to decays in flight of kaons and pions, in which the muon receives most of the energy of the meson. Hence, despite the notation of fake muons, this background is generally related to true muons measured in the MS, but not produced promptly in the decay of a B meson. The contribution from hadronic punch-through into the MS is expected from simulation to amount only to 3 % (8 %) of the total number of fake candidates from kaons (pions).

The simulation shows that after the preliminary selection the probability for a kaon (pion) to be misidentified as a muon is 0.4 % (0.2 %). This fraction is found to be largely independent of the transverse momentum and rapidity of the track, as well as other variables related to the underlying event or pile-up. The misidentification rate for protons is found to be negligible (<0.01%).

The muon candidate is further required to match the trigger requirements, resulting in a reduction in the number of retained tracks by a factor 0.58, and to pass an additional multivariate selection, implemented as a boosted decision tree (BDT) [28]. This selection, referred to as fake-BDT, is based on variables described in Table 1 and it is built and trained on the MC samples. The BDT training is done using a multivariate analysis tool (TMVA) [28]. The fake-BDT selection is tuned for a 95 % efficiency for muons in the signal sample, and achieves an average reduction of the hadron misidentification by a factor 0.37, determined with independent MC samples. The resulting final value of the misidentification probability is equal to 0.09 % for kaons and 0.04 % for pions.

Table 1.

Description of the eight variables used in the discrimination between signal muons and those from hadron decays in flight and punch-throughs

1. Absolute value of the track rapidity measured in the ID
2. Ratio q / p (charge over momentum) measured in the MS
3. Scattering curvature significance: maximum value of the significance of the track curvature variation across each layer of the ID
4. χ2 of the track reconstruction in the MS
5. Number of hits used to reconstruct the track in the MS
6. Ratio of the values of q / p measured in the ID and in the MS, corrected for the average energy loss in the calorimeter
7. χ2 of the match between the tracks reconstructed in the ID and MS
8. Energy deposited in the calorimeters along the muon trajectory obtained by combining ID and MS tracks

The background due to B0(s)hh, with double misidentification hhμμ, has a distribution in the reconstructed invariant mass peaking at 5250 MeV, close to the Bs0 mass and is effectively indistinguishable from the B0 signal (see Fig. 1b). Beyond the muon and fake-BDT selection, these events have the same acceptance and selection efficiency as the B0(s)μ+μ- signal. Therefore, the expected number of peaking-background events can be estimated from the number of observed B+J/ψK+ events, in a way analogous to what is done for the signal, using Eq. (1). World average [25] values for the branching fractions of B0 and Bs0 into Kπ, KK and ππ are used, together with the hadron misidentification probabilities obtained from simulation. The resulting total expected number of peaking-background events, after the final selection (including a multivariate cut against μ+μ- continuum background, the continuum-BDT discussed in Sect. 7), is equal to 0.7, with a 10 % uncertainty from the normalisation procedure.

The simulation of hadron misidentification was validated and calibrated with studies performed on data. The fractions of fake muons after the preliminary selection were evaluated on samples of ϕK+K- and B+J/ψK+ events, and found to be consistent with the simulation within a factor 1.2±0.2. This factor and its square 1.4±0.5 are used as scale correction and systematic uncertainty in the single and double misidentification probability, respectively. Hence, the expected number of peaking background events is equal to 1.0±0.4.

A further test of the peaking background was performed on the final sample of B0(s)μ+μ- candidates. Inverting the selection applied with the fake-BDT, the number of events containing real muons is largely reduced, while the number of peaking-background events is approximately three times larger than in the sample obtained with the nominal selection. A fit to the background-enhanced sample gives a peaking background yield of 0.5±3.0 events, in good agreement with the expectation.

The efficiency of the fake-BDT selection when applied to muons from B0(s)μ+μ- decays was tested on the sample of B+J/ψK+ candidates selected in data. The value from simulation was found to be accurate to better than 1%.

Besides the peaking background, the selection with the fake-BDT also reduces the semileptonic contributions with a single misidentified hadron. The expected number of events from B0πμν and Bs0Kμν in the final sample is 107±27. The Λbpμν contribution is negligible due to the smaller production cross section and the fake rejection for protons at the level of 10-5.

Continuum background reduction

A multivariate analysis, implemented as a BDT, is employed to enhance the signal relative to the continuum background. This classifier, referred to as the continuum-BDT, is based on the 15 variables described in Table 2. The discriminating variables can be classified into three groups: (a) B meson variables, related to the reconstruction of the decay vertex and to the collinearity between pB and the separation between production and decay vertices Δx; (b) variables describing the muons forming the B meson candidate; and (c) variables related to the rest of the event. The selection of the variables aims to optimise the discrimination power of the classifier, while minimising the dependence on the invariant mass of the muon pair.

Table 2.

Description of the 15 variables used in the discrimination between signal and continuum background. When the BDT classifier is applied to B+J/ψK+ and Bs0J/ψϕ candidates, the variables related to the decay products of the B mesons refer only to the muons from the decay of the J/ψ

Variable Description
pTB Magnitude of the B candidate transverse momentum pTB
χPV,DVxy2 Significance of the separation Δx between production (i.e. associated PV) and decay (DV) vertices in the transverse projection: ΔxT·ΣΔxT-1·ΔxT, where ΣΔxT is the covariance matrix
ΔR Three-dimensional opening between pB and Δx: α2D2+Δη2
|α2D| Absolute value of the angle between pTB and ΔxT (transverse projection)
Lxy Projection of ΔxT along the direction of pTB: (ΔxT·pTB)/|pTB|
IPB3D Three-dimensional impact parameter of the B candidate to the associated PV
DOCAμμ Distance of closest approach (DOCA) of the two tracks forming the B candidate (three-dimensional)
Δϕμμ Difference in azimuthal angle between the momenta of the two tracks forming the B candidate
|d0|max-sig. Significance of the larger absolute value of the impact parameters to the PV of the tracks forming the B candidate, in the transverse plane
|d0|min-sig. Significance of the smaller absolute value of the impact parameters to the PV of the tracks forming the B candidate, in the transverse plane
PLmin Value of the smaller projection of the momenta of the muon candidates along pTB
I0.7 Isolation variable defined as ratio of |pTB| to the sum of |pTB| and of the transverse momenta of all additional tracks contained within a cone of size ΔR<0.7 around the B direction. Only tracks with pT>0.5 GeV and matched to the same PV as the B candidate are included in the sum
DOCAxtrk DOCA of the closest additional track to the decay vertex of the B candidate. Tracks matched to a PV different from the B candidate are excluded
Nxtrkclose Number of additional tracks compatible with the decay vertex (DV) of the B candidate with ln(χxtrk,DV2)<1. The tracks matched to a PV different from the B candidate are excluded
χμ,xPV2 Minimum χ2 for the compatibility of a muon in the B candidate with a PV different from the one associated with the B candidate

Most of the discriminating variables are part of the set used in the previous analysis based on data collected in 2011 [14], while others were modified or added, exploiting the statistical power of the large samples of MC events used for training and validating the classifier. To minimise the dependence of the classifier on the effects of the pile-up, requirements of compatibility with the same vertex matched to the dimuon candidate are placed on the additional tracks considered for the variables I0.7, DOCAxtrk and Nxtrkclose.

The correlation between the discriminating variables was studied in the MC samples for signal and continuum background discussed in Sect. 3, and on data from the sidebands of the μ+μ- invariant mass distribution. Different degrees of correlation are present, with significant linear correlation among the variables χPV,DVxy2, Lxy, |d0|max-sig., |d0|min-sig. and χμ,xPV2. Conversely, the variables IPB3D, DOCAμμ and I0.7 have negligible correlation with any of the others used in the classifier.

The MC sample for signal and the large MC sample of semileptonic decays of hadrons containing b or c quarks are used for training and testing the classifier. As discussed in Sect. 3, signal and background samples are reweighted according to the distributions of pT and |η| of the dimuon and of the number of reconstructed PVs observed in data. To reproduce accurately the 2012 data distributions, MC events belonging to different trigger streams are reweighted according to the relative equivalent luminosity and to two different versions of the Level-2 muon reconstruction algorithm used during the data taking. The BDT training is done using TMVA [28].

Figure 2 shows the distribution of the BDT output variable for signal and background, separately for continuum background and partially reconstructed events. Also shown is the BDT distribution for dimuon candidates from data, from the sidebands of the invariant mass distribution. In both the signal and background MC samples, the absolute value of the linear correlation coefficient between the BDT output and the dimuon invariant mass is smaller than 1 %. The final selection requires a continuum-BDT output value larger than 0.24, corresponding to a signal relative efficiency of 54% (see Sect. 11), and to a reduction of the continuum background by a factor of about 10-3.

Fig. 2.

Fig. 2

Continuum-BDT distribution for the signal and background events: signal B0(s), partially reconstructed B events (SS+SV), Bc decays and continuum. The solid histograms are obtained from simulation, while the points represent data collected in the sidebands. All distributions are normalised to unity. The distributions are shown after the preliminary selection, and before applying any reweighting to the variables used in the classifier

Data–simulation comparisons

The distributions of the discriminating variables are used to compare the MC sample of semileptonic decays with data in the dimuon sidebands. Figure 3 shows the distributions for two discriminating variables. Agreement with the sideband data is fair and the discrepancies observed do not compromise the use of this MC background sample for the purpose of training the continuum-BDT. The continuum MC simulation is not used for computation of efficiencies or normalisation purposes.

Fig. 3.

Fig. 3

Data and continuum MC distributions of |α2D| (a) and χ2μ,xPV (b) variables (see Table 2). The dots correspond to the 2012 sideband data, while the continuous-line histogram corresponds to the continuum MC distribution, normalised to the number of data events. The filled-area histogram shows the signal MC distribution for comparison. Discrepancies between MC events and sideband data like the one observed for χμ,xPV2 do not compromise significantly the optimisation of the continuum-BDT classifier

The distributions of the discriminating variables are also used for the comparison of B+J/ψK+ and Bs0J/ψϕ events between simulation and data. To perform such comparison, for each variable the contribution of the background is subtracted from the signal. For this purpose, a maximum-likelihood fit is performed to the invariant mass distribution, separately in the four trigger and data categories. For B+, the signal is described by two overlying Gaussian distributions, an error function for the partially reconstructed decays and an exponential function for the continuum background. The fit model is simpler than the one used for the extraction of the B+ signal used for normalisation after the final selection, described in Sect. 9, but it is sufficient for the purpose discussed here. For Bs0J/ψϕ, a Gaussian distribution is used for the signal and a third-order Chebychev polynomial for the background. For each discriminating variable, the background distribution observed in the sidebands is interpolated to the signal region, normalised according to the result of the likelihood fit, and subtracted from the distribution observed in the signal region.

Figure 4 shows examples of the distributions of the discriminating variables obtained from data and simulation. In general, the overall shapes of distributions are in good agreement between data and MC events. Observed differences are accounted for as systematic effects with the procedure described in Sect. 10. The discrepancy shown for the isolation variable I0.7 in the B+J/ψK+ channel is the most significant one among all variables and both reference channels.

Fig. 4.

Fig. 4

Data and MC distributions in B+J/ψK+ events for the discriminating variables: |α2D| (a), χ2PV,DVxy (b) and I0.7 (c). The variable I0.7 is also shown for Bs0J/ψϕ events (d). The black dots correspond to the sideband-subtracted data, while the red histogram corresponds to the MC distribution, normalised to the number of data events. Differences in shape between MC events and data are accounted for as systematic effects. The discrepancy shown for I0.7 in the B+J/ψK+ channel is the most significant among all variables and both reference channels

Yield extraction for the normalisation channel B+J/ψK+

The B+ yield for the normalisation channel is extracted with an unbinned extended maximum-likelihood fit to the J/ψK+ invariant mass distribution. The functional forms used to model both the signal and the backgrounds are obtained from studies of MC samples. All the yields are extracted from the fit to data, while the shape parameters are determined from a simultaneous fit to data and MC samples. Free parameters are introduced for the mass scale and mass resolution to accommodate data–MC differences.

The fit includes four components: B+J/ψK+ events, Cabibbo-suppressed B+J/ψπ+ events on the right tail of the main peak, partially reconstructed B decays (PRD) where one or more of the final-state particles are missing, and the continuum background composed mostly of bb¯J/ψX events. The shape of the B+J/ψK+ distribution is parameterised using a Johnson SU function [29, 30] and a Gaussian function for the T1, T2 and 2011 categories, while a single Johnson SU function is used for the T3 category. The final B+J/ψK+ yield includes the contribution from radiative decays. The B+J/ψπ+ events are modelled by the sum of a Johnson SU and a Gaussian function, where all parameters are determined from the simulated data. The PRD are described with combinations of Fermi–Dirac and exponential functions, slightly different between the different categories in the low-mass region. Their shape parameters are determined from simulation. Finally, the continuum background is modelled with an exponential function with the shape parameter extracted from the fit. As an example, the fit for the T1 category is shown in Fig. 5. The results of the fits in all data categories are shown in Table 3.

Fig. 5.

Fig. 5

J/ψK+ invariant mass distribution for all B+ candidates in the T1 trigger category in 2012 data in linear (a) and logarithmic (b) scale. The result of the fit is overlaid. The various components of the spectrum are described in the text. The insets at the bottom of the plots show the bin-by-bin pulls for the fits, where the pull is defined as the difference between the data point and the value obtained from the fit function, divided by the error from the fit

Table 3.

Results of the fits to the events reconstructed as B+J/ψK+ in each trigger and data category. Uncertainties are statistical and systematic, respectively

Category NJ/ψK+ NJ/ψπ+
T1 46860±290±280 1420±230±440
T2 5200±84±100 180±51±89
T3 2512±91±42 85±77±30
2011 95900±420±1100 3000±340±1140

Some of the systematic effects are included automatically in the fit: the effect of limited MC sample size, for example, is included in the uncertainties through a simultaneous fit to data and MC samples. Scaling factors determined in the fit to data account for the differences in mass scale and resolution between data and simulation. Additional systematic uncertainties are evaluated by varying the default fit model described above: they take into account the kinematic differences between data and the MC samples used in the fit, differences in efficiency between B+ and B- decays, uncertainties in the relative fractions and shapes of PRD, and in the shape of the continuum background. In each case, the difference with respect to the default fit is recorded, symmetrised and used as an estimate of the systematic uncertainty. The main contributions to the systematic uncertainty come from the shape of the continuum background, the relative fractions of PRD and the signal charge asymmetry. The total statistical and systematic uncertainty in the B+ normalisation yield amounts to 0.8%.

B+J/ψπ+ / B+J/ψK+ branching fraction ratio measurement

For further validation of the fit to the B+J/ψK+ yield, the fit described in Sect. 9 is used to extract the yields for B+J/ψK+ and B+J/ψπ+ decays and obtain the ratio ρπ/K of the corresponding branching fractions. The measurement is performed separately in the four categories, and combined into an uncertainty-weighted mean ρπ/K. Table 3 shows the fitted yields.

Most systematic effects cancel in the measurement of this ratio. Residual systematic uncertainties in the ratio of the branching fractions come from the uncertainties in the K-/K+, π-/π+ and K+/π+ relative efficiencies. For each systematic effect the ratio is re-evaluated, therefore accounting for correlated effects. The largest systematic uncertainty in the measured ratio comes from the continuum background model parameterisation (23%), followed by the effect of the uncertainties in the PRD fraction estimates (15%). All other systematic sources have uncertainties at the level of 10% or less. The final result for the ratio of branching fractions is:


where the first uncertainty is statistical and the second is systematic. The result is in agreement with the most accurate available results from LHCb (0.0383±0.0011±0.0007 [31]) and BABAR (0.0537±0.0045±0.0011 [32]).

Evaluation of the B+J/ψK+ to B0(s)μ+μ- efficiency ratio

The ratio of efficiencies for B+J/ψK+ and B0(s)μ+μ- enters the Dnorm term defined in Eq. (2). Both channels are measured in the fiducial volume of the B meson defined as pTB>8.0 GeV and ηB<2.5.

The total efficiencies within the fiducial volume include acceptance and trigger, reconstruction and selection efficiencies. The acceptance is defined by the selection placed on the particles in the final state: pTμ>4.0 GeV and |ημ|<2.5 for muons, pTK>1.0 GeV and ηK<2.5 for kaons. In addition to the reweighting of the distributions of pTB, |ηB| and the number of reconstructed PVs observed in data, the MC samples are reweighted according to the equivalent integrated luminosity associated with each trigger category and the Level-2 muon trigger algorithms used in 2012.

The trigger efficiencies are taken from a data-driven study based on the comparison of single-muon and dimuon triggers for events containing muon pairs from the decays of J/ψ and Υ resonances [33]. Reconstruction and selection efficiencies are obtained from simulation. The signal selection requires the output of the continuum-BDT to be larger than 0.24.

All efficiency terms are computed separately for the three trigger selections used in 2012 and for the 2011 sample. Table 4 provides the values of the efficiency ratios Rεk, for each of the categories (k=1-4), together with the statistical and systematic uncertainties described below.

Table 4.

Values of the efficiency ratios Rεk for the 2012 trigger categories and the 2011 sample, and their relative contributions to Dnorm (Eq. (2)). The first uncertainty is statistical and the second systematic. The systematic component includes the uncertainties from the MC reweighting and from data–MC discrepancies, as described in the text. The correction due to the Bs0 effective lifetime value discussed in the text is not applied to the numbers shown

Data category (k) Rεk = (εJ/ψK+/εμ+μ-)k Relative contribution to Dnorm (%)
T1 0.180±0.001± 0.009 68.3
T2 0.226±0.004± 0.014 6.0
T3 0.189±0.005± 0.022 3.5
2011 0.156±0.002± 0.009 22.2

The efficiency ratios shown in Table 4 are computed using the mean lifetime of Bs0 [25, 34] in the MC generator. The same efficiency ratios apply to the Bs0μ+μ- and B0μ+μ- decays, within the MC statistical uncertainty of ±0.5%.

The statistical uncertainties in the efficiency ratios come from the finite number of events available for the simulated samples. The systematic uncertainty affecting Rεk comes from four sources. A first contribution is due to the uncertainties in the DDW. This term is assessed from pseudo-MC studies, performed by varying the corrections within their statistical uncertainties. The RMS value of the distribution of Rεk obtained from pseudo-MC samples is taken as the systematic uncertainty. The uncertainties range from ±1 to ±6 % depending on the category considered.

A second contribution is related to the trigger efficiencies. The effects of the statistical uncertainties in the data-driven efficiencies is evaluated with pseudo-MC studies, obtaining values in the range of ±1.5 to ±7 % in the different categories. An additional ±1.5 % uncertainty is added in quadrature for systematic effects. This term includes uncertainties in the Level-2 muon trigger algorithm, which are evaluated through data-driven studies performed using J/ψK+ and μ+μ- candidates, and cancel to a large extent in the ratio of normalisation and signal channels.

A third source of systematic uncertainty arises from the differences between data and simulation observed in the modelling of the discriminating variables used in the continuum-BDT classifier (Table 2). For each of the 15 variables, the MC samples for Bs0μ+μ- and B+J/ψK+ are reweighted according to the distribution of the variable observed in B+J/ψK+ events from the data sample, after background subtraction. The isolation variable I0.7 is computed using charged-particle tracks only, and differences between B+ and Bs0 are expected and were observed in previous studies [14]. Hence for this variable the reweighting procedure for the Bs0μ+μ- MC sample is based on Bs0J/ψϕ data. For all discriminating variables but I0.7, the value of the efficiency ratio is modified by less than 2 % by the reweighting procedure. For these variables, each variation is taken as an independent contribution to the systematic uncertainty in the efficiency ratio. For I0.7 the reweighing procedure changes the efficiency ratio by -5.3 % for the 2012 data sample. A smaller effect is found for the 2011 sample, obtained with a different MC generator. Because of the significant mis-modelling, the 2012 MC samples obtained after reweighting on the distribution of I0.7 are taken as a reference, thus correcting the central value of the efficiency ratio. The uncertainty in the correction is ±3.2 % and is added to the sum in quadrature of the uncertainties assigned to the other discriminating variables. The total uncertainty in the modelling of the discriminating variables is the dominant contribution to the systematic uncertainties shown in Table 4.

A fourth source of systematic uncertainty arises from differences between the Bs0μ+μ- and the B+J/ψK+ channels related to the reconstruction efficiency of the kaon track and of the B+ decay vertex [35]. These uncertainties are mainly related to inaccuracy in the modelling of passive material in the ID system and have been validated by studies performed on data. The corresponding systematic uncertainty is ±3.6 %.

The efficiency ratios enter in Eq. (1) with the Dnorm term defined in Eq. (2). For each category k, the efficiency ratio is multiplied by the number of observed B+ candidates and the trigger prescaling factor. The relative contributions of the T1, T2, T3 and 2011 categories are shown in Table 4. The uncertainties in Rεk are weighted accordingly and combined. For the trigger categories of the 2012 data sample, the correlations among the uncertainties due to DDW, trigger efficiency and mis-modelling of the discriminating variables are taken into account. Table 5 shows the different contributions and the total uncertainty on Dnorm, equal to ±5.9 %.

Table 5.

Summary of the systematic uncertainties in the Dnorm term of Eq. (2)

Statistical uncertainty in simulation (%) 0.5
pT, η reweighting (%) 0.8
Trigger efficiency (%) 1.9
Data to MC discrepancy in discriminating variables (%) 4.2
K+ and B+ reconstruction (%) 3.6
B+ yield (%) 0.8
Total uncertainty (%) 5.9

A correction to the efficiency ratio for Bs0μ+μ- is needed because of the width difference ΔΓs between the Bs0 eigenstates. According to the SM, the decay Bs0μ+μ- proceeds predominantly through the heavy state Bs,H [1, 15], which has width Γs,H=Γs-ΔΓs/2, i.e. (6.2±0.5) % smaller than the average Γs [34]. The variation in the value of the Bs0μ+μ- mean lifetime was tested with simulation, and found to change the Bs0 efficiency by +4 %, and consequently the Bs0 to B+ efficiency ratio. This correction is applied to the central value of Dnorm used in Sect. 12 for the determination of B(Bs0μ+μ-).2 Due to the small value of ΔΓd, no correction needs to be applied to the B0μ+μ- decay.

Comparison of normalisation yields with other measurements

The systematic acceptance and efficiencies uncertainties are minimised by using B+J/ψK+ as the normalisation channel and evaluating only efficiency ratios. However, event counts and absolute efficiency values for the reference channels can be used to extract the production cross sections for the purposes of comparisons with other measurements.

The yield of B+ can be compared to the one obtained by ATLAS with 2.7 fb-1 of data collected at s=7 TeV [35], and based on the same decay channel. In the comparison, the data collected at s=8 TeV for the present analysis were restricted to the phase space pTB>9.0 GeV and ηB<2.25 used for the previous result. Trigger and preliminary selections are very similar, but the selections against continuum background and fake muons are used only in the present analysis. The difference in the collision energy is taken into account by comparing the measured production cross section to the prediction based on the fixed-order next-to-leading-log (FONLL) approximation [36]. The theoretical uncertainty in the extrapolation from 7 to 8 TeV is expected to be small compared to experimental uncertainties. The ratio of the observed to the predicted cross section was measured in Ref. [35] as 1.24±0.04±0.09, where the statistical and systematic uncertainties include only the experimental ones. The corresponding value from the present analysis is 1.17±0.02±0.14, with the uncertainty dominated by the systematic uncertainty in the efficiency of the continuum-BDT selection. The result is in agreement with the previous measurement. Correlated systematic uncertainties between the two analyses amount to ±0.05.

The measurements of Bs0J/ψϕ and B+J/ψK+ yield, together with the corresponding acceptance and efficiency values, can be used to extract the production ratio Bs0/B+, for 10pTB20 GeV and |η|<2.5, in pp collisions at s=8 TeV. Using world averages values [25] for the branching fractions to the final states, the resulting mean ratio of the hadronisation fractions fs/fu is equal to 0.236±0.014±0.018±0.021, where the first uncertainty is statistical, the second is the systematic uncertainty in the efficiency ratio and the third is the uncertainty in the branching fractions. The ratio is uniform across the kinematic range observed, and it varies by only -2% if the Bs0 and B+ signals are extracted without applying the continuum-BDT selection. The normalisation procedure might not be free of bias, since the value of B(Bs0J/ψϕ) includes assumptions about fs, and updating the assumptions may change it by about 5%. The result nevertheless provides a satisfactory consistency check with the available measurements [37, 38]. The most direct comparison is with the recent value fs/fd=0.240±0.020 [38], obtained by ATLAS from the analysis of 2.7 fb-1 of data collected at s=7 TeV, and performed over the same pTB and ηB ranges used in this analysis. The uncertainty in that measurement is dominated by the prediction of the ratio of branching fractions B(Bs0J/ψϕ)/B(B0J/ψK0). The ratio of the efficiency-corrected event yields observed at s=8 TeV in the present analysis can be compared to the corresponding value from Ref. [38] after rescaling by the ratio of branching fractions B(B+J/ψK+)/[B(B0J/ψK0)×B(K0K+π-)], which is known with better accuracy than B(Bs0J/ψϕ). In this way, some systematic uncertainties are removed, and the ratio of the two results is 0.96±0.12. The largest contribution to the systematic uncertainty is from the efficiency of the continuum-BDT selection used in the present analysis.

In conclusion, the observed event rates for the normalisation channels are in agreement with previous measurements within uncertainties of about 12%.

Extraction of the signal yield

Dimuon candidates passing the preliminary selection and the multivariate selections against hadron misidentification and continuum background are classified according to three intervals in the continuum-BDT output: 0.240–0.346, 0.346–0.446 and 0.446–1. Each interval corresponds to an equal efficiency of 18% for signal events, and they are ordered according to increasing signal-to-background ratio. In each continuum-BDT interval, events from the four trigger and data categories are merged.

An unbinned extended maximum-likelihood fit is performed on the dimuon invariant mass distribution simultaneously across the three continuum-BDT intervals. The result of the fit is the total yield of Bs0μ+μ- and B0μ+μ- events in the three BDT intervals. The parameters describing the background are allowed to vary freely and are determined by the fit. The fit model for signal and background is described in Sect. 11.1. The systematic uncertainties related to the BDT intervals, to the signal and to the background model are discussed in Sects. 11.1 and 11.2, and are included in the likelihood with Gaussian multiplicative factors with width equal to the systematic uncertainty.

Signal and background model

The model for describing signal and background is based on simulations and on data collected in the mass sidebands of the search region.

The invariant mass distribution of the B0(s)μ+μ- signal is described by a superposition of two Gaussian distributions, both centred at the B0 or Bs0 mass. The parameters are extracted from simulation, and they are taken to be uncorrelated with the BDT output. Systematic uncertainties in the mass scale and resolutions are considered separately. Figure 6 shows the invariant mass distributions for B0 and Bs0, obtained from MC events and normalised to the SM expectations.

Fig. 6.

Fig. 6

Dimuon invariant mass distribution for the Bs0 and B0 signals from simulation. The double Gaussian fits are overlaid. The two distributions are normalised to the SM prediction for the expected yield with an integrated luminosity of 25 fb-1

The efficiency of the three intervals in the continuum-BDT output for B0(s)μ+μ- events is calibrated with studies performed on the reference channels. The distribution of the BDT output is compared between MC and background-subtracted data. The differences observed in the ratio of data over simulation are described with a linear dependence on the BDT output. The slopes are equal within ±12 % between B+J/ψK+ and Bs0J/ψϕ   and the mean value is used to reweight the BDT-output distribution in the B0(s)μ+μ- MC sample. The corresponding absolute variations in the efficiencies are equal to +1.8 and -1.8 % respectively in the first and third BDT intervals. The values of the lower edge of the second and third BDT intervals are corrected in simulation to obtain equal efficiencies of 18.0 % in each interval.

The systematic uncertainties in the efficiency of the BDT intervals are obtained with a procedure similar to the one used for the event selection (Sect. 10). For each discriminating variable, the MC sample is reweighted according to the difference between simulation and data observed in the reference channels. The variation in the efficiency of each BDT interval is taken as the contribution to the systematic uncertainty due to mis-modelling of that variable. In each BDT interval, the sum in quadrature of the variations of all discriminating variables is found to be similar in the B+J/ψK+ and Bs0J/ψϕ channels, and the average of the two is taken as the total systematic uncertainty in the efficiency. Absolute values of ±2.6, ±1.0 and ±2.3 % are found respectively in the first, second and third interval. Gaussian terms are included in the likelihood in order to describe these uncertainties, taking care of constraining the sum of the efficiencies of the three intervals, since that uncertainty is already included in the selection efficiency.

Figure 7 shows the distribution of the continuum-BDT output from data and simulation for the reference channels, after reweighting the MC sample. The MC distribution for B0(s)μ+μ- events is also shown, illustrating the correction based on the BDT output and the systematic uncertainty discussed above. The reweighting on the I0.7 variables, discussed in Sect. 10 for the evaluation of the efficiency of the final event selection (BDT output >0.24), is not applied to the events shown in Fig. 7, and in the evaluation of the relative efficiency of the intervals used for the extraction of the B0(s)μ+μ- signal. Reweighting the BDT output is preferred over reweighting I0.7, because of correlations present between the discriminating variables after the final selection is applied.

Fig. 7.

Fig. 7

Data and MC distributions of B+J/ψK+ (a) and Bs0J/ψϕ (b) for the continuum-BDT output and the MC distributions for Bs0μ+μ- (c). The MC samples are normalised to the number of data events. A linear correction has been applied to the MC distributions, equal for all channels, and a systematic uncertainty is assigned to the distribution of the B0(s)μ+μ- MC sample, as discussed in the text and illustrated by the dashed line and the envelope shown in c. The vertical dashed lines in c correspond to the boundaries of the continuum-BDT intervals used for the signal extraction

Finally, for the Bs0μ+μ- signal, the lifetime difference between Bs,H and Bs0 requires further absolute corrections to the efficiency of the BDT intervals of +0.3 and +1.8 % respectively in the second and third interval.

The background is composed of the types of events described in Sect. 5: (a) the continuum background; (b) the background from partially reconstructed SS and SV events, which is present mainly in the low-mass sideband; (c) the peaking background.

The dependence of the continuum background on the dimuon invariant mass is described with a first-order polynomial. In the simulation, the slope of the distribution is similar in the three continuum-BDT intervals. The correlation between continuum-BDT and dimuon invariant mass is small, and similar between simulation and sideband data within large statistical uncertainties. Hence the slope of the mass dependence is described by independent parameters in the three intervals, subject to loose Gaussian constraints of uniformity within ±40% between the first and second interval, and ±80% between the first and the third. Such variations of slope are larger than those observed in simulation, and consistent with those determined from data. Deviations from these assumptions are discussed below in Sect. 11.2. The normalisation of the continuum background is also extracted independently in each BDT interval.

The SS+SV background has a dimuon invariant mass distribution peaking below the low-mass sideband region. The mass dependence is derived from data in the low-mass sideband region, and described with an exponential function with equal shape in the three continuum-BDT intervals. The value of the shape parameter is extracted from the fit to data. The normalisation values are extracted independently in each interval.

The invariant mass distribution of the peaking background is very similar to the B0 signal, as shown in Fig. 1b. In the fit, this contribution is included with fixed mass shape and with a normalisation of 1.0±0.4 events, as discussed in Sect. 6. This contribution is equally distributed among the three intervals of continuum-BDT.

The fitting procedure is tested with pseudo-MC experiments, as discussed below. The use of three intervals in the continuum-BDT output is found to optimise the performance of the likelihood fit, with all BDT intervals contributing to the determination of the background, while the second and in particular the third interval provide sensitivity to the signal yield.

Systematic uncertainties in the fit

Studies based on pseudo-MC experiments are used to assess the sensitivity of the fit to the input assumptions. Variations in the description of signal and background components are used in the generation of the pseudo-MC samples. The corresponding deviations in the average numbers Ns, Nd of Bs0 and B0 events returned by the fit, run in the nominal configuration, are taken as systematic uncertainties. The amplitude of the variations in the generation of the pseudo-MC samples is determined in some cases by known characteristics of the ATLAS detector (reconstructed momentum scale and momentum resolution), in others using MC evaluation (background due to semileptonic three-body B0(s) decays and to BcJ/ψμ), and in others from uncertainties determined from data in the sidebands and from simulation (shapes of the background components and their variation across the continuum-BDT intervals).

The pseudo-MC experiments were generated with the normalisation of the continuum and SS+SV components obtained from the fit to the data in the sideband of the invariant mass distribution, and the peaking background from the expectation discussed in Sect. 6. The signal was generated with different configurations, corresponding to the SM prediction, to smaller values of B(Bs0μ+μ-) and to smaller/larger values of B(B0μ+μ-).

For all variations in the assumptions and all configurations of the signal amplitudes, the distributions of the differences between results and generated values, divided by the fit errors (pull distributions), are found to be correctly described by Gaussian functions with widths approximately equal to one and values of the mean smaller than 0.2 for Bs0μ+μ- and smaller than 0.4 for B0μ+μ-. The distributions obtained from pseudo-MC samples generated according to the nominal fit model are used to evaluate fit biases. For Bs0μ+μ- the fit bias is negligible. For B0μ+μ- the bias on the yield is smaller than 25 % of the fit error, and it is included as an additional systematic uncertainty.

The shifts in Ns or Nd are combined by considering separately the sums in quadrature of the positive and negative shifts and taking the larger as the symmetric systematic uncertainty. For Bs0, the total systematic uncertainty is found to increase with the assumed size of the signal, with a dependence σsyst(Ns)=22+(0.06×Ns)2. The total systematic uncertainty for B0 is approximately σsyst(Nd)=3. Most of the shifts observed have opposite sign for Ns and Nd, resulting in a combined correlation coefficient in the systematic uncertainties of ρsyst=-0.7.

The fit to the yield of Bs0 and B0 events is modified by including in the likelihood two smearing parameters for Ns and Nd that are constrained by a combined Gaussian distribution parameterised by the values of σsyst(Ns), σsyst(Nd) and ρsyst.

Results of the signal yield extraction

Including both the 2012 and 2011 data-taking periods, the numbers of background events contained in the signal region (5166–5526 MeV) are computed from the interpolation of the data observed in the sidebands. The values 509±28, 32±6 and 4.8±1.9 events are obtained respectively in the three intervals of continuum-BDT. For comparison, the total expected number of signal events according to the SM prediction is 41 and 5 respectively for Ns and Nd, equally distributed among the three intervals.3

Once the signal region is unblinded, a total of 1951 events in the full mass range of 4766–5966 MeV are used for the likelihood fit to signal and background. Without applying any boundary on the values of the fitted parameters, the values determined by the fit are Ns=16±12 and Nd=-11±9, where the uncertainties correspond to likelihood variations of -2Δln(L)=1. The likelihood includes the systematic uncertainties discussed above, but statistical uncertainties largely dominate. The primary result of this analysis is obtained by applying the natural boundary of non-negative yields, for which the fit returns the values Ns=11 and Nd=0. The uncertainties in the result of the fit are discussed in Sect. 12, where the measured values of the branching fractions are presented.

Figure 8 shows the dimuon invariant mass distributions in the three intervals of continuum-BDT, together with the projections of the likelihood fit.

Fig. 8.

Fig. 8

Dimuon invariant mass distributions in the unblinded data, in the three intervals of continuum-BDT output. Superimposed is the result of the maximum-likelihood fit, obtained imposing the boundary of non-negative signal contributions. The total fit is shown as a black continuous line, the filled area corresponds to the observed signal component, the blue dashed line to the SS+SV background, and the green dashed line to the continuum background

For comparison, the value Nd can be constrained according to the SM expectation for the ratio B(B0μ+μ-)/B(Bs0μ+μ-) [1] multiplied by the ratio of the hadronisation probabilities fd/fs [38], rather than being extracted independently from the fit. In this case the value of Ns changes by -0.8, while Nd=Ns/8.31.2.

Branching fraction extraction

The branching fractions for the decays Bs0μ+μ- and B0μ+μ- are extracted from data using a profile-likelihood fit. The likelihood is obtained from the one used for Ns and Nd replacing the fit parameters with the corresponding branching fractions divided by normalisation terms in Eq. (1), and including Gaussian multiplicative factors for the normalisation uncertainties.

The normalisation terms include external inputs for the B+ branching fraction and the relative hadronisation probability. The first is obtained from world averages [25] as the product of B(B+J/ψK+)=(1.027±0.031)×10-3 and B(J/ψμ+μ-)=(5.961±0.033)%. The second is equal to one for B0, while for Bs0 it is taken from the ATLAS measurement fs/fd=0.240±0.020 [38], assuming fu/fd=1 [34].

The efficiency- and luminosity-weighted number of events for the normalisation channel enters in Eq. (1) with the denominator Dnorm (Eq. (2)). The values Dnorm=(2.88±0.17)×106 for Bs0 and (2.77±0.16)×106 for B0 are obtained using Tables 3 and 4 for each category, together with the combined uncertainty from Table 5, and including the +4 % correction to the Bs0μ+μ- efficiency due to the lifetime difference between Bs,H and Bs0.

The combination of B+ branching fraction, hadronisation probabilities and Dnorm, i.e. the single-event sensitivity, is equal to (8.9±1.0)×10-11 for Bs0μ+μ- and (2.21±0.15)×10-11 for B0μ+μ-.

The values of the branching fractions that maximise the profile-likelihood within the constraint of non-negative values are B(Bs0μ+μ-)=0.9×10-9 and B(B0μ+μ-)=0. That constraint is applied for all results discussed in this section if not otherwise stated.

A Neyman construction [39] is used to determine the 68.3 % confidence interval for B(Bs0μ+μ-) with pseudo-MC experiments, obtaining:


The uncertainties include both the statistical and systematic contributions. The two components are separated by repeating the likelihood fit after setting all systematic uncertainties to zero. The statistical uncertainty is dominant, with the systematic uncertainty equal to ±0.3×10-9.

The observed significance of the Bs0μ+μ- signal is determined from pseudo-MC experiments, with a hypothesis test based on the likelihood ratio -ln[L(no-signal)/L(max)] [40], and is equal to 1.4 standard deviations. For this test, B(B0μ+μ-) is left free to be determined in the fit. The corresponding expected significance is 3.1 standard deviations for the SM predictions B(Bs0μ+μ-)=(3.65±0.23)×10-9 and B(B0μ+μ-)=(1.06±0.09)×10-10 [1].

Pseudo-MC experiments are also used to evaluate the compatibility of the observation with the SM prediction. A hypothesis test based on -ln[L(SM)/L(max)] is performed for the simultaneous fit to B(Bs0μ+μ-) and B(B0μ+μ-). The result is p=0.048±0.002, corresponding to 2.0 standard deviations.

Figure 9 shows the contours in the plane of B(Bs0μ+μ-) and B(B0μ+μ-) drawn for values of -2Δln(L) equal to 2.3, 6.2 and 11.8, relative to the maximum of the likelihood, allowing negative values of the branching fractions. The maximum within the physical boundary is shown with error bars indicating the 68.3 % interval for the value of B(Bs0μ+μ-). Also shown are the corresponding contours obtained in the combination of the results of the CMS and LHCb experiments[13], and the prediction based on the SM.

Fig. 9.

Fig. 9

Contours in the plane B(Bs0μ+μ-),B(B0μ+μ-) for intervals of -2Δln(L) equal to 2.3, 6.2 and 11.8 relative to the absolute maximum of the likelihood, without imposing the constraint of non-negative branching fractions. Also shown are the corresponding contours for the combined result of the CMS and LHCb experiments, the SM prediction, and the maximum of the likelihood within the boundary of non-negative branching fractions, with the error bars covering the 68.3 % confidence range for B(Bs0μ+μ-)

Using the CLs method [41] implemented with pseudo-MC experiments, an upper limit is placed on the Bs0μ+μ- branching fraction at the 95 % confidence level:


The limit is obtained under the hypothesis of background only, with B(B0μ+μ-) left free to be determined in the fit. The expected limit is 1.8-0.4+0.7×10-9.

An upper limit based on the CLs method is also set on B(B0μ+μ-). The expected limit obtained from pseudo-MC samples generated according to the observed amplitudes of backgrounds and Bs0 signal is 5.7-1.5+2.1×10-10 at a confidence level of 95 %. The observed limit is:


The observed upper limit is above the SM prediction and also covers the central value of the combination of the measurements by CMS and LHCb [13]. The expected significance for B(B0μ+μ-) according to the SM prediction is equal to 0.2 standard deviations.


A study of the rare decays of Bs0 and B0 mesons into oppositely charged muon pairs is presented, based on 25 fb-1 of 7 and 8 TeV proton–proton collision data collected by the ATLAS experiment in Run 1 of LHC.

For B0 an upper limit B(B0μ+μ-)<4.2×10-10 is placed at the 95 % confidence level, based on the CLs method. The limit is compatible with the predictions based on the SM and with the combined result of the CMS and LHCb experiments.

For Bs0 the result is B(Bs0μ+μ-)=0.9-0.8+1.1×10-9, where the uncertainty includes both the statistical and systematic components. An upper limit B(Bs0μ+μ-)<3.0×10-9 at 95 % CL is placed, lower than the SM prediction, and in better agreement with the measurement of CMS and LHCb.

A p value of 4.8 % is found for the compatibility of the results with the SM prediction.


We thank CERN for the very successful operation of the LHC, as well as the support staff from our institutions without whom ATLAS could not be operated efficiently. We acknowledge the support of ANPCyT, Argentina; YerPhI, Armenia; ARC, Australia; BMWFW and FWF, Austria; ANAS, Azerbaijan; SSTC, Belarus; CNPq and FAPESP, Brazil; NSERC, NRC and CFI, Canada; CERN; CONICYT, Chile; CAS, MOST and NSFC, China; COLCIENCIAS, Colombia; MSMT CR, MPO CR and VSC CR, Czech Republic; DNRF and DNSRC, Denmark; IN2P3-CNRS, CEA-DSM/IRFU, France; GNSF, Georgia; BMBF, HGF, and MPG, Germany; GSRT, Greece; RGC, Hong Kong SAR, China; ISF, I-CORE and Benoziyo Center, Israel; INFN, Italy; MEXT and JSPS, Japan; CNRST, Morocco; FOM and NWO, The Netherlands; RCN, Norway; MNiSW and NCN, Poland; FCT, Portugal; MNE/IFA, Romania; MES of Russia and NRC KI, Russian Federation; JINR; MESTD, Serbia; MSSR, Slovakia; ARRS and MIZŠ, Slovenia; DST/NRF, South Africa; MINECO, Spain; SRC and Wallenberg Foundation, Sweden; SERI, SNSF and Cantons of Bern and Geneva, Switzerland; MOST, Taiwan; TAEK, Turkey; STFC, United Kingdom; DOE and NSF, United States of America. In addition, individual groups and members have received support from BCKDF, the Canada Council, CANARIE, CRC, Compute Canada, FQRNT, and the Ontario Innovation Trust, Canada; EPLANET, ERC, FP7, Horizon 2020 and Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, European Union; Investissements d’Avenir Labex and Idex, ANR, Région Auvergne and Fondation Partager le Savoir, France; DFG and AvH Foundation, Germany; Herakleitos, Thales and Aristeia programmes co-financed by EU-ESF and the Greek NSRF; BSF, GIF and Minerva, Israel; BRF, Norway; Generalitat de Catalunya, Generalitat Valenciana, Spain; the Royal Society and Leverhulme Trust, United Kingdom. The crucial computing support from all WLCG partners is acknowledged gratefully, in particular from CERN, the ATLAS Tier-1 facilities at TRIUMF (Canada), NDGF (Denmark, Norway, Sweden), CC-IN2P3 (France), KIT/GridKA (Germany), INFN-CNAF (Italy), NL-T1 (The Netherlands), PIC (Spain), ASGC (Taiwan), RAL (UK) and BNL (USA), the Tier-2 facilities worldwide and large non-WLCG resource providers. Major contributors of computing resources are listed in Ref. [42].



ATLAS uses a right-handed coordinate system with its origin at the nominal interaction point. The z-axis is along the beam pipe, the x-axis points to the centre of the LHC ring and the y-axis points upward. Cylindrical coordinates (r,ϕ) are used in the transverse plane, r being the distance from the origin and ϕ being the azimuthal angle around the beam pipe. The pseudorapidity η is defined as η=-ln[tan(θ/2)] where θ is the polar angle.


The decay time distribution of Bs0μ+μ- is predicted to be different from the one of Bs,H in scenarios of new physics, with the effect related to the observable AΔΓμμ [15, 16]. The maximum possible deviation from the SM prediction of AΔΓμμ=+1, is for AΔΓμμ=-1, for which the decay time distribution of Bs0μ+μ- corresponds to the distribution of the Bs,L eigenstate. In the comparison with new physics predictions, the value of B(Bs0μ+μ-) obtained from this analysis should be corrected by +4%×(1-AΔΓμμ).


The values of the single-event sensitivity are discussed in Sect. 12.


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