The treatment of nucleotide (ATP and ADP) binding and release in our previous papers is now extended to include a much wider range of rotor angles. It now treats composite events associated with ATP hydrolysis and ADP release and, in the reverse direction, ATP synthesis and release. A method of treating composite events is formulated and used to extract reaction rate constants in the system and to predict the lifetime distribution of long binding events that can be compared with and used to analyze future experimental data.
Keywords: F-ATPase, single-molecule imaging, nucleotide binding, hydrolysis, group transfer theory
The theory of elastic group transfer for the binding and release rate constants for nucleotides in F1-ATPase as a function of the rotor angle is further extended in several respects. (i) A method is described for predicting the experimentally observed lifetime distribution of long binding events in the controlled rotation experiments by taking into account the hydrolysis and synthesis reactions occurring during these events. (ii) A method is also given for treating the long binding events in the experiments and obtaining the rate constants for the hydrolysis and synthesis reactions occurring during these events. (iii) The theory in the previous paper is given in a symmetric form, an extension that simplifies the application of the theory to experiments. It also includes a theory-based correction of the reported “on” and “off” rates by calculating the missed events. A near symmetry of the data about the angle of −40° and a “turnover” in the binding rate data vs. rotor angle for angles greater than 40° is also discussed.
Controlled rotation experiments directly monitor events of nucleotide binding and release in single F1-ATPase molecules, (1, 2) processes that trigger, together with Pi release, the “energetic” steps in the F1-ATPase. In the F1-ATPase, the spontaneous rotation of the rotor shaft proceeds in substeps of 80° associated with the concerted ATP binding and ADP release (from a different subunit), and 40° associated with ATP hydrolysis and Pi release from different subunits (Fig. 1A.). In the complete FoF1 ATP synthase, a cross-membrane ion transfer generates a torque (3, 4) that is used to synthesize ATP (1, 5).
Previously, we used theory and independent data on stalling and other experiments to predict and compare with controlled rotation experimental data for the ATP binding and release rate constants. The rate constants of ATP binding and release were calculated as a function of the rotor angle and agreed with the experimentally observed values in these experiments, using no adjustable parameters. In both theory and experiment, there was an exponential-like dependence of the rate constants on , observed over a range of angles (6, 7).
In the present work, part of a series (6, 7), we treat the nucleotide binding and release in the F1-ATPase for various species over a more extended angular domain than before. As a result, in the controlled rotation experiments, the processes now also include what Adachi et al. (2) termed long binding events, in which, as seen in Fig. 1B, the hydrolysis of an ATP is sandwiched between an ATP binding at an angle and an ADP release at , the latter being followed by Pi release. Our analysis draws heavily on the “lifetime distribution” of an event, defined in terms of the survival probability for an event that begins at an angle of rotation and has survived at an angle . Defined with respect to rotor angle rather than time, the lifetime distribution is , where is the constant angular velocity in the controlled rotation experiment. Each event is labeled by a subscript, such as “hyd” for hydrolysis. The ’s are useful for describing a composite event in terms of the integrated product of the ’s of its individual events. Theory has been used to treat fast, undetected events of conformational change in proteins that occur during composite events in single-molecule FRET experiments (8).
A method is first developed (Calculating Lifetime Distributions) for obtaining lifetime distributions from long binding events associated with the binding, hydrolysis, and release of a nucleotide. The method is extended, for a system rotated in the opposite direction, to treating the longtime composite events associated with ADP and Pi binding and subsequent ATP synthesis. These lifetime distributions are then used (Extraction of -Dependent Rate Constants of Synthesis and Hydrolysis from Long Binding Events) to obtain expressions for extracting angle-dependent rate constants from the experimental trajectory data when the latter become available. Procedures for implementing these methods are given in Procedures in the Calculation of Lifetime Distributions and the Rate Constants, and an application is given in An Application for the Predictive Calculation of Lifetime Distributions.
Our previous work is extended in two other respects: (i) a mathematically equivalent, but more symmetric, equation is given in Theory for the earlier (7) ATP binding rate vs. rotor angle expression; and (ii) the implementation for binding and release processes that was formerly from to (region 1 in Fig. 2) is extended in Application of Theory in an Extended Angular Region to predict the rate constants in the broader -range from to (approximately regions 1 and 2 in Fig. 2). The range now includes in the hydrolysis direction ATP binding and, after hydrolysis, ADP and Pi release. In the synthesis mode, it now includes ADP binding and, after synthesis, ATP release. We treat the latter as the inverse of the hydrolysis scheme. A mirror-like symmetry of the ATP binding and release rate constants, and , vs. function centered around as seen in Fig. 2 is also discussed in Application of Theory in an Extended Angular Region.
Calculation of the Lifetime Distribution and Extraction of the -Dependent Rate Constants of Synthesis and Hydrolysis from Long Binding Events
Calculating Lifetime Distributions.
In the controlled rotation experiments, Adachi et al. (2) used small intervals of angles (bins) to detect changes in the F1-ATPase the nucleotide occupancy in the single-molecule fluorescence trajectories, so as to estimate the binding and release rates. They focused on the statistics of switching events in intervals of 10°.
To extract rate constants of the individual steps in the composite events systems, we first obtain the lifetime distributions involved in the steps. To treat the lifetime distribution data available from these experiments (e.g., from the long binding events), we describe a method that incorporates the strong -dependence of the associated binding, hydrolysis, and ADP release processes.
In the experiments by Adachi et al. (2), the shaft is rotated either in a positive (hydrolysis) or negative (synthesis) direction at a fixed angular velocity of , which yields a time-dependent angle . During rotation in the positive direction, if a binding of ATP from solution occurs in the vicinity of and is followed by a long binding event of time corresponding to a rotation of >, the subsequent release event is classified as ADP release, meaning that hydrolysis occurred during the time . Accordingly, a long binding event of ATP involves a series of three events: ATP binding at , hydrolysis at , and ADP release at . Similarly, during rotation in the negative direction, if an ADP in the presence of Pi binds somewhere in the vicinity of , a long binding event lasts for > during a rotation in a negative direction. The latter events include an ATP release, because ATP synthesis presumably occurred. Such composite events can also occur for long delay events beginning at or so, even for short binding times, due to the high rate of hydrolysis at those angles. The present treatment includes these long delay events as well.
To treat the long binding or long delay events, we use the defined earlier. For the successive events, binding at , hydrolysis of ATP at , with a lifetime density , and ADP release at , with a lifetime density , the lifetime density of these combined events, , equals (e.g., ref. 9):
[1] |
Recalling that is the probability that a state at rotor angle has survived at , when the -dependent rate constant is known for a process that changes that state, such as hydrolysis or ADP release (and we determine it below), then can be calculated from the rate equation , yielding
[2] |
Consider a pair of events during rotation in the hydrolysis (positive) direction, ATP binding at , and hydrolysis at with a hydrolysis rate of . Then, using Eq. 2, the lifetime density for hydrolysis is given by
[3] |
An expression similar to Eqs. 1–3 applies to the composite events during rotation in the synthesis (negative) direction: ADP binding at , followed by synthesis at , and then by ATP release at a more negative angle , yielding the lifetime distribution function ,
[4] |
Here, the expressions for and are similar to Eq. 3, with replaced by and , respectively. Thereby, these lifetime distributions can be calculated from the -dependent rate constants and estimated from independent experiments in ranges where data are available, or calculated from theory. The integrals in Eqs. 1 and 4 can be evaluated numerically, thereby yielding and that can be compared with experimental data or used to predict the experimental lifetime distributions when they become available, as described later.
The single-molecule fluorescence of ATP and ADP analogs is indistinguishable in the experiments. In addition to binding events during which the bound ATP hydrolyzed events without a hydrolysis step (ATP binds at and ATP releases at ) with a lifetime distribution can also contribute to the observed distribution, although typically may be small (e.g., later in Fig. 4). Accordingly, we have
[5] |
Eq. 5 will be used in a later section to calculate the observed lifetime distribution, or by inverting it, to extract hydrolysis rate constants from the experimental .
Extraction of -Dependent Rate Constants of Synthesis and Hydrolysis from Long Binding Events.
If is defined by the indefinite integral
[6] |
then using an equation for analogous to Eq. 3, we obtain
[7] |
Eq. 1 can be then expressed as
[8] |
Changing this equation so as to place only the integral on the left-hand side (LHS), then taking a derivative, and using Eq. 5 yields
[9] |
In Eq. 9, quantities on the right-hand side (RHS) can be estimated from controlled rotation experiments. The derivative can be evaluated either numerically from the discretized data, if the scatter of the data are not significant, or by using a smooth fitting function. Just as can be obtained from using Eq. 3, the latter can be inverted as in SI Appendix to obtain :
[10] |
We note that two quantities on the RHS of Eq. 10 depend on , but one sees from the LHS that the ratio is independent of and depends only on . So, in applications, ’s can be estimated at multiple ’s and then averaged. (A formal proof that the RHS is independent of is given in SI Appendix.) In a special case of in the window of interest, Eq. 9 reduces to
[11] |
To prove Eq. 11, we note that satisfies the normalization condition,
[12] |
If the decreases very rapidly with in the vicinity of its initial value of unity at , then its (negative) derivative can serve as a delta function. In that case, we can write
[13] |
When is very large, in the region where is slowly varying, then, using Eq. 13, Eq. 1 can be approximated by
[14] |
Eqs. 5 and 14 then yield Eq. 11. When analyzing the experimental data, the lifetime distribution can be estimated from occupancy trajectories. As in Adachi et al. (2), the 360° cycle is divided into small intervals (e.g., of ), centered at (, ). Then, the number of occupancy-change event pairs at and for which the ’s are within of and the ’s are within of , is counted. A normalized is found by dividing by the number of event pairs for which is within of .*
We note that if the number is small for some ,, the experimental can be calculated by introducing variable intervals. The choice of the ’s at different ’s would be guided by distribution functions from available data or theoretical calculations independent of the trajectories to be analyzed. For example, the rate constants of synthesis/hydrolysis and binding/release universally show exponential dependence on , so the ’s at different ’s should be also exponential, albeit inversely proportional to the lifetime distribution, as described elsewhere (10).
Procedures in the Calculation of Lifetime Distributions and the Rate Constants.
Procedure to obtain lifetime distributions from hydrolysis and ADP release experimental data.
A window of ’s of interest is identified in which is available from controlled rotation experiments and is available from stalling experiments.
A grid of (,) points is defined separated by [e.g., in Adachi et al. (2)], on which the and are numerically calculated by using the analogs of Eq. 3.
On the same grid, the appearing in Eq. 1 is evaluated. Eq. 5 then yields the observed lifetime distribution .
Procedure for extracting -dependent hydrolysis rate constants from long binding events.
For each (,) grid point (compare Procedure to Obtain Lifetime Distributions from Hydrolysis and ADP Release Experimental Data), the number of () is counted ( is a binding and is a release event). Only events for which lies within of while lies within of are counted.
For each grid point, the number of events from step i is divided by the sum over all binding events within of , yielding .
The -dependent obtained from controlled rotation experiments is used to calculate (e.g., by fitting a combination of two exponential functions to the experimental data, as seen later in Eq. 15).
By using the experimental , and on the grid, the derivative in Eq. 9 is solved numerically, with a smoothing function for rough data.
Using Eq. 10 ’s are estimated at multiple ’s and then averaged to yield an improved estimate.
An Application for the Predictive Calculation of Lifetime Distributions.
We consider next as an example a calculation of the in an angular window of to , in which stalling experiments provide a value of the -dependent rate constant , for a mutant species (11). In the calculations based on Eq. 5, we also use the fluorescent ATP- and ADP release rate constants in this window (yellow shaded area in region 4) reported in the controlled rotation experiments and shown in Fig. 3.
To extract the vs. data, a functional form is used for that fits the controlled rotation experiments. For the long binding events that cover a -range spanning regions 1–4 (defined in Fig. 2) has a minimum at , where the recovery from the decaying exponential trend in the turnover region 3 occurs and, as seen in Fig. 3 a growing exponential trend in region 4 in Fig. 2A starts,
[15] |
is a good fit for the experimental rate constants (compare Fig. 3B, black line), if s−1, 1/°, s−1, 1/° and . Then,
[16] |
The algorithms for the numerical integrations in Eqs. 1–3 are given in SI Appendix, and the results for obtained from Eq. 5 are shown in Fig. 4. We note that Adachi et al. used the number of binding and release events during the small windows to extract the and of both ATP and ADP.† Because the ’s were not used in their procedure, these data are independent of the rate constants.
A Symmetric Expression for the -Dependent Rate Constants
In the Procedure to Obtain Lifetime Distributions from Hydrolysis and ADP Release Experimental Data, step (i) and in the Procedure for Extracting -Dependent Hydrolysis Rate Constants from Long Binding Events, step (iv), theoretical rate constant vs. data can be used, as an alternative to forthcoming experimental data, to evaluate the convolutions and calculate long binding events. In the theory proposed in our previous treatment (scheme 1 of ref. 7), a thermodynamic cycle relates the free energy of binding in unconstrained rotation, , from one dwell angle to the next one , to the binding standard free energy at angle (6). It is assumed that in the torque-generating steps, the rotation of the subunit is coupled to conformational changes in the catalytic subunits (4). The harmonic response to structural twisting torques is described by a spring constant (12–14). As in refs. 6 and 7, the free energy to distort the system from angle to the angle by the tweezers before a nucleotide transfers into the pocket is given by a work term . If the tweezers hold the at an angle , and the nucleotide is in the subunit pocket, then a relaxation to the final dwell angle is achieved by turning off an external magnetic field, and the work done by the system is . The quadratic terms cancel in a plot of vs. , and so the latter is linear in (6),
[17] |
In the theory the -dependence of yields a -dependent via a well-known quadratic free energy relation, (15). It contains a reorganization energy and a work term needed to bring the nucleotide to the weak binding site (16) (SI Appendix, Fig. S4). We include any orientational restrictions in this initial binding. The idea of a weakly bound state at the entrance of the binding channel was previously suggested in a model for ATP binding (17–19).
To apply the treatment to the full range of , we allow for nonzero . From the free energy of activation, by reshaping the equations deduced previously (6, 7) relative to symmetric expressions result for the binding and release rate constants and , by using equation 12 of ref. 6 and equations 3 and 4 of ref. 7
[18] |
[19] |
Here, has units of energy. In the term linear in in Eq. 18 the “+” sign applies to and the “–” sign to . For the equilibrium constant , we have (6)
[20] |
and so is predicted to be linear in , a result confirmed in the experiments (2, 11). The forward and back rate constants in the unconstrained system are denoted by and in ref. 6. Eqs. 18–20 constitute a more symmetrical interpretation for the rate constants, compared with equations 3 and 4 in ref. 7.
In Table 1, for binding of all nucleotides in region 1, we have and for the dwell angles from free rotation experiments. When applying the theory in region 2, the relevant dwell angles are those before and after the release of ADP in the rotation scheme (13) (SI Appendix, Fig. S6A), during an 80° step from to , so counting in the reverse direction, and . For the effective on Fig. 2, we use the same value for both the left and right branches, previously found to be pNnm/rad2 for ATP and 12 pNnm/rad2 for ADP (6). In region 1 (Figs. 2A and 3), rate constant predicted in our previous work (7) for Cy3-ATP were used.‡
Table 1.
Constants | Source |
, | Stalling (11), free rotation,* and controlled rotation (2) |
, | Ensemble data (16) |
, , | Free rotation (1, 14) |
Known | |
From the above quantities (6) |
Since and for species such as fluorescent and nonfluorescent ATP and GTP is readily available from free rotation experiments (1), from which, by using the other quantities in the table, and according to the present theory can be also calculated.
Because of the missed events in the fluorescence microscopy and the replacement of the time in occupancy 0 with the total time , the reported rate constants and should be corrected to yield the actual and in Figs. 2 and 3. The reported rates are obtained by subtracting the average number of missed events from the average total number of events. Here, we generalize the previous results (7) by taking into account the effect of the finite rate of rotation, by calculating, in a separate step, the probability terms or of being in state 0 or 1 when the system enters a bin (compare SI Appendix).
Application of Theory in an Extended Angular Region.
In Fig. 2A, region 1, the rise of of the RHS coincides with the range of where the theory predicted the and for Cy3-ATP binding in good agreement with the experimental data. Concomitantly, the ATP binding/release vs. data can be also predicted in region 2, by matching the and of regions 1 and 2 at the “dip” in the , at . Thereby, the plots in regions 1 and 2 are linear in , with slopes equal in magnitude but opposite in sign (6, 7).
The and show opposite -dependence consistent with the group transfer theory. A rotation of the either to the left or right of the most open conformation at −40 ° induces the closing of a subunit, accelerates the binding, and retards the release. The shows turnovers at and , presumably due to the closing of the channel in the subunit, through which the nucleotide has to diffuse to the weak binding site. A narrowing of the channel would slow both forward and back diffusion. For further details on the diffusion, we refer to SI Appendix. In a future treatment of the diffusion and transfer processes (20, 21), when more single-molecule data become available (compare the scatter in SI Appendix, Fig. S5), it will become feasible to use the ratio of the forward and back reaction rates at any , which is equal to (22), even though the reaction rate constant is a composite of diffusion- and reaction-controlled rates.
Discussion and Conclusions
In the present work, we provide methods that can be applied to experimental data in two ways. (i) By using the experimental lifetime distributions of the long binding events, the hydrolysis or synthesis rate constants vs. data can be extracted and compared with either a theory of the type used in refs. 6 and 7 or compared with the rate constants estimated from stalling experiments. (ii) Lifetime distribution predictions using hydrolysis or synthesis rate constant data from stalling or other independent experiments, or from theory, are made obtained for binding at large , in this work from 140° to 260°. They can be tested against distributions estimated from the controlled rotation experiments. This work shows similarities to a treatment (23) of single-molecule force ramp experiments in which the distribution of rupture forces is determined. Therein a procedure is given to invert this distribution to extract the force-dependent rates or lifetimes in a constant force experiment. A notable difference is that in the present work, composite events are considered as opposed to a single process.
For the long binding events, , in Fig. 4 hydrolysis will have typically occurred with a high probability, so using only the first term in Eq. 5, , will be a good estimate for the . This finding is apparent in Fig. 4, even though the calculations are limited to the range of available data: The contribution of events without hydrolysis peak at some smaller angle ( for /s in Fig. 4B; for /s on Fig. 4D), beyond which it becomes small.
The results in Fig. 4 illustrate that is not stationary: It depends both on the difference and on . Hence, an average of long binding times is not suitable for an analysis, so instead we used a 2D and dependent lifetime distribution . The present method of extracting or is most sensitive to these processes when their values are not too high relative to the rate of ADP release, conditions that apply for the calculations in Fig. 4. We note that the rates of these processes can be reduced by engineering mutations in the subunits or by using modified nucleotides (1, 13). The calculations can be developed further to account for multiple hydrolysis/synthesis cycles during one binding event by using multidimensional integrals (7, 24).
In the present work, it has been shown how to extract lifetime distributions of experimental events and from them how to calculate the rate constants involved in the composite events.
Supplementary Material
We thank Drs. Hiroyuki Noji and Kengo Adachi for helpful discussions and comments. This work was supported by the Office of the Naval Research, the Army Research Office, and the James W. Glanville Foundation.
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
*Only release events are counted, i.e., every second event if all occupancy-change events are counted by index (it is set such that the event is a release). The formal equation for is
†The species of the binding nucleotide was controlled by using ATP or ADP in the buffer. To determine the releasing species, the authors (2) used the coupling scheme from Fig. 1A. For example, in a positive (hydrolysis) rotation, if an ATP binding occurred at 20°, then a release after a “long event” (e.g., at 190°) was classified as an ADP release, because hydrolysis has occurred. However, if a release occurred more quickly (e.g., at 60°), the releasing species was classified as ATP.
‡In the footnote of table 1 in ref. 7 “micromoles seconds” should correctly read “ M s.”
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