WDFY3 is a master regulator of selective autophagy that we recently showed to interact with TRAF6 and augment RANKL-induced osteoclastogenesis in vitro and in vivo via the NF-κB pathway. Since the NF-κB pathway plays a major role in inflammation herein, we investigate the role of WDFY3 in an arthritis animal model. Our data show that WDFY3 conditional knockout mice (Wdfy3loxP/loxP-LysM-Cre+,) were protected in the K/BxN serum transfer-induced arthritis animal model. These effects were independent of alterations in starvation-induced autophagy as evidenced by Western blot analysis of the autophagy marker LC3, autophagosome formation in osteoclast precursors and lysosome formation in osteoclasts derived from WDFY3-cKO mice compared to controls. Moreover, we demonstrate by immunofluorescence and co-immunoprecipitation that WDFY3 interacts with SQSTM1 in macrophages and osteoclasts. Collectively, our data suggest that loss of WDFY3 in myeloid cells leads to reduced severity of inflammatory arthritis independently of WDFY3 function in starvation-induced autophagy.
Keywords: Autophagy, Autophagy-linked FYVE containing protein, ALFY, WDFY3, osteoclast, musculoskeletal diseases
1. Introduction
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammatory disease that exhibits various clinical manifestations including synovial inflammation and bone loss [1]. Although the development of biologics such as anti-TNF is an effective treatment for the majority of RA patients, approximately 40% of patients do not respond to TNF inhibition, suggesting that RA disease mechanisms are only partly understood. Autophagy, a cellular process that degrades organelles and misfolded proteins and ensures cells survival at homeostatic and stress conditions was recently associated with autoimmunity in multiple studies [2]. Specifically, autophagy plays multiple roles immune functions in macrophages such as clearing intracellular pathogens [3], regulating inflammatory cytokines expression [4], and modulating (M1, M2) macrophage polarization [5]. Recent studies on osteoclasts, the cells responsible for bone and joint destruction in autoimmune diseases, showed that autophagy-related proteins 5 and 7 (ATG5 and ATG7) deficiency leads to defective ruffled border formation and osteoclast function in both in vitro and in vivo assays [6]. Moreover, mice deficient in autophagy-related protein ATG7 were protected from TNF-mediated joint destruction in experimental arthritis [7]. Mutations in autophagy-related proteins have been associated with autoimmune diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus [8] and rheumatoid arthritis [9]. WDFY3 is a master regulator of selective autophagy, which can work in concert with adaptor protein SQSTM1 (p62) to recruit and degrade ubiquitinated protein aggregates [10].
During the process of ubiquitinated protein aggregates sequestration, SQSTM1 (p62) works in concert with WDFY3, which is tethered to autophagosomal membranes [11]. Upon the autophagosome formation, cytosolic LC3-I converts into membrane-bound LC3-II. Therefore, the LC3-II to LC3-I ratio has been used as a marker correlated to autophagosome production [12, 13]. WDFY3 can also form a complex with SQSTM1 and TNF receptor associated factor 6 (TRAF6) during midbody ring degradation by selective autophagy [14]. SQSTM1 has indispensable roles in osteoclast differentiation since SQSTM1 deficiency leads to defect osteoclast function in vitro and osteopetrosis phenotype in vivo [15]. Specifically, SQSTM1 acts as a bridge between receptor activator of NF-κB ligand (RANKL)/RANK/TRAF6 mediated NF-κB signaling [16]. Mutations of SQSTM1 at ubiquitin-associated domain lead to increased osteoclast differentiation and function that is linked to Paget’s disease of bone, a skeletal disorder characterized by focal increased bone remodeling and abnormal bone structure formation [17].
Although the WDFY3/SQSTM1 interaction is important in autophagy, WDFY3 and SQSTM1 have also been associated with synovial fibroblasts and osteoclasts, implicating new roles in rheumatoid arthritis pathology [18, 19]. The functional interaction between SQSTM1 and WDFY3 has been clearly documented in human osteoclasts [19], and we recently showed a novel role of WDFY3 in RANKL-induced osteoclastogenesis in the absence of inflammation [20]. To investigate the role of WDFY3 in arthritis we employed the K/BxN serum transfer-induced arthritis model, where anti-glucose-6-phosphate isomerase autoantibodies induce joint specific inflammation that closely resembles the rheumatoid arthritis pathologies in humans [21]. Our data show a new role of WDFY3 protein in the protection of autoimmune arthritis, which is independent of starvation-induced autophagy.
2. Methods
2.1 Antibodies and reagents
All cell incubations were performed in culture medium consisting of αMEM with 2mM L-glutamine, 10% heat-inactivated FBS, 100 IU/ml Penicillin and 100 IU/ml Streptomycin (Life Technologies, 10007D). Mouse soluble RANKL (R&D Systems, 462TR) and M-CSF ELISA (R&D Systems, DY416), were used for in vitro experiments. CMG14-12 (CMG) media was generated as described before [22]. Anti-Wdfy3 (Abnova, clone 2F12), anti-WDFY3 (Novus, NBP1-03332), anti-SQSTM1 (Progen, GP62-C), LC3 antibody (Novus, NB100-2220), anti-β-actin antibody (Cell Signaling, 4970), 800 or 680 secondary antibodies (Li-Cor) were used for in vitro experiments. Cyto-ID kit (Enzo biochem, ENZ-51031) was used for autophagosome staining. LysoTracker DND-99 was used for lysosome staining (Life Technologies, L-7528).
2.2 Mice and bone cell culture
Animal experiments were conducted in accordance with the protocol approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee of the University of California, Davis. Eight to twelve weeks old C57BL/6 (The Jackson Laboratory), Wdfy3 loxP/loxP-LysM-Cre+, Wdfy3 loxP/loxP animals [23] were sacrificed to extract bone marrow from both rear femurs and tibias bones. Bone marrow cells were cultured with 1:20 (v/v) CMG media [22] in absence or presence of 30 ng/mL RANKL. Media and cytokines were replenished every other day.
2.3 K/BxN serum-transfer arthritis model
Arthritis was induced in 8-week-old male and female mice by i.v. injection of 200 µl of pooled serum from K/BxN mice. Disease severity score was measured as previously described [21]. Briefly, mice were scored for paw swelling, 1 indicates mild swelling of the ankle insufficient to reverse the normal V shape of the foot; 2 indicates swelling sufficient to make the ankle and midfoot approximately equal in thickness to the forefoot; 3 indicates the reversal of the normal V shape of the foot. Every two days, disease severity score was recorded, and ankle thickness was measured using digital calipers [21].
2.4 Immunofluorescence staining
Osteoclasts grown on coverslip were imaged by Nikon C1 confocal microscopy. Cells were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde for 10 minutes and were permeabilized in 0.2% Triton X-100 and blocked with 10% normal donkey serum buffer in PBS for 2 hours at room temperature. All antibodies were diluted in 5% normal donkey serum buffer in PBS. Primary antibodies were applied on samples overnight at 4°C. Secondary antibody AF-488 donkey and anti-guinea pig Ig or AF-594 donkey anti-rabbit Ig antibodies were added to samples for one hour incubation at room temperature. TRITC conjugated phalloidin was used for F-actin staining for 30 minutes incubation at room temperature. Coverslips were then mounted in mounting media with DAPI (Vector Laboratories, H1200) to stain nuclei.
2.5 Co-Immunoprecipitation
Osteoclast-like cells cultured from 8–12 weeks old wild type mice were lysed in lysis buffer consisting of 50 mM Tris-HCl pH 7.4, 150 mM NaCl, 1mM EDTA, 1%v/v Triton X-100 containing protease inhibitor cocktail tablet (Roche, 4693124001). The clear lysate was incubated with anti-Wdfy3 antibody overnight and was then co-immunoprecipitated by dynabeads protein A immunoprecipitation kit (Life technologies, 10006D).
2.6 Western Blotting
Bone marrow-derived macrophages and osteoclast-like cells starved in serum-free medium were stimulated with RANKL (100 ng/ml) or M-CSF (100 ng/ml) and lysed at indicated time points. Protein lysates obtained from cell cultures were run on a Nu-Page 3–8% Tris-Acetate gel or 12% Bis-Tris gels (Invitrogen). Proteins were transferred to PVDF membranes and blocked in Odyssey blocking buffer. Membranes were incubated with anti-Wdfy3 primary antibody diluted in Odyssey blocking buffer containing 0.1% Tween-20, overnight at 4°C. After washing, we incubated with secondary antibody (Li-Cor) in blocking buffer containing 0.1% Tween-20 and 0.02% SDS, washed, and imaged on the Li-Cor Odyssey scanner. The process was repeated with β-actin as loading control. Signal intensity relative to background was determined using Li-Cor Image Studio software.
2.7 Statistical analyses
Statistical significance was determined using Student’s t-test and p-values lower than 0.05 were considered significant.
3. Results
3.1 WDFY3-cKO mice show reduced disease severity in K/BxN serum-transfer induced arthritis
Since reduced WDFY3 expression has been associated with rheumatoid arthritis [18], we used the K/BxN serum-transfer model to determine whether loss of WDFY3 in myeloid cells affected the pathogenesis of inflammatory arthritis. We injected pooled K/BxN serum into Wdfy3-cKO and wild type littermates at day 0 and record disease severity scores and ankle thickness every two days throughout the disease course. We observed reduced ankle swelling in Wdfy3-cKO at day eight post-serum transfer compared to wild type littermates (Fig. 1A). Wdfy3-cKO mice displayed significantly reduced arthritis severity as evidence by disease severity score (Fig. 1B), and measurements of ankle swelling (Fig. 1C).
3.2 Macrophages derived from WDFY3-cKO mice exhibit normal autophagosome formation
Since WDFY3 is involved in the autophagy pathway, we next investigated whether loss of WDFY3 affects starvation-induced autophagy. Western blot analysis of total cell lysates derived from wild type and WDFY3 deficient macrophages under starvation for 2 or 4 hours showed no significant differences of LC3-II to LC3-I ratio, an indicator of maturation of autophagosomes (Fig. 2A and B). Blockade of lysosomes and autophagosomes fusion with chloroquine again showed no significant difference in autophagy flux between wild type and WDFY3 deficient macrophages (Fig. 2C and 2D). We also used commercial available cationic amphiphilic tracer (CAT) dye to visualize autophagosomes in wild type and WDFY3 deficient macrophages with fluorescent microscopy and detected no differences in autophagosome formation (Fig. 2E). Furthermore, we observed no difference in lysosome formation using LysoTracker dye and fluorescent microscopy in both wild type and WDFY3 deficient macrophages, which suggested WDFY3 deficiency did not influence starvation-induced in macrophages, and lysosomes formation in RANKL-stimulated TRAP+ multinucleated giant cells (osteoclasts) (Fig. 2F).
3.3 WDFY3 interacts with SQSTM1 in macrophages and multinucleated giant cells
To examine the interaction between WDFY3 and SQSTM1, we performed immunostaining of WDFY3 and SQSTM1 in mouse bone marrow-derived macrophages and observed SQSTM1 puncta co-localized with WDFY3 (Fig. 3A). We then further differentiated the bone marrow-derived macrophages, in the presence of RANKL into TRAP+ multinucleated giant cells/osteoclast (80–100µm) and also observed the presence of SQSTM1 puncta co-localized with WDFY3 in osteoclasts (Fig. 3B). We further confirmed the interaction between WDFY3 and SQSTM1 by co-immunoprecipitation in total cell lysates derived from wild type osteoclasts using anti-WDFY3 antibody and immunoblotted with SQSTM1 (Fig. 3C).
3.4 Macrophages and osteoclasts derived from WDFY3-cKO mice show decreased level of SQSTM1
We then examined the adaptor protein SQSTM1, which plays multiple roles in both autophagy and RANKL signaling pathway in macrophages. Western blot analysis of total cell lysates from wild type and WDFY3 deficient macrophages treated in the presence or absence of RANKL showed no significant difference of autophagosome formation marker, LC3 but showed a reduced expression of SQSTM1 in WDFY3 deficient macrophages in the presence or absence of RANKL (Fig. 4A). We observed no difference when we quantified the LC3-II to LC3-I ratio and reduced SQSTM1 to β-actin ratio in WDFY3 deficient cells compared to wild type cells (Fig. 4B).
4. Discussion
WDFY3 together with WDFY1, WDFY2, WDFY4 belongs to the WDFY protein family. While all WDFY1, 2, 3 and 4 contain multiple WD40 repeats, their function is further diversified by the presence of an FYVE domain, in WDFY1, 2, 3, which is associated with vesicle trafficking. WDFY1 and WDFY2 are medium size proteins (around 400 amino acids) and have been associated with TLRs signaling and endocytosis respectively [24] and [25]. WDFY3 and WDFY4 are large proteins (>3000 amino acids) and contain PH and BEACH domains. WDFY4 has been associated with rheumatoid arthritis [26] and systemic lupus erythematosus [8] pathology in human genome-wide association studies (GWAS) studies, and WDFY3 has been detected in RA synovial fibroblasts [18] and osteoclasts [19]. Recently we showed that WDFY3 interacts with TRAF6 in RANKL-induced osteoclastogenesis in the absence of inflammation [20].
Herein, we investigated the role of WDFY3 in arthritis using the K/BxN serum transfer arthritis model. The deletion efficiency of WDFY3 in macrophages and osteoclasts derived from Wdfy3-cKO mice has been previously described [20]. We observed reduced joint swelling in Wdfy3-cKO mice compared to wild type littermates with serum transfer-induced arthritis suggesting that loss of WDFY3 in myeloid cells leads to a protective phenotype in arthritis. The protective effect from arthritis in Wdfy3-cKO mice was interesting since we previously observed increased NF-κB activation in RANKL induced osteoclastogenesis. We anticipated increased NF-κB activation under inflammatory conditions in the K/BxN serum transfer arthritis model. One plausible explanation for the protective phenotype in Wdfy3-cKO mice is that WDFY3 may play different roles in different types of myeloid cells such as neutrophils and mast cells where loss of WDFY3 in these myeloid cells may fail to initiate arthritis pathology due to inhibition of the secretory pathways. The protective effect from arthritis in Wdfy3-cKO mice was unlikely due to apoptosis of macrophages or osteoclasts as WDFY3 deletion in macrophages and osteoclasts has minimal effect on their viability [20]. Reduced expression of WDFY3 and the formation of SQSTM1-positive protein aggregates promote cell death in rheumatoid arthritis synovial fibroblasts (RASF) under severe ER stress [18]. Therefore enhanced apoptosis of inflammatory cells other than macrophages in K/BxN serum-transfer Wdfy3-cKO mice remains an additional possibility for the reduced pathology observed.
We then examined whether WDFY3 deficient macrophages had a defect in autophagy pathway and therefore lead to protective function in inflammatory arthritis in mice. In ATG5 and ATG7 deficient myeloid cells, autophagosome formation is impaired evidenced by the accumulation of LC3-I and absence of LC3-II [6]. However, WDFY3 deficiency in bone marrow-derived macrophages does not affect starvation-induced autophagy as evidenced by Western blot and immunofluorescence microscopy. These findings are in agreement with other studies that show WDFY3 is dispensable for starvation-induced autophagy [11]. WDFY3 targets specifically ubiquitinated protein aggregates in selective autophagy and has not been shown to play a role in other type of autophagy pathways such as LC3-associated phagocytosis [27].
WDFY3 interaction with SQSTM1 has been clearly documented in human multinucleated giant cells [19]. In agreement with the previous study, we also observed WDFY3 and SQSTM1 interaction in macrophages (pre-osteoclasts) and multinucleated giant cells by immunofluorescence microscopy and co-immunoprecipitation experiments. SQSTM1 has been shown to promote RANKL signaling, and complete ablation of SQSTM1 in vivo leads to dysfunctional osteoclastogenesis with increased bone mass [15]. Additionally, mutations of SQSTM1 that disrupt its C-terminal ubiquitin association (UBA) domain caused enhanced RANKL signaling, osteoclast differentiation, and bone resorption, which correlated to Paget’s disease of bone in human [28–30]. In this paper, we show that SQSTM1 interacts with WDFY3, a protein that we previously showed to modulate RANKL-induced osteoclastogenesis in vivo and in vitro [20]. Our new data show that although the interaction of SQSTM1 with WDFY3 is critical for bone remodeling, this interaction may play different roles under non-inflammatory and inflammatory condition as we observed increased osteoclastogenesis but reduced disease severity in inflammatory arthritis in our animal models. Accordingly, we observed a down-regulation of SQSTM1 in WDFY3 deficient macrophages, which may partly contribute to the protective phenotype in K/BxN serum-transfer Wdfy3-cKO mice. The reduced expression of SQSTM1 correlates with reduced inflammation as published observations have shown silencing SQSTM1 reduces inflammatory responses in HaCaT cells (keratinocyte cell line) [31]. Interestingly, we recently showed that Wdfy3-cKO mice are also protective in a mouse model of psoriasis and have reduced epidermal hyperplasia associated with Munro’s microabsecess; specifically, WDFY3 deficient neutrophils show reduced NETosis, neutrophil elastase, and ROS signaling but show no difference in neutrophil expansion, circulation and survival [32]. In conclusion, WDFY3 deficiency ameliorates disease severity in the serum transfer-induced arthritis animal model. Further experiments are needed to further address WDFY3 roles in the specific myeloid cell types to uncover the mechanisms of WDFY3 in arthritis pathologies.
Loss of WDFY3 ameliorates disease severity in an arthritis animal model.
WDFY3 is not essential in starvation-induced autophagy in myeloid cells.
Loss of WDFY3 leads to decreased level of SQSTM1 in myeloid cells.
This work was partly supported by NIH/NIAMS-R01AR062173 and SHC 85700 grants to IEA, and by the UC Davis, graduate group in immunology fellowship to DW. We thank Drs. Bottini and Stanford (LJI) for the gift of K/BxN serum.
- ATG5 and ATG7
Autophagy-related proteins 5 and 7
Beige and Chediak-Higashi
- co-IP
- F-actin
Macrophage colony-stimulating factor
- MNCs
multinucleated cells
- PI3P
phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate
- PH
Pleckstrin homology
receptor activator of NF-κB ligand
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Conflict of interest
None of the authors has any potential financial conflict of interest related to this manuscript.
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Castro-Obregon S, Cavallini G, Ceccherini I, Cecconi F, Cederbaum AI, Cena V, Cenci S, Cerella C, Cervia D, Cetrullo S, Chaachouay H, Chae HJ, Chagin AS, Chai CY, Chakrabarti G, Chamilos G, Chan EY, Chan MT, Chandra D, Chandra P, Chang CP, Chang RC, Chang TY, Chatham JC, Chatterjee S, Chauhan S, Che Y, Cheetham ME, Cheluvappa R, Chen CJ, Chen G, Chen GC, Chen G, Chen H, Chen JW, Chen JK, Chen M, Chen M, Chen P, Chen Q, Chen Q, Chen SD, Chen S, Chen SS, Chen W, Chen WJ, Chen WQ, Chen W, Chen X, Chen YH, Chen YG, Chen Y, Chen Y, Chen Y, Chen YJ, Chen YQ, Chen Y, Chen Z, Chen Z, Cheng A, Cheng CH, Cheng H, Cheong H, Cherry S, Chesney J, Cheung CH, Chevet E, Chi HC, Chi SG, Chiacchiera F, Chiang HL, Chiarelli R, Chiariello M, Chieppa M, Chin LS, Chiong M, Chiu GN, Cho DH, Cho SG, Cho WC, Cho YY, Cho YS, Choi AM, Choi EJ, Choi EK, Choi J, Choi ME, Choi SI, Chou TF, Chouaib S, Choubey D, Choubey V, Chow KC, Chowdhury K, Chu CT, Chuang TH, Chun T, Chung H, Chung T, Chung YL, Chwae YJ, Cianfanelli V, Ciarcia R, Ciechomska IA, Ciriolo MR, Cirone M, Claerhout S, Clague MJ, Claria J, Clarke PG, Clarke R, Clementi E, Cleyrat C, Cnop M, Coccia EM, Cocco T, Codogno P, Coers J, Cohen EE, Colecchia D, Coletto L, Coll NS, Colucci-Guyon E, Comincini S, Condello M, Cook KL, Coombs GH, Cooper CD, Cooper JM, Coppens I, Corasaniti MT, Corazzari M, Corbalan R, Corcelle-Termeau E, Cordero MD, Corral-Ramos C, Corti O, Cossarizza A, Costelli P, Costes S, Cotman SL, Coto-Montes A, Cottet S, Couve E, Covey LR, Cowart LA, Cox JS, Coxon FP, Coyne CB, Cragg MS, Craven RJ, Crepaldi T, Crespo JL, Criollo A, Crippa V, Cruz MT, Cuervo AM, Cuezva JM, Cui T, Cutillas PR, Czaja MJ, Czyzyk-Krzeska MF, Dagda RK, Dahmen U, Dai C, Dai W, Dai Y, Dalby KN, Dalla Valle L, Dalmasso G, D'Amelio M, Damme M, Darfeuille-Michaud A, Dargemont C, Darley-Usmar VM, Dasarathy S, Dasgupta B, Dash S, Dass CR, Davey HM, Davids LM, Davila D, Davis RJ, Dawson TM, Dawson VL, Daza P, de Belleroche J, de Figueiredo P, de Figueiredo RC, de la Fuente J, De Martino L, De Matteis A, De Meyer GR, De Milito A, De Santi M, de Souza W, De Tata V, De Zio D, Debnath J, Dechant R, Decuypere JP, Deegan S, Dehay B, Del Bello B, Del Re DP, Delage-Mourroux R, Delbridge LM, Deldicque L, Delorme-Axford E, Deng Y, Dengjel J, Denizot M, Dent P, Der CJ, Deretic V, Derrien B, Deutsch E, Devarenne TP, Devenish RJ, Di Bartolomeo S, Di Daniele N, Di Domenico F, Di Nardo A, Di Paola S, Di Pietro A, Di Renzo L, DiAntonio A, Diaz-Araya G, Diaz-Laviada I, Diaz-Meco MT, Diaz-Nido J, Dickey CA, Dickson RC, Diederich M, Digard P, Dikic I, Dinesh-Kumar SP, Ding C, Ding WX, Ding Z, Dini L, Distler JH, Diwan A, Djavaheri-Mergny M, Dmytruk K, Dobson RC, Doetsch V, Dokladny K, Dokudovskaya S, Donadelli M, Dong XC, Dong X, Dong Z, Donohue TM, Jr, Doran KS, D'Orazi G, Dorn GW, 2nd, Dosenko V, Dridi S, Drucker L, Du J, Du LL, Du L, du Toit A, Dua P, Duan L, Duann P, Dubey VK, Duchen MR, Duchosal MA, Duez H, Dugail I, Dumit VI, Duncan MC, Dunlop EA, Dunn WA, Jr, Dupont N, Dupuis L, Duran RV, Durcan TM, Duvezin-Caubet S, Duvvuri U, Eapen V, Ebrahimi-Fakhari D, Echard A, Eckhart L, Edelstein CL, Edinger AL, Eichinger L, Eisenberg T, Eisenberg-Lerner A, Eissa NT, El-Deiry WS, El-Khoury V, Elazar Z, Eldar-Finkelman H, Elliott CJ, Emanuele E, Emmenegger U, Engedal N, Engelbrecht AM, Engelender S, Enserink JM, Erdmann R, Erenpreisa J, Eri R, Eriksen JL, Erman A, Escalante R, Eskelinen EL, Espert L, Esteban-Martinez L, Evans TJ, Fabri M, Fabrias G, Fabrizi C, Facchiano A, Faergeman NJ, Faggioni A, Fairlie WD, Fan C, Fan D, Fan J, Fang S, Fanto M, Fanzani A, Farkas T, Faure M, Favier FB, Fearnhead H, Federici M, Fei E, Felizardo TC, Feng H, Feng Y, Feng Y, Ferguson TA, Fernandez AF, Fernandez-Barrena MG, Fernandez-Checa JC, Fernandez-Lopez A, Fernandez-Zapico ME, Feron O, Ferraro E, Ferreira-Halder CV, Fesus L, Feuer R, Fiesel FC, Filippi-Chiela EC, Filomeni G, Fimia GM, Fingert JH, Finkbeiner S, Finkel T, Fiorito F, Fisher PB, Flajolet M, Flamigni F, Florey O, Florio S, Floto RA, Folini M, Follo C, Fon EA, Fornai F, Fortunato F, Fraldi A, Franco R, Francois A, Francois A, Frankel LB, Fraser ID, Frey N, Freyssenet DG, Frezza C, Friedman SL, Frigo DE, Fu D, Fuentes JM, Fueyo J, Fujitani Y, Fujiwara Y, Fujiya M, Fukuda M, Fulda S, Fusco C, Gabryel B, Gaestel M, Gailly P, Gajewska M, Galadari S, Galili G, Galindo I, Galindo MF, Galliciotti G, Galluzzi L, Galluzzi L, Galy V, Gammoh N, Gandy S, Ganesan AK, Ganesan S, Ganley IG, Gannage M, Gao FB, Gao F, Gao JX, Garcia Nannig L, Garcia Vescovi E, Garcia-Macia M, Garcia-Ruiz C, Garg AD, Garg PK, Gargini R, Gassen NC, Gatica D, Gatti E, Gavard J, Gavathiotis E, Ge L, Ge P, Ge S, Gean PW, Gelmetti V, Genazzani AA, Geng J, Genschik P, Gerner L, Gestwicki JE, Gewirtz DA, Ghavami S, Ghigo E, Ghosh D, Giammarioli AM, Giampieri F, Giampietri C, Giatromanolaki A, Gibbings DJ, Gibellini L, Gibson SB, Ginet V, Giordano A, Giorgini F, Giovannetti E, Girardin SE, Gispert S, Giuliano S, Gladson CL, Glavic A, Gleave M, Godefroy N, Gogal RM, Jr, Gokulan K, Goldman GH, Goletti D, Goligorsky MS, Gomes AV, Gomes LC, Gomez H, Gomez-Manzano C, Gomez-Sanchez R, Goncalves DA, Goncu E, Gong Q, Gongora C, Gonzalez CB, Gonzalez-Alegre P, Gonzalez-Cabo P, Gonzalez-Polo RA, Goping IS, Gorbea C, Gorbunov NV, Goring DR, Gorman AM, Gorski SM, Goruppi S, Goto-Yamada S, Gotor C, Gottlieb RA, Gozes I, Gozuacik D, Graba Y, Graef M, Granato GE, Grant GD, Grant S, Gravina GL, Green DR, Greenhough A, Greenwood MT, Grimaldi B, Gros F, Grose C, Groulx JF, Gruber F, Grumati P, Grune T, Guan JL, Guan KL, Guerra B, Guillen C, Gulshan K, Gunst J, Guo C, Guo L, Guo M, Guo W, Guo XG, Gust AA, Gustafsson AB, Gutierrez E, Gutierrez MG, Gwak HS, Haas A, Haber JE, Hadano S, Hagedorn M, Hahn DR, Halayko AJ, Hamacher-Brady A, Hamada K, Hamai A, Hamann A, Hamasaki M, Hamer I, Hamid Q, Hammond EM, Han F, Han W, Handa JT, Hanover JA, Hansen M, Harada M, Harhaji-Trajkovic L, Harper JW, Harrath AH, Harris AL, Harris J, Hasler U, Hasselblatt P, Hasui K, Hawley RG, Hawley TS, He C, He CY, He F, He G, He RR, He XH, He YW, He YY, Heath JK, Hebert MJ, Heinzen RA, Helgason GV, Hensel M, Henske EP, Her C, Herman PK, Hernandez A, Hernandez C, Hernandez-Tiedra S, Hetz C, Hiesinger PR, Higaki K, Hilfiker S, Hill BG, Hill JA, Hill WD, Hino K, Hofius D, Hofman P, Hoglinger GU, Hohfeld J, Holz MK, Hong Y, Hood DA, Hoozemans JJ, Hoppe T, Hsu C, Hsu CY, Hsu LC, Hu D, Hu G, Hu HM, Hu H, Hu MC, Hu YC, Hu ZW, Hua F, Hua Y, Huang C, Huang HL, Huang KH, Huang KY, Huang S, Huang S, Huang WP, Huang YR, Huang Y, Huang Y, Huber TB, Huebbe P, Huh WK, Hulmi JJ, Hur GM, Hurley JH, Husak Z, Hussain SN, Hussain S, Hwang JJ, Hwang S, Hwang TI, Ichihara A, Imai Y, Imbriano C, Inomata M, Into T, Iovane V, Iovanna JL, Iozzo RV, Ip NY, Irazoqui JE, Iribarren P, Isaka Y, Isakovic AJ, Ischiropoulos H, Isenberg JS, Ishaq M, Ishida H, Ishii I, Ishmael JE, Isidoro C, Isobe KI, Isono E, Issazadeh-Navikas S, Itahana K, Itakura E, Ivanov AI, Iyer AK, Izquierdo JM, Izumi Y, Izzo V, Jaattela M, Jaber N, Jackson DJ, Jackson WT, Jacob TG, Jacques TS, Jagannath C, Jain A, Jana NR, Jang BK, Jani A, Janji B, Jannig PR, Jansson PJ, Jean S, Jendrach M, Jeon JH, Jessen N, Jeung EB, Jia K, Jia L, Jiang H, Jiang H, Jiang L, Jiang T, Jiang X, Jiang X, Jiang X, Jiang Y, Jiang Y, Jimenez A, Jin C, Jin H, Jin L, Jin M, Jin S, Jinwal UK, Jo EK, Johansen T, Johnson DE, Johnson GV, Johnson JD, Jonasch E, Jones C, Joosten LA, Jordan J, Joseph AM, Joseph B, Joubert AM, Ju D, Ju J, Juan HF, Juenemann K, Juhasz G, Jung HS, Jung JU, Jung YK, Jungbluth H, Justice MJ, Jutten B, Kaakoush NO, Kaarniranta K, Kaasik A, Kabuta T, Kaeffer B, Kagedal K, Kahana A, Kajimura S, Kakhlon O, Kalia M, Kalvakolanu DV, Kamada Y, Kambas K, Kaminskyy VO, Kampinga HH, Kandouz M, Kang C, Kang R, Kang TC, Kanki T, Kanneganti TD, Kanno H, Kanthasamy AG, Kantorow M, Kaparakis-Liaskos M, Kapuy O, Karantza V, Karim MR, Karmakar P, Kaser A, Kaushik S, Kawula T, Kaynar AM, Ke PY, Ke ZJ, Kehrl JH, Keller KE, Kemper JK, Kenworthy AK, Kepp O, Kern A, Kesari S, Kessel D, Ketteler R, Kettelhut ID, Khambu B, Khan MM, Khandelwal VK, Khare S, Kiang JG, Kiger AA, Kihara A, Kim AL, Kim CH, Kim DR, Kim DH, Kim EK, Kim HY, Kim HR, Kim JS, Kim JH, Kim JC, Kim JH, Kim KW, Kim MD, Kim MM, Kim PK, Kim SW, Kim SY, Kim YS, Kim Y, Kimchi A, Kimmelman AC, Kimura T, King JS, Kirkegaard K, Kirkin V, Kirshenbaum LA, Kishi S, Kitajima Y, Kitamoto K, Kitaoka Y, Kitazato K, Kley RA, Klimecki WT, Klinkenberg M, Klucken J, Knaevelsrud H, Knecht E, Knuppertz L, Ko JL, Kobayashi S, Koch JC, Koechlin-Ramonatxo C, Koenig U, Koh YH, Kohler K, Kohlwein SD, Koike M, Komatsu M, Kominami E, Kong D, Kong HJ, Konstantakou EG, Kopp BT, Korcsmaros T, Korhonen L, Korolchuk VI, Koshkina NV, Kou Y, Koukourakis MI, Koumenis C, Kovacs AL, Kovacs T, Kovacs WJ, Koya D, Kraft C, Krainc D, Kramer H, Kravic-Stevovic T, Krek W, Kretz-Remy C, Krick R, Krishnamurthy M, Kriston-Vizi J, Kroemer G, Kruer MC, Kruger R, Ktistakis NT, Kuchitsu K, Kuhn C, Kumar AP, Kumar A, Kumar A, Kumar D, Kumar D, Kumar R, Kumar S, Kundu M, Kung HJ, Kuno A, Kuo SH, Kuret J, Kurz T, Kwok T, Kwon TK, Kwon YT, Kyrmizi I, La Spada AR, Lafont F, Lahm T, Lakkaraju A, Lam T, Lamark T, Lancel S, Landowski TH, Lane DJ, Lane JD, Lanzi C, Lapaquette P, Lapierre LR, Laporte J, Laukkarinen J, Laurie GW, Lavandero S, Lavie L, LaVoie MJ, Law BY, Law HK, Law KB, Layfield R, Lazo PA, Le Cam L, Le Roch KG, Le Stunff H, Leardkamolkarn V, Lecuit M, Lee BH, Lee CH, Lee EF, Lee GM, Lee HJ, Lee H, Lee JK, Lee J, Lee JH, Lee JH, Lee M, Lee MS, Lee PJ, Lee SW, Lee SJ, Lee SJ, Lee SY, Lee SH, Lee SS, Lee SJ, Lee S, Lee YR, Lee YJ, Lee YH, Leeuwenburgh C, Lefort S, Legouis R, Lei J, Lei QY, Leib DA, Leibowitz G, Lekli I, Lemaire SD, Lemasters JJ, Lemberg MK, Lemoine A, Leng S, Lenz G, Lenzi P, Lerman LO, Lettieri Barbato D, Leu JI, Leung HY, Levine B, Lewis PA, Lezoualc'h F, Li C, Li F, Li FJ, Li J, Li K, Li L, Li M, Li M, Li Q, Li R, Li S, Li W, Li W, Li X, Li Y, Lian J, Liang C, Liang Q, Liao Y, Liberal J, Liberski PP, Lie P, Lieberman AP, Lim HJ, Lim KL, Lim K, Lima RT, Lin CS, Lin CF, Lin F, Lin F, Lin FC, Lin K, Lin KH, Lin PH, Lin T, Lin WW, Lin YS, Lin Y, Linden R, Lindholm D, Lindqvist LM, Lingor P, Linkermann A, Liotta LA, Lipinski MM, Lira VA, Lisanti MP, Liton PB, Liu B, Liu C, Liu CF, Liu F, Liu HJ, Liu J, Liu JJ, Liu JL, Liu K, Liu L, Liu L, Liu Q, Liu RY, Liu S, Liu S, Liu W, Liu XD, Liu X, Liu XH, Liu X, Liu X, Liu X, Liu Y, Liu Y, Liu Z, Liu Z, Liuzzi JP, Lizard G, Ljujic M, Lodhi IJ, Logue SE, Lokeshwar BL, Long YC, Lonial S, Loos B, Lopez-Otin C, Lopez-Vicario C, Lorente M, Lorenzi PL, Lorincz P, Los M, Lotze MT, Lovat PE, Lu B, Lu B, Lu J, Lu Q, Lu SM, Lu S, Lu Y, Luciano F, Luckhart S, Lucocq JM, Ludovico P, Lugea A, Lukacs NW, Lum JJ, Lund AH, Luo H, Luo J, Luo S, Luparello C, Lyons T, Ma J, Ma Y, Ma Y, Ma Z, Machado J, Machado-Santelli GM, Macian F, MacIntosh GC, MacKeigan JP, Macleod KF, MacMicking JD, MacMillan-Crow LA, Madeo F, Madesh M, Madrigal-Matute J, Maeda A, Maeda T, Maegawa G, Maellaro E, Maes H, Magarinos M, Maiese K, Maiti TK, Maiuri L, Maiuri MC, Maki CG, Malli R, Malorni W, Maloyan A, Mami-Chouaib F, Man N, Mancias JD, Mandelkow EM, Mandell MA, Manfredi AA, Manie SN, Manzoni C, Mao K, Mao Z, Mao ZW, Marambaud P, Marconi AM, Marelja Z, Marfe G, Margeta M, Margittai E, Mari M, Mariani FV, Marin C, Marinelli S, Marino G, Markovic I, Marquez R, Martelli AM, Martens S, Martin KR, Martin SJ, Martin S, Martin-Acebes MA, Martin-Sanz P, Martinand-Mari C, Martinet W, Martinez J, Martinez-Lopez N, Martinez-Outschoorn U, Martinez-Velazquez M, Martinez-Vicente M, Martins WK, Mashima H, Mastrianni JA, Matarese G, Matarrese P, Mateo R, Matoba S, Matsumoto N, Matsushita T, Matsuura A, Matsuzawa T, Mattson MP, Matus S, Maugeri N, Mauvezin C, Mayer A, Maysinger D, Mazzolini GD, McBrayer MK, McCall K, McCormick C, McInerney GM, McIver SC, McKenna S, McMahon JJ, McNeish IA, Mechta-Grigoriou F, Medema JP, Medina DL, Megyeri K, Mehrpour M, Mehta JL, Mei Y, Meier UC, Meijer AJ, Melendez A, Melino G, Melino S, de Melo EJ, Mena MA, Meneghini MD, Menendez JA, Menezes R, Meng L, Meng LH, Meng S, Menghini R, Menko AS, Menna-Barreto RF, Menon MB, Meraz-Rios MA, Merla G, Merlini L, Merlot AM, Meryk A, Meschini S, Meyer JN, Mi MT, Miao CY, Micale L, Michaeli S, Michiels C, Migliaccio AR, Mihailidou AS, Mijaljica D, Mikoshiba K, Milan E, Miller-Fleming L, Mills GB, Mills IG, Minakaki G, Minassian BA, Ming XF, Minibayeva F, Minina EA, Mintern JD, Minucci S, Miranda-Vizuete A, Mitchell CH, Miyamoto S, Miyazawa K, Mizushima N, Mnich K, Mograbi B, Mohseni S, Moita LF, Molinari M, Molinari M, Moller AB, Mollereau B, Mollinedo F, Mongillo M, Monick MM, Montagnaro S, Montell C, Moore DJ, Moore MN, Mora-Rodriguez R, Moreira PI, Morel E, Morelli MB, Moreno S, Morgan MJ, Moris A, Moriyasu Y, Morrison JL, Morrison LA, Morselli E, Moscat J, Moseley PL, Mostowy S, Motori E, Mottet D, Mottram JC, Moussa CE, Mpakou VE, Mukhtar H, Mulcahy Levy JM, Muller S, Munoz-Moreno R, Munoz-Pinedo C, Munz C, Murphy ME, Murray JT, Murthy A, Mysorekar IU, Nabi IR, Nabissi M, Nader GA, Nagahara Y, Nagai Y, Nagata K, Nagelkerke A, Nagy P, Naidu SR, Nair S, Nakano H, Nakatogawa H, Nanjundan M, Napolitano G, Naqvi NI, Nardacci R, Narendra DP, Narita M, Nascimbeni AC, Natarajan R, Navegantes LC, Nawrocki ST, Nazarko TY, Nazarko VY, Neill T, Neri LM, Netea MG, Netea-Maier RT, Neves BM, Ney PA, Nezis IP, Nguyen HT, Nguyen HP, Nicot AS, Nilsen H, Nilsson P, Nishimura M, Nishino I, Niso-Santano M, Niu H, Nixon RA, Njar VC, Noda T, Noegel AA, Nolte EM, Norberg E, Norga KK, Noureini SK, Notomi S, Notterpek L, Nowikovsky K, Nukina N, Nurnberger T, O'Donnell VB, O'Donovan T, O'Dwyer PJ, Oehme I, Oeste CL, Ogawa M, Ogretmen B, Ogura Y, Oh YJ, Ohmuraya M, Ohshima T, Ojha R, Okamoto K, Okazaki T, Oliver FJ, Ollinger K, Olsson S, Orban DP, Ordonez P, Orhon I, Orosz L, O'Rourke EJ, Orozco H, Ortega AL, Ortona E, Osellame LD, Oshima J, Oshima S, Osiewacz HD, Otomo T, Otsu K, Ou JJ, Outeiro TF, Ouyang DY, Ouyang H, Overholtzer M, Ozbun MA, Ozdinler PH, Ozpolat B, Pacelli C, Paganetti P, Page G, Pages G, Pagnini U, Pajak B, Pak SC, Pakos-Zebrucka K, Pakpour N, Palkova Z, Palladino F, Pallauf K, Pallet N, Palmieri M, Paludan SR, Palumbo C, Palumbo S, Pampliega O, Pan H, Pan W, Panaretakis T, Pandey A, Pantazopoulou A, Papackova Z, Papademetrio DL, Papassideri I, Papini A, Parajuli N, Pardo J, Parekh VV, Parenti G, Park JI, Park J, Park OK, Parker R, Parlato R, Parys JB, Parzych KR, Pasquet JM, Pasquier B, Pasumarthi KB, Patschan D, Patterson C, Pattingre S, Pattison S, Pause A, Pavenstadt H, Pavone F, Pedrozo Z, Pena FJ, Penalva MA, Pende M, Peng J, Penna F, Penninger JM, Pensalfini A, Pepe S, Pereira GJ, Pereira PC, Perez-de la Cruz V, Perez-Perez ME, Perez-Rodriguez D, Perez-Sala D, Perier C, Perl A, Perlmutter DH, Perrotta I, Pervaiz S, Pesonen M, Pessin JE, Peters GJ, Petersen M, Petrache I, Petrof BJ, Petrovski G, Phang JM, Piacentini M, Pierdominici M, Pierre P, Pierrefite-Carle V, Pietrocola F, Pimentel-Muinos FX, Pinar M, Pineda B, Pinkas-Kramarski R, Pinti M, Pinton P, Piperdi B, Piret JM, Platanias LC, Platta HW, Plowey ED, Poggeler S, Poirot M, Polcic P, Poletti A, Poon AH, Popelka H, Popova B, Poprawa I, Poulose SM, Poulton J, Powers SK, Powers T, Pozuelo-Rubio M, Prak K, Prange R, Prescott M, Priault M, Prince S, Proia RL, Proikas-Cezanne T, Prokisch H, Promponas VJ, Przyklenk K, Puertollano R, Pugazhenthi S, Puglielli L, Pujol A, Puyal J, Pyeon D, Qi X, Qian WB, Qin ZH, Qiu Y, Qu Z, Quadrilatero J, Quinn F, Raben N, Rabinowich H, Radogna F, Ragusa MJ, Rahmani M, Raina K, Ramanadham S, Ramesh R, Rami A, Randall-Demllo S, Randow F, Rao H, Rao VA, Rasmussen BB, Rasse TM, Ratovitski EA, Rautou PE, Ray SK, Razani B, Reed BH, Reggiori F, Rehm M, Reichert AS, Rein T, Reiner DJ, Reits E, Ren J, Ren X, Renna M, Reusch JE, Revuelta JL, Reyes L, Rezaie AR, Richards RI, Richardson DR, Richetta C, Riehle MA, Rihn BH, Rikihisa Y, Riley BE, Rimbach G, Rippo MR, Ritis K, Rizzi F, Rizzo E, Roach PJ, Robbins J, Roberge M, Roca G, Roccheri MC, Rocha S, Rodrigues CM, Rodriguez CI, de Cordoba SR, Rodriguez-Muela N, Roelofs J, Rogov VV, Rohn TT, Rohrer B, Romanelli D, Romani L, Romano PS, Roncero MI, Rosa JL, Rosello A, Rosen KV, Rosenstiel P, Rost-Roszkowska M, Roth KA, Roue G, Rouis M, Rouschop KM, Ruan DT, Ruano D, Rubinsztein DC, Rucker EB, 3rd, Rudich A, Rudolf E, Rudolf R, Ruegg MA, Ruiz-Roldan C, Ruparelia AA, Rusmini P, Russ DW, Russo GL, Russo G, Russo R, Rusten TE, Ryabovol V, Ryan KM, Ryter SW, Sabatini DM, Sacher M, Sachse C, Sack MN, Sadoshima J, Saftig P, Sagi-Eisenberg R, Sahni S, Saikumar P, Saito T, Saitoh T, Sakakura K, Sakoh-Nakatogawa M, Sakuraba Y, Salazar-Roa M, Salomoni P, Saluja AK, Salvaterra PM, Salvioli R, Samali A, Sanchez AM, Sanchez-Alcazar JA, Sanchez-Prieto R, Sandri M, Sanjuan MA, Santaguida S, Santambrogio L, Santoni G, Dos Santos CN, Saran S, Sardiello M, Sargent G, Sarkar P, Sarkar S, Sarrias MR, Sarwal MM, Sasakawa C, Sasaki M, Sass M, Sato K, Sato M, Satriano J, Savaraj N, Saveljeva S, Schaefer L, Schaible UE, Scharl M, Schatzl HM, Schekman R, Scheper W, Schiavi A, Schipper HM, Schmeisser H, Schmidt J, Schmitz I, Schneider BE, Schneider EM, Schneider JL, Schon EA, Schonenberger MJ, Schonthal AH, Schorderet DF, Schroder B, Schuck S, Schulze RJ, Schwarten M, Schwarz TL, Sciarretta S, Scotto K, Scovassi AI, Screaton RA, Screen M, Seca H, Sedej S, Segatori L, Segev N, Seglen PO, Segui-Simarro JM, Segura-Aguilar J, Seki E, Seiliez I, Sell C, Semenkovich CF, Semenza GL, Sen U, Serra AL, Serrano-Puebla A, Sesaki H, Setoguchi T, Settembre C, Shacka JJ, Shajahan-Haq AN, Shapiro IM, Sharma S, She H, Shen CJ, Shen CC, Shen HM, Shen S, Shen W, Sheng R, Sheng X, Sheng ZH, Shepherd TG, Shi J, Shi Q, Shi Q, Shi Y, Shibutani S, Shibuya K, Shidoji Y, Shieh JJ, Shih CM, Shimada Y, Shimizu S, Shin DW, Shinohara ML, Shintani M, Shintani T, Shioi T, Shirabe K, Shiri-Sverdlov R, Shirihai O, Shore GC, Shu CW, Shukla D, Sibirny AA, Sica V, Sigurdson CJ, Sigurdsson EM, Sijwali PS, Sikorska B, Silveira WA, Silvente-Poirot S, Silverman GA, Simak J, Simmet T, Simon AK, Simon HU, Simone C, Simons M, Simonsen A, Singh R, Singh SV, Singh SK, Sinha D, Sinha S, Sinicrope FA, Sirko A, Sirohi K, Sishi BJ, Sittler A, Siu PM, Sivridis E, Skwarska A, Slack R, Slaninova I, Slavov N, Smaili SS, Smalley KS, Smith DR, Soenen SJ, Soleimanpour SA, Solhaug A, Somasundaram K, Son JH, Sonawane A, Song C, Song F, Song HK, Song JX, Song W, Soo KY, Sood AK, Soong TW, Soontornniyomkij V, Sorice M, Sotgia F, Soto-Pantoja DR, Sotthibundhu A, Sousa MJ, Spaink HP, Span PN, Spang A, Sparks JD, Speck PG, Spector SA, Spies CD, Springer W, Clair DS, Stacchiotti A, Staels B, Stang MT, Starczynowski DT, Starokadomskyy P, Steegborn C, Steele JW, Stefanis L, Steffan J, Stellrecht CM, Stenmark H, 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