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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2018 Aug 1.
Published in final edited form as: Psychol Bull. 2017 Apr 27;143(8):783–822. doi: 10.1037/bul0000102

Gender Differences in Depression in Representative National Samples: Meta-Analyses of Diagnoses and Symptoms

Rachel H Salk 1,2, Janet S Hyde 1, Lyn Y Abramson 1
PMCID: PMC5532074  NIHMSID: NIHMS856948  PMID: 28447828


In two meta-analyses on gender differences in depression in nationally representative samples we advance previous work by including studies of depression diagnoses and symptoms to 1) estimate the magnitude of the gender difference in depression across a wide array of nations and ages; 2) use a developmental perspective to elucidate patterns of gender differences across the lifespan; and 3) incorporate additional theory-driven moderators (e.g., gender equity). For major depression diagnoses and depression symptoms, respectively, we meta-analyzed data from 65 and 95 articles and their corresponding national datasets, representing data from 1,716,195 and 1,922,064 people in over 90 different nations. Overall, OR = 1.95, 95% CI [1.88, 2.03] and d = 0.27 [0.26, 0.29]. Age was the strongest predictor of effect size. The gender difference for diagnoses emerged earlier than previously thought, with OR = 2.37 at age 12. For both meta-analyses, the gender difference peaked in adolescence (OR = 3.02 for ages 13–15, and d = 0.47 for age 16) but then declined and remained stable in adulthood. Cross-national analyses indicated that larger gender differences were found in nations with greater gender equity, for major depression, but not depression symptoms. The gender difference in depression represents a health disparity, especially in adolescence, yet the magnitude of the difference indicates that depression in males should not be overlooked.

Keywords: depression, gender, meta-analysis, development, gender equity

Depression is a global health priority. According to the (World Health Organization 2016), depression accounts for fully 10 percent of the total non-fatal disease burden worldwide. Moreover, this burden falls disproportionately on girls and women. In one study, the global 12-month prevalence of major depressive disorder was 5.8% in females and 3.5% in males (Ferrari et al., 2013). The gender difference in depression – generally believed to be twice as many females experiencing major depression as males – represents a major health disparity. However, despite assertions that the gender difference in depression is among the most robust of findings in psychopathology research (e.g., Bebbington, 1996), and extensive empirical and theoretical work on gender differences in depression, this large body of sometimes inconsistent research has yet to be synthesized meta-analytically. The current set of meta-analyses advance previous work by including studies of depression diagnoses as well as symptoms to 1) estimate the magnitude of the gender difference in depression; 2) use a developmental lens to elucidate the patterns of gender differences across the lifespan; and 3) examine theory-driven, conceptually relevant moderators (e.g., nation-level gender equity).


In the 1970s, Myrna Weissman first underscored the gender difference in depression, noting that approximately twice as many females experience depression as males among adults in clinical and community samples (Weissman & Klerman, 1977). Following this landmark article, there was a proliferation of research and theories on gender differences in depression (Bebbington, 1996; Kuehner, 2003; Nolen-Hoeksema, 1987; Piccinelli & Wilkinson, 2000; Weissman & Klerman, 1977; for an overview of explanatory models, see Hammerström, Lehti, Danielsson, Bengs, & Johansson, 2009). In the vast majority of epidemiological reports on adults, women have higher rates of major depression compared to men; on average, the ratio is 2:1 (Andrade et al., 2003; Bromet et al., 2011). However, findings also suggest that the 2:1 ratio is not universal and may vary substantially across nations. For example, in 18 countries from the WHO World Mental Health Surveys (Kessler & Usten, 2008), odds ratios (ORs, female/male) for 12-month major depressive episode (MDE1) ranged from 1.2 to 2.7 across 18 countries and 89,037 participants (Bromet et al., 2011). Given this variability, it is critical to use meta-analysis to estimate the overall magnitude and consistency of the gender difference in depression across different nations and with different assessments of major depression. Other widely held beliefs about gender differences, such as the gender difference in math performance, have sometimes been found to be inaccurate when the data are meta-analyzed (Hyde, Lindberg, Linn, Ellis, & Williams, 2008; Lindberg, Hyde, Petersen, & Linn, 2010). Moreover, given evidence of cross-national variations, it is important to understand nation-level variables (e.g., economic development, gender equity) that may account for variability in the magnitude of the gender difference.

In addition to examining variations in the gender difference in depression across nations, it is also critical to take a developmental perspective. Several studies indicate that, among the general population, there is no gender difference or even a somewhat higher prevalence of depression among boys than girls in childhood (Avenevoli, Knight, Kessler, & Merikangas, 2008; Twenge & Nolen-Hoeksema, 2002). The female preponderance in depression is thought to emerge by ages 13–15 (e.g., Hankin et al., 1998; Twenge & Nolen-Hoeksema, 2002; Wichstrøm, 1999; Wade, Cairney, & Pevalin, 2002). However, research on the time course of the emergence of the gender difference in adolescence has been accepted as a fundamental fact in the depression literature when it is actually based on only a few studies. For example, in a landmark article, Hankin and colleagues (1998) found that the gender difference in clinical depression emerged by ages 13–15 and then widened between ages 15 and 18. This conclusion has been widely accepted (the article had been cited 1693 times as of December 2016) based on findings from one sample from one region of New Zealand (see Kessler, McGonagle, Swartz, Blazer, & Nelson, 1993, for the other widely cited study on gender differences in adolescence, based on U. S. data). A meta-analysis on gender differences in depression with a developmental focus is the next major step in order to pinpoint the time course of the emerging gender difference in depression.

Additionally, developmental patterns of the gender difference beyond adolescence have been largely neglected empirically. The limited findings in adulthood are inconsistent with respect to both the magnitude and direction of the gender difference in depression (Angst et al., 2002; Mirowsky, 1996; Oksuzyan et al., 2010; Patten et al., 2016; Bebbington et al., 1998). Additionally, estimates of the gender difference in depression in older adults suggest marked variability. A meta-analysis of 24 studies among individuals ages 75 and older reported gender ratios between 1.4 and 2.2 (Luppa et al., 2012). It was one of the goals of the current meta-analyses to bring clarity to developmental patterns throughout the lifespan.

Lastly, despite much attention to the 2:1 ratio for the gender difference in major depression, the magnitude of the gender difference in levels of depression symptoms in the general population has received less attention. Psychiatric research in the past several decades has focused on the use of diagnostic categories as specified in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM; American Psychiatric Association, 1980–2013) and International Classification of Disease (ICD; World Health Organization, 1992). However, there is increased recognition of the validity (e.g., Markon, Chmielewski, & Miller, 2011) and value (Cuthbert & Insel, 2013) of dimensional assessments, as well as the impairment associated with sub-threshold levels of symptoms that do not meet diagnostic criteria. Indeed, adolescents and adults with subthreshold depression symptoms and minor depression still experience significant impairment (e.g., Lewinsohn, Solomon, Seeley, & Zeiss, 2000) and are at elevated risk for later development of major depression and suicidal behaviors (Cuijpers, de Graaf, & van Dorsselaer, 2004; Fergusson, Horwood, Ridder, & Beautrais, 2005; Klein, Shankman, Lewinsohn, & Seeley, 2009). These important subthreshold levels are captured in symptom questionnaires; however, extant research on the magnitude of gender differences in depression symptoms is limited. One meta-analysis reported effect sizes ranging from d = −0.06 at age 12 to d = +0.22 at ages 14 and 15 (positive values indicate more depression symptoms among girls; Twenge & Nolen-Hoeksema, 2002). Although this study represented a step forward in the research literature, it was limited to the Children’s Depression Inventory (CDI; Kovacs, 1985) scale and samples of 8- to 16-year-old participants in the United States and Canada (n = 43,916). Given the impairment associated with high levels of depression symptoms in the absence of a diagnosis, it is critical to estimate the magnitude of the gender difference in depression symptoms more comprehensively: throughout the lifespan, across nations, and with multiple symptom measurements.

Thus, in the current set of meta-analyses using nationally representative samples, we estimated the magnitude of the gender difference in (1) major depression diagnoses and (2) levels of depression symptoms. Moreover, meta-analysis allowed us to chart the developmental course of the gender difference from childhood through late adulthood. Meta-analysis also enabled us to test whether the gender difference is universal across nations or whether there are cultural factors such as gender inequality that account for cross-national variations.

Gender Differences in Depression across the Lifespan

Based on both developmental psychopathology theory and past research (reviewed above), age was used as a moderator in the current set of meta-analyses to answer one of our fundamental questions: What is the pattern of gender differences in depression across the lifespan?

There now is consensus that the gender difference in depression has a multifactorial etiology (Cyranowski, Frank, Young, & Shear, 2000; Hyde, Mezulis, & Abramson, 2008). Theories of developmental psychopathology contend that there are multiple pathways to the gender difference in depression involving combinations and interactions of risk factors that span multiple levels of analysis (Cicchetti & Rogosch, 2002). Importantly, these pathways to the gender difference in depression occur in a developmental context. Theories highlight how specific vulnerability factors come on-line at critical developmental periods in adolescence and/or interact with stressors in adolescence to produce the gender difference in adolescence (reviewed by Hyde et al., 2008b). For example, there is a confluence of hormonal and neurodevelopmental changes that vary by sex during the pubertal transition and may influence the gender difference in depression. Thus, a developmental approach is key to understanding patterns in the gender difference across the adolescent transition and to understand if the gender difference persists across the lifespan.

In contrast to the focus on the emergence of the gender difference in adolescence, researchers have largely ignored development in adulthood when theorizing about and examining gender differences in depression. The field of developmental psychopathology encourages a lifespan perspective, as the process of adaptation continues from childhood through adulthood (Cicchetti & Rogosch, 2002). For example, with regard to depression, little is known about levels of stress for women compared with men across adulthood, nor about the importance of various life transitions in adulthood. Theorizing about gender differences in depression will be enriched by an understanding of developmental patterns across adulthood and it was one of the goals of these meta-analyses to elucidate those developmental patterns.

Gender Differences in Depression across Nations

Past research indicates variability in the magnitude of the gender difference in depression across nations. We used sociological theory and social-structural theory to guide our use of nation-level economic and gender equity indicators as moderators in the current set of meta-analyses.

Sociological theories

Sociological approaches to mental health emphasize the role of poverty, violence, and gender inequality as factors contributing to the gender difference in depression. Abundant evidence suggests a relationship between financial hardship and depression in both sexes (Reiss, 2013). Because of the feminization of poverty (Belle, 1990; Belle & Doucet, 2003), and the link between poverty and depression, gender differences might also be linked to income inequality and a national’s overall wealth. Similar to financial hardship, victimization is also related to depression in both males and females. To the extent that women report higher rates of violent victimization, this may contribute to the gender difference in depression (Koss et al., 1994). Lastly, gender inequality is linked to discrimination against women, which may contribute to the gender difference (Belle & Doucet, 2003). Thus, in the current meta-analyses we investigated nation-level economic factors and gender-equity indicators as moderators of the gender differences in depression.

Social-structural theory

Eagly and Wood’s social-structural theory (1999; Wood & Eagly, 2012) also provides a framework for understanding the relationship between gender inequality and the magnitude of psychological gender differences. According to the theory, a society’s division of labor by gender drives all other psychological gender differences. These gender differences result from individuals’ adaptations to the particular restrictions on or opportunities for their gender in their society. The theory predicts that larger gender differences should be observed in nations with more gender inequality. Evidence for this theory exists for several psychological gender differences, including mate preferences, mathematics performance, and some aspects of sexuality (Eagly & Wood, 1999; Else-Quest, Hyde, & Linn, 2010; Petersen & Hyde, 2010; Zentner & Mitura, 2012). However, other studies have found smaller gender differences in nations with more gender inequality. This pattern has been found for outcomes such as self-reports of personality traits and attitudes about mathematics (Else-Quest et al., 2010; Wood & Eagly, 2012). In the current meta-analyses, we sought to determine which of these patterns would occur (larger or smaller gender differences in nations with more gender inequality) when the outcome was gender differences in depression.

Cross-national variations: Research on economic and gender equity factors

Research on the relationship between nation-level economic factors and gender differences in depression is sparse. A study including 18 countries from the WHO World Mental Health Surveys (Kessler & Usten, 2008) reported that the relationship between gender and MDE did not differ significantly between high-income and low- to middle-income countries, suggesting that economic development does not explain the varying magnitudes of gender differences in different countries (Bromet et al., 2011). Alternatively, a different measure of nation-level economic development may be more sensitive in detecting a relationship to the gender difference in depression. In the current set of meta-analyses, we used two different measures of economic development (income category and income inequality; defined below) and included a more complete set of nations to examine the relationship between nation-level economic factors and gender differences in depression more comprehensively.

Nation-level gender equity indicators are increasingly being used in psychological research (Else-Quest & Grabe, 2012); however, few studies have investigated the relationship between nation-level gender equity and gender differences in depression. Two large multi-nation studies have reported conflicting results, finding that the gender gap in depression was smaller and larger, respectively, in low gender-equity countries compared to high gender-equity countries (Hopcroft & Bradley, 2007; Van de Velde, Huijts, Bracke, & Bambra, 2013). This relationship is especially complex given the multiple available measures of gender equity. We selected domain-specific indicators of gender equity (rather than composite indicators) that should, theoretically, be tied to gender differences in depression (e.g., contraceptive prevalence, representing a woman’s ability to control her own reproduction).

Additional Factors Influencing the Gender Difference in Depression

In addition to examining age and cross-national variations in national wealth and gender equity as moderators, we also explored whether the magnitude of the gender difference in depression varied according to ethnicity (in U.S. samples only) and over time, i.e., whether it is growing larger or smaller.

Ethnicity in the U.S. and Intersectionality

The extant literature indicates that the prevalence of major depression in the United States varies both by gender and by ethnicity (e.g., Breslau, Kendler, Su, Gaxiola-Aguilar, & Kessler, 2006). However, few studies have tested whether gender differences in depression vary by ethnicity. The importance of this question is highlighted in intersectionality theory, which emphasizes that all people belong to multiple social categories and that these categories are intertwined (Cole, 2009; Else-Quest & Hyde, 2016a). According to this approach, the category of gender should not be considered in isolation, but should be analyzed as it intersects with other categories such as ethnicity. Empirical evidence for these assertions is abundant; space does not permit a thorough review here (for reviews, see Else-Quest & Hyde, 2016a, b).

The limited research on ethnicity, gender, and depression in the United States does not indicate variation by ethnicity in the gender difference in depression (Barnes, Keyes, & Bates, 2013; Breslau et al., 2006; Oquendo et al., 2001; Siegel, Aneshensel, Taub, Cantwell, & Driscoll, 1998). Nonetheless, other meta-analyses on gender differences for related constructs have found notable variations across U.S. ethnic groups. For example, a meta-analysis of gender differences in self-esteem found a small difference favoring Caucasian males over Caucasian females, d = 0.20, but no gender difference for African American samples, d = −0.04 (Kling, Hyde, Showers, & Buswell, 1999). Therefore, it was important to test whether gender differences in depression vary across U.S. ethnic groups. We did not conduct analyses stratified by ethnicity in other nations because ethnic groups are distinct in each country and often are not reported.

Trends over time

One recent narrative review concluded that internalizing problems for girls increased from the late 20th century to the 21st century (Bor, Dean, Najman, & Hayatbakhsh, 2014). The findings for boys were mixed as to whether they experienced an increase. In contrast, Seedat and colleagues (2009) found a significant narrowing in the gender difference in depression in recent cohorts. We therefore tested meta-analytically whether gender differences in depression are widening or narrowing over time.

Sampling Issues

The current set of meta-analyses synthesized data from representative samples, based on an approach pioneered by Hedges and Nowell (1995). They argued that the strongest scientific evidence about gender differences does not come from small studies of convenience samples, but instead comes from larger studies based on representative samples of populations. The Hedges and Nowell strategy has since been used in other meta-analyses on gender differences in cognitive abilities (e.g., Else-Quest et al., 2010; Reilly et al., 2015). Beginning around 1990, with the formation of cross-national collaboration groups studying psychiatric epidemiology (e.g., Cross National Collaborative Group, 1992), data sets based on representative samples became available for gender differences in depression. We were therefore able to use this strong methodology for the current meta-analyses.

The Current Study

Given the abundance of available research on gender differences in major depression and in depression symptoms, a meta-analysis is possible and is needed to address the following key questions:

  1. How large is the gender difference in major depression? How large is the gender difference in levels of depression symptoms?

  2. Following from developmental psychopathology approaches, what is the pattern of gender differences in depression across the life span? How does the direction or magnitude of the gender difference change across development (i.e., at what ages do gender differences appear or disappear, widen or narrow)?

  3. Guided by sociological and social-structural theory, does the magnitude of gender differences vary as a function of the nations’ gender equity or wealth?

  4. Following from an intersectionality approach, are there variations across U.S. ethnic groups in the direction or magnitude of these gender differences?

  5. Have gender differences in depression widened over time, i.e., across cohorts from the 1970s to 2013?


Identification of Studies and Data Sets

Database searches

Computerized database searches of PsycINFO and PubMed were used to generate an initial pool of potential articles. To identify all relevant articles and related datasets, the following search terms (selected in consultation with a university librarian) were used in PsycINFO and PubMed, respectively: (depression OR depressive OR depressed) AND (sex OR gender); depression AND (gender OR sex OR sex factors)2. The search terms were optimized for each database (e.g., using MESH terms in PubMed) and were conceptually similar in terms of article yield. Search limits restricted the results to articles that discussed research with human populations and that were published between 1970 and October 4, 2016 (including online first publications). 1970 was chosen as the earliest year in order to capture reasonably contemporary research with modern symptom measures and diagnoses from structured interviews based on the DSM and ICD. PsycINFO and PubMed identified 29,003 and 28,383 articles, respectively, which were considered for inclusion. In this section and throughout this paper, we follow MARS reporting standards (American Psychological Association Publications and Communications Board, 2008; see also Moher, Liberati, Tetzlaff, Altman, & the PRISMA Group, 2009).

Abstract processing

Abstracts and citations were imported into Endnote citation manager. Duplicates were deleted, resulting in 46,512 abstracts (see Figure 1). The abstracts were examined for relevant content. At this stage, we included any studies with potentially relevant depression data and, to ensure the quality of sampling, were based on a nationally representative dataset. We included abstracts that explicitly mentioned “nationally representative.” Abstracts were excluded for any of the following reasons: (a) the sample was not nationally representative (e.g., clearly a community study or a convenience sample); (b) the sample consisted of only one gender; (c) the study reported no empirical data (e.g., a review article); (d) the research was qualitative; (e) the research was conducted on nonhumans; (f) the participants in the study were younger than seven years old (this age cut-off was selected because, for the sake of uniformity, we included only self-report measures of depression symptoms and not, for example, parent or teacher report; we did not restrict the age range in the computerized database searches in order to avoid missing articles that were not tagged with an age); and (g) the abstract did not mention depression or a related construct (e.g., anxiety, stress, internalizing, emotion, psychological distress, psychiatric disorder, mental health). 44,431 abstracts were excluded due to the aforementioned reasons, resulting in 2081 remaining articles. See Figure 1 for additional information.

Figure 1.

Figure 1

Flowchart of the search and selection procedure.

Article processing

The pdfs from these 2081 articles were retrieved and examined to determine whether the articles met the criteria for inclusion. At this stage, we excluded studies that were not based on national probability sampling. In other words, we included only population-based surveys representative of the country. We excluded national samples of college students, employees, veterans, twins, primary care patients, and married couples, as these samples do not represent the general population. We excluded representative samples that were limited to one large city or region or even several regions (if they were not randomly selected). We also excluded samples of inpatients or outpatients as this sampling strategy is vulnerable to the criticism that the study is detecting a gender difference in help seeking rather than an actual gender difference in depression (Nolen-Hoeksema, 1987; Pattyn, Verhaeghe, & Bracke, 2015). Nationally representative samples do include individuals currently receiving mental health treatment (unless they are institutionalized) or individuals with a history of receiving mental health treatment, so those individuals were not excluded.

Also, to ensure quality, studies that did not meet the measurement criteria were excluded at this stage. Studies were excluded if their measurement of depression symptoms did not meet the following criteria: 1) minimum of 3 items; 2) self-report; 3) Cronbach’s alpha ≥.70 (if provided); and 4) valid and reliable measure of depression based on previously published research3 (e.g., we excluded studies that used a general measure of psychological distress or negative affect). If a study used a measure that combined anxiety and depression subscales, we contacted the authors to obtain the data solely for the depression subscale.

Studies were excluded in the processing of articles if their measurement of depression diagnoses did not include a diagnostic interview with the participant. Thus, we excluded studies reporting depression diagnoses from the following sources: health insurance claims databases, participants’ self-report of physician-diagnosed depression, antidepressant use, and cut-off scores on depression symptom measures (e.g., a cut-off on the CES-D). We contacted authors who reported diagnoses based on symptom cut-off scores to obtain the continuous symptom data for the depression symptom meta-analysis.

If a particular sample of participants was used in more than one article, which was often the case with these national datasets, to maintain independence of samples, we selected the article that had the most complete data (including information on moderator variables such as age and ethnicity) and/or the largest sample size. For nationally representative longitudinal studies with multiple waves of data (e.g., Add Health), we included only one wave of data to maintain independence of samples. In these cases, we selected the article with baseline data (whenever possible) to obtain the largest sample size and avoid bias due to attrition.

Additional searches and author contact

If an article provided insufficient information for effect size calculations, we used three strategies to obtain relevant data for that particular national dataset: 1) we conducted computerized database searches using the dataset name and/or authors; 2) we searched the national data set websites for published tables with depression data; and 3) if the study assessed relevant information (e.g., reported on depression symptoms but did not provide the data separately for men and women), all authors of the study for whom we could find email addresses from the article, the Web directory of the authors’ academic institution, or a Google search, were contacted. Given our strong interest in age and ethnicity as moderator variables, we also contacted authors for data on gender differences in depression by age and, for U.S. samples, ethnicity if that information was not provided in the original article. We received relevant information for 103 out of the 186 articles for which we contacted authors.

Overall, 112 articles from the original search met criteria for inclusion, including articles for which authors needed to be contacted for data. We added 46 new articles that were not in the original search from additional searching for nationally representative datasets.

Final sample of studies

The final sample of studies (see Figure 1) for the meta-analyses included data from 65 (diagnosis meta-analysis) and 95 (symptom meta-analysis) articles and their corresponding data sets. Two articles were used in both meta-analyses (Graham et al., 2007; Maske et al., 2016); several samples were used in both meta-analyses, e.g., MIDUS. See Tables 1 and 2 for a list of all studies.

Table 1.

Studies of Gender Differences in Major Depression Diagnoses

Study OR Country NM NF Interview Year Age Sample E F M T
Alaimo et al. (2002) 2.38 US 365 389 DIS 1991 15–16 Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III) 1 1 2 4
Andrews et al. (2001)* 2.40 Australia 461 608 CIDI 2.1 1997 18–24 Australian National Survey of Mental Health & Well-Being (NSMHWB) 3 1 3
Andrews et al. (2001)* 1.97 Australia 940 1249 CIDI 2.1 1997 25–34 NSMHWB 3 1 3
Andrews et al. (2001)* 1.97 Australia 1131 1349 CIDI 2.1 1997 35–44 NSMHWB 3 1 3
Andrews et al. (2001)* 1.69 Australia 815 1017 CIDI 2.1 1997 45–54 NSMHWB 3 1 3
Andrews et al. (2001)* 2.14 Australia 627 652 CIDI 2.1 1997 55–64 NSMHWB 3 1 3
Andrews et al. (2001)* 2.78 Australia 731 1061 CIDI 2.1 1997 65+ NSMHWB 3 1 3
Arokiasamy et al. (2013) 1.24 India 3302 3255 CIDI 2008 50+ WHO Study on global Aging and adult health (SAGE) - India 3 3^ 3
Arokiasamy et al. (2013) 1.41 India 1042 3620 CIDI 2008 18–49 WHO SAGE- India 3 3^ 3
Avenevoli et al. (2015)* 1.65 US 843 809 WMH-CIDI 2002 13 National Comorbidity Survey- Adolescent Supplement (NCS- A) 1 2 1 3
Avenevoli et al. (2015)* 5.50 US 1088 1130 WMH-CIDI 2002 14 NCS- A 1 2 1 3
Avenevoli et al. (2015)* 2.57 US 883 1004 WMH-CIDI 2002 15 NCS- A 1 2 1 3
Avenevoli et al. (2015)* 2.44 US 966 1044 WMH-CIDI 2002 16 NCS- A 1 2 1 3
Avenevoli et al. (2015)* 1.93 US 1173 1183 WMH-CIDI 2002 17–18 NCS- A 1 2 1 3
Beals et al. (2005) 1.79 US 606 817 CIDI 1998 15–54 The American Indian Service Utilization, Psychiatric Epidemiology, Risk & Protective Factors Project (AI-SUPERPFP)- Southwest Tribe 6 2 2 3
Beals et al. (2005) 1.94 US 778 840 CIDI 1998 15–54 AI-SUPERPFP- Northern Plains Tribe 6 2 2 3
Bijl et al. (1998) 1.90 Netherlands 3304 3772 CIDI 1.1 1996 18–64 Netherlands Mental Health Survey & Incidence Study (NEMESIS) 2 2 3
Boyd et al. (2015) 2.55 Bulgaria 2430 2888 WMH-CIDI 2005 18+ Bulgaria National Survey of Health & StressW 1 1 4
Boyd et al. (2015) 1.67 Romania 1092 1265 WMH-CIDI 2006 18+ Romania Mental Health SurveyW 1 1 4
Boyd et al. (2015) 2.44 Portugal 1632 2217 WMH-CIDI 2009 18+ Portugal National Mental Health SurveyW 1 1 4
Boyd et al. (2015) 1.96 France 1329 1565 WMH-CIDI 2002 18+ ESEMeDW 1 1 4
Bromet et al. (2005)* 3.58 Ukraine 462 608 WMH-CIDI 2002 18–32 Comorbid Mental Disorders during Periods of Social Disruption (CMDPSD)W 2 1 3
Bromet et al. (2005)* 2.31 Ukraine 443 728 WMH-CIDI 2002 33–47 CMDPSDW 2 1 3
Bromet et al. (2005)* 2.07 Ukraine 440 876 WMH-CIDI 2002 48–62 CMDPSDW 2 1 3
Bromet et al. (2005)* 2.07 Ukraine 447 876 WMH-CIDI 2002 63+ CMDPSDW 2 1 3
Bromet et al. (2011) 1.57 Belgium 1190 1229 WMH-CIDI 2002 18+ The European Study of the Epidemiology of Mental Disorders (ESEMeD)W 2 1 3
Bromet et al. (2011) 1.71 Germany 1660 1895 WMH-CIDI 2003 18+ ESEMeDW 2 1 3
Bromet et al. (2011) 1.60 Israel 2380 2479 WMH-CIDI 2003 21+ Israel National Health SurveyW 2 1 3
Bromet et al. (2011) 2.54 Italy 2321 2391 WMH-CIDI 2002 18+ ESEMeDW 2 1 3
Bromet et al. (2011) 2.32 Netherlands 1032 1340 WMH-CIDI 2003 18+ ESEMeDW 2 1 3
Bromet et al. (2011) 1.96 Colombia 1700 2726 WMH-CIDI 2003 18–65 Colombian National Study of Mental HealthW 2 1 3
Bromet et al. (2011) 2.11 Lebanon 1297 1560 WMH-CIDI 2003 18+ Lebanese Evaluation of the Burden of Ailments and Needs of the NationW 2 1 3
Bromet et al. (2011) 2.17 South Africa 1718 2597 WMH-CIDI 2004 18+ South Africa Stress and Health StudyW 2 1 3
Center for Behavioral Health Statistics & Quality (CBHSQ) (2014) 2.86 US 11363 10938 WMH-CIDI 2004 12–17 National Survey on Drug Use & Health (NSDUH) 1 1 3
CBHSQ (2014) 3.26 US 11378 11156 WMH-CIDI 2005 12–17 NSDUH 1 1 3
CBHSQ (2014) 3.05 US 11718 11153 WMH-CIDI 2006 12–17 NSDUH 1 1 3
CBHSQ (2014) 2.80 US 11524 10909 WMH-CIDI 2007 12–17 NSDUH 1 1 3
CBHSQ (2014) 3.18 US 11517 11029 WMH-CIDI 2008 12–17 NSDUH 1 1 3
CBHSQ (2014) 2.69 US 11520 11106 WMH-CIDI 2009 12–17 NSDUH 1 1 3
CBHSQ (2014) 2.93 US 11140 10820 WMH-CIDI 2010 12–17 NSDUH 1 1 3
CBHSQ (2014) 2.92 US 12028 11482 WMH-CIDI 2011 12–17 NSDUH 1 1 3
CBHSQ (2014) 2.66 US 1918 1807 WMH-CIDI 2012 12 NSDUH 1 1 3
CBHSQ (2014) 5.22 US 1840 1838 WMH-CIDI 2012 13 NSDUH 1 1 3
CBHSQ (2014) 3.28 US 1883 1872 WMH-CIDI 2012 14 NSDUH 1 1 3
CBHSQ (2014) 2.98 US 1921 1817 WMH-CIDI 2012 15 NSDUH 1 1 3
CBHSQ (2014) 3.71 US 1937 1878 WMH-CIDI 2012 16 NSDUH 1 1 3
CBHSQ (2014) 2.66 US 1877 1885 WMH-CIDI 2012 17 NSDUH 1 1 3
CBHSQ (2014) 2.14 US 1824 1713 WMH-CIDI 2013 12 NSDUH 1 1 3
CBHSQ (2014) 3.76 US 1963 1849 WMH-CIDI 2013 13 NSDUH 1 1 3
CBHSQ (2014) 4.95 US 2026 1865 WMH-CIDI 2013 14 NSDUH 1 1 3
CBHSQ (2014) 3.98 US 1882 1868 WMH-CIDI 2013 15 NSDUH 1 1 3
CBHSQ (2014) 2.92 US 1940 1890 WMH-CIDI 2013 16 NSDUH 1 1 3
CBHSQ (2014) 3.12 US 1914 1760 WMH-CIDI 2013 17 NSDUH 1 1 3
CBHSQ (2014) 1.99 US 10774 11755 WMH-CIDI 2012 18–25 NSDUH 1 1 3
CBHSQ (2014) 1.89 US 1469 1593 WMH-CIDI 2012 26–29 NSDUH 1 1 3
CBHSQ (2014) 2.13 US 1559 1863 WMH-CIDI 2012 30–34 NSDUH 1 1 3
CBHSQ (2014) 1.39 US 1365 1537 WMH-CIDI 2012 35–39 NSDUH 1 1 3
CBHSQ (2014) 1.69 US 1394 1615 WMH-CIDI 2012 40–44 NSDUH 1 1 3
CBHSQ (2014) 1.73 US 1428 1737 WMH-CIDI 2012 45–49 NSDUH 1 1 3
CBHSQ (2014) 1.35 US 816 1013 WMH-CIDI 2012 50–54 NSDUH 1 1 3
CBHSQ (2014) 1.45 US 722 877 WMH-CIDI 2012 55–59 NSDUH 1 1 3
CBHSQ (2014) 1.76 US 598 736 WMH-CIDI 2012 60–65 NSDUH 1 1 3
CBHSQ (2014) 2.09 US 1360 1625 WMH-CIDI 2012 65+ NSDUH 1 1 3
CBHSQ (2014) 2.09 US 10671 11543 WMH-CIDI 2013 18–25 NSDUH 1 1 3
CBHSQ (2014) 1.80 US 1376 1603 WMH-CIDI 2013 26–29 NSDUH 1 1 3
CBHSQ (2014) 1.29 US 1529 1802 WMH-CIDI 2013 30–34 NSDUH 1 1 3
CBHSQ (2014) 1.67 US 1317 1562 WMH-CIDI 2013 35–39 NSDUH 1 1 3
CBHSQ (2014) 1.63 US 1437 1671 WMH-CIDI 2013 40–44 NSDUH 1 1 3
CBHSQ (2014) 1.34 US 1440 1631 WMH-CIDI 2013 45–49 NSDUH 1 1 3
CBHSQ (2014) 1.47 US 837 951 WMH-CIDI 2013 50–54 NSDUH 1 1 3
CBHSQ (2014) 1.61 US 711 909 WMH-CIDI 2013 55–59 NSDUH 1 1 3
CBHSQ (2014) 1.42 US 674 719 WMH-CIDI 2013 60–65 NSDUH 1 1 3
CBHSQ (2014) 3.55 US 1302 1659 WMH-CIDI 2013 65+ NSDUH 1 1 3
CBHSQ (2014) 1.90 US 21408 24366 WMH-CIDI 2005 18+ NSDUH 1 1 3
CBHSQ (2014) 1.75 US 20995 23936 WMH-CIDI 2006 18+ NSDUH 1 1 3
CBHSQ (2014) 1.91 US 21272 24165 WMH-CIDI 2007 18+ NSDUH 1 1 3
CBHSQ (2014) 1.88 US 21602 24588 WMH-CIDI 2008 18+ NSDUH 1 1 3
CBHSQ (2014) 1.77 US 21755 24319 WMH-CIDI 2009 18+ NSDUH 1 1 3
CBHSQ (2014) 1.73 US 21697 24147 WMH-CIDI 2010 18+ NSDUH 1 1 3
CBHSQ (2014) 1.84 US 21750 24489 WMH-CIDI 2011 18+ NSDUH 1 1 3
Chan Chee et al. (2011) 2.28 France 529 596 CIDI-SF 2005 15–19 French Barometer Study 2 1 3
Chan Chee et al. (2011) 1.98 France 1813 2417 CIDI-SF 2005 20–34 French Barometer Study 2 1 3
Chan Chee et al. (2011) 2.46 France 2655 3690 CIDI-SF 2005 35–54 French Barometer Study 2 1 3
Chan Chee et al. (2011) 1.95 France 2081 3102 CIDI-SF 2005 55–75 French Barometer Study 2 1 3
Chan Chee et al. (2011) 2.02 France 878 1060 CIDI-SF 2010 20–34 French Barometer Study 2 1 3
Chan Chee et al. (2011) 1.52 France 1433 1725 CIDI-SF 2010 35–54 French Barometer Study 2 1 3
Chan Chee et al. (2011) 2.65 France 1122 1527 CIDI-SF 2010 55–75 French Barometer Study 2 1 3
Cho et al. (2010)* 2.40 South Korea 560 683 K-CIDI 2.1 2007 18–29 Korean National Epidemiologic Catchment Area Study- Replication (KECA-R) 2 1 3
Cho et al. (2010)* 2.55 South Korea 688 1136 K-CIDI 2.1 2007 30–39 KECA-R 2 1 3
Cho et al. (2010)* 1.26 South Korea 690 1065 K-CIDI 2.1 2007 40–49 KECA-R 2 1 3
Cho et al. (2010)* 1.85 South Korea 431 683 K-CIDI 2.1 2007 50–59 KECA-R 2 1 3
Cho et al. (2007) 3.18 South Korea 3524 2751 K-CIDI 2.1 2001 18–64 KECA 2 1 3
Coyne & Marcus (2006) 2.15 US 11612 14903 CIDI-SF 1999 18+ National Health Interview Survey 2 2 1 3
Coyne & Marcus (2006) 2.29 US 1590 2696 CIDI-SF 1999 18+ National Health Interview Survey 3 2 1 3
Danielson et al. (2005). 1.98 US 2020 2003 NSA interview 1995 12–17 National Survey of Adolescents (NSA) 1 2 1 3
de Graaf et al. (2012) 1.57 Netherlands 2977 3669 WMH-CIDI 2008 18–64 NEMESIS II 2 1 3
Farbstein et al. (2010) 2.55 Israel 497 460 DAWBA 2005 14–17 Israel Survey of Mental Health among Adolescents (ISMEHA) 3 1 2
Ford et al. (2003)* 1.51 Great Britain 1284 1340 DAWBA 1999 13–15 British Child & Adolescent Mental Health Survey 2 1 0
Gabilondo et al. (2010). 2.83 Spain 733 834 WMH-CIDI 2002 18–34 ESEMeDW 2 1 3
Gabilondo et al. (2010). 1.82 Spain 622 809 WMH-CIDI 2002 35–49 ESEMeDW 2 1 3
Gabilondo et al. (2010). 2.83 Spain 437 587 WMH-CIDI 2002 50–64 ESEMeDW 2 1 3
Gabilondo et al. (2010). 6.29 Spain 629 822 WMH-CIDI 2002 65+ ESEMeDW 2 1 3
Gavin et al. (2009) 1.92 US 1217 2217 WMH-CIDI 2002 18+ National Survey of American Life 3 2 1 4
Goodwin & Gotlib (2004) 1.75 US 1492 1540 CIDI-SF 1996 25–74 MIDUS (Midlife in the US) 1 1 2 3
Graham et al. (2007) 2.06 Canada 6214 7878 CIDI 2005 18–76 Gender Alcohol and Culture: An International Study (GENACIS) 2 1 3
Grant (1995) 1.31 US 21431 21431 AUDADIS 1992 18+ National Longitudinal Alcohol Epidemiologic Survey (NLAES) 1 2 1 4
Gureje et al. (2006)* 0.83 Nigeria 1595 1580 WMH-CIDI 2003 18–34 Nigerian Survey of Mental Health & Wellbeing (NSMHW)W 2 1 3
Gureje et al. (2006)* 1.84 Nigeria 809 822 WMH-CIDI 2003 35–49 NSMHWW 2 1 3
Gureje et al. (2006)* 1.28 Nigeria 503 601 WMH-CIDI 2003 50–64 NSMHWW 2 1 3
Haarasilta et al. (2001) 1.36 Finland 437 505 CIDI-SF 1996 15–24 Finnish Health Care Survey (FINHCS) 2 2 3
Hasin et al. (2005)* 1.93 US 2410 2789 AUDADIS 2002 18–24 National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol & Related Conditions (NESARC) 1 2 1 3
Hasin et al. (2005)* 2.08 US 1407 2060 AUDADIS 2002 25–29 NESARC 1 2 1 3
Hasin et al. (2005)* 3.28 US 1834 2458 AUDADIS 2002 30–34 NESARC 1 2 1 3
Hasin et al. (2005)* 1.65 US 1989 2661 AUDADIS 2002 35–39 NESARC 1 2 1 3
Hasin et al. (2005)* 2.36 US 2034 2406 AUDADIS 2002 40–44 NESARC 1 2 1 3
Hasin et al. (2005)* 1.84 US 1876 2142 AUDADIS 2002 45–49 NESARC 1 2 1 3
Hasin et al. (2005)* 2.53 US 1603 2004 AUDADIS 2002 50–54 NESARC 1 2 1 3
Hasin et al. (2005)* 1.76 US 1236 1611 AUDADIS 2002 55–59 NESARC 1 2 1 3
Hasin et al. (2005)* 1.41 US 1025 1343 AUDADIS 2002 60–64 NESARC 1 2 1 3
Hasin et al. (2005)* 2.38 US 927 1255 AUDADIS 2002 65–69 NESARC 1 2 1 3
Hasin et al. (2005)* 1.74 US 2177 3846 AUDADIS 2002 70 + NESARC 1 2 1 3
Instituto Nacional de Salud Publica (2014) 6.02 Mexico 1028 1176 CIDI 2010 50+ WHO SAGE- Mexico 3 3^ 3
Joe et al. (2009)* 0.98 US 563 607 WMH-CIDI 2002 13–17 National Survey of American Life 3 3 1 3
Kessler et al. (2010) 2.03 US 1375 1658 WMH- CIDI 2002 18–34 National Comorbidity Survey- Replication (NCS- R)W 1 2 1 3
Kessler et al. (2010) 1.59 US 1343 1522 WMH- CIDI 2002 35–49 NCS-RW 1 2 1 3
Kessler et al. (2010) 1.54 US 854 1068 WMH- CIDI 2002 50–64 NCS-RW 1 2 1 3
Kessler et al. (2010) 3.16 US 567 894 WMH- CIDI 2002 65+ NCS-RW 1 2 1 3
Kessler et al. (1993) 1.86 US 838 927 CIDI 1991 15–24 National Comorbidity Survey (NCS) 1 1 2 3
Kessler et al. (1993) 1.53 US 1246 1378 CIDI 1991 25–34 NCS 1 1 2 3
Kessler et al. (1993) 1.65 US 1065 1178 CIDI 1991 35–44 NCS 1 1 2 3
Kessler et al. (1993) 2.97 US 696 770 CIDI 1991 45–54 NCS 1 1 2 3
Kiejna et al. (2015) 1.82 Poland 1465 1430 WMH-CIDI 2011 18–29 Epidemiology of Mental Health and Access to Care Survey (EZOP)W 1 1 4
Kiejna et al. (2015) 1.76 Poland 1069 1050 WMH-CIDI 2011 30–39 EZOPW 1 1 4
Kiejna et al. (2015) 2.51 Poland 938 936 WMH-CIDI 2011 40–49 EZOPW 1 1 4
Kiejna et al. (2015) 2.37 Poland 1411 1782 WMH-CIDI 2011 50–64 EZOPW 1 1 4
Kim et al. (2015)* 2.36 South Korea 691 636 K-CIDI 2011 18–29 KECA-2011 1 1 3
Kim et al. (2015)* 2.02 South Korea 655 645 K-CIDI 2011 30–39 KECA-2011 1 1 3
Kim et al. (2015)* 2.50 South Korea 687 682 K-CIDI 2011 40–49 KECA-2011 1 1 3
Kim et al. (2015)* 2.01 South Korea 542 553 K-CIDI 2011 50–59 KECA-2011 1 1 3
Kim et al. (2015)* 3.40 South Korea 315 351 K-CIDI 2011 60–69 KECA-2011 1 1 3
Kim et al. (2015)* 3.65 South Korea 112 149 K-CIDI 2011 70+ KECA-2011 1 1 3
Lara et al. (2015) 1.80 Spain 435 523 CIDI 2012 18–49 Collaborative Research on Aging in Europe (COURAGE)- Spain 2 1 3
Lara et al. (2015) 1.95 Spain 829 931 CIDI 2012 50–64 COURAGE- Spain 2 1 3
Lara et al. (2015) 4.17 Spain 814 1051 CIDI 2012 65+ COURAGE- Spain 2 1 3
Lepine et al. (1997) 1.75 Belgium 4032 4044 MINI 1995 18+ DEPRES (Depression Research in European Society) 2 1 2
Lepine et al. (1997) 2.22 France 7162 7355 MINI 1995 15+ DEPRES 2 1 2
Lepine et al. (1997) 1.58 Germany 7798 8386 MINI 1995 14+ DEPRES 2 1 2
Lepine et al. (1997) 1.97 Netherlands 4224 3587 MINI 1995 16+ DEPRES 2 1 2
Lepine et al. (1997) 2.12 Spain 8063 8069 MINI 1995 15+ DEPRES 2 1 2
Lepine et al. (1997) 1.41 UK 7155 8588 MINI 1995 16+ DEPRES 2 1 2
Lorenzo-Blanco et al. (2013) 1.77 US 1127 1427 WMH-CIDI 2003 18+ National Latino & Asian American Study (NLAAS) 5 1 1 3
Maske et al. (2016)* 3.69 Germany 371 413 M-CIDI 2011 18–34 Germany Health Interview and Examination Survey for Adults- mental health module (DEGS1-MH) 2 1 3
Maske et al. (2016)* 4.33 Germany 291 332 M-CIDI 2011 35–44 DEGS1-MH 2 1 3
Maske et al. (2016)* 1.41 Germany 414 524 M-CIDI 2011 45–54 DEGS1-MH 2 1 3
Maske et al. (2016)* 1.21 Germany 399 444 M-CIDI 2011 55–64 DEGS1-MH 2 1 3
Maske et al. (2016)* 3.10 Germany 628 592 M-CIDI 2011 65–79 DEGS1-MH 2 1 3
McMartin et al. (2013)* 2.82 Canada 3228 3078 CIDI-SF 2001 12–14 Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) 2 1 3
McMartin et al. (2013)* 3.22 Canada 5425 5380 CIDI-SF 2001 15–19 CCHS 1.1 2 1 3
McMartin et al. (2013)* 1.76 Canada 3350 3997 CIDI-SF 2001 20–24 CCHS 1.1 2 1 3
McMartin et al. (2013)* 1.88 Canada 3914 4586 CIDI-SF 2001 25–29 CCHS 1.1 2 1 3
McMartin et al. (2013)* 1.87 Canada 4644 5306 CIDI-SF 2001 30–34 CCHS 1.1 2 1 3
McMartin et al. (2013)* 1.85 Canada 5687 6429 CIDI-SF 2001 35–39 CCHS 1.1 2 1 3
McMartin et al. (2013)* 2.17 Canada 6073 6458 CIDI-SF 2001 40–44 CCHS 1.1 2 1 3
McMartin et al. (2013)* 2.06 Canada 5368 5647 CIDI-SF 2001 45–49 CCHS 1.1 2 1 3
McMartin et al. (2013)* 1.45 Canada 4759 5184 CIDI-SF 2001 50–54 CCHS 1.1 2 1 3
McMartin et al. (2013)* 2.23 Canada 3867 4226 CIDI-SF 2001 55–59 CCHS 1.1 2 1 3
McMartin et al. (2013)* 1.62 Canada 3136 3782 CIDI-SF 2001 60–64 CCHS 1.1 2 1 3
McMartin et al. (2013)* 1.72 Canada 2988 3625 CIDI-SF 2001 65–69 CCHS 1.1 2 1 3
McMartin et al. (2013)* 1.91 Canada 2607 3572 CIDI-SF 2001 70–74 CCHS 1.1 2 1 3
McMartin et al. (2013)* 2.27 Canada 1914 3140 CIDI-SF 2001 75–79 CCHS 1.1 2 1 3
McMartin et al. (2013)* 1.54 Canada 1783 3746 CIDI-SF 2001 80+ CCHS 1.1 2 1 3
Merikangas et al. (2012) 2.98 US 2147 2003 NIMH DISC-IV 2003 12–19 National Health & Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), 2001–2004 1 2 1 3
Mohammadi et al. (2005) 2.84 Iran 12660 12530 SADS 2001 18+ The national plan for epidemiologic study of psychiatric disorders in Iran 2 1 4
Mommersteeg et al. (2013)* 1.24 Burkina Faso 2272 2551 WHO WHS 2002 18+ World Health Organization (WHO) World Health Survey (WHS) 2 1 3
Mommersteeg et al.* 1.42 Chad 2196 2447 WHO WHS 2002 18+ WHO World Health Survey 2 1 3
Mommersteeg et al.* 1.70 Comoros 787 972 WHO WHS 2002 18+ WHO World Health Survey 2 1 3
Mommersteeg et al.* 1.64 Congo 1167 1326 WHO WHS 2002 18+ WHO World Health Survey 2 1 3
Mommersteeg et al.* 1.11 Ethiopia 2391 2544 WHO WHS 2002 18+ WHO World Health Survey 2 1 3
Mommersteeg et al.* 1.67 Ghana 1773 2153 WHO WHS 2002 18+ WHO World Health Survey 2 1 3
Mommersteeg et al.* 1.66 Ivory Coast 1818 1361 WHO WHS 2002 18+ WHO World Health Survey 2 1 3
Mommersteeg et al.* 2.03 Kenya 1868 2541 WHO WHS 2002 18+ WHO World Health Survey 2 1 3
Mommersteeg et al.* 2.17 Malawi 2197 3033 WHO WHS 2002 18+ WHO World Health Survey 2 1 3
Mommersteeg et al.* 2.00 Mali 2354 1711 WHO WHS 2002 18+ WHO World Health Survey 2 1 3
Mommersteeg et al.* 1.13 Mauritania 1465 2308 WHO WHS 2002 18+ WHO World Health Survey 2 1 3
Mommersteeg et al.* 2.41 Mauritius 1872 2016 WHO WHS 2002 18+ WHO World Health Survey 2 1 3
Mommersteeg et al.* 1.25 Namibia 1721 2524 WHO WHS 2002 18+ WHO World Health Survey 2 1 3
Mommersteeg et al.* 2.01 Senegal 1641 1515 WHO WHS 2002 18+ WHO World Health Survey 2 1 3
Mommersteeg et al.* 0.93 Swaziland 1417 1667 WHO WHS 2002 18+ WHO World Health Survey 2 1 3
Mommersteeg et al.* 1.29 Tunisia 2344 2725 WHO WHS 2002 18+ WHO World Health Survey 2 1 3
Mommersteeg et al.* 1.77 Zimbabwe 1489 2600 WHO WHS 2002 18+ WHO World Health Survey 2 1 3
Mommersteeg et al.* 1.57 Brazil 2188 2812 WHO WHS 2002 18+ WHO World Health Survey 2 1 3
Mommersteeg et al.* 1.94 Dominican Republic 2104 2430 WHO WHS 2002 18+ WHO World Health Survey 2 1 3
Mommersteeg et al.* 1.85 Ecuador 2051 2602 WHO WHS 2002 18+ WHO World Health Survey 2 1 3
Mommersteeg et al.* 2.48 Mexico 16377 22368 WHO WHS 2002 18+ WHO World Health Survey 2 1 3
Mommersteeg et al.* 3.39 Paraguay 2353 2789 WHO WHS 2002 18+ WHO World Health Survey 2 1 3
Mommersteeg et al.* 3.25 Uruguay 1449 1530 WHO WHS 2002 18+ WHO World Health Survey 2 1 3
Mommersteeg et al.* 1.82 Bangladesh 2584 2966 WHO WHS 2002 18+ WHO World Health Survey 2 1 3
Mommersteeg et al.* 2.01 China 1954 2039 WHO WHS 2002 18+ WHO World Health Survey 2 1 3
Mommersteeg et al.* 2.21 Georgia 1165 1590 WHO WHS 2002 18+ WHO World Health Survey 2 1 3
Mommersteeg et al.* 1.30 India 4849 5144 WHO WHS 2002 18+ WHO World Health Survey 2 1 3
Mommersteeg et al.* 1.65 Kazakhstan 1544 2951 WHO WHS 2002 18+ WHO World Health Survey 2 1 3
Mommersteeg et al.* 1.63 Lao PDR 2295 2594 WHO WHS 2002 18+ WHO World Health Survey 2 1 3
Mommersteeg et al.* 1.37 Malaysia 2673 3366 WHO WHS 2002 18+ WHO World Health Survey 2 1 3
Mommersteeg et al.* 2.01 Myanmar 2551 3335 WHO WHS 2002 18+ WHO World Health Survey 2 1 3
Mommersteeg et al.* 1.52 Nepal 3698 4990 WHO WHS 2002 18+ WHO World Health Survey 2 1 3
Mommersteeg et al.* 2.34 Pakistan 3565 2810 WHO WHS 2002 18+ WHO World Health Survey 2 1 3
Mommersteeg et al.* 1.49 Philippines 4659 5416 WHO WHS 2002 18+ WHO World Health Survey 2 1 3
Mommersteeg et al.* 0.83 Sri Lanka 3136 3596 WHO WHS 2002 18+ WHO World Health Survey 2 1 3
Mommersteeg et al.* 0.84 UAE 617 563 WHO WHS 2002 18+ WHO World Health Survey 2 1 3
Mommersteeg et al.* 7.04 Vietnam 1572 1919 WHO WHS 2002 18+ WHO World Health Survey 2 1 3
Mommersteeg et al.* 3.82 Bosnia & Herzegovina 434 594 WHO WHS 2002 18+ WHO World Health Survey 2 1 3
Mommersteeg et al.* 1.42 Croatia 401 589 WHO WHS 2002 18+ WHO World Health Survey 2 1 3
Mommersteeg et al.* 1.46 Czech Republic 419 516 WHO WHS 2002 18+ WHO World Health Survey 2 1 3
Mommersteeg et al.* 1.75 Estonia 366 645 WHO WHS 2002 18+ WHO World Health Survey 2 1 3
Mommersteeg et al.* 2.57 Hungary 591 828 WHO WHS 2002 18+ WHO World Health Survey 2 1 3
Mommersteeg et al.* 1.92 Russia 1592 2828 WHO WHS 2002 18+ WHO World Health Survey 2 1 3
Mommersteeg et al.* 3.08 Slovakia 952 1530 WHO WHS 2002 18+ WHO World Health Survey 2 1 3
Mommersteeg et al.* 1.70 Spain 2623 3740 WHO WHS 2002 18+ WHO World Health Survey 2 1 3
Mommersteeg et al.* 2.03 Ukraine 1001 1844 WHO WHS 2002 18+ WHO World Health Survey 2 1 3
National Research Institute of Public Health, Russian Academy of Medical Science (2013) 3.02 Russia 1520 2376 CIDI 2009 50+ WHO SAGE- Russia 3 3^ 3
Patten (2005)* 2.74 Canada 1432 1434 WMH-CIDI 2002 15–19 Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) 1.2 2 1 3
Patten (2005)* 1.48 Canada 1305 1502 WMH-CIDI 2002 20–24 CCHS 1.2 2 1 3
Patten (2005)* 2.20 Canada 1074 1468 WMH-CIDI 2002 25–29 CCHS 1.2 2 1 3
Patten (2005)* 1.64 Canada 1498 1731 WMH-CIDI 2002 30–34 CCHS 1.2 2 1 3
Patten (2005)* 1.51 Canada 1669 1860 WMH-CIDI 2002 35–39 CCHS 1.2 2 1 3
Patten (2005)* 1.80 Canada 1775 1738 WMH-CIDI 2002 40–44 CCHS 1.2 2 1 3
Patten (2005)* 1.67 Canada 1443 1464 WMH-CIDI 2002 45–49 CCHS 1.2 2 1 3
Patten (2005)* 2.69 Canada 1282 1517 WMH-CIDI 2002 50–54 CCHS 1.2 2 1 3
Patten (2005)* 1.34 Canada 1264 1465 WMH-CIDI 2002 55–59 CCHS 1.2 2 1 3
Patten (2005)* 0.89 Canada 1092 1235 WMH-CIDI 2002 60–64 CCHS 1.2 2 1 3
Patten (2005)* 1.37 Canada 889 1184 WMH-CIDI 2002 65–69 CCHS 1.2 2 1 3
Patten (2005)* 1.13 Canada 834 1206 WMH-CIDI 2002 70–74 CCHS 1.2 2 1 3
Patten (2005)* 0.97 Canada 599 1042 WMH-CIDI 2002 75–79 CCHS 1.2 2 1 3
Patten (2005)* 0.22 Canada 617 1365 WMH-CIDI 2002 80+ CCHS 1.2 2 1 3
Patten (2005)* 3.03 Canada 967 1057 WMH-CIDI 2012 15–19 CCHS- MH (Mental Health) 2 1 3
Patten (2005)* 1.17 Canada 923 1066 WMH-CIDI 2012 20–24 CCHS- MH 2 1 3
Patten (2005)* 2.09 Canada 737 880 WMH-CIDI 2012 25–29 CCHS- MH 2 1 3
Patten (2005)* 2.00 Canada 808 1061 WMH-CIDI 2012 30–34 CCHS- MH 2 1 3
Patten (2005)* 1.52 Canada 827 902 WMH-CIDI 2012 35–39 CCHS- MH 2 1 3
Patten (2005)* 1.41 Canada 877 814 WMH-CIDI 2012 40–44 CCHS- MH 2 1 3
Patten (2005)* 1.37 Canada 795 875 WMH-CIDI 2012 45–49 CCHS- MH 2 1 3
Patten (2005)* 2.04 Canada 904 1052 WMH-CIDI 2012 50–54 CCHS- MH 2 1 3
Patten (2005)* 1.86 Canada 1016 1229 WMH-CIDI 2012 55–59 CCHS- MH 2 1 3
Patten (2005)* 1.57 Canada 975 1231 WMH-CIDI 2012 60–64 CCHS- MH 2 1 3
Patten (2005)* 2.31 Canada 847 1071 WMH-CIDI 2012 65–69 CCHS- MH 2 1 3
Patten (2005)* 0.39 Canada 639 793 WMH-CIDI 2012 70–74 CCHS- MH 2 1 3
Patten (2005)* 1.13 Canada 466 718 WMH-CIDI 2012 75–79 CCHS- MH 2 1 3
Patten (2005)* 5.07 Canada 559 1024 WMH-CIDI 2012 80+ CCHS- MH 2 1 3
Peltzer & Phaswana-Mafuya (2013) 1.08 South Africa 1638 2202 WMH-CIDI 2008 50+ WHO SAGE- South Africa 2 3^ 3
Pirkola et al. (2005)* 2.26 Finland 983 1094 CIDI 2001 30–44 Health 2000 2 1 3
Pirkola et al. (2005) 1.62 Finland 768 812 CIDI 2001 45–54 Health 2000 2 1 3
Pirkola et al. (2005) 2.10 Finland 486 563 CIDI 2001 55–64 Health 2000 2 1 3
Pirkola et al. (2005) 2.49 Finland 511 788 CIDI 2001 65+ Health 2000 2 1 3
Rafful et al. (2012) 1.65 Mexico 842 1218 WMH- CIDI 2002 18–29 Mexico National Comorbidity Survey (M-NCS)W 1 1 4
Rafful et al. (2012) 2.40 Mexico 852 1384 WMH- CIDI 2002 30–44 (M-NCS)W 1 1 4
Rafful et al. (2012) 2.20 Mexico 591 895 WMH- CIDI 2002 45–65 (M-NCS)W 1 1 4
Rapsey et al. (2015)* 1.91 Iraq 2091 2241 WMH- CIDI 2007 18–96 Iraq Mental Health Survey W 3 1 4
Sandanger et al. (2007) 1.55 Norway 803 888 CIDI 1.2 2001 18+ 1 1 3
Scott et al. (2010)* 1.61 New Zealand 713 822 WMH-CIDI 2004 16–24 New Zealand Mental Health Survey (NZMHS)W 2 1 3
Scott et al. (2010)* 2.10 New Zealand 1000 1414 WMH-CIDI 2004 25–34 NZMHSW 2 1 3
Scott et al. (2010)* 1.23 New Zealand 1231 1659 WMH-CIDI 2004 35–44 NZMHSW 2 1 3
Scott et al. (2010)* 1.70 New Zealand 1023 1222 WMH-CIDI 2004 45–54 NZMHSW 2 1 3
Scott et al. (2010)* 3.28 New Zealand 730 934 WMH-CIDI 2004 55–64 NZMHSW 2 1 3
Scott et al. (2010)* 3.31 New Zealand 937 1307 WMH-CIDI 2004 65+ NZMHSW 2 1 3
Shah et al. (2011) 1.84 US 838 927 DIS 1991 17–39 NHANES- III 3 2 2 4
Shah et al. (2011) 2.34 US 1246 1378 DIS 1991 17–39 NHANES- III 2 2 2 4
Shah et al. (2011) 2.16 US 1065 1178 DIS 1991 17–39 NHANES- III 5 2 2 4
Shanghai Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2012) 1.58 China 6409 6466 CIDI 2009 50+ WHO SAGE- China 3 3^ 3
Skapinakis et al. (2013) 1.78 Greece 2427 2467 CIS-R 2010 18–70 Psychiatric Morbidity Survey 2 3^ 1
Slade et al. (2009)* 2.92 Australia 681 790 WMH-CIDI 2007 16–24 National Survey of Mental Health and Well-Being (NSMHWB)W 2 3^ 3
Slade et al. (2009)* 1.57 Australia 516 774 WMH-CIDI 2007 25–34 NSMHWBW 2 3^ 3
Slade et al. (2009)* 1.17 Australia 756 882 WMH-CIDI 2007 35–44 NSMHWBW 2 3^ 3
Slade et al. (2009)* 1.34 Australia 566 698 WMH-CIDI 2007 45–54 NSMHWBW 2 3^ 3
Slade et al. (2009)* 2.80 Australia 604 669 WMH-CIDI 2007 55–64 NSMHWBW 2 3^ 3
Slade et al. (2009)* 1.75 Australia 904 1001 WMH-CIDI 2007 65–85 NSMHWBW 2 3^ 3
Spiers et al. (2012) 1.60 England 4300 4318 CIS-R 1993 16–64 National Psychiatric Morbidity Surveys (NPMS) 2 3^ 1
Spiers et al. (2012) 1.17 England 3606 3622 CIS-R 2000 16–71 NPMS 2 3^ 1
Spiers et al. (2012) 1.50 England 3454 3553 CIS-R 2007 16–78 NPMS 2 3^ 1
Subramaniam et al. (2013)* 1.43 Singapore 1149 1144 WMH-CIDI 2010 18–34 Singapore Mental Health Study 2 1 3
Subramaniam et al. (2013)* 1.00 Singapore 1162 1197 WMH-CIDI 2010 35–49 Singapore Mental Health Study 2 1 3
Subramaniam et al. (2013)* 3.02 Singapore 978 976 WMH-CIDI 2010 50–89 Singapore Mental Health Study 2 1 3
Suttajit et al. (2012)* 2.26 Thailand 1886 1786 MINI 2008 15–24 Thai National Mental Health survey 2 1 4
Suttajit et al. (2012)* 1.52 Thailand 1831 1908 MINI 2008 25–34 Thai National Mental Health survey 2 1 4
Suttajit et al. (2012)* 1.25 Thailand 1904 1982 MINI 2008 35–44 Thai National Mental Health survey 2 1 4
Suttajit et al. (2012)* 1.57 Thailand 2875 2968 MINI 2008 45–59 Thai National Mental Health survey 2 1 4
Takeuchi et al. (2007)* 0.81 US 998 1097 WMH-CIDI 2003 18+ National Latino & Asian American Study (NLAAS) 4 2 1 3
Toussaint et al. (2008)* 2.57 US 563 709 CIDI-SF 1998 18+ - 1 1 2 3
University of Ghana Medical School (2013) 1.72 Ghana 2241 2041 CIDI 2008 50+ WHO SAGE- Ghana 3 3^ 3
Vicente et al. (2006) 2.11 Chile 1281 1697 CIDI 1996 15+ Chilean Psychiatric Prevalence Study 2 2 3
Volken (2013)* 1.25 Switzerland 7919 9936 CIDI- SF 2007 15+ Swiss Health Survey 2 1 3
Wade et al. (2002) 1.93 Canada 643 677 CIDI-SF 1995 12–19 National Population Health Survey (NPHS) 1 2 3
Wittchen et al. (2000) 2.17 Germany 1913 2268 CIDI 1998 18–65 German National Health Interview and Examination Survey 2 1 3
Zhao et al. (2006) 2.21 Canada 12991 14399 CIDI-SF 1997 20–39 NPHS 1 2 3
Zhao et al. (2006) 1.91 Canada 12386 13296 CIDI-SF 1997 40–64 NPHS 1 2 3
Zinzow et al. (2009)* 3.24 US 923 885 NSA interview 2005 12–14 National Survey of Adolescents-Replication (NSA-R) 1 2 1 2
Zinzow et al. (2009)* 2.79 US 928 868 NSA interview 2005 15–17 NSA-R 1 2 1 2
Zubrick et al. (2016)* 4.96 Australia 183 160 DISC-IV 2014 14 Second Australian Child and Adolescent Survey of Health and Well-being 2 1 3
Zubrick et al. (2016)* 3.16 Australia 168 141 DISC-IV 2014 15 Second Australian Child and Adolescent Survey of Health and Well-being 2 1 3
Zubrick et al. (2016)* 3.55 Australia 353 365 DISC-IV 2014 16 Second Australian Child and Adolescent Survey of Health and Well-being 2 1 3
Zubrick et al. (2016)* 2.08 Australia 325 309 DISC-IV 2014 17 Second Australian Child and Adolescent Survey of Health and Well-being 2 1 3

Note. Sample = sample name (not all samples had a name); Interview = diagnostic interview used; OR = untransformed Odds Ratio; NM = n males; NF = n females; Year = year of data collection; Age = age or age range (in years); E = ethnicity (only applies to U.S. samples): 1 = mixed, 2 = > 85% Caucasian, 3 = > 85% African American, 4 = > 85% Asian American, 5 = > 85% Hispanic, 6 = > 85% Native American; F = focus of article: 1 = gender, 2 = depression, 3 = other, no value = no title; M = diagnostic manual or classification system: 1 = DSM-IV or DSM-IV-TR; 2 = DSM-III or DSM-III-R; 3 = ICD-10; T = time span during which depression was diagnosed: 0 = current; 1 = 1 month, 2 = 6 months, 3 = 12 months, 4 = lifetime;


= received additional data from author;


= World Mental Health Survey Sample;


= ICD-10 depressive episode (all other diagnoses were major depressive episodes or major depressive disorders);

DIS = Diagnostic Interview Schedule (Robins et al., 1981); CIDI = Composite International Diagnostic Interview (World Health Organization, 1990, 1997; Smeets & Dingemans, 1993); WMH- CIDI = World Mental Health CIDI or CIDI 3.0 (Kessler & Ustun, 2004); CIDI-SF = CIDI- Short Form (Kessler et al., 1998); K-CIDI = Korean version of the CIDI (Cho et al., 2002); M-CIDI = German version of the CIDI (Wittchen & Pfister, 1997); DAWBA = Development and Well-Being Assessment (Goodman et al., 2000); AUDADIS = Alcohol Use Disorder and Associated Disabilities Interview Schedule (Grant et al., 2001); MINI = Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview (Sheehan et al., 1998); NIMH DISC-IV = National Institute of Mental Health Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children Version IV (Shaffer et al., 2000); SADS = Schedule of Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia (Endicott & Spitzer, 1978); WHO WHS = World Health Organization World Health Survey- 2002 (World Health Organization, 2002); SCID = Structured Clinical Interview for Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM)-IV Axis I Disorders (First et al., 2002); CIS-R = Clinical Interview Schedule- Revised (Lewis et al., 1992); CIS = Clinical Interview Schedule (Lewis et al., 1992).

Table 2.

Studies of Gender Differences in Depression Symptoms

Study d Country NM NF Measure Year Age Sample E F
Aalto et al. (2012)* 0.27 Finland 326 371 BDI 2001 30–34 Health 2000 2
Aalto et al. (2012)* 0.29 Finland 353 388 BDI 2001 35–39 Health 2000 2
Aalto et al. (2012)* 0.14 Finland 341 381 BDI 2001 40–44 Health 2000 2
Aalto et al. (2012)* 0.10 Finland 379 435 BDI 2001 45–49 Health 2000 2
Aalto et al. (2012)* 0.16 Finland 412 412 BDI 2001 50–54 Health 2000 2
Aalto et al. (2012)* 0.37 Finland 263 304 BDI 2001 55–59 Health 2000 2
Aalto et al. (2012)* 0.19 Finland 244 289 BDI 2001 60–64 Health 2000 2
Aalto et al. (2012)* 0.31 Finland 178 231 BDI 2001 65–69 Health 2000 2
Aalto et al. (2012)* 0.22 Finland 348 656 BDI 2001 70+ Health 2000 2
Abebe et al. (2016)* 0.47 Norway 12867 13146 DMI 2012 13 Ungdata 2
Abebe et al. (2016)* 0.64 Norway 11018 11184 DMI 2012 14 Ungdata 2
Abebe et al. (2016)* 0.70 Norway 12624 12369 DMI 2012 15 Ungdata 2
Abebe et al. (2016)* 0.69 Norway 8266 7811 DMI 2012 16 Ungdata 2
Almqvist et al. (1999) −0.11 Finland 2880 2805 CDI 1990 8–9 Finnish Nationwide 1981 Birth Cohort Study 2
Andersen et al. (2009)* 0.14 Denmark 1701 2066 MDI 2000 40–49 Danish Longitudinal Study on Work, Unemployment & Health 2
Andersen et al. (2009)* 0.14 Denmark 1695 1699 MDI 2000 50–56 Danish Longitudinal Study on Work, Unemployment & Health 2
Belanger et al (2011)* 0.37 Switzerland 481 355 DTS 2002 16 Swiss Multicenter Adolescent Survey on Health (SMASH) 2
Belanger et al (2011)* 0.50 Switzerland 996 976 DTS 2002 17 SMASH 2
Belanger et al (2011)* 0.31 Switzerland 1135 1072 DTS 2002 18 SMASH 2
Belanger et al (2011)* 0.41 Switzerland 782 592 DTS 2002 19 SMASH 2
Belanger et al (2011)* 0.08 Switzerland 503 304 DTS 2002 20 SMASH 2
Bracke (1998) 0.32 Belgium 2907 3204 HDL-D 1992 16+ Panel Study of Belgian Households 1
Bushman et al. (2012)* 0.08 US 251 549 CES-D 2011 18–90 1 2
Cardozo et al. (2005)* 0.23 Afghanistan 240 357 SCL-D 2002 15+ Mental Health in Afghanistan Survey 1
Cater et al. (2015)* 0.36 Sweden 203 200 HADS-D 2011 20 Resume Project 1
Cater et al. (2015)* 0.32 Sweden 215 265 HADS-D 2011 21 Resume Project 1
Cater et al. (2015)* 0.31 Sweden 253 252 HADS-D 2011 22 Resume Project 1
Cater et al. (2015)* 0.32 Sweden 265 300 HADS-D 2011 23 Resume Project 1
Cater et al. (2015)* 0.44 Sweden 250 297 HADS-D 2011 24 Resume Project 1
Chan et al. (2011) 0.16 Singapore 759 786 CES-D 2009 60–64 Panel on Health and Aging of Singaporean Elderly (PHASE), Wave 2, 2011 1
Chan et al. (2011) 0.22 Singapore 908 1039 CES-D 2009 65–74 PHASE, Wave 2, 2011 1
Chan et al. (2011) 0.28 Singapore 411 586 CES-D 2009 75+ PHASE, Wave 2, 2011 1
Clark et al. (2013)* 0.17 New Zealand 762 914 RADS-SF 2013 13 Youth’12 3
Clark et al. (2013)* 0.33 New Zealand 868 965 RADS-SF 2013 14 Youth’12 3
Clark et al. (2013)* 0.33 New Zealand 742 941 RADS-SF 2013 15 Youth’12 3
Clark et al. (2013)* 0.29 New Zealand 686 831 RADS-SF 2013 16 Youth’12 3
Clark et al. (2013)* 0.32 New Zealand 467 652 RADS-SF 2013 17 Youth’12 3
Collins et al. (2009)* 0.30 Taiwan 2534 2176 CES-D 1996 50+ Survey of Health & Living Status of the Near Elderly & Elderly 2
Crimmins et al. (2011)* 0.73 Austria 777 1072 EURO-D 2005 50+ Survey of Health, Aging, & Retirement (SHARE) 1
Crimmins et al. (2011)* 1.04 Belgium 1715 1934 EURO-D 2005 50+ SHARE 1
Crimmins et al. (2011)* 0.54 Denmark 757 858 EURO-D 2005 50+ SHARE 1
Crimmins et al. (2011)* 0.36 France 1367 1671 EURO-D 2005 50+ SHARE 1
Crimmins et al. (2011)* 0.30 Germany 1370 1571 EURO-D 2005 50+ SHARE 1
Crimmins et al. (2011)* 1.04 Greece 1241 1428 EURO-D 2005 50+ SHARE 1
Crimmins et al. (2011)* 0.36 Italy 1126 1382 EURO-D 2005 50+ SHARE 1
Crimmins et al. (2011)* 0.56 Netherlands 1348 1517 EURO-D 2005 50+ SHARE 1
Crimmins et al. (2011)* 0.57 Spain 989 1364 EURO-D 2005 50+ SHARE 1
Crimmins et al. (2011)* 0.96 Sweden 1407 1590 EURO-D 2005 50+ SHARE 1
Crimmins et al. (2011)* 0.66 Switzerland 455 505 EURO-D 2005 50+ SHARE 1
de Wit et al. (2009)* 0.24 Netherlands 2632 2970 MHI-D 2004 18–29 Continuous Survey of Living Conditions (CCSLC) 2
de Wit et al. (2009)* 0.22 Netherlands 3206 3780 MHI-D 2004 30–39 CCSLC 2
de Wit et al. (2009)* 0.17 Netherlands 3437 3727 MHI-D 2004 40–49 CCSLC 2
de Wit et al. (2009)* 0.17 Netherlands 3297 3331 MHI-D 2004 50–59 CCSLC 2
de Wit et al. (2009)* 0.29 Netherlands 2404 2166 MHI-D 2004 60–69 CCSLC 2
de Wit et al. (2009)* 0.31 Netherlands 1813 2020 MHI-D 2004 70–90 CCSLC 2
Dooley et al. (2015)* −0.15 Ireland 84 90 DASS-D 2011 12 My World Survey 2
Dooley et al. (2015)* 0.11 Ireland 462 515 DASS-D 2011 13 My World Survey 2
Dooley et al. (2015)* 0.22 Ireland 588 609 DASS-D 2011 14 My World Survey 2
Dooley et al. (2015)* 0.33 Ireland 508 488 DASS-D 2011 15 My World Survey 2
Dooley et al. (2015)* 0.34 Ireland 451 564 DASS-D 2011 16 My World Survey 2
Dooley et al. (2015)* 0.43 Ireland 371 368 DASS-D 2011 17 My World Survey 2
Dooley et al. (2015)* 0.27 Ireland 142 215 DASS-D 2011 18 My World Survey 2
Everson-Rose et al. (2004)* 0.31 US 333 407 CES-D 1986 24–34 American Changing Lives Survey 1 2
Everson-Rose et al. (2004)* 0.23 US 228 363 CES-D 1986 35–44 American Changing Lives Survey 1 2
Everson-Rose et al. (2004)* −0.01 US 168 222 CES-D 1986 45–54 American Changing Lives Survey 1 2
Everson-Rose et al. (2004)* 0.14 US 251 434 CES-D 1986 55–65 American Changing Lives Survey 1 2
Everson-Rose et al. (2004)* 0.26 US 239 526 CES-D 1986 65–74 American Changing Lives Survey 1 2
Everson-Rose et al. (2004)* 0.23 US 139 307 CES-D 1986 75+ American Changing Lives Survey 1 2
Ferketich et al. (2000) 0.25 US 2888 5006 CES-D 1983 30+ National Health & Nutrition Examination Follow-up Study (NHEFS) 1 1
Fleiz Bautista et al. (2012)* 0.31 Mexico 4613 4707 CES-D 2008 12–17 National Survey on Addictions 2
Fleiz Bautista et al. (2012)* 0.24 Mexico 7343 7962 CES-D 2008 18–29 National Survey on Addictions 2
Fleiz Bautista et al. (2012)* 0.29 Mexico 5199 5784 CES-D 2008 30–39 National Survey on Addictions 2
Fleiz Bautista et al. (2012)* 0.34 Mexico 3833 4204 CES-D 2008 40–49 National Survey on Addictions 2
Fleiz Bautista et al. (2012)* 0.29 Mexico 3623 3959 CES-D 2008 50–65 National Survey on Addictions 2
Fleming et al. (2014)* 0.42 New Zealand 3074 2585 RADS 2007 12–15 Youth 2000 2
Fleming et al. (2014)* 0.32 New Zealand 1580 1453 RADS 2007 16–19 Youth 2000 2
Gault-Sherman et al. (2009)* 0.42 Iceland 1610 1596 SCL- D 2004 16 Junior College Questionnaire 1
Gault-Sherman et al. (2009)* 0.36 Iceland 1138 1156 SCL-D 2004 17 Junior College Questionnaire 1
Gault-Sherman et al. (2009)* 0.38 Iceland 835 927 SCL-D 2004 18 Junior College Questionnaire 1
Gault-Sherman et al. (2009)* 0.33 Iceland 705 859 SCL-D 2004 19 Junior College Questionnaire 1
Gault-Sherman et al. (2009)* 0.39 Iceland 314 284 SCL-D 2004 20 Junior College Questionnaire 1
Gettler & Oka (2016) 0.14 US 1505 933 PHQ-9 2012 20–60 NHANES 2011–2012 1 1
Graham et al. (2007) 0.15 Canada 2781 3675 CES-D 2005 18–76 Gender Alcohol & Culture: An International Study 2
Guarnaccia et al. (1991) 0.33 US 1369 1583 CES-D 1983 20–45 HHANES 5 2
Guarnaccia et al. (1991) 0.31 US 416 659 CES-D 1983 20–45 HHANES 5 2
Guarnaccia et al. (1991) 0.42 US 247 312 CES-D 1983 20–45 HHANES 5 2
Gudmundsdottir et al. (2010) 0.23 Iceland 967 955 SCL-D 1998 18–75 - 2
Hardie (2014) 0.13 US 1116 1046 CES-D 1992 27–35 National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY) ’79 3 2
Hardie (2014) 0.23 US 725 689 CES-D 1992 27–35 NLSY ’79 5 2
Hardie (2014) 0.22 US 1841 1703 CES-D 1992 27–35 NLSY ’79 2 2
Haroz et al. (2014) 0.45 US 585 785 CES-D 2014 13–14 Teen Health and Technology 1 2
Haroz et al. (2014) 0.27 US 856 1096 CES-D 2014 15–17 Teen Health and Technology 1 2
Haroz et al. (2014) 0.22 US 954 1404 CES-D 2014 18 Teen Health and Technology 1 2
Haroz et al. (2014) 0.16 US 95 99 CES-D 2008 11–12 Growing up with Media 1 2
Haroz et al. (2014) 0.47 US 201 191 CES-D 2008 13–14 Growing up with Media 1 2
Haroz et al. (2014) 0.11 US 192 172 CES-D 2008 15–17 Growing up with Media 1 2
Haroz et al. (2014) 0.25 US 94 106 CES-D 2012 18 Growing up with Media 1 2
Haukkala et al. (2009)* 0.19 Finland 622 833 BDI 1995 24–34 Finrisk- 1995 1
Haukkala et al. (2009)* 0.15 Finland 783 970 BDI 1995 35–44 Finrisk- 1995 1
Haukkala et al. (2009)* 0.07 Finland 885 991 BDI 1995 45–54 Finrisk- 1995 1
Haukkala et al. (2009)* 0.07 Finland 925 983 BDI 1995 55–64 Finrisk- 1995 1
Haukkala et al. (2009)* 0.22 Finland 493 189 BDI 1995 65–74 Finrisk- 1995 1
Hauser et al. (2014)* −0.07 Germany 128 144 BDI 2012 14–24 Survey zu psychischen Befindlichkeiten Uni Leipzig 2
Hauser et al. (2014)* 0.08 Germany 166 181 BDI 2012 25–34 Survey zu psychischen Befindlichkeiten Uni Leipzig 2
Hauser et al. (2014)* 0.15 Germany 165 195 BDI 2012 35–44 Survey zu psychischen Befindlichkeiten Uni Leipzig 2
Hauser et al. (2014)* −0.09 Germany 208 252 BDI 2012 45–54 Survey zu psychischen Befindlichkeiten Uni Leipzig 2
Hauser et al. (2014)* 0.07 Germany 212 250 BDI 2012 55–64 Survey zu psychischen Befindlichkeiten Uni Leipzig 2
Hauser et al. (2014)* −0.07 Germany 209 195 BDI 2012 65–74 Survey zu psychischen Befindlichkeiten Uni Leipzig 2
Hauser et al. (2014)* 0.18 Germany 76 113 BDI 2012 85+ Survey zu psychischen Befindlichkeiten Uni Leipzig 2
Huang & Chen (2015)* 0.45 Taiwan 52 64 CES-D 2010 15 2
Huang & Chen (2015)* −0.01 Taiwan 253 283 CES-D 2010 16 2
Huang & Chen (2015)* 0.10 Taiwan 205 206 CES-D 2010 17 2
Huang & Chen (2015)* 0.32 Taiwan 43 90 CES-D 2010 18 2
Hwang et al. (2009)* 0.17 Taiwan 2904 2966 - 2004 12–17 Adolescent Internet Use, Daily Life, & Depressive Mood Survey 2
Inaba et al. (2005)* 0.09 Japan 740 834 CES-D 1999 28–39 National Family Research of Japan ’98 Survey (NFRJ98) 1
Inaba et al. (2005)* 0.15 Japan 675 732 CES-D 1999 40–49 NFRJ98 1
Inaba et al. (2005)* 0.18 Japan 670 794 CES-D 1999 50–59 NFRJ98 1
Inaba et al. (2005)* 0.17 Japan 906 977 CES-D 1999 60–78 NFRJ98 1
Inaba et al. (2005)* 0.27 US 1372 1413 CES-D 1994 28–39 National Survey of Families & Households (NSFH) in the US 1 1
Inaba et al. (2005)* 0.22 US 1013 987 CES-D 1994 40–49 NSFH 1 1
Inaba et al. (2005)* 0.38 US 594 716 CES-D 1994 50–59 NSFH 1 1
Inaba et al. (2005)* 0.29 US 856 1220 CES-D 1994 60–78 NSFH 1 1
Ismayilova et al. (2013)* 0.32 Jordan 3513 3252 - 2009 14–18 2
Jaddou et al. (2012)* 0.36 Jordan 1008 2994 DASS-D 2009 25+ 2
Jang et al. (2009) 0.14 South Korea 1320 1648 CES-D 2006 45–54 Korean Longitudinal Study of Aging 1
Jang et al. (2009) 0.19 South Korea 1163 1341 CES-D 2006 55–64 Korean Longitudinal Study of Aging 1
Jang et al. (2009) 0.32 South Korea 1095 1306 CES-D 2006 65–74 Korean Longitudinal Study of Aging 1
Jang et al. (2009) 0.26 South Korea 483 708 CES-D 2006 75–85 Korean Longitudinal Study of Aging 1
Kaji et al. (2010)* 0.10 Japan 2543 2583 CES-D 2000 50–59 Active Survey of Health & Welfare in Japan 2
Kaji et al. (2010)* 0.04 Japan 1691 1745 CES-D 2000 60–69 Active Survey of Health & Welfare in Japan 2
Kaji et al. (2010)* 0.13 Japan 799 1003 CES-D 2000 70–79 Active Survey of Health & Welfare in Japan 2
Kaji et al. (2010)* 0.10 Japan 200 495 CES-D 2000 80+ Active Survey of Health & Welfare in Japan 2
Karadog et al. (2014)* 0.34 Turkey 400 342 BDI 2012 18–24 Prevalence of Sleep Disorders in the Turkish Adult Population Epidemiology of Sleep (TAPES) Study 1
Karadog et al. (2014)* 0.34 Turkey 538 742 BDI 2012 25–34 TAPES Study 1
Karadog et al. (2014)* 0.26 Turkey 448 661 BDI 2012 35–44 TAPES Study 1
Karadog et al. (2014)* 0.20 Turkey 451 429 BDI 2012 45–54 TAPES Study 1
Karadog et al. (2014)* 0.29 Turkey 319 270 BDI 2012 55–64 TAPES Study 1
Karadog et al. (2014)* 0.44 Turkey 266 152 BDI 2012 65+ TAPES Study 1
Kim (2016) 0.30 South Korea 1137 1256 - 2003 13–14 Korea Youth Panel Survey 3
Kliem et al. (2014)* 0.03 Germany 2106 2374 BDI 2012 14–91 2
Klomek et al. (2009)* −0.16 Finland 2651 2583 CDI 1989 8 2
Kocalevent et al. (2013) 0.12 Germany 292 272 PHQ-9 2006 14–24 2
Kocalevent et al. (2013) 0.16 Germany 279 351 PHQ-9 2006 25–34 2
Kocalevent et al. (2013) 0.16 Germany 396 542 PHQ-9 2006 35–44 2
Kocalevent et al. (2013) −0.05 Germany 414 457 PHQ-9 2006 45–54 2
Kocalevent et al. (2013) 0.04 Germany 398 446 PHQ-9 2006 55–64 2
Kocalevent et al. (2013) 0.18 Germany 397 395 PHQ-9 2006 65–74 2
Kocalevent et al. (2013) 0.11 Germany 156 236 PHQ-9 2006 75+ 2
Kokkevi et al. (2009)* 0.43 Armenia 1569 2231 CES-D 2007 16 European School Survey Project on Alcohol & Other Drugs (ESPAD) 3
Kokkevi et al. (2009)* 0.59 Bulgaria 1098 1056 CES-D 2007 16 ESPAD 3
Kokkevi et al. (2009)* 0.66 Croatia 1497 1438 CES-D 2007 16 ESPAD 3
Kokkevi et al. (2009)* 0.53 Cyprus 2936 3182 CES-D 2007 16 ESPAD 3
Kokkevi et al. (2009)* 0.42 Faroe Islands 247 281 CESD 2007 16 ESPAD 3
Kokkevi et al. (2009)* 0.69 Finland 2242 2641 CES-D 2007 16 ESPAD 3
Kokkevi et al. (2009)* 0.54 Hungary 1277 1386 CES-D 2007 16 ESPAD 3
Kokkevi et al. (2009)* 0.48 Iceland 1634 1629 CES-D 2007 16 ESPAD 3
Kokkevi et al. (2009)* 0.59 Ireland 932 1136 CES-D 2007 16 ESPAD 3
Kokkevi et al. (2009)* 0.50 Isle of Man 356 362 CES-D 2007 16 ESPAD 3
Kokkevi et al. (2009)* 0.57 Latvia 1059 1135 CES-D 2007 16 ESPAD 3
Kokkevi et al. (2009)* 0.70 Romania 943 1231 CES-D 2007 16 ESPAD 3
Kokkevi et al. (2009)* 0.60 Slovak Rep. 1166 1211 CES-D 2007 16 ESPAD 3
Kokkevi et al. (2009)* 0.70 Slovenia 1525 1466 CES-D 2007 16 ESPAD 3
Kokkevi et al. (2009)* 0.56 UK 909 1120 CES-D 2007 16 ESPAD 3
Kokkevi et al. (2009)* 0.52 Greece 4631 5242 CES-D 2007 14–18 ESPAD 2
Kokkevi et al. (2011)* 0.61 Greece 5169 5336 CES-D 1984 14–18 Greek National School Population Survey 2
Kopp et al. (1995) 0.07 Hungary 7767 7979 BDI 1988 16–65 2
Lee (2015)* 0.16 South Korea 617 779 PHQ-9 2012 50.6 Korean General Social Survey 2
Lei et al. (2014) 0.20 China 1285 1740 CES-D 2012 45–49 China Health & Retirement Longitudinal Study (CHARLS) 2
Lei et al. (2014) 0.24 China 1050 1182 CES-D 2012 50–54 CHARLS 2
Lei et al. (2014) 0.26 China 1484 1591 CES-D 2012 55–59 CHARLS 2
Lei et al. (2014) 0.31 China 1294 1270 CES-D 2012 60–64 CHARLS 2
Lei et al. (2014) 0.30 China 839 801 CES-D 2012 65–59 CHARLS 2
Lei et al. (2014) 0.22 China 639 569 CES-D 2012 70–74 CHARLS 2
Lei et al. (2014) 0.37 China 585 596 CES-D 2012 75+ CHARLS 2
Madianos et al. (1992) 0.45 Greece 1820 2263 CES-D 1978 19–64 2
Madianos et al. (1992) 0.33 Greece 1660 2046 CES-D 1984 19–64 2
Mäntyselkä et al. (2003)* 0.35 Finland 258 389 DEPS 2002 15–24 Finnish Pain Study 3
Mäntyselkä et al. (2003)* 0.17 Finland 278 378 DEPS 2002 25–34 Finnish Pain Study 3
Mäntyselkä et al. (2003)* 0.12 Finland 309 399 DEPS 2002 35–44 Finnish Pain Study 3
Mäntyselkä et al. (2003)* −0.08 Finland 336 432 DEPS 2002 45–54 Finnish Pain Study 3
Mäntyselkä et al. (2003)* 0.16 Finland 381 441 DEPS 2002 55–64 Finnish Pain Study 3
Mäntyselkä et al. (2003)* 0.14 Finland 417 437 DEPS 2002 65–74 Finnish Pain Study 3
Margraf et al. (2016)* −0.12 US 1252 1786 DASS-D 2013 18+ Bochum Optimism and Mental Health (BOOM)- US 1 3
Margraf et al. (2016)* 0.08 Germany 826 1181 DASS-D 2013 18+ BOOM- Germany 3
Margraf et al. (2016)* 0.13 Russia 1413 1607 DASS-D 2013 18+ Boom- Russia 3
Marmorstein (2009)* 0.12 US 262 329 CES-D 1995 12 National Longitudinal Student of Adolescent Health (Add Health) 1 2
Marmorstein (2009)* 0.22 US 1039 1218 CES-D 1995 13 Add Health 1 2
Marmorstein (2009)* 0.30 US 1319 1472 CES-D 1995 14 Add Health 1 2
Marmorstein (2009)* 0.34 US 1778 1883 CES-D 1995 15 Add Health 1 2
Marmorstein (2009)* 0.31 US 2061 1991 CES-D 1995 16 Add Health 1 2
Marmorstein (2009)* 0.19 US 1981 1940 CES-D 1995 17 Add Health 1 2
Marmorstein (2009)* 0.21 US 1512 1427 CES-D 1995 18 Add Health 1 2
Marmorstein (2009)* 0.34 US 237 159 CES-D 1995 19 Add Health 1 2
Maske et al. (2016)* 0.27 Germany 722 781 PHQ-9 2010 18–34 Germany Health Interview and Examination Survey for Adults (DEGS1) 2
Maske et al. (2016)* 0.28 Germany 553 646 PHQ-9 2010 35–44 DEGS1 2
Maske et al. (2016)* 0.28 Germany 741 858 PHQ-9 2010 45–54 DEGS1 2
Maske et al. (2016)* 0.25 Germany 652 718 PHQ-9 2010 55–64 DEGS1 2
Maske et al. (2016)* 0.30 Germany 915 937 PHQ-9 2010 65–79 DEGS1 2
Michal et al. (2011)* −0.07 Germany 1090 1385 HADS- D 2009 14–94 2
Momtaz et al. (2016)* 0.15 Malaysia 564 696 GDS-15 2014 60–69 Identifying Psychosocial and Identifying Economic Risk Factor of Cognitive Impairment among Elderly 3
Momtaz et al. (2016)* 0.14 Malaysia 423 387 GDS-15 2014 70–79 Identifying Psychosocial and Identifying Economic Risk Factor of Cognitive Impairment among Elderly 3
Momtaz et al. (2016)* 0.15 Malaysia 67 65 GDS-15 2014 80+ Identifying Psychosocial and Identifying Economic Risk Factor of Cognitive Impairment among Elderly 3
Morozink et al. (2010)* 0.10 US 541 705 CES-D 2004 35–86 Midlife in the United States (MIDUS) 1 2
Mumford et al. (2013)* 0.48 US 815 765 MHI-D 2000 15 National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY) ’97 1 2
Mumford et al. (2013)* 0.33 US 819 774 MHI-D 2000 16 NLSY ’97 1 2
Mumford et al. (2013)* 0.29 US 811 773 MHI-D 2000 17 NLSY ’97 1 2
Mumford et al. (2013)* 0.22 US 766 767 MHI-D 2000 18 NLSY ’97 1 2
Mumford et al. (2013)* 0.23 US 657 681 MHI-D 2000 19 NLSY ’97 1 2
Munhoz et al. (2016)* 0.32 Brazil 6246 8075 PHQ-9 2013 18–29 Brazilian National Healthy Survey 2
Munhoz et al. (2016)* 0.34 Brazil 6049 8220 PHQ-9 2013 30–39 Brazilian National Healthy Survey 2
Munhoz et al. (2016)* 0.37 Brazil 5079 6326 PHQ-9 2013 40–49 Brazilian National Healthy Survey 2
Munhoz et al. (2016)* 0.37 Brazil 3991 5039 PHQ-9 2013 50–59 Brazilian National Healthy Survey 2
Munhoz et al. (2016)* 0.26 Brazil 2595 3643 PHQ-9 2013 60–69 Brazilian National Healthy Survey 2
Munhoz et al. (2016)* 0.27 Brazil 1428 2013 PHQ-9 2013 70–79 Brazilian National Healthy Survey 2
Munhoz et al. (2016)* 0.14 Brazil 532 966 PHQ-9 2013 80+ Brazilian National Healthy Survey 2
Neumark-Sztainer et al. (2000)* 0.12 US 239 267 CDI 1997 10 Commonwealth Fund Survey (of the Health of Adolescent Girls & Boys) 1 1
Neumark-Sztainer et al. (2000)* 0.02 US 254 305 CDI 1997 11 Commonwealth Fund Survey 1 1
Neumark-Sztainer et al. (2000)* 0.04 US 386 461 CDI 1997 12 Commonwealth Fund Survey 1 1
Neumark-Sztainer et al. (2000)* 0.29 US 420 484 CDI 1997 13 Commonwealth Fund Survey 1 1
Neumark-Sztainer et al. (2000)* 0.22 US 370 462 CDI 1997 14 Commonwealth Fund Survey 1 1
Neumark-Sztainer et al. (2000)* 0.31 US 361 503 CDI 1997 15 Commonwealth Fund Survey 1 1
Neumark-Sztainer et al. (2000)* 0.32 US 399 497 CDI 1997 16 Commonwealth Fund Survey 1 1
Neumark-Sztainer et al. (2000)* 0.25 US 314 372 CDI 1997 17 Commonwealth Fund Survey 1 1
O’Halloran et al. (2014)* 0.21 Ireland 603 727 CES-D 2010 50–54 The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA) 2
O’Halloran et al. (2014)* 0.18 Ireland 591 754 CES-D 2010 55–59 TILDA 2
O’Halloran et al. (2014)* 0.20 Ireland 502 647 CES-D 2010 60–64 TILDA 2
O’Halloran et al. (2014)* 0.19 Ireland 487 502 CES-D 2010 65–69 TILDA 2
O’Halloran et al. (2014)* 0.35 Ireland 383 376 CES-D 2010 70–74 TILDA 2
O’Halloran et al. (2014)* 0.27 Ireland 449 521 CES-D 2010 75+ TILDA 2
Oh et al. (2013)* 0.30 South Korea 14452 16146 CES-D 2009 19–29 Korean Community Health Survey 2
Oh et al. (2013)* 0.19 South Korea 20031 21340 CES-D 2009 30–39 Korean Community Health Survey 2
Oh et al. (2013)* 0.17 South Korea 23381 24288 CES-D 2009 40–49 Korean Community Health Survey 2
Oh et al. (2013)* 0.22 South Korea 19781 21722 CES-D 2009 50–59 Korean Community Health Survey 2
Oh et al. (2013)* 0.39 South Korea 15986 19191 CES-D 2009 60–69 Korean Community Health Survey 2
Oh et al. (2013)* 0.35 South Korea 12912 20365 CES-D 2009 70+ Korean Community Health Survey 2
Ojard et al. (2015)* 0.29 US 8751 8802 CES-D 2005 45+ Reasons for Geographic & Racial Differences in Stroke (REGARDS) 2 2
Ojard et al. (2015)* 0.19 US 4705 7710 CES-D 2005 45+ REGARDS 3 2
Okabayashi et al. (2004)* 0.21 Japan 995 1205 CES-D 1987 60+ 3
Oksuzyan et al. (2010)* 0.13 US 640 1013 CES-D 2006 50–54 US Health & Retirement Survey 1 1
Oksuzyan et al. (2010)* 0.05 US 1051 1472 CES-D 2006 55–59 US Health & Retirement Survey 1 1
Oksuzyan et al. (2010)* 0.10 US 936 1463 CES-D 2006 60–64 US Health & Retirement Survey 1 1
Oksuzyan et al. (2010)* 0.11 US 1537 1879 CES-D 2006 65–69 US Health & Retirement Survey 1 1
Oksuzyan et al. (2010)* 0.12 US 1267 1560 CES-D 2006 70–74 US Health & Retirement Survey 1 1
Oksuzyan et al. (2010)* 0.16 US 906 1128 CES-D 2006 75–79 US Health & Retirement Survey 1 1
Oksuzyan et al. (2010)* 0.11 US 647 917 CES-D 2006 80–84 US Health & Retirement Survey 1 1
Oksuzyan et al. (2010)* 0.04 US 344 649 CES-D 2006 85–89 US Health & Retirement Survey 1 1
Oksuzyan et al. (2010)* 0.04 US 142 379 CES-D 2006 90+ US Health & Retirement Survey 1 1
Oksuzyan et al. (2010)* 0.01 Japan 181 213 CES-D 2006 67–69 Nihon University Japanese Longitudinal Study of Aging (NUJLSOA) 1
Oksuzyan et al. (2010)* 0.00 Japan 435 469 CES-D 2006 70–74 NUJLSOA 1
Oksuzyan et al. (2010)* −0.03 Japan 302 329 CES-D 2006 75–79 NUJLSOA 1
Oksuzyan et al. (2010)* −0.03 Japan 263 373 CES-D 2006 80–84 NUJLSOA 1
Oksuzyan et al. (2010)* 0.04 Japan 133 217 CES-D 2006 85–89 NUJLSOA 1
Olsen et al. (2006) 0.31 Denmark 121 165 SCL-D 2000 19–34 2
Olsen et al. (2006) 0.29 Denmark 133 184 SCL-D 2000 35–49 2
Olsen et al. (2006) 0.28 Denmark 135 150 SCL-D 2000 50–64 2
Olsen et al. (2006) 0.09 Denmark 143 121 SCL-D 2000 65–80 2
Ostbye et al. (2009)* 0.20 Sri Lanka 463 623 GDS 2006 60+ National Sri Lanka Aging Survey 2
Park et al. (2012)* −0.04 South Korea 98 309 GDS 2008 85+ Nationwide Survey on Dementia in Korea 2
Park et al. (2012)* 0.13 South Korea 180 447 GDS 2008 80–84 Nationwide Survey on Dementia in Korea 2
Park et al. (2012)* 0.17 South Korea 455 740 GDS 2008 75–79 Nationwide Survey on Dementia in Korea 2
Park et al. (2012)* 0.36 South Korea 790 1037 GDS 2008 70–74 Nationwide Survey on Dementia in Korea 2
Park et al. (2012)* 0.33 South Korea 885 1077 GDS 2008 64–69 Nationwide Survey on Dementia in Korea 2
Revah-Levy et al. (2011) 0.43 France 19884 19658 ADRS 2008 17 ESCAPAD 2008 (Enqueˆte sur lar Santé et les Consommations lors de l’Appel de Préparation à la Défense) 1
Rey et al. (2001)* 0.30 Australia 594 654 CES-D 1998 13–17 National Survey of Mental Health & Well-being 2
Rief et al. (2012)* 0.06 Germany 1202 1316 PHQ-9 2008 14+ 2
Risal et al. (2016)* 0.02 Nepal 189 300 HADS-D 2013 18–25 2
Risal et al. (2016)* 0.32 Nepal 217 440 HADS-D 2013 26–35 2
Risal et al. (2016)* 0.20 Nepal 196 242 HADS-D 2013 36–45 2
Risal et al. (2016)* 0.37 Nepal 138 160 HADS-D 2013 46–55 2
Risal et al. (2016)* 0.09 Nepal 121 97 HADS-D 2013 56–65 2
Sandman et al. (2015)* 0.25 Finland 263 361 BDI 2007 25–34 Finrisk- 2007 3
Sandman et al. (2015)* 0.26 Finland 318 392 BDI 2007 35–44 Finrisk- 2007 3
Sandman et al. (2015)* 0.14 Finland 371 442 BDI 2007 45–54 Finrisk- 2007 3
Sandman et al. (2015)* 0.07 Finland 412 452 BDI 2007 55–64 Finrisk- 2007 3
Sandman et al. (2015)* 0.16 Finland 407 420 BDI 2007 65–74 Finrisk- 2007 3
Sandman et al. (2015)* 0.29 Finland 260 410 BDI 2012 25–34 Finrisk- 2012 3
Sandman et al. (2015)* 0.30 Finland 338 469 BDI 2012 35–44 Finrisk- 2012 3
Sandman et al. (2015)* 0.11 Finland 430 534 BDI 2012 45–54 Finrisk- 2012 3
Sandman et al. (2015)* 0.20 Finland 503 580 BDI 2012 55–64 Finrisk- 2012 3
Sandman et al. (2015)* 0.16 Finland 613 592 BDI 2012 65–74 Finrisk- 2012 3
Scafato et al. (2012)* 0.56 Italy 1713 1501 GDS 1993 65–84 Italian Longitudinal Study on Aging 2
Seaton et al. (2008) 0.02 US 563 605 CES-D 2002 13–17 National Survey of African Life 3 2
Seppälä et al. (2012)* 0.19 Finland 391 483 BDI 2007 45–54 FIN-D2D 2
Seppälä et al. (2012)* 0.21 Finland 450 511 BDI 2007 55–64 FIN-D2D 2
Seppälä et al. (2012)* 0.23 Finland 487 484 BDI 2007 65–74 FIN-D2D 2
Shiovitz-Ezra et al. (2009)* 0.23 US 521 484 CES-D 2006 57–64 National Social Life, Health, & Aging Project (NSHAP) 1 2
Shiovitz-Ezra et al. (2009)* 0.16 US 543 537 CES-D 2006 65–74 NSHAP 1 2
Shiovitz-Ezra et al. (2009)* 0.09 US 373 499 CES-D 2006 75–85 NSHAP 1 2
Sigfusdottir et al. (2008) 0.49 Iceland 1927 1802 SCL-D 1997 14–15 Youth in Iceland- 1997 2
Sigfusdottir et al. (2008) 0.39 Iceland 2908 3132 SCL-D 2000 14–15 Youth in Iceland- 2000 2
Sigfusdottir et al. (2008) 0.45 Iceland 1709 1662 SCL-D 2003 14–15 Youth in Iceland- 2003 2
Sigfusdottir et al. (2008) 0.55 Iceland 3437 3503 SCL-D 2006 14–15 Youth in Iceland- 2006 2
Song (2011)* 0.11 US 939 1124 CES-D 2005 21–64 2 3
Song (2011)* 0.30 US 167 188 CES-D 2005 21–64 3 3
Song (2011)* 0.21 US 187 225 CES-D 2005 21–64 5 3
Sonnenberg et al. (2013)* 0.26 Netherlands 449 483 CES-D 1993 55–64 Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam 1
Sonnenberg et al. (2013)* 0.44 Netherlands 423 476 CES-D 1993 65–74 Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam 1
Sonnenberg et al. (2013)* 0.31 Netherlands 497 495 CES-D 1993 75–85 Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam 1
Steptoe et al. (2012) 0.28 England 3540 4255 CES-D 2009 50–90 English Longitudinal Study of Ageing 1
Strong et al. (2016)* 0.22 Taiwan 2113 2148 - 2001 13 Taiwan Education Panel Survey 2
Sugihara et al. (2008) 0.12 Japan 2533 1440 CES-D 1999 55–64 Japanese Health & Retirement Study 1
Symonds et al. (2016)* 0.42 England 6549 6422 GHQ-D 2005 15 Longitudinal Study of Young People in England 3
Thege et al. (2009)* 0.14 Hungary 5416 6709 BDI 2002 18–98 Hungaro Study 3
Thibodeau et al. (2014)* 0.29 US 550 500 PHQ-9 2008 18–29 National Health & Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES)- 2008 1 1
Thibodeau et al. (2014)* 0.34 US 431 447 PHQ-9 2008 30–39 NHANES- 2008 1 1
Thibodeau et al. (2014)* 0.30 US 391 452 PHQ-9 2008 40–49 NHANES- 2008 1 1
Thibodeau et al. (2014)* 0.23 US 418 400 PHQ-9 2008 50–59 NHANES- 2008 1 1
Thibodeau et al. (2014)* 0.29 US 434 459 PHQ-9 2008 60–69 NHANES- 2008 1 1
Thibodeau et al. (2014)* 0.25 US 483 482 PHQ-9 2008 70+ NHANES- 2008 1 1
Torikka et al. (2014)* 0.35 Finland 47586 47049 BDI 2001 14–16 School Health Promotion Study, 2000–2001 2
Torikka et al. (2014)* 0.34 Finland 50744 49236 BDI 2003 14–16 School Health Promotion Study (SHPS), 2002–2003 2
Torikka et al. (2014)* 0.35 Finland 53057 51713 BDI 2005 14–16 SHPS 2004–2005 2
Torikka et al. (2014)* 0.33 Finland 54315 54005 BDI 2007 14–16 SHPS, 2006–2007 2
Torikka et al. (2014)* 0.33 Finland 54132 54035 BDI 2009 14–16 SHPS, 2008–2009 2
Torikka et al. (2014)* 0.37 Finland 51116 51066 BDI 2011 14–16 SHPS, 2010–2011 2
Torres & Wong (2013)* 0.38 Mexico 1094 1523 CES-D 2001 60–69 Mexican Health & Aging Study 2
Torres & Wong (2013)* 0.38 Mexico 672 843 CES-D 2001 70–79 Mexican Health & Aging Study 2
Torres & Wong (2013)* 0.27 Mexico 208 330 CES-D 2001 80+ Mexican Health & Aging Study 2
Torres & Wong (2013)* 0.49 Mexico 2027 2166 CES-D 2001 50–59 Mexican Health & Aging Study 2
Van de Velde et al. (2010)* 0.14 Austria 1099 1285 CES-D 2007 15–99 European Social Survey (ESS)- 3 1
Van de Velde et al. (2010)* 0.33 Belgium 839 958 CES-D 2007 15–99 ESS-3 1
Van de Velde et al. (2010)* 0.21 Bulgaria 544 828 CES-D 2007 15–99 ESS-3 1
Van de Velde et al. (2010)* 0.17 Switzerland 840 963 CES-D 2007 15–99 ESS-3 1
Van de Velde et al. (2010)* 0.42 Cyprus 471 523 CES-D 2007 15–99 ESS-3 1
Van de Velde et al. (2010)* 0.21 Germany 1437 1473 CES-D 2007 15–99 ESS-3 1
Van de Velde et al. (2010)* 0.16 Denmark 729 756 CES-D 2007 15–99 ESS-3 1
Van de Velde et al. (2010)* 0.21 Estonia 658 855 CES-D 2007 15–99 ESS-3 1
Van de Velde et al. (2010)* 0.35 Spain 905 969 CES-D 2007 15–99 ESS-3 1
Van de Velde et al. (2010)* 0.09 Finland 915 976 CES-D 2007 15–99 ESS-3 1
Van de Velde et al. (2010)* 0.29 France 968 1018 CES-D 2007 15–99 ESS-3 1
Van de Velde et al. (2010)* 0.17 UK 1137 1257 CES-D 2007 15–99 ESS-3 1
Van de Velde et al. (2010)* 0.18 Hungary 640 874 CES-D 2007 15–99 ESS-3 1
Van de Velde et al. (2010)* 0.03 Ireland 812 928 CES-D 2007 15–99 ESS-3 1
Van de Velde et al. (2010)* 0.31 Netherlands 897 991 CES-D 2007 15–99 ESS-3 1
Van de Velde et al. (2010)* 0.15 Norway 889 859 CES-D 2007 15–99 ESS-3 1
Van de Velde et al. (2010)* 0.29 Poland 815 896 CES-D 2007 15–99 ESS-3 1
Van de Velde et al. (2010)* 0.37 Portugal 911 1309 CES-D 2007 15–99 ESS-3 1
Van de Velde et al. (2010)* 0.35 Russian Fed 994 1395 CES-D 2007 15–99 ESS-3 1
Van de Velde et al. (2010)* 0.28 Sweden 948 973 CES-D 2007 15–99 ESS-3 1
Van de Velde et al. (2010)* 0.23 Slovenia 665 807 CES-D 2007 15–99 ESS-3 1
Van de Velde et al. (2010)* 0.13 Slovakia 839 895 CES-D 2007 15–99 ESS-3 1
Van de Velde et al. (2010)* 0.21 Ukraine 849 1136 CES-D 2007 15–99 ESS-3 1
Van de Velde (personal communication, April 2, 2015)* 0.27 Belgium 910 958 CES-D 2013 15–99 ESS-6 2
Van de Velde (2015)* 0.24 Bulgaria 971 1282 CES-D 2013 15–99 ESS-6 2
Van de Velde (2015)* 0.41 Cyprus 485 631 CES-D 2013 15–99 ESS-6 2
Van de Velde (2015)* 0.23 Czech Republic 1012 977 CES-D 2013 15–99 ESS-6 2
Van de Velde (2015)* 0.20 Denmark 832 814 CES-D 2013 15–99 ESS-6 2
Van de Velde (2015)* 0.13 Estonia 999 1379 CES-D 2013 15–99 ESS-6 2
Van de Velde (2015)* 0.09 Finland 1074 1121 CES-D 2013 15–99 ESS-6 2
Van de Velde (2015)* 0.24 Germany 1487 1469 CES-D 2013 15–99 ESS-6 2
Van de Velde (2015)* 0.06 Ireland 1266 1357 CES-D 2013 15–99 ESS-6 2
Van de Velde (2015)* 0.09 Israel 1142 1354 CES-D 2013 15–99 ESS-6 2
Van de Velde (2015)* 0.25 Kosovo 619 676 CES-D 2013 15–99 ESS-6 2
Van de Velde (2015)* 0.24 Netherlands 866 979 CES-D 2013 15–99 ESS-6 2
Van de Velde (2015)* 0.14 Norway 855 763 CES-D 2013 15–99 ESS-6 2
Van de Velde (2015)* 0.31 Poland 908 985 CES-D 2013 15–99 ESS-6 2
Van de Velde (2015)* 0.28 Portugal 867 1284 CES-D 2013 15–99 ESS-6 2
Van de Velde (2015)* 0.27 Russian Fed. 978 1484 CES-D 2013 15–99 ESS-6 2
Van de Velde (2015)* 0.08 Slovakia 795 1046 CES-D 2013 15–99 ESS-6 2
Van de Velde (2015)* 0.22 Slovenia 572 684 CES-D 2013 15–99 ESS-6 2
Van de Velde (2015)* 0.35 Spain 912 975 CES-D 2013 15–99 ESS-6 2
Van de Velde (2015)* 0.20 Sweden 947 900 CES-D 2013 15–99 ESS-6 2
Van de Velde (2015)* 0.28 Switzerland 746 747 CES-D 2013 15–99 ESS-6 2
Van de Velde (2015)* 0.15 UK 990 1293 CES-D 2013 15–99 ESS-6 2
van Praag et al. (2009) 0.29 Belgium 9378 10085 SCL-D 2003 15+ Belgian Health Interview Survey 1
Villatoro et al. (1998)* 0.08 Mexico 5319 5511 CES-D 1991 12 1991 National School Survey 2
Villatoro et al. (1998)* 0.24 Mexico 7002 6819 CES-D 1991 13 1991 National School Survey 2
Villatoro et al. (1998)* 0.29 Mexico 6305 5768 CES-D 1991 14 1991 National School Survey 2
Villatoro et al. (1998)* 0.35 Mexico 4848 4000 CES-D 1991 15 1991 National School Survey 2
Villatoro et al. (1998)* 0.36 Mexico 3349 2971 CES-D 1991 16 1991 National School Survey 2
Villatoro et al. (1998)* 0.42 Mexico 2197 1725 CES-D 1991 17 1991 National School Survey 2
Villatoro et al. (1998)* 0.39 Mexico 991 635 CES-D 1991 18 1991 National School Survey 2
Villatoro et al. (1998)* 0.28 Mexico 431 297 CES-D 1991 19 1991 National School Survey 2
von Soest & Wichstrom (2014)* 0.21 Norway 724 802 SCL-D 2002 13 Young in Norway 2
von Soest et al. (2014)* 0.32 Norway 899 950 SCL-D 2002 14 Young in Norway 2
von Soest et al. (2014)* 0.38 Norway 932 959 SCL-D 2002 15 Young in Norway 2
von Soest et al. (2014)* 0.41 Norway 704 698 SCL-D 2002 16 Young in Norway 2
von Soest et al. (2014)* 0.42 Norway 1004 992 SCL-D 2002 17 Young in Norway 2
von Soest et al. (2014)* 0.42 Norway 714 906 SCL-D 2002 18 Young in Norway 2
von Soest et al. (2014)* 0.21 Norway 418 416 SCL-D 2010 12 Young in Norway 2
von Soest et al. (2014)* 0.21 Norway 694 761 SCL-D 2010 13 Young in Norway 2
von Soest et al. (2014)* 0.38 Norway 610 653 SCL-D 2010 14 Young in Norway 2
von Soest et al. (2014)* 0.52 Norway 573 695 SCL-D 2010 15 Young in Norway 2
von Soest et al. (2014)* 0.45 Norway 621 612 SCL-D 2010 16 Young in Norway 2
von Soest et al. (2014)* 0.41 Norway 76 714 SCL-D 2010 17 Young in Norway 2
Walker et al. (2005) 0.13 New Zealand 4266 5049 RADS 2001 12–18 Youth 2000 2
Wang et al. (2010)* 0.29 US 1164 1186 - 2006 11 Health Behavior in School-Aged Children (HBSC) 1 2
Wang et al. (2010)* 0.44 US 892 951 - 2006 12 HBSC 1 2
Wang et al. (2010)* 0.49 US 789 997 - 2006 13 HBSC 1 2
Wang et al. (2010)* 0.51 US 721 742 - 2006 14 HBSC 1 2
Wang et al. (2010)* 0.59 US 793 804 - 2006 15 HBSC 1 2
Wichstrom (1999)* -0.88 Norway 628 689 SCL-D 1992 12 Young in Norway 1
Wichstrom (1999)* 0.18 Norway 628 689 SCL-D 1992 13 Young in Norway 1
Wichstrom (1999)* 0.44 Norway 827 802 SCL-D 1992 14 Young in Norway 1
Wichstrom (1999)* 0.50 Norway 870 869 SCL-D 1992 15 Young in Norway 1
Wichstrom (1999)* 0.58 Norway 919 898 SCL-D 1992 16 Young in Norway 1
Wichstrom (1999)* 0.54 Norway 754 725 SCL-D 1992 17 Young in Norway 1
Wichstrom (1999)* 0.58 Norway 665 710 SCL-D 1992 18 Young in Norway 1
Wichstrom (1999)* 0.45 Norway 271 300 SCL-D 1992 19 Young in Norway 1
Wichstrom (1999)* 0.59 Norway 96 161 SCL-D 1992 20 Young in Norway 1
Yamada & Teerawichitchainan (2015)* 0.37 Vietnam 458 598 CES-D 2011 60–69 Vietnam Aging Survey- 2011 3
Yamada et al. (2015)* 0.53 Vietnam 280 395 CES-D 2011 70–79 Vietnam Aging Survey- 2011 3
Yamada et al. (2015)* 0.39 Vietnam 194 300 CES-D 2011 80+ Vietnam Aging Survey- 2011 3
Zemore et al. (2013)* 0.13 US 2306 2599 CES-D 2000 18+ National Alcohol Surveys (NAS) 2 3
Zemore et al. (2013)* 0.13 US 514 847 CES-D 2000 18+ NAS 3 3
Zemore et al. (2013)* 0.11 US 464 530 CES-D 2000 18+ NAS 5 3
Zemore et al. (2013)* 0.16 US 1903 2064 CES-D 2005 18+ NAS 2 3
Zemore et al. (2013)* 0.09 US 383 671 CES-D 2005 18+ NAS 3 3
Zemore et al. (2013)* 0.09 US 784 826 CES-D 2005 18+ NAS 5 3
Zemore et al. (2013)* 0.15 US 1904 2695 CES-D 2010 18+ NAS 2 3
Zemore et al. (2013)* 0.10 US 517 1078 CES-D 2010 18+ NAS 3 3
Zemore et al. (2013)* 0.09 US 517 936 CES-D 2010 18+ NAS 5 3
Zunzunegui et al. (2007) 0.52 Israel 523 550 CES-D 1989 75–84 Cross Sectional & Longitudinal Aging Study 1

Note. Sample = sample name (not all samples had a name); Measure = depression symptom measure (the version of each measure- including number of items, language, and response scale- varied for each sample); d = uncorrected effect size; NM = n males; NF = n females; Year = year of data collection; Age = age or age range (in years); E = ethnicity (only applies to U.S. samples): 1 = mixed, 2 = > 85% Caucasian, 3 = > 85% African American, 4 = > 85% Asian American, 5 = >85% Hispanic; F = focus of article: 1 = gender, 2 = depression, 3 = other;


= received additional data from author; BDI = Beck Depression Inventory (Beck et al., 1961, 1996); CDI = Children’s Depression Inventory (Kovacs, 1985); MDI = Major Depression Inventory (Bech et al., 2001); DTS = Depressive Tendencies Scale (Alsaker et al., 1991); HDL-D = Health and Daily Living Form- Depression Scale (Moos et al., 1985); CES-D = Center for Epidemiological Depression Scale (Radloff, 1977); EURO-D (Prince et al., 1999); MHI-D = Mental Health Inventory- Depression Items (Ware & Sherbourne, 1992); RADS = Reynolds Adolescent Depression Scale (Reynolds, 1986); SCL-D = Symptom Checklist-90- Depression items (Derogatis et al., 1973); SMFQ = Short Mood and Feelings Questionnaire (Angold et al., 1995); DASS-D = Depression Anxiety Stress Scales- Depression Subscale (Lovibond & Lovibond, 1995); PHQ-9 = Patient Health Questionnaire- 9 (Kroenke et al., 2001); DEPS = Depression Scale (Salokangas et al., 1995); HADS-D = Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale- Depression subscale (Zigmond & Snaith, 1983); GDS = Geriatric Depression Scale (Yesavage et al., 1982); ADRS = Adolescent Depression Rating Scale (Revah-Levy et al., 2007); GHQ-D = General Health Questionnaire-Depression items (Symonds et al., 2016).

The 65 articles (59 in peer-reviewed journals, 6 online publications from national database websites) and their corresponding data sets for the meta-analysis on depression diagnoses provided data comprising 149 samples (this number includes different countries from the same international dataset as well as different years of data collection for cross-sectional national datasets), 300 effect sizes (this number includes separate effect sizes for different age groups and ethnicities), and 1,716,195 people (53% female). These studies were published from 1993 to 2016 with data from 1991–2014 collected in 75 different countries.

The 95 articles (92 in peer-reviewed journals, 2 government publications, 1 personal communication) and their corresponding data sets for the meta-analysis on depression symptoms utilized data comprising 180 samples, 413 effect sizes, and 1,922,064 people (52% female). These studies were published from 1991 to 2016 and yielded data from 1978–2014 collected from 53 different countries.

Coding of Studies

Studies were coded for information to compute effect sizes and for moderator variables4. We double coded 30 studies to compute interrater agreement. The following variables were coded: (a) age of the participants (measured on a continuous scale, using the reported mean or the midpoint of the age range), r = .99; (b) country, κ (kappa) = 1.00, was used to identify national economic indicators and national gender equity indicators; (c) for U.S. samples, predominant (≥ 85%) ethnic group of participants (Caucasian, African American, Asian American, Hispanic, Native American, other, mixed, or unreported), κ = 1.00; and (d) year of data collection, r = 1.00.

In any meta-analysis, there is a potential concern that the identified studies have a publication bias, i.e., a bias toward publishing studies that found significant and larger gender differences. If present, this bias could mean that the magnitude of the gender difference is overestimated because studies finding no difference are missing from the sample of studies. As one of several ways to address this potential concern, we coded the focus of the article (gender, depression, other), κ = .84. If the majority of the articles were not focused on gender, we would not be concerned about publication bias in regard to gender. We further tested whether the magnitude of the gender difference in depression varied as a function of the article focus to determine if articles that focused on gender reported larger gender differences than articles focused on depression. Gender was identified as the focus of the article if “gender” or a related term was included in the title. If gender was not identified as the focus, depression was identified as the focus of the article if “depress*” or a related term was included in the title, abstract, or keywords. If neither gender nor depression were the focus, “other” was coded.

The following measurement characteristics were also coded: (1) the type of measure used to assess depression diagnoses (diagnostic interview; e.g., CIDI, DIS) or depression symptoms (self-report measure; e.g., CES-D, BDI), κ = 1.0; (2) the manual used to diagnose depression (DSM-IV or DSM-IV-TR5; DSM-III or DSM-III-R; or ICD-10), κ = 1.0; (3) type of depression diagnosis (depressive episode versus depressive disorder), κ = .87; and (4) the time span for the depression diagnosis (current, 1 month, 6 months, 12 months, lifetime), κ = 1.00. If multiple time spans for the depression diagnosis were reported (e.g., 12-month and lifetime), 12-month was the preferred time span given our interest in developmental trends in gender differences in depression. For the major depression meta-analysis, all articles reported DSM major depression diagnoses or episodes (96%) or the roughly equivalent ICD-10 depressive episode (4%). Diagnoses of dysthymia were not included in this meta-analysis.

Nation-level Economic Indicators

To test the contribution of national wealth and development to gender differences in depression, we used two indicators: a categorical measure of national wealth (low-, middle-, and high-income), and income inequality. The World Bank classification of income categories was based on gross national income (GNI) per capita from 2003: high income ($9,386 or more), middle income ($766–9,385), and low income ($765 or less). Income categories were obtained from the Human Development Report 2005 (United Nations Development Programme, 2005). The GINI index was used as a measure of income inequality in a nation. It indicates the extent to which the income distribution deviates from a perfectly equal distribution across income categories, with gender not taken into account (World Bank, 2004). High scores indicate greater inequality. See Supplemental Table 1 for a list of each country and its associated indicators. For each of the economic and gender equity indicators, data are not available for all nations. Therefore, sample sizes vary in regression analyses, depending on the indicator.

Nation-level Gender Equity Indicators

We selected the following five domain-specific nation-level gender equity indicators as hypothesized moderators: contraceptive prevalence (percentage of women in a nation aged 15–49 using some form of contraception, an indicator of women’s ability to control their reproduction), executive positions (percentage of executive positions held by women, a measure of women’s equality in the workplace), literacy ratio (female: male ratio in percentage of the adult population that is literate, a measure of women’s equality in education), intimate-partner violence against women (lifetime prevalence of physical violence against women by intimate partners) and sexism ideals (higher scores indicate attitudes favoring gender equity in response to the item “When jobs are scarce, men should have more right to a job than women”).

Contraceptive prevalence, executive positions, and literacy indicators for each country were obtained from the Human Development Report 2005 (United Nations Development Programme, 2005). The intimate-partner violence measure came from the United Nations’ 2010 report, The World’s Women, for the years 2000–2006. The sexism ideals measure was obtained from the World Values Survey, Wave 4, 1999–2004 (World Values Survey, 2014). Although they were theoretically interesting, the intimate-partner violence and sexism ideals measures proved unsatisfactory because they were available for only a minority of the effect sizes in analyses. Those two measures are therefore not considered further. See Supplemental Table 1 for a list of each country and its associated indicators.

Effect Size Computation

The odds ratio (Lipsey & Wilson, 2001) was the effect size used for the meta-analysis on major depression diagnoses; Cohen’s d (Cohen, 1988) was the effect size used for the meta-analysis on depression symptoms. All effect sizes were computed using the Campbell Collaboration effect size calculator (Wilson). Data were entered in the calculator by two individuals to ensure accuracy.

Odds ratio

The odds ratio (OR) is an effect size that evaluates whether the odds of a certain outcome (e.g., depression) is the same for two groups (e.g., males and females). For the meta-analysis on gender differences in major depression, the OR measures the ratio of the odds of major depression among females (number of depressed females divided by number of non-depressed females) to the odds of major depression among males (number of depressed males divided by number of non-depressed males). Thus, values greater than 1 indicate that females have greater odds of depression compared to males. The OR is different from a simple ratio of depressed females to depressed males.6 Most studies in psychiatric epidemiology report ORs.

The OR for each independent sample was computed using either a 2 by 2 frequency table or the proportion depressed and total sample size for each gender. Separate effect sizes were computed for separate groups within each study (e.g., different age groups, different U.S. ethnic groups).

In synthesizing OR’s meta-analytically, raw OR effect sizes were transformed using a natural log transformation. The logged ORs for individual samples were weighted by the inverse of the variance, and averaged across all studies (Lipsey & Wilson, 2001). See Table 1 for a list of all raw effect sizes (not log transformed) along with corresponding study information.

Cohen’s d

Cohen’s d (Cohen, 1988) is the effect size for the standardized mean difference between two groups on a continuous variable (e.g., the mean difference between females and males on a continuous measure of levels of depression symptoms). The d for each sample in the depression symptom meta-analysis was computed such that positive values indicated that females reported more symptoms than males (the mean score for females minus the mean score for males, divided by the within-groups standard deviation). Effect sizes of d = 0.20, d = .50, and d = .80 are considered to be small, medium, and large, respectively (Cohen, 1988). Separate effect sizes were computed for separate groups within each sample (e.g., different age groups, different ethnic groups). Raw effect sizes were corrected for bias (i.e., the upward-bias of effect sizes among small samples; Hedges, 1981); however, most correction factors were close to 1.0 given the large sample sizes. Although we corrected from Cohen’s d to Hedges’ g, we continue to refer to the results as d values. Effect size variances were calculated using these unbiased effect sizes. Then unbiased effect sizes for individual samples were weighted by the inverse of the variance and averaged across all studies (Lipsey & Wilson, 2001). See Table 2 for a list of all raw effect sizes (not corrected for bias) along with corresponding study information.

Data-Analytic Plan

Results were analyzed using SPSS/PASW Version 21 with macros provided by Wilson (2006). First, mean weighted effect sizes were computed for OR and d. For ease of interpretation, anti-log values are reported for mean OR. We evaluated the homogeneity statistic (Q) to determine whether the distribution of effect sizes was heterogeneous, and thus required further analysis. If the Q statistics associated with OR and d were significant, results were further analyzed using a mixed-effects model to account for variability between studies (Lipsey & Wilson, 2001). The mixed-effects model assumes that variability among effects sizes beyond subject-level sampling error has both systematic components (accounted for by moderator variables) and random components (i.e., error variance). When the Q statistic is significant, this mixed-effects approach is preferable to random-effects and fixed-effects models, each of which involve untenable assumptions; the random-effects model assumes that all variability among effect sizes (beyond subject-level sampling error) is due to error and therefore not systematic, and the fixed-effects model assumes that all variability in effects sizes is accounted for by moderators. Random-effects analyses also have lower statistical power than mixed-effects models. In mixed-effects models, a random-effects variance component is estimated after accounting for moderator variables. Then the inverse variance weights are recalculated with the random variance component, and the model is refit.

Moderator variables were tested in separate analyses (one moderator as the independent variable) using an analog to analysis of variance for categorical moderator variables and an analog to regression for continuous moderator variables (i.e., weighted ordinary least squares). We used mixed-effects models with estimation via full information maximum likelihood for all moderator analyses (Wilson, 2006). Anti-log values are reported for moderator analyses using OR.

To test developmental effects sensitively, lifetime depression diagnoses and samples with large age ranges (e.g., 18–64) were excluded for analyses with age as a moderator. Furthermore, given the focus on developmental trends, we analyzed age as both a categorical and a continuous variable. The age categories were determined based on theory, existing research, and available data. We created the categories of 13–15 and 16–19 to correspond to findings in the much-cited Hankin et al. paper (1998), so that our results could be compared directly to those findings. After that, we used decades (e.g., 20–29). Below that, we formed a childhood age category that corresponded to the available data, i.e., the ages at which we had data. For age as a continuous variable, we included both linear (mean-centered) and quadratic variables for age in a multiple regression, given the potential for non-linear findings.

All analyses were run with the full data set and then re-run excluding outliers. Following procedures recommended by Tabachnick and Fidell (1996), we identified outliers as effect sizes more than 3.29 standard deviations from the mean logged OR and mean d. The value of 3.29 SD corresponds to p < .001. We report the results using the full data set, and note when results differed if outliers were excluded. Comprehensive Meta-Analysis software, Version 3 (Borenstein, Hedges, Higgins, & Rothstein, 2014) and an online program ( were used for bias and sensitivity analyses.


Analysis for Possible Bias and File Drawer Effects

We guarded against sample bias, publication bias, and file drawer effects (Rosenthal, 1979) in several ways. First, all datasets were nationally representative, indicating that any bias in sampling is minimized.

Focus of article

Second, we coded the focus of the article to determine if the identified studies were predominantly focused on gender given the computerized database search for depression and gender. Importantly, the majority of effect sizes were from articles that focused on depression (70% for major depression; 56% for depression symptoms), not gender (see Table 3). This indicates that most studies were published on the basis of the work on depression and not on the basis of a gender difference, so publication bias in the direction of gender differences should not be a problem.

Table 3.

Descriptive Statistics for Moderator Variables Included in Major Depression Meta-analysis and Depression Symptom Meta-analysis

Major Depression Depression Symptoms
Moderators Frequency (%) or M(SD) Frequency (%) or M(SD)
Age+ 44.81 (18.40)
Range: 12–85
42.69 (22.97)
Range: 8–92
 US/ Canadian 137 (46%) 88 (21%)
 European 58 (19%) 219 (53%)
 Asian 28 (12%) 61 (15%)
 African 35 (8%) 0 (0%)
 Australian/ New Zealander 18 (7%) 9 (2%)
 Central/ South American 12 (4%) 24 (6%)
 Russian 8 (3%) 8 (2%)
 Middle Eastern 5 (2%) 4 (1%)
 High-income 223 (74%) 330 (80%)
 Low- to middle- income 77 (26%) 83 (20%)
Ethnicity (U.S.)
 Mixed 79 (89%) 66 (76%)
 African Americans 4 (4%) 7 (8%)
 European Americans 2 (2%) 6 (7%)
 Hispanic Americans 2 (2%) 8 (9%)
 Native Americans 2 (2%) 0 (0%)
 Asian Americans 1 (1%) 0 (0%)
Year of data collection 2004.53 (5.52)
Range: 1991–2014
2004.70 (7.25)
Range: 1978–2014
Data source
 Unpublished data 167 (56%) 337 (86%)
 Published data 133 (44%) 56 (14%)
Focus of article
 Depression 210 (70%) 233 (56%)
 Other 62 (21%) 61 (15%)
 Gender 28 (9%) 119 (29%)
Type of Assessment
Diagnostic Interview Symptom Measure
 WMH-CIDI 135 (45%)  CES-D 198 (48%)
 CIDI (not WMH- or -SF)  47 (16%)  BDI 49 (12%)
 2002 World Health Survey 46 (15%)  SCL-D 36 (9%)
 CIDI-SF 31 (10%)  PHQ-9 28 (7%)
 AUDADIS 12 (4%)  DASS-D 11 (3%)
 MINI 10 (4%)  EURO-D 11 (3%)
 DISC-IV 5 (3%)  HADS-D&emsp; 11 (3%)
 CIS-R 4 (1%)  MHI-D 11 (3%)
 DIS 4 (1%)  CDI 10 (2%)
 NSA interview 3 (1%)  GDS 10 (2%)
 DAWBA 2 (1%)  Other 8 (2%)
 SADS 1 (<1%)  RADS 8 (2%)
 DEPS 6 (2%)
 DTS 5 (1%)
 DMI 4(1%)
 MDI 2(1%)
 ADMSS 1 (<1%)
 ADRS 1 (<1%)
 GHQ-D 1 (<1%)
 HDL-D 1 (<1%)
 HSCL-D 1 (<1%)
 DSM-IV/ DSM- IV-TR 265 (88%)
 DSM-III/ DSM- III-R  18 (6%)
 ICD-10 17 (6%)
 Depressive Episode 215 (72%)
 Major Depressive Disorder 85 (28%)
Time span
 12 months 263 (88%)
 Lifetime 23 (8%)
 6 months 9 (3%)
 1 month 4 (1%)
 Current 1 (<1%)

Note. MDE = major depressive episode (also includes ICD-10 depressive episode). MDD = major depressive disorder. Descriptive statistics for major depression meta-analysis reflect all 300 effect sizes, except for U.S. ethnicity (90 effect sizes). Descriptive statistics for depression symptom meta-analysis reflect all 413 effect sizes, except for U.S. ethnicity (87 effect sizes).


Age represents mean or midpoint for all effect sizes. See Tables 1 & 2 Notes for an explanation of Diagnostic Interview acronyms (e.g., CIDI) and symptom Measure acronyms (e.g., CES-D).

We further tested whether effect sizes differed between articles that focused on depression rather than on gender. For the major depression meta-analysis, article focus accounted for significant variation in effect sizes (see Table 4). However, in follow-up analyses, effect sizes from articles that focused on gender were not significantly different than effect sizes from articles that focused on depression (QB = 2.22, p = 0.14) or something other than gender or depression (QB = 0.91, p =0.34). For the depression symptom meta-analysis, article focus did not account for effect size variability. Moreover, when excluding outliers, effect sizes for articles that focused on depression and articles that focused on gender were both d = 0.26.

Table 4.

Weighted ANOVAs with each Moderator Predicting Gender Differences in Major Depression (unshaded) and Gender Differences in Depression Symptoms (shaded)

Categorical Moderators OR d 95% CI k Qbetween Qwithin
Age Group (in years) 184@ 122.54** 231.75*
 12 2.37 0.48 [1.68, 3.37] 2 0.38
 13–15 3.02 0.61 [2.76, 3.30] 24 43.13*
 16–19 2.69 0.55 [2.39, 3.03] 17 14.54
 20–29 1.93 0.36 [1.76, 2.12] 26 23.43
 30–39 1.83 0.33 [1.65, 2.03] 20 15.89
 40–49 1.71 0.30 [1.56, 1.87] 29 28.04
 50–59 1.80 0.32 [1.63, 2.00] 25 17.85
 60–69 1.79 0.32 [1.56, 2.06] 18 18.21
 70+ 2.02 0.39 [1.75, 2.33] 23 70.28*
Age group (in years) 324@ 117.90** 319.00
 8–12 1.18 0.09 [0.00, 0.17] 13 17.52
 13–15 1.89 0.35 [0.32, 0.39] 53 51.19
 16–19 2.10 0.41 [0.37, 0.44] 66 84.60*
 20–29 1.72 0.30 [0.23, 0.37] 19 9.44
 30–39 1.52 0.23 [0.17, 0.29] 21 6.16
 40–49 1.46 0.21 [0.15, 0.26] 24 8.27
 50–59 1.41 0.19 [0.14, 0.25] 29 24.59
 60–69 1.57 0.25 [0.21, 0.29] 44 66.89*
 70–79 1.52 0.23 [0.18, 0.28] 29 29.55
 80+ 1.46 0.21 [0.15, 0.26] 26 20.80
GDP 300 4.13* 316.25
 High-income 2.00 0.38 [1.91, 2.09] 223 238.33
 Low- to middle- income 1.82 0.33 [1.69, 1.97] 77 77.92
GDP 413 1.66 405.53
 High-income 1.60 0.26 [0.25, 0.28] 330 351.71
 Low- to middle- income 1.69 0.29 [0.26, 0.33] 83 53.82
Ethnicity (U.S.) 89 2.24 88.34
 Mixed 2.20 0.43 [2.05, 2.36] 81 85.40
 African Americans 1.74 0.31 [1.23, 2.46] 4 2.71
 European Americans 2.23 0.44 [1.45, 3.43] 2 0.04
 Hispanic Americans 1.95 0.37 [1.24, 3.07] 2 0.18
 Native Americans 1.86 0.34 [1.05, 3.30] 2 0.02
Ethnicity (U.S.) 87 5.24 85.92
 Mixed 1.52 0.23 [0.21, 0.26] 66 75.20
 African Americans 1.57 0.13 [0.04, 0.22] 7 2.59
 European Americans 1.39 0.18 [0.09, 0.27] 6 1.69
 Hispanic Americans 1.49 0.22 [0.13, 0.31] 8 6.44
Data Source 300 111.54** 316.34
 Unpublished data 1.83 0.33 [1.74, 1.93] 167
 Published data 2.09 0.41 [1.98, 2.20] 133
Data Source 413 1.21 405.99
 Unpublished data 1.63 0.27 [0.26, 0.29] 357 367.42
 Published data 1.57 0.25 [0.20, 0.29] 56 38.56
Focus of article 300 15.31** 319.19
 Depression 1.86 0.34 [1.77, 1.94] 210 219.21
 Other 2.21 0.44 [2.05, 2.38] 62 91.28*
 Gender 2.04 0.39 [1.80, 2.32] 28 8.69
Focus of article 413 2.37 405.52
 Depression 1.60 0.26 [0.24, 0.28] 233 167.47
 Other 1.69 0.29 [0.24, 0.33] 61 685.28*
 Gender 1.66 0.28 [0.25, 0.31] 119 152.77*
Diagnostic Interview 300 0.85 316.59
 WMH-CIDI 1.99 0.38 [1.88, 2.11] 135 181.95*
 Other 1.92 0.36 [1.82, 2.02] 165 134.65
Symptom Measure 413 18.26** 406.14
 CES-D 2.48 0.25 [0.23, 0.28] 198 158.23
 BDI 1.44 0.20 [0.15, 0.25] 49 23.28
 Other 1.75 0.31 [0.28, 0.33] 166 224.63
Manual for Major Depression 300 2.42 315.51
 DSM-IV/ DSM-IV-TR 1.97 0.37 [1.89, 2.05] 265 282.46
 DSM-III/ DSM- III-R  1.97 0.37 [1.69, 2.30] 18 4.89
 ICD-10 1.73 0.30 [1.47, 2.03] 17 28.16*
Type for Major Depression 300 0.82 313.80
  Depressive Episode 1.93 0.36 [1.85, 2.02] 215 251.50*
  Major Depressive Disorder 2.01 0.38 [1.87, 2.17] 85 62.30
Time span for Major Depression 299 2.96 313.99
 12 months 1.96 0.37 [1.88, 2.04] 263 298.14+
 Lifetime 1.98 0.38 [1.72, 2.28] 23 9.78
 6 months 2.01 0.38 [1.63, 2.47] 9 5.16
 1 month 1.49 0.22 [1.09, 2.04] 4 0.91

Note. OR = weighted mean effect size. d = weighted mean effect size. 95% CI = 95% confidence interval for d. k = number of effect sizes for moderator or category in each moderator. Qbetween = Significant values indicate that there is significant variability accounted for by the moderator. Qwithin = Significant values indicate that studies are still heterogeneous after accounting for the moderator variable. MDE = major depressive episode (also includes ICD-10 depressive episode).


p <.10.


p <.05.


p <.001.


= To more sensitively test developmental effects, lifetime depression was excluded for major depression diagnoses and samples with large age ranges (e.g., 18–64) were excluded for both meta-analyses.

Thus, the similarity of the effect sizes for articles focused on depression and gender, combined with the small proportion of gender-focused studies, suggests that publication bias for articles finding gender differences is not a serious concern in these meta-analyses.

Unpublished data

Third, we followed up with authors to retrieve data on gender differences in depression and moderating variables (e.g., age and U.S. ethnicity) when these were not reported sufficiently in the article. For many of the studies, the gender analyses were not reported in the article or were reported in little detail. For the meta-analysis on depression diagnoses, we received data from authors for 24 (37%) of the 65 articles, such that 167 (56%) of the 300 effect sizes were based on obtained rather than published data. For the meta-analysis on depression symptoms, we received data from authors for 71 (75%) of the 95 articles, such that 357 (86%) of the 413 effect sizes were based on obtained data. This protects the data from file drawer effects.

For the major depression meta-analysis, effect sizes from unpublished data (OR = 1.83) were significantly smaller than effect sizes from published data (OR = 2.09). However, the majority of effect sizes included in this meta-analysis were from unpublished data, making potential publication bias less of a concern. For the depression symptom meta-analysis, effect sizes did not differ as a function of publication status.

Funnel plot and test for asymmetry

Fourth, we used funnel plots as a visual tool to detect small-study effects. See Supplemental Tables 2 and 3 for a plot of effect size against precision (the inverse of standard error) for both meta-analyses. It is important to note that the notion of “small-study effects” is in the context of relatively large nationally representative samples. The average sample size was 5720 (minimum = 261) for the major depression meta-analysis and 4654 (minimum = 101) for the symptom meta-analysis. Nonetheless, we used the Begg and Mazumdar (1994) rank correlation test to evaluate asymmetry in the funnel plots. We selected this test given the skewness of the sample size variable and adequate power with the large number of effect sizes in each meta-analysis. For the major depression meta-analysis, Tau = 0.07, p = 0.07. For the depression symptom meta-analysis, Tau = −0.03, p = 0.49. Thus, neither of the tests for skewness was statistically significant, indicating no evidence of bias in the set of effect sizes, for both meta-analyses.

Sensitivity analysis

Finally, we used the Vevea and Hedges Weight-Function Model for Publication Bias (Vevea & Woods, 2005). A recent review on adjusting for publication bias in meta-analysis encouraged the use of sensitivity measures (McShane, Böckenholt, & Hansen, 2016). The likelihood ratio tests (LRT) comparing the unadjusted to adjusted models (using p-value cut points of 0.05, 0.01, and 0.001) for the major depression and depression symptom meta-analyses, respectively, were not statistically significant, p = 0.073 and p = 0.3226. Although the LRT showed a marginal effect for the major depression meta-analysis, the weighted average from the unadjusted model (logged OR = 0.67) and the adjusted model (logged OR = 0.62) were quite similar. The goal of sensitivity analyses is to determine whether the results are robust to various methodological choices that were made in the process of conducting the meta-analysis. The Vevea and Woods test assesses for evidence of publication bias and provides no evidence for it in the sets of effects sizes in these two meta-analyses.

Description of the Samples for each Meta-analysis

See Table 3 for a list of descriptive information about moderator variables and other variables that describe the sample of studies for both meta-analyses. The samples of studies have similarities across the two meta-analyses. They both include mostly high-income countries and cover the lifespan. However, they differ in terms of the distribution of nations and year of data collection. The major depression analysis includes the most effect sizes from the US/Canada (46%), and the depression symptom meta-analysis includes the most effect sizes from Europe (53%). The depression symptom meta-analysis covers data collected from 1978–2014 whereas the major depression meta-analysis only includes data collected from 1991–2014.

The vast majority of effect sizes for the major depression meta-analysis were 12-month major depressive episodes based on the DSM-IV or DSM-IV-TR using a version of the CIDI. For the symptom meta-analysis, most effect sizes were based on the C ES-D measure.

Magnitude of the Gender Difference in Depression

Major depression

The random-effects estimate of the weighted mean effect size for the gender difference in major depression was OR = 1.95, 95% CI [1.88, 2.03]. The diagnosis effect size of OR = 1.95 is equivalent to d = 0.37. The random effects variance component was 0.07. The set of effect sizes using the fixed effects model was significantly heterogeneous, Qt(299) = 1961.63, p <.001. Thus, moderator analyses were appropriate. We identified 7 outlier effect sizes (2% of all effect sizes) that were more than 3.29 standard deviations from the mean logged odds ratio (0.67 ± 0.96). After excluding these outliers, the random-effects estimate of the overall weighted mean effect size changed only slightly, OR = 1.94, 95% CI [1.87, 2.01].

For the benefit of U.S. policy makers, we repeated all analyses using just U.S. samples. These analyses can be found in the supplemental tables.

Depression symptoms

The random-effects estimate of the weighted mean effect size for the gender difference in depression symptoms was d = 0.27, 95% CI [0.26, 0.29]. The symptom effect size of d = 0.27 is equivalent to logged OR = 0.49 and OR = 1.64. The random effects variance component was 0.02. The set of effect sizes using the fixed effects model was significantly heterogeneous, Qt(412) = 9542.50, p <.001. Thus, moderator analyses were appropriate. We identified 3 outlier effect sizes (1% of all effect sizes) that were more than 3.29 standard deviations from the mean (0.27 ± 0.47). After excluding these outliers, the random-effects estimate of the overall weighted mean effect size did not change, d = 0.27, 95% CI [0.25, 0.28].

Developmental Trends

As both a categorical variable and continuous variable, age predicted variability in effect size for diagnoses and symptoms. The patterns were highly similar in both meta-analyses. See Figure 2 (for diagnoses) and Figure 3 (for symptoms) for a graphical representation of age trends.

Figure 2. Effect Size for Gender Difference in Major Depression Across Age.

Figure 2

Note. Data points represent effect sizes reported in Table 4 for the following ages: 12, 13–15, 16–19, 20–29, 30–39, 40–49, 50–59, 60–69, and 70+.

Figure 3. Effect Size for Gender Difference in Depression Symptoms Across Age.

Figure 3

Note. Data points represent effect sizes for the following ages: 8–11 (d = 0.02), 12 (d = 0.14), 13 (d = 0.26), 14 (d = 0.38), 15 (d = 0.38), 16 (d = 0.47), 17 (d = 0.36), 18 (d = 0.33), 19 (d = 0.28), 20–29 (d = 0.30), 30–39 (d = 0.23), 40–49 (d = 0.21), 50–59 (d = 0.19), 60–69 (d = 0.25), 70–79 (d = 0.23), and 80+ (d = 0.21).

Major depression

Effect sizes ranged from OR = 1.71 to OR = 3.02, with ORs >2.0 during adolescence and ORs between 1.71 and 2.02 in adulthood. Note that the youngest age group available for these analyses was 12 years old, making it impossible to observe the emergence of the gender difference from childhood to adolescence. When outliers were excluded, the age 13–15 OR decreased from 3.02 to 2.92 and the age 70+ OR increased from 2.02 to 2.20.

Follow-up testing with pairs of consecutive age groups indicated that the ORs for ages 12 (2.37), 13–15 (3.02), and 16–19 (2.69) were not statistically different (QB= 1.19, QB= 1.98, ps > 0.15, respectively). However, significance tests for moderators in meta-analysis tend to have low statistical power (Hedges & Pigott, 2004), which would especially be the case for age 12 when only 2 effect sizes were available. The OR at ages 16–19 (2.69) was significantly larger than the OR for ages 20–29 (1.93), QB = 43.19, p < .001, indicating a significant decrease in the gender difference from adolescence to the 20s. Differences between 20–29 and later ages were not significant.

Depression symptoms

Effect sizes ranged from d = 0.09 to d = 0.41, peaking at ages 16–19, declining in the 20s, and staying relatively stable at roughly d = 0.20 after that. Removal of outliers did not change the estimates of effect sizes. In Figure 3 we present weighted effect sizes for each year in adolescence to describe in more detail the development of the gender difference in depression in adolescence (with each age having at least 5 effect sizes).

Follow-up testing with pairs of consecutive age groups indicated that the effect sizes for ages 8–12 (0.09), 13–15 (0.35), and 16–19 (0.41) were statistically different (QB = 23.01 and QB = 8.06, ps< .01, respectively), such that the effect size for each consecutively age group was significantly larger than the previous age group. The effect size for ages 20–29 (0.30) was significantly smaller than the effect size for ages 16–19, QB = 7.26, p < .01. Differences between 20–29 and later ages were not significant.

Nation-level economic indicators

See Table 4 for income category results. See Table 5 for income inequality results.

Table 5.

Separate Weighted OLS Regressions with each Moderator predicting Gender Differences in Major Depression (unshaded) and Gender Differences in Depression Symptoms (shaded)

Continuous Moderators β Exp(β) k Qmodel Qresidual R2
Year of data collection 0.14* 1.01 300 6.25* 316.48 0.02
Year of data collection 0.00 413 0.66 405.64 0.00
Age@ 184 82.47** 221.35* 0.27
 Linear −0.45** 0.99
 Quadratic 0.35** 1.00
Age@ 324 40.06** 319.83 0.11
 Linear −0.37**
 Quadratic 0.12*
Nation-level economic indicators
 Income inequality 0.09 1.01 234 2.19 252.70 0.01
Nation-level economic indicators
 Income inequality −0.11* 316 3.73* 308.77 0.01
Nation-level gender equity indicators
 Contraceptive prevalence 0.22** 1.01 294 16.14** 308.79 0.05
 Executive positions 0.10 1.00 256 2.65 271.35 0.01
 Literacy ratio 0.18** 1.84 297 11.08** 313.62 0.03
Nation-level gender equity indicators
 Contraceptive prevalence 0.03 369 0.36 362.30 0.00
 Executive positions −0.06 376 1.24 369.63 0.00
 Literacy ratio −0.03 404 0.28 397.68 0.00

Note. Each moderator was run in a separate regression, except for the age variables which were run in a multiple regression. β = Beta. Negative values indicate that there are larger reported gender differences at lower levels of the moderator and smaller reported gender differences at higher levels of the moderator. k = number of effect sizes for each age. 95% CI = 95% confidence interval for β. Exp(β) = Exponent of Beta. Significance for Exp(β) is not indicated because it is the same as β. Qmodel = Significant values indicate that there is significant variability accounted for by the moderator. Qresidual = Significant values indicate that studies are still heterogeneous after accounting for the moderator variable. R2 = Amount of variance accounted for by the moderator(s).


p <.10.


p <.05.


p <.001.


= For age as a moderator, lifetime depression was excluded and samples with large age ranges (e.g., 18–64) were excluded to more sensitively test developmental effects.

Major depression

Income category (high versus low to middle) was a significant predictor of effect size. Larger gender differences in depression were found in wealthier countries (OR = 2.00) compared to low- to middle- income countries (OR = 1.82). Income inequality was not a significant predictor.

Depression symptoms

Income category (high versus low to middle) was not a significant predictor of effect size. However, when outliers were removed, the effect became marginally significant (QB = 3.09, p = 0.08) with smaller gender differences in high-income nations (d = 0.26) compared to low- to middle- income nations (d = 0.29). Income inequality was a significant predictor of effect size, such that larger gender differences were reported in nations with low levels of income inequality. Yet, when outliers were removed, this effect become non-significant (p = 0.13). Neither of these results are reliable given the sensitivity when outliers were excluded.

Nation-level gender equity indicators

See Table 5 for nation-level gender equity results.

Major depression

Contraceptive prevalence and literacy ratio both predicted variability in effect size. As the percentage of women using some form of contraception increased (range = 8 – 84%), the effect size also increased. For literacy, the effect size increased as the ratio of the female: male adult literate population increased. Importantly, there was not a range restriction for the literacy variable (ratios ranged from .31 to 1.07), which can have substantial negative skew (Else-Quest & Grabe, 2012). When outliers were excluded, executive positions had a marginal effect on effect size, such that as the percentage of executive positions held by women increased (range = 2 – 58%), the effect size increased. Thus, for all three indicators, greater gender equity was associated with a larger gender difference in major depression.

Depression symptoms

Contraceptive prevalence, executive positions, and the literacy ratio did not predict variation in effect size. These conclusions, however, should be qualified because the variability for all three indicators was limited.

Additional Moderators

U.S. ethnicity

In both meta-analyses, U.S. ethnicity did not account for significant variation in effect size (see Table 4).

Trends over time

As shown in Table 5, for the major depression meta-analysis, year of data collection was a significant predictor of effect size, such that gender differences were larger more recently. To better understand this pattern, we created a categorical variable for year of data collection and obtained the following effect size estimates: 1991–1996= 1.84, k = 22; 1997–2002= 1.88, k = 134; 2003–2008= 1.91, k = 59; 2009–2014 = 2.17, k = 85. Thus, although the range of OR = 1.84 to 2.17 is not great, the positive relationship is clear. For the depression symptom meta-analysis, year of data collection did not predict variation in effect size.

Type of assessment

As shown in Table 4, diagnostic interview (WMH-CIDI v. Other) did not account for significant variation in effect sizes in the major depression meta-analysis. Symptom measure significantly predicted variation in effect size. In follow-up tests, all pair-wise comparisons were significantly different from each other, such that the smallest effect size was for the BDI (d = 0.20) and the largest effect size was for scales other than the BDI and CES-D (d = 0.31).

Other major depression moderators

As shown in Table 4, manual for major depression (e.g., DSM-IV, ICD-10), type of depression (episode versus disorder) and depression time span (1 month, 6 months, 12 months, and lifetime) did not predict effect size variation. However, when outliers were excluded, manual for major depression predicted significant variation in effect size, QB = 7.26, p = .013. Follow up analyses, excluding outliers, indicated that diagnoses using the ICD were significantly smaller than both diagnoses using DSM-IV/DSM-IV-TR (QB = 6.86, p < .01) and DSM-III/ DSM- III-R TR (QB = 9.60, p < .01). However, the difference between OR = 1.73 for ICD and OR = 1.97 for both DSMs is not a large difference.


The current meta-analyses advance research by synthesizing data from representative samples of more than 1.7 million women and men each, with three main goals: (1) to determine the magnitude of gender differences in diagnoses of major depression and in levels of depression symptoms; (2) to elucidate developmental trends in the magnitude of the gender difference, with the goal of identifying the age at which the gender difference in depression emerges in adolescence and whether the gender difference remains the same across adulthood; and (3) to identify other moderators of these gender differences, focusing especially on nation-level indicators of gender equity and national wealth. In the sections that follow, we highlight and discuss the findings related to each goal.

Magnitude of the Gender Difference in Depression

Overall, the odds ratio was 1.95 for gender differences in diagnoses of major depression; this is the first time that this odds ratio has been estimated meta-analytically and across such a large sample. For gender differences in depression symptoms, we found d = 0.27; this is the first meta-analytic estimate of gender differences in symptoms based on samples across the lifespan.

Analyses of moderating variables revealed variations in the magnitude of gender differences in depression, not the direction of the gender difference. That is, among different subgroups, all odds ratios for diagnoses were > 1.0, and all effect sizes for symptoms were positive. This emphasizes the consistency with which females have higher levels major depression and depression symptoms than males.

How do we interpret the magnitude of the gender difference? An OR of 1.95 is a medium, not a large, effect size, yet it is still a health disparity. Oversimplified thinking about the odds ratio for gender differences in major depression diagnoses can lead to beliefs that many women are depressed and few men are. This is simply not an accurate inference with an OR of 1.95. For example, in a nation where 10% of females have major depression, this means that, 5.4% of males also have major depression.

One possible negative consequence of emphasizing the preponderance of women with depression is that depression becomes a female-stereotyped disorder. Such a stereotype can be harmful to both women and men. The stereotype might lead to over-diagnosis of depression in women, and, potentially, overmedication. For men, the stereotype may mean that their depression is overlooked. It is important that clinicians do not overlook depression among men, particularly because gender biases in diagnosis have been documented (Hartung & Widiger, 1998). Men may be less likely to develop depression than women; however, this does not mean that depressed men are not distressed and impaired.

Comparison of the Diagnosis and Symptom Findings

Expressed in the Cohen’s d metric, the two effect sizes are similar: d = 0.37 for major depression and d = 0.27 for depression symptoms. Ideally, the same samples would be included in both meta-analyses in order to perfectly compare these effect sizes; however, across a wide variety of nations, measures, and ages, the magnitude of the gender difference for depression symptoms and diagnoses was very comparable.

We would not expect findings across the two meta-analyses to be identical given key differences between measures of depression symptoms and diagnoses of major depression. For example, the typical assessment of symptoms often represents a short period of time, such as a week, whereas diagnoses involve aggregation over longer periods, often a year (Haeffel et al., 2003). Thus, most individuals who are currently experiencing a major depressive episode will, indeed, score high on a measure of depression symptoms. However, an individual who scores in the moderate-to-low range on a measure of current depression symptoms may have experienced a major depressive episode earlier that year. Despite this difference in amount of time captured by each assessment, the magnitude of the effect for both diagnoses and symptoms was similar.

In the moderator analyses, developmental trends were also highly consistent across both meta-analyses (see Table 6 for a summary of comparisons between the symptom and diagnostic findings). However, some findings did not replicate across meta-analyses (e.g., nation-level indicators, trends over time), which may be influenced by the different set of nations and studies included in the two meta-analyses. Each of these moderator findings is discussed in the sections that follow.

Table 6.

Comparison of Key Findings of Diagnosis Meta-analysis and Symptom Meta-analysis

Major Depression Depression Symptoms
Overall effect size for gender differences OR = 1.95 d = 0.27
Age trends Significant quadratic trend.
OR peaked at ages 13–15, declined into the 20s, and stayed stable after that.
Significant quadratic trend.
No gender difference at ages 8–11. d peaked at age 16, declined into the 30s, and stayed stable after that.
Nation-level economic indicators
 High-income v.
 low- to middle-income
Larger OR in wealthier nations n.s. (significant with outliers excluded, smaller OR in wealthier nations)
 Income inequality n.s. Smaller d in nations with greater income inequality (n.s. with outliers excluded)
Nation-level gender-equity indicators
 Contraceptive prevalence Larger OR with greater contraception n.s.
 Executive positions n.s. (significant with outliers excluded, larger OR with more executive positions) n.s.
 Literacy ratio Larger OR with greater
female: male literacy
Ethnicity, U.S. n.s. n.s.

Note. n.s. = not significant.

The Developmental Pattern of Gender Differences in Depression

Age was the strongest predictor of effect size, compared with all other moderator variables. For both meta-analyses, the effect size peaked in adolescence but then declined and remained stable in adulthood, a finding that has not been identified previously. The consistency of the findings across the two meta-analyses indicates that the findings are robust.


One of the goals of these meta-analyses was to ascertain the time course of the emerging gender difference in depression. In the major depression meta-analysis, we could not examine the emergence of the gender difference given that the youngest age in the studies was 12, when the OR was already 2.37. These results differ from those of Hankin and colleagues (1998), who found that that the gender gap in major depression emerged between ages 13 and 15 and then widened between ages 15 and 18. The odds ratio for the 13–15 age group in our meta-analysis was already 3.02 and declined, not widened, to OR = 2.69 for ages 16–19.

In the symptom meta-analysis, the gender difference emerged in adolescence with a trivial gender difference for ages 8–11 (see Figure 3) and then a steep increase, reaching a peak in the gender difference at age 16. The gender difference in depression symptoms emerged somewhat earlier in adolescence in our meta-analysis (d = .02 for ages 8–11, d = .14 for age 12, d = .26 for age 13, d = .38 for age 14) compared to the Twenge and Nolen-Hoeksema (2002) meta-analysis of CDI data (d = −.06 for age 12, d = .08 for age 13, d = .22 for age 14). The gender difference in adolescence in our meta-analysis was also larger (largest adolescent d = .47 for age 16) compared to the Twenge and Nolen-Hoeksema meta-analysis (largest adolescent d = .22 for ages 14 and 15). The difference in findings may be due to the greater recency of many of our studies, the greater number of nations, or the inclusion of multiple measures of depression symptoms.

Taken together, our results provide powerful evidence that the gender difference in depression emerges earlier than previously thought (by at least age 12 for diagnoses, at age 12 for symptoms), which has important implications for the timing of preventive interventions.


In addition to clarifying the time course of the emerging gender difference in depression in adolescence, these meta-analyses also shed light on patterns of gender differences in adulthood, an area that has been largely neglected. In both meta-analyses, the gender difference declined in early adulthood and then remained relatively stable, hovering between OR = 1.71 – 2.02 and d = 0.19 – 0.30. This pattern is a new finding and should be robust because it is based on large-scale meta-analyses and was consistent across both diagnosis and symptom measures. This finding has major implications for theories of gender differences in depression, as discussed in Theoretical Implications below.

Future empirical directions

Future research should explore how absolute levels of depression diagnoses and symptoms among males and females contribute to this pattern of a peak gender difference in adolescence, followed by a subsequent decrease and leveling off. Do males have lower depression symptoms and diagnoses in adolescence that then increase in their 20s, contributing to the observed decrease in the gender difference from adolescence to adulthood? Or do females’ depression symptoms and diagnoses decrease in their 20s? Alternatively, it may be that a combination of both patterns occurs. Understanding these patterns will be important for theories of the etiology of depression and for informing prevention work. One latent growth curve analysis indicated that girls’ depression symptoms accelerated early in adolescence and then leveled off, whereas boys’ symptom levels accelerated in late adolescence (Salk, Petersen, Abramson, & Hyde, 2016), consistent with the first possibility above.

Theoretical implications

As noted earlier, theories guided by developmental psychopathology have focused on explaining the emergence of the gender difference in adolescence (summarized by Hyde et al., 2008b), but did not attend to development across adulthood. The strongest theory will take development into account, not only adolescent development, but also adult development. Future theoretical work will need to account not only for the peak in the magnitude of the gender difference in adolescence, but also for (a) the decline into early adulthood and (b) stability across adulthood. Here we provide examples of exciting directions in which such theorizing might go, for three factors hypothesized to be important in the development of depression: temperament, cognitive vulnerability-stress interactions, and puberty.

According to one theoretical account, temperament, present from infancy and early childhood, predicts later depression (summarized by Hyde et al., 2008b). In particular, individuals who are high in negative affectivity and low on positive affectivity are vulnerable to later depression. Given no gender difference in negative affectivity in infancy and childhood (Else-Quest et al., 2006), for temperament to account for the emergence of the gender difference in depression in adolescence requires an interaction between vulnerable temperament and some other factor, such as stress, with stress increasing dramatically in adolescence and increasing more for females than males. How, then, would such a theory account for the decline in the gender difference in the 20s and beyond? It might posit a narrowing of the gender gap in stress beginning in early adulthood. Empirical studies of developmental trends in gender differences in stress in adulthood are lacking and would be a fruitful avenue for future research.

Another theoretical account rests on cognitive vulnerability-stress models of depression, which have been well supported in samples of college students and adults (summarized by Hyde et al., 2008b). Research suggests that negative cognitive style may not emerge as a stable trait until ages 9.5 to 12.5, and the cognitive vulnerability-stress interaction does not become a reliable predictor of depression until ages 13.5 to 14.5, i.e., in early adolescence (Cole et al., 2008). According to this model, the gender difference in depression in adolescence may be accounted for by (a) higher levels of negative cognitive style in girls than boys beginning in early adolescence; (b) higher levels of stress for girls than boys beginning in early adolescence; or (c) both. How would this theoretical framework account for the narrowing of the gender gap in depression in adulthood? One possibility is that the gender gap in negative cognitive style narrows in the 20s. The other is that the gender gap in stress narrows in early adulthood. Again, strong empirical studies of these possibilities are lacking.

Another set of theories emphasizes biological factors in explaining the gender difference in depression (summarized by Hyde et al., 2008b). Here we focus on puberty and the role of pubertal timing, which have been invoked especially to explain why the gender difference in depression appears in early adolescence. Importantly, our meta-analytic findings confirm that the gender difference in depression symptoms emerges around puberty, supporting continued theorizing about the role of puberty. According to one theoretical account, early puberty is disadvantageous for girls but not boys, for outcomes such as depression (Ge, Conger, & Elder, 2001). Thus the gender difference in depression is created at least in part by girls who go through puberty early, because of any of several processes, such as early-puberty girls encountering more peer sexual harassment than boys and on-time girls (Lindberg, Grabe, & Hyde, 2007). The narrowing of the gender gap in depression in adulthood, in the early puberty account, might result from a diminution of the effects of early puberty over time (Copeland et al., 2010), especially 10 or more years later. Again, empirical data on this point are lacking, but the developmental patterns identified by our meta-analysis suggest new directions for both theory and research.

Theories in developmental psychopathology as well as sociology will also be advanced by considering why the gender difference remains relatively stable in adulthood. The following are some possible directions. First, today, at least in the U.S. and many other Western nations, adult women’s and men’s work and family roles are much more equalized than before. For example, in the 21st century women constitute 47% of the U.S. labor force, compared to 30% in 1950 (Costello et al., 2003). Thus, employment is much more of a constant factor in most adult women’s lives, just as it has been in men’s. This may serve to level out stressors and buffers to stress across adulthood. Second, major life transitions that formerly occurred at standard ages and could be major sources of stress, no longer occur at such regular ages. Life course sociologists have called this a “de-standardization of the life course” (Bruckner & Mayer, 2005) or “disorder in the life course” (Rindfuss, Swicegood, & Rosenfeld, 1987). Today, the ages of major events such as marriage, childbirth, and divorce do not occur at the same time for all or most individuals. The result is that stressors attached to these transitions are spread out more evenly across adulthood, leading to more even rates of depression across age for both women and men, and a stable gender gap. A third possibility results from the observation that depression is a recurrent disorder (e.g., Lewinsohn, Rohde, Seeley, Klein, & Gotlib, 2000). As such, it may be that most first cases of depression occur in adolescence, and then recur at variable times in adulthood, as a result of the uneven timing of major stressors. Again, prevalence would remain stable across adulthood for both women and men, leading to a stable gender gap, created by the original gender gap in adolescence.

Cross-national Variations

For major depression diagnoses, variability in the gender difference in depression was linked to measures of national wealth and gender equity.

Several caveats are in order before interpreting the cross-national findings. First, a different set of nations was represented in the symptom meta-analysis compared with the diagnosis meta-analysis. Second, gender equity measures were missing for some nations; thus, the analyses did not capture patterns among all nations included. Third, depression may manifest differently in different cultures (Tsai & Chentsova-Dutton, 2002). The depression measures used in the current meta-analyses used standard diagnostic interviews and symptom questionnaires that are based on Western conceptualizations of depression, as codified in the DSM and the ICD. In some cases, phrases were changed, such that the terms used to describe specific symptoms were customized to the local settings (Harkness et al., 2008). However, cultural adaptations that changed diagnostic criteria were not made and, thus, measures may fail to capture some aspects of depression that appear in other cultures (e.g., Beals et al., 2005).

Economic indicators

Following from sociological theories, we examined the relationship between gender differences in depression and a nation’s wealth and income inequality. There was a marginal difference between high-income nations (d = 0.26) and other nations (low- to middle-income; d = 0.29) in the magnitude of the gender difference for symptom measures. For diagnoses, the OR was significantly higher in high-income nations (2.00) than in other nations (1.82). However, the difference between these odds ratios is small, and the 95% confidence intervals overlap, suggesting that this difference is not a major effect. This absence of any substantial effect for nation-level wealth is consistent with other research (Bromet et al., 2011) indicating that economic development is not a major factor in cross-national variations in the magnitude of gender differences in depression.

Because of the feminization of poverty, we expected to observe large gender differences in depression in nations with more income inequality. However, there was no relation to the gender effect size for diagnoses; it was negatively related for symptom measures but lost significance when outliers were excluded. Therefore, we cannot reach confident conclusions about the relationship between income inequality and the magnitude of the gender difference in depression. The findings reported here indicate that there is probably little or no relationship.

Cross-national variations: Gender equity

Guided by sociological and social-structural theory, we examined the relationship between gender equity and the gender difference in depression. In the major depression meta-analysis, gender differences in depression diagnoses were larger in nations where women had more control over their reproduction, held more executive positions, and were more similar to men in literacy rates. That is, perhaps counterintuitively, gender differences were larger in nations with more gender equity, a finding that was consistent across three indicators. On the face of it, greater contraceptive prevalence should indicate women’s greater control over reproduction and a lower rate of unwanted pregnancies, which are a risk factor for depression (e.g., Mercier, Garrett, Thorp, & Siega-Riz, 2013). Yet, as noted in the introduction, some primary studies have found similar patterns to ours regarding gender differences and gender equity, for outcomes such as self-construals (Guimond et al., 2007) and emotion (Fischer, Rodriguez Mosquera, van Vianen, & Manstead, 2004).

To explain why larger psychological gender differences are sometimes found in nations with greater gender equity, we must look at the pattern according to the type of outcome measure. For objective measures such as mathematics performance, or for ratings of others such as mate preferences, the gender gap is smaller in more equitable nations (e.g., Else-Quest et al., 2010; Zentner & Mitura, 2012). It is in the domain of subjective self-ratings that gender differences are larger in more equitable nations (Wood & Eagly, 2012). Such judgments about the self require participants to construct estimates about the self. Guimond and colleagues (2007) proposed that gender differences in self-construals are larger in contexts in which individuals make intergroup social comparisons, e.g., when they compare themselves to an out-group such as the other gender. Gender differences are smaller when individuals’ social comparisons are made intragroup, e.g., comparing themselves to other members of their own gender. For example, girls may come to see themselves as high in depression if they compare themselves to boys instead of girls. It is precisely in higher gender-equity nations, where males and females interact more (e.g., girls are more literate because they have more equal access to schooling with boys), that intergroup comparisons are likelier, leading to larger gender differences. In low-gender-equity nations, intergroup interactions are often greatly restricted, and gender differences on a variable such as depression are smaller due to mostly intragroup comparisons.

These findings of larger gender differences in nations with greater gender equity did not replicate with the meta-analysis of depression symptoms, suggesting that caution is needed in interpreting the findings for diagnoses. It will be important for future research to examine the relationship between gender equity and the gender difference in depression symptoms among a set of nations that has greater variability in gender equity.

We set out to test two other gender equity indicators – interpersonal violence against women and sexism beliefs – for their relationship to gender differences in depression across nations. We had to abandon these analyses, though, because values were available for only a minority of nations. Both variables are theoretically important, and future research is needed to improve them and make them useful in analyses such as the ones reported here.

Additional Factors Influencing the Gender Difference in Depression

Ethnicity in the U.S

Guided by intersectionality theory, we examined whether effect sizes for gender differences in depression varied across U.S. ethnic groups. In both the diagnosis and symptom meta-analyses, differences among ethnic groups were not significant. Notably, gender differences were smallest for African Americans in both meta-analyses. These analyses, however, were based on small numbers of studies. Therefore, power to detect ethnic-group differences was limited. Much more work is needed on the intersection of gender and ethnicity for depression in the U.S. as well as in other nations.

Trends over time

We sought to determine whether the gender difference in depression has been widening or narrowing over time. The symptom meta-analysis found no significant trend over time and the diagnosis meta-analysis found a positive trend, meaning that gender differences are growing larger. However, this effect was small, accounting for only 2% of the variance. Specifically, the OR increased from 1.84 in 1991–1996 to 2.17 in 2009–2014. It should be noted that the diagnosis meta-analysis did not cover the 1970s and 1980s or earlier decades, because researchers were not yet conducting studies based on nationally representative samples. The gender difference in depression should be monitored for possible changes going forward.

Implications for Policy

These meta-analytic findings can inform global health policy. Given that depression is a global health priority (World Health Organization, 2016), it is imperative to understand disparities in depression and which subgroups are most in need of services. These results suggest that women are at significantly greater risk of depression diagnoses and symptoms compared to men worldwide, and that adolescent girls are at the greatest risk. Universal screening in primary care settings is imperative (O’Connor, Whitlock, Beil, & Gaynes, 2009), with a strong emphasis on screening adolescents. The emphasis on adolescents is particularly important because depression is a recurring disorder, so an episode in adolescence can predispose the individual to later episodes (e.g., Lewinsohn, Rohde, Seeley, Klein, & Gotlib, 2000). Research to identify preventive interventions is even more important (Muñoz et al., 2010). What the current meta-analyses cannot tell us is whether these interventions need to be tailored by gender. However, the magnitude of these gender findings is critically important. If global health efforts only targeted women, they would be missing a substantial proportion of depressed individuals, men.

An important clarification in regard to policy implications is that the findings of the current studies yield information only on the gender gap in depression, not on prevalence levels for either gender. For example, assuming equal numbers of males and females, an OR = 2.0 can result from a 9.05% prevalence in females and a 4.85% prevalence in males, or from an 18% prevalence in females and a 10.1% prevalence in males. Policy makers should monitor not only gender disparities, but also prevalence rates.

Strengths and Limitations

By synthesizing nationally representative studies with data from over 1.7 million participants spanning the globe in each of the two meta-analyses, we have provided a comprehensive quantitative review of data on gender differences in major depression diagnoses and depression symptoms across the lifespan. The findings represent especially strong scientific evidence because they are not based on small community or convenience samples and are instead based on representative samples with strong measurement. We also made extensive efforts to obtain data for as many national data sets as possible by conducting additional computerized searches and contacting authors. Overall, 76% of the effect sizes for the symptom meta-analysis and 56% of the effect sizes for the diagnosis meta-analysis were based on data supplied by researchers, and not published in articles, reducing concerns about publication bias.

Despite these strengths, several limitations should be acknowledged. First, we did not have sufficient data to examine gender differences in major depression for children younger than age 12 (and we had only 2 samples for age 12), even though the minimum age criterion was 7. Research is needed on gender differences in major depression for children ages 7 through 12, based on nationally representative samples. The current study also highlights the need for more nationally representative data on gender differences in major depression in developing countries. The results reported here are weighted toward European and North American samples because so much more research has been conducted in those regions.

Second, focusing on large, nationally representative datasets meant that the diagnostic interviews for major depression were conducted not by skilled clinicians, but instead by trained lay interviewers, as is standard practice in these large-scale, epidemiological studies. However, evidence indicates high reliability between clinicians and lay interviewers. For example, in one methodological study, participants were given diagnostic interviews separately by a clinician and a highly trained non-clinician (Wittchen, Robins, Cottler, Sartorius, Burke, & Regier, 1991). Results indicated high agreement between the two; for major depressive disorder, kappa = 0.97, with 99.7% agreement between the two sources (see also Brugha, Nienhuis, Bagchi, Smith, & Meltzer, 1999).

Third, both diagnostic measures and symptom questionnaire measures rely on self-reports from participants. If there are gender differences in willingness to disclose symptoms, then the resulting data may be biased. One early review concluded that the gender difference in depression is a real difference and not a measurement artifact (Weissman & Klerman, 1977). However, this issue deserves continued attention.

Fourth, our database search included only articles in English. We believe that this did not lead to the omission of nations in which English is not the predominant language for two reasons. The two meta-analyses included data from more than 90 nations. Thus, we achieved the goal of including data from a wide array of nations from all regions of the world. Moreover, mounting a study based on a nationally representative sample is a major, costly undertaking that should almost certainly result in multiple publications, at least one of them in English, so we should have detected such studies.


In two separate meta-analyses including nationally representative samples with over 1.7 million people each, we found evidence for a 1.95 odds ratio for gender differences in major depression and a Cohen’s d of 0.27 for gender differences in depression symptoms. Our results provide powerful evidence that the gender difference in major depression diagnoses and depression symptoms peaks in adolescence, with the gender gap in diagnoses emerging earlier than previously thought (OR = 2.37 at age 12). The gender gap then narrows and remains stable in adulthood, a finding that has not been identified previously and has important implications for both theory and preventive interventions. Larger gender differences in major depression were found in nations with greater gender equity and in more recent studies. The gender difference in depression represents a major health disparity, especially in adolescence, yet the magnitude of the difference indicates that depression in males should not be overlooked.

Supplementary Material

Supplemental Tables & Figures


This material is based upon work supported by the following: National Science Foundation Graduate (DGE- 071823; DRL 1138114); National Institute of Mental Health (T32 MH018269-30); the Graduate School and the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education at the University of Wisconsin-Madison with funding from the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors, and any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF or NIMH. We thank the following: Rebecca Emery, Larry Hedges, Marsha Marcus, and Nicole Else-Quest for their ongoing and invaluable advice; Emily Clarke, Diane Hsieh, Cecelia Olin, and Caitlin Ziegler for help with various aspects of the meta-analyses. We also thank all of the authors who provided us with data to be included in these meta-analyses.



Major depressive episode (MDE) and major depressive disorder (MDD) are distinct. MDD requires the presence of a major depressive episode (MDE) and the absence of a manic, mixed, or hypomanic episode. Thus, MDE includes depressive episodes that occur in both unipolar depression and bipolar disorder, whereas MDD includes only unipolar depression. However, the vast majority of lifetime and twelve-month MDE is MDD.


The broadest search term would only have included search terms related to depression. This would ensure that the identified articles included studies that were not focused on gender differences but still reported the relevant statistics. However, PsycINFO and PubMed each identified over 100,000 articles when the search term was soltely “depression,” leading us to narrow the search to both depression and (gender or sex) in the search terms.


Some researchers have questioned the construct validity of self-report depression symptom questionnaires, suggesting that these measures may assess general distress and not specifically depression in the general population (e.g., Kendall, Hollon, Beck, Hammen, & Ingram, 1987). The CES-D, which was the most frequently used symptom questionnaire in the depression symptom meta-analysis, was not designed for clinical diagnoses; however, the items are based on symptoms of major depression. Numerous validation studies are available; in one, the CES-D had a sensitivity of 100% and a specificity of 88% for 1-month major depression diagnoses (Beekman et al., 1997). The CES-D had a weighted sensitivity of 40% for all anxiety disorders in the past year, suggesting specificity for depression versus anxiety.


The majority of studies provided sample sizes for each gender and for each gender stratified by moderating variables; however, for several studies in which this information was not available, we estimated sub-group sample sizes from the total sample size.


All studies in the meta-analysis were conducted with DSM-IV-TR or earlier so we rely on it as the source. In DSM-IV-TR and DSM-5 (American Psychiatric Association, 2013), the criteria for a major depressive episode are nearly identical. The one exception is that the bereavement exclusion criterion was removed in DSM-5. In the DSM-IV-TR, criterion E for a major depressive episode specified “the symptoms are not better accounted for by Bereavement, i.e., after the loss of a loved one, the symptoms persist for longer than 2 months or are characterized by marked functional impairment, morbid preoccupation with worthlessness, suicidal ideation, psychotic symptoms, or psychomotor retardation” (American Psychiatric Association, 2000, p. 356).


For example, consider a sample with 1000 females and 1000 males, where 100 females and 50 males are depressed. The ratio of depressed females to males is 2:1 (100/50). The OR is 2.11 ((100/900)/ (50/950)). If we maintain the 2:1 ratio but increase the prevalence of depression (200 depressed females, 100 depressed males), then the OR increases to 2.25.


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