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. 2017 Jun 28;9(7):673. doi: 10.3390/nu9070673
AMPK adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase
AT aerobically trained
ATP adenosine triphosphate
AOC area over the curve
Apo apolipoprotein
BMI body mass index
BW body weight
C cholesterol
CHO carbohydrate
CI confidence interval
CMF cellular membrane fluidity
CRP C-reactive protein
CVD cardiovascular disease
DF dried fruit
EA ellagic acid
EPIC European Prospective Investigation into Cancer
FA fatty acid
FBG fasting blood glucose
FBP fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase
G6Pase glucose 6-phosphatase
GAE gallic acid equivalents
GI glycaemic index
GIP gastric inhibitory polypeptide
GL glycaemic load
GJ grape juice
GLI glibenclamide
GLP-1 glucagon-like peptide-1
GLUT glucose transporter type
GPE grape powder extract
HA high almond
HbA1c glycated hemoglobin
HDL high-density lipoprotein
HF high fat
HFD high-fat diet
HOMA-IR homeostatic model assessment of insulin resistance
HPFS Health Professionals Follow-Up Study
IAUC incremental area under the curve
ICAM-1 intercellular adhesion molecule-1
IGT impaired glucose tolerance
IL-6 interleukin-6
IR insulin resistance
LDL low-density lipoprotein
LF low-fat
LPS lipopolysaccharide
MedDiet Mediterranean diet
MESA Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis
MetS metabolic syndrome
MI myocardial infarction
miRNA and miR microRNA
M/F male/female
MUFA monounsaturated fatty acids
NA not available
NAFLD non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
NCEP National Cholesterol Education Program
NHANES National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
NHS Nurses’ Health Study
NLCS Netherlands Cohort Study
NS non-significant
Ob obese
ORAC oxygen radical absorbance capacity
Ow overweight
PBMC peripheral blood mononuclear cell
PF-4 platelet factor-4
PHS Physicians' Health Study
PM post-menopausal
PPAR peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors
pre-D pre-diabetes
PREDIMED PREvención con DIeta MEDiterránea
PUFA polyunsaturated fatty acids
PWE polyphenol-rich walnut extract
Re range
RETN resistin
RCT randomized clinical trial
RGR relative glycaemic responses
RR relative risk
RW red wine
ROS reactive oxygen species
S sedentary
SBP systolic blood pressure
SCCS Southern Community Cohort Study
SCFA short chain fatty acids
SFA saturated fatty acids
SLC2A4 solute carrier family 2 member 4
SMHS Shanghai Men's Health Study
STZ streptozotocin
SWHS Shanghai Women's Health Study
T2D type 2 diabetes
TC total cholesterol
TF tissue factor
TG triglycerides
TLGS Tehran Lipid and Glucose Study
TNF-α tumor necrosis factor-α
USDA United States Department of Agriculture
VFM visceral fat mass
WB white bread
WC waist circumference
WHtR waist-to-height ratio