Each verb was assigned a value for seven sensorimotor features. Example verbs are shown below. Duration: whether the action is continuous or punctual, coded 1 for durative verbs and 0 for punctual verbs; Boundedness: whether the action has a definite end, coded 1 for boundary presence and 0 for absence; Object: whether the action involves manipulating or affecting an object, coded 1 for requiring objects and 0 for not requiring objects; Body Part: whether hand is involved, coded 1 for involving hand, and 0 for not; Complexity: whether the action involves complex movement sequences involving distinguishable sub-parts (complex) or not (simple), coded 1 for complex and 0 for simple; Decomposability: whether the action can be decomposed into sub-actions (such as an activity and change of state associated with completion of that activity), coded 1 for yes and 0 for no; and Force: how strong a force the action requires, coded 1 for verbs with weak force, coded 2 for verbs with intermediate force, coded 3 for strong verbs and coded 0 for verbs that do not involve physical force