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Journal of Neurophysiology logoLink to Journal of Neurophysiology
. 2017 May 24;118(2):1092–1104. doi: 10.1152/jn.00240.2017

A balance of outward and linear inward ionic currents is required for generation of slow-wave oscillations

Jorge Golowasch 1,2,, Amitabha Bose 2, Yinzheng Guan 1, Dalia Salloum 1, Andrea Roeser 1,2, Farzan Nadim 1,2
PMCID: PMC5547251  PMID: 28539398

Pacemaker neuron-generated rhythmic activity requires the activation of at least one inward and one outward current. We have previously shown that the inward current can be a linear current (with negative conductance). Using this simple mechanism, here we demonstrate that the inward current conductance must be in relative balance with the outward current conductances to generate oscillatory activity. Surprisingly, an excess of outward conductances completely precludes the possibility of achieving such a balance.

Keywords: rhythmic activity, compensation, ionic currents, model, phase space


Regenerative inward currents help produce slow oscillations through a negative-slope conductance region of their current-voltage relationship that is well approximated by a linear negative conductance. We used dynamic-clamp injections of a linear current with such conductance, INL, to explore why some neurons can generate intrinsic slow oscillations whereas others cannot. We addressed this question in synaptically isolated neurons of the crab Cancer borealis after blocking action potentials. The pyloric network consists of a distinct pacemaker and follower neurons, all of which express the same complement of ionic currents. When the pyloric dilator (PD) neuron, a member of the pacemaker group, was injected with INL with dynamic clamp, it consistently produced slow oscillations. In contrast, all follower neurons failed to oscillate with INL. To understand these distinct behaviors, we compared outward current levels of PD with those of follower lateral pyloric (LP) and ventral pyloric (VD) neurons. We found that LP and VD neurons had significantly larger high-threshold potassium currents (IHTK) than PD and LP had lower-transient potassium current (IA). Reducing IHTK pharmacologically enabled both LP and VD neurons to produce INL-induced oscillations, whereas modifying IA levels did not affect INL-induced oscillations. Using phase-plane and bifurcation analysis of a simplified model cell, we demonstrate that large levels of IHTK can block INL-induced oscillatory activity whereas generation of oscillations is almost independent of IA levels. These results demonstrate the general importance of a balance between inward pacemaking currents and high-threshold K+ current levels in determining slow oscillatory activity.

NEW & NOTEWORTHY Pacemaker neuron-generated rhythmic activity requires the activation of at least one inward and one outward current. We have previously shown that the inward current can be a linear current (with negative conductance). Using this simple mechanism, here we demonstrate that the inward current conductance must be in relative balance with the outward current conductances to generate oscillatory activity. Surprisingly, an excess of outward conductances completely precludes the possibility of achieving such a balance.

leak currents are key determinants of neuronal excitability (Brickley et al. 2007; Lu and Feng 2012; Lutas et al. 2016; Rekling et al. 2000) and can be regulated by many different neuromodulators, which can modify the activity either to silence neurons or to induce spiking or oscillatory activity (Bayliss et al. 1992; Cymbalyuk et al. 2002; Egorov et al. 2002; Lu and Feng 2012; Lutas et al. 2016; Talley et al. 2000; van den Top et al. 2004; Vandermaelen and Aghajanian 1983; Xu et al. 2009). Leak currents have been proposed to control pacemaker rhythm generation (Amarillo et al. 2014; Blethyn et al. 2006; Cymbalyuk et al. 2002; Koizumi and Smith 2008; Lu and Feng 2012; Pang et al. 2009; Yamada-Hanff and Bean 2013; Zhao et al. 2010). Often, leak currents act to bring the membrane potential to within a range of voltage where other currents can activate and produce a new state of activity (Brickley et al. 2007; Lu and Feng 2012; Rekling et al. 2000; Yamada-Hanff and Bean 2013).

Regenerative inward currents, such as persistent Na+ and low-threshold Ca2+ currents, are essential for the generation of oscillatory neuronal activity (Amarillo et al. 2014; Del Negro et al. 2002; Dunmyre et al. 2011; Jahnsen and Llinás 1984; McCormick and Huguenard 1992; Yamada-Hanff and Bean 2013; Zhao et al. 2010). These currents can be divided into two almost linear components, only one of which is sufficient and necessary to generate the oscillations (Bose et al. 2014; Zhao et al. 2010). Since this component is linear, we refer to it as a leak current; however, it has negative-slope conductance (hence, a negative-conductance leak current, INL). It is a leak current in the sense that, when combined with the standard leak current (IL), the total current INL + IL remains linear, and yet it is a key determinant of neuronal excitability. The mechanism by which INL controls oscillatory activity is not simply by increasing or decreasing the leakiness (i.e., excitability) of the cell but by destabilizing the resting state of the cell (Bose et al. 2014), thereby increasing the voltage of the cell to a point at which outward currents can turn on and bring the voltage back to hyperpolarized levels. In this way, when INL dominates over IL, the total linear current can be a de facto pacemaker current (Bose et al. 2014; Zhao et al. 2010).

Outward currents, primarily carried by K+, play an essential role as currents that restore the polarization of the cells from which a new cycle of depolarization and hyperpolarization can emerge. Consequently, the kinetics of these currents are essential in determining the overall dynamics of the oscillatory activity (Bose et al. 2014). A balance between outward and inward currents is essential for the generation of oscillatory activity: too little K+ current and the cell will be pushed toward, and sometimes locked in, a depolarized state; too much K+ current and the increased leakiness will prevent it from escaping the hyperpolarized resting state. A growing number of recent studies indicate that ionic current levels may be linked via mechanisms involving ion channel coregulation (Bergquist et al. 2010; Linsdell and Moody 1994; MacLean et al. 2003). A consequence of this coregulation is that, in a population of neurons, various parameters of these different currents (most notably their amplitude or conductance) are correlated with one another (Amendola et al. 2012; Anderson et al. 2016; Anirudhan and Narayanan 2015; Goaillard et al. 2009; Golowasch 2015; Khorkova and Golowasch 2007; Roffman et al. 2012; Schulz et al. 2006, 2007; Srikanth and Narayanan 2015; Temporal et al. 2012, 2014). Such coregulation is likely to be involved in maintaining the balance of regenerative and outward ionic currents to regulate activity levels in oscillatory neurons.

In the stomatogastric nervous system, INL, corresponding to the negatively sloped portion of the modulator-activated inward current IMI (Golowasch and Marder 1992b; Gray and Golowasch 2016; Swensen and Marder 2000), is a pacemaker current of the pyloric network pacemaker neurons (Bose et al. 2014; Zhao et al. 2010). This current underlies the slow oscillations observed in the presence of a variety of neuromodulators (Golowasch and Marder 1992b; Swensen and Marder 2000), even in the presence of the Na+ channel blocker tetrodotoxin (TTX). Although IMI is expressed by all pyloric neurons (Swensen and Marder 2000), when these neurons are synaptically isolated modulator-induced oscillations occur only in a small subset: the three electrically coupled neurons regarded as the pacemaker neurons of the network [2 pyloric dilator (PD) and 1 anterior burster (AB) neuron; Hooper and Marder 1987]. Why other pyloric neurons do not show pacemaker activity in the presence of modulators is unclear.

Using both theoretical and experimental methods, we test the hypothesis that the generation of slow-wave oscillations requires the correct balance of a linear pacemaker inward current and outward currents. Our hypothesis is based on the property that INL is sufficient to emulate the pacemaker IMI (Bose et al. 2014). We show that this balance can only be produced in a subset of pyloric network neurons that express the appropriate levels of high-threshold K+ currents. We further show how the induction of oscillatory activity depends on the interplay between the maximal conductance (gNL) and equilibrium potential (ENL) of INL and how these observations match our theoretical predictions.



Experiments were performed on identified neurons from the stomatogastric ganglion (STG) of male crabs (Cancer borealis). The animals were obtained at local markets in Newark, NJ and maintained in seawater tanks at 10–13°C. The entire stomatogastric nervous system, including the anterior commissural and esophageal ganglia, STG, and connecting and motor nerves, was dissected out as previously described (Selverston et al. 1976) and pinned down on a Sylgard-coated petri dish, and the STG was desheathed to allow for electrode impalement of the cell bodies. All preparations were continuously superfused with chilled (10–13°C) physiological Cancer saline (in mM): 11 KCl, 440 NaCl, 13 CaCl2, 26 MgCl2, 11.2 Trizma base, and 5.1 maleic acid, pH 7.4–7.5.

Extracellular recordings were performed with pin electrodes placed in petroleum jelly wells built around individual nerves and recorded differentially, relative to an electrode placed outside of the well, with an A-M Systems 1700 differential amplifier (A-M Systems, Carlsborg, WA). Intracellular recordings, current injections, and voltage clamp were performed with Axoclamp 2B amplifiers (Molecular Devices, Sunnydale, CA) with double impalements using 0.6 M K2SO4 + 20 mM KCl-filled borosilicate electrodes. Low-resistance electrodes (15–20 MΩ) were used for current injection and high-resistance electrodes (30–40 MΩ) for voltage measurement. Individual neurons were identified by matching intracellularly recorded action potentials to action potentials on identified motor nerves that innervate known muscles (Selverston et al. 1976).

In every preparation, action potentials were blocked by bath application of 10−7 M TTX (Biotium). This treatment effectively blocks all modulatory inputs, including peptidergic and cholinergic modulators that activate IMI (Golowasch and Marder 1992b; Swensen and Marder 2000), therefore decentralizing the preparation.

The dynamic clamp technique was used to activate INL (Fig. 1A) or a cut-off version of INL that does not cross the current axis (Fig. 1A) and thus corresponds to a more realistic version of the negative-slope component of IMI (Fig. 1A). A variety of values of INL parameters (Zhao et al. 2010) was tested. The dynamic clamp was implemented with NetClamp software (Gotham Scientific, on a 64-bit Windows 7 PC using a NI PCI-6070-E board (National Instruments).

Fig. 1.

Fig. 1.

Effect of INL injection in PD neurons. A: I-V curves of IMI (gray), INL (red), and the truncated version of INL (INL-cut, blue). Note that both INL and INL-cut are good approximations to the negatively sloped portion of IMI, where IMI=gMIm(v)[vEMI],m(v)=11+e[v+10]/6. B: effect of dynamic-clamp injection of INL (left) and INL-cut (right) on the activity of PD neurons. Both traces are from the same neuron. C: injection of INL (left) and comparison with injection of constant current of the same time-averaged amplitude as INL (IDC, right). Different preparation than in B. Bottom traces in B and C show the current injected by the dynamic clamp (Idclamp).

Data acquisition was performed with a Digidata 1332A data acquisition board and pCLAMP 10.3 software (Molecular Devices). Injections of current in dynamic clamp were performed at 10 kHz and voltage recordings at 5 kHz. The following equations were used:


For dynamic-clamp experiments involving the PD neuron, the values used for injection were 12 values of gNL from −0.01 to −0.30 μS and the reference value of ENL was set at 2 mV below the cell’s resting potential (Vrest), typically resulting in ENL = −67 to −58 mV. The value of ENL was changed by increments of ±5 mV up to ±15 mV from this reference value (a total of 7 values). To detect oscillatory activity we used the criterion of a minimum of 5-mV trough-to-peak amplitude.

Ionic currents were measured in two-electrode voltage clamp. The high-threshold K+ current (IHTK) was measured with depolarizing voltage steps from a holding voltage of −40 mV to inactivate the transient K+ current (IA). IA was measured with the same depolarizing voltage steps as for IHTK but from a holding voltage of −80 mV and calculated by subtraction of IHTK from these recordings (Zhao and Golowasch 2012).

Pharmacological agents were prepared immediately before use. Statistical analysis was performed with either SigmaPlot 12 (Systat) or Origin 8.5 (OriginLab) software.


The equations that describe the full model involve currents for leak (IL), negative-conductance leak with cutoff (INL-cut), and three potassium currents, delayed rectifier (IKdr), high-threshold (IHTK), and an A current (IA), are

Cdvdt=IextgL[vEL]gNL[vENL]Heav(vENL)gKdrw[vEK]gHTKm(v)[vEK]gAwh[vEK]dwdt=w(v)wτK(v),dhdt=h(v)hτA(v) (1)

The parameter C is the capacitance. The variable v represents the membrane potential, w is an activation variable for potassium currents that, for convenience, is taken to be common for both IKdr and IA, and h is an inactivation variable for IA. IHTK is considered to have instantaneous activation and no inactivation. The parameters gx and Ex represent the maximal conductance and reversal potentials for the various currents, respectively. We use the cutoff version INL-cut = gNL[vENL]Heav(vENL) with a negative maximal conductance value gNL (Fig. 1A). The Heaviside function Heav(vENL) is 0 when v < ENL and is equal to 1 when v ≥ ENL. This implies that for v ≥ ENL, INL-cut is simply a linear current with negative conductance, while for v < ENL, INL-cut = 0 (Fig. 1A). The terms w(v) and m(v) are the steady-state activation functions for the two potassium currents, and h(v) is the steady-state inactivation function of IA. They are described by equations


The associated time constants are given by


Parameter values that vary across simulations are provided in results, while those that were fixed are given here: C = 1 μF/cm2, gL = 0.00325 μS, EL = −60 mV, gKdr = 0.0325 μS, EK = −80 mV, and Iext = 0.065 nA. These parameters were chosen so that the period of oscillations in the simulations was on the order of those found in experiments. Simulations and bifurcation diagrams were constructed with XPPAUT (Ermentrout 2002).

In prior work (Bose et al. 2014), we analyzed the case of IHTK = IA = 0 and showed that nonzero INL and IKdr currents alone can produce oscillations. To now isolate the effect of IHTK with regard to pacemaker properties, for much of the analysis we continue to keep IA = 0. With IA = 0, the variable h is redundant and the set of equations in Eq. 1 reduces to a two-dimensional system that is analyzed with phase-plane methods. We show that a nonzero value of IA does not affect the existence of oscillations but that if it is large enough it can introduce a stable, subthreshold fixed point.


Pacemaker Current Operates Over Restricted Parameter Ranges

Our first goal here is to characterize some of the conditions that IMI needs to satisfy to operate as a pacemaker current as predicted by our previous theoretical work (Bose et al. 2014). Oscillatory activity can be induced in the PD neuron by injecting the negative-leak conductance current INL (Fig. 1, B and C), which is a linearized version of the pacemaker current IMI (Fig. 1A). The effect of INL only depends on the region of its current-voltage (I-V) curve where the current is negative. Therefore, injection of the same current that is set to 0 below ENL (the cut-off version INL-cut) produces almost identical oscillations (Fig. 1B; see methods). Since the results for oscillatory activity are nearly identical, henceforth we use INL.

The effect of INL in producing oscillations in the PD neuron could not be mimicked by injecting a depolarizing DC current (Fig. 1C, right) equal to the time-averaged current measured during the dynamic-clamp injection of INL (Fig. 1C, left), demonstrating that the effects of INL are not simply a consequence of a depolarization of the cell by INL but its role as a voltage-dependent current.

In our previous study, we predicted that oscillations produced by INL would occur in a restricted range of gNL (Bose et al. 2014). To explore the effect of the INL parameters on the oscillatory activity, we changed gNL over 12 values from −0.01 to −0.30 µS and ENL over a range of ±15 mV in steps of  ±5 mV from the initial reference value (for a range of 12 × 7 = 84 runs; see methods). We found that there was a double Gaussian distribution (R2 = 0.9185) of gNL-ENL values over which INL was effective in eliciting oscillatory activity (Fig. 2A).

Fig. 2.

Fig. 2.

Effect of INL parameters on PD neuron oscillations. Identified PD neurons (n = 7) were injected with dynamic-clamp INL, and parameters gNL and Erev were modified over a broad range of values. A: the presence or absence of oscillations (no. of oscillatory preparations out of 7) graphed as a function of the change in Erev relative to each cell’s resting voltage (ΔENL = 0 = Vrest – 2 mV) and the value of the negative conductance injected (gNL). Red symbols are the experimental data. The smooth surface is a Gaussian surface fit to the experimental data. Adjusted R2 = 0.9185. B: mean period vs. gNL. C: mean amplitude vs. gNL. D: mean period vs. ENL. E: mean amplitude vs. ENL. All data shown in A–E are from the same set of cells. Error bars are SE.

An important point that these results illustrated was that oscillatory activity in the pyloric pacemaker cells does not require TTX-sensitive Na+ currents to be produced. We observed a relative independence of cycle period on gNL (Fig. 2B) but a decreasing amplitude of oscillations as gNL became larger in absolute value (Fig. 2C). On the other hand, period was an increasing function of ENL (Fig. 2D) and the oscillation amplitude had an inverted U-shape relationship with ENL (Fig. 2E).

Pacemaker Cells Balance Inward and Outward Currents to Produce Oscillatory Activity

Effect of IHTK.

As we have seen, INL injected into neurons of the pacemaker group (i.e., PD neurons) consistently induces oscillatory activity (Fig. 2, Fig. 3, top left), albeit within relatively narrow ranges of gNL and ENL (Fig. 2). We examined whether follower neurons in the network were equally capable of generating oscillatory activity.

Fig. 3.

Fig. 3.

Dynamic-clamp INL injection in pyloric network neurons cannot induce oscillatory activity in follower cells. Identified neurons with characteristic activity response to INL injection (gNL = 0.16 μS, ENL = Vrest – 2 mV) of the cells listed. PD neurons responded with oscillatory activity in 100% of the preparations tested. Numbers next to the cell type name indicate how many of the total cells tested showed any oscillatory activity. All cells were tested with the same combinations of gNL and ΔENL as the PD neurons shown in Fig. 2A. Top trace in each panel is the membrane potential; bottom trace is the dynamic-clamp current injected.

We observed that none of the follower cells in the pyloric network [ventral dilator (VD), pyloric constrictor (PY), inferior cardiac (IC), lateral pyloric (LP), and lateral posterior gastric (LPG) neurons] were capable of generating consistent oscillatory activity independently of the combination of gNL and ENL used. Individual examples shown in Fig. 3 were obtained by injection of gNL = −0.16 μS and ENL = Vrest – 2 mV for each cell type. However, each cell was further tested with the same combination of gNL and ΔENL as the PD cells shown in Fig. 2A. We found that only one of eight LP neurons tested expressed any oscillatory activity, and none of the other follower cells tested could express such activity for any of the gNL and ENL combinations.

To understand what prevents follower cells from expressing oscillatory activity, we examined the levels of K+ currents expressed in two of the follower cells (LP and VD neurons) and compared that to the current levels expressed by the pacemaker PD neurons. Our hypothesis throughout was that large outward currents could be responsible for preventing oscillatory activity. Figure 4 shows the comparison of two outward currents, IHTK and IA (see definitions in methods), with IHTK further divided into peak (IHTK peak) and steady state (IHTK SS) in two cell types, the PD and LP neurons.

Fig. 4.

Fig. 4.

Potassium current levels in 2 key pyloric network neurons. A: sample traces of IHTK (left) and IA (right). Vertical arrows point to the times at which IHTK peak, IHTK SS, and IA are measured. B: I-V curves of the peak of the high-threshold current IHTK. The curves are significantly different (2-way ANOVA, P < 0.029). C: steady-state I-V curves of IHTK. The curves are significantly different (2-way ANOVA, P < 0.001). Asterisks indicate the source of the difference from 2-way ANOVA analysis and Tukey pairwise post hoc comparisons: *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, *** P < 0.001. D: I-V curves of the peak of the transient K+ current IA. The curves are significantly different (2-way ANOVA, P < 0.001). Data in black for PD neurons and in gray for LP neurons. E: activation curves for IHTK peak and the shown parameters are calculated as in D. F: mean of the voltage-dependent activation curves of IA derived from the I-V curves of each cell used in A. The I-V curves were fit with the equation I=gmax11+e[V1/2v]/Vslope[vE]. E was fixed at −80 mV, and the other 3 parameters were determined from the fit (V1/2 and Vslope in mV, gmax in μS). P values are for Student’s t-test analysis for each parameter between the 2 cells. All error bars are SE.

PD neurons expressed a significantly smaller IHTK than LP neurons when this current was compared at its peak (2-way ANOVA, P = 0.029; Fig. 4B) as well as at steady state (P < 0.001; Fig. 4C). Interestingly, the activation parameters as well as the maximal conductance of the peak of IHTK are not significantly different between PD and LP neurons (Fig. 4E; PD, Table 1). However, the differences, especially in gmax_HTK and V1/2_HTK, while independently not significantly different between these cells, were sufficient to make the currents different between them.

Table 1.

IHTK and IA parameters in PD and LP neurons

PD LP PD LP t (df) P
gmax_HTK, μS 1.21 1.45 0.61 0.33 −1.270 (28) 0.215
V1/2_HTK, mV −6.9 −10.4 11.6 9.3 0.883 (28) 0.385
Vslope_HTK, mV 14.5 13.4 5.8 3.8 0593 (28) 0.558
gmax_A, μS 0.85 0.51 0.44 0.39 2.205 (28) 0.036
V1/2_A, mV −10.4 3.6 11.8 15.7 −2.829 (28) 0.009
Vslope_A, mV 14.2 13.5 3.4 6.5 0.491 (28) 0.627

Parameters were obtained from fits of a sigmoidal function to conductances calculated from IHTK and IA measurements and a driving force = (VmErev), with Erev = −80 mV.

In contrast to IHTK, PD neurons had a significantly larger IA than LP neurons (2-way ANOVA, P = 0.001, Fig. 4D) in part derived from a significantly more hyperpolarized activation curve (V1/2_A; Fig. 4F, Table 1) and a significantly higher maximum conductance (gmax_A; Table 1). The Vslope of IA did not differ significantly between the two cells (Table 1).

Functional significance of K+ current amplitude differences.

To test whether the differences in K+ current levels reported above are functionally related to the inability of follower cells to generate oscillatory activity when injected with INL, we reduced IHTK with different concentrations of tetraethylammonium (TEA) (Golowasch and Marder 1992a) in the LP neuron. A significant effect of TEA on the IHTK I-V curve is observed at all voltages [2-way repeated-measures (RM)-ANOVA, P = 0.008; Fig. 5A). In fact, a highly significant effect of TEA concentrations was observed, with a maximum inhibition level of ~80% and a half-maximal effect at 1.6 mM (Fig. 5B). We tested whether reduced IHTK conditions were more permissive for producing oscillations by injecting INL (gNL = −0.16 μS) in the presence of 8 mM TEA. We observed that, under these conditions, oscillatory activity could be consistently elicited in the LP neuron (Fig. 5D; n = 4) comparable to those generated by PD neurons (compare with Fig. 1B). As shown in Fig. 3, the same injection of INL in in the same cell under control conditions (0 mM TEA) could not trigger oscillatory activity in LP neurons (Fig. 5C).

Fig. 5.

Fig. 5.

High IHTK levels are responsible for the inability of LP neurons to generate oscillatory activity. A: I-V curves of the peak IHTK in LP neurons under control (0 mM TEA) and 8 mM TEA. A significant decrease is observed overall (2-way RM ANOVA, n = 3, P = 0.008), with asterisks indicating the source of the difference from Tukey pairwise comparisons: ***P < 0.001. B: dose-dependent sensitivity of peak IHTK to TEA. IHTK peak was normalized to the current measured in control (0 mM TEA). Mean ± SE is plotted. The overall effect was statistically significant (1-way RM ANOVA, n = 3, P = 0.006). Dashed trace is an exponential fit with a saturation level at ~20%, and an ID50 = 1.6 mM. C: effect of dynamic-clamp injection of INL (gNL = −0.16 μS; ENL = −52 mV) in control conditions. Top: membrane potential. Bottom: current injected by the dynamic-clamp circuit. D: effect of dynamic-clamp injection of INL (same as in C) but in the presence of 8 mM TEA.

Effect of IA current amplitude differences.

Because IA also shows significantly different levels in the PD neuron compared with the LP neuron, albeit with higher levels in the PD neuron (Fig. 4A), we tested the effect of modifying IA with the blocker 4-aminopyridine (4-AP) in PD neurons. We expected that, if IA is involved in the regulation of PD neurons to generate oscillatory activity, reducing IA levels in the PD neuron would affect its oscillatory properties. Figure 6 shows that 1 mM 4-AP significantly affects IA overall (2-way ANOVA, P = 0.012 for 4-AP treatment), reducing it to levels similar to those measured in LP neurons, i.e., ~50% at all voltages tested (see Fig. 4A). Yet, application of 1 mM 4-AP had virtually no effect on the ability of these cells to oscillate in response to INL injection (compare Fig. 6B control with similar injection in the presence of 1 mM 4-AP in Fig. 6C).

Fig. 6.

Fig. 6.

IA does not appear to be involved in the ability of PD neurons to generate oscillatory activity. A: I-V curves of the peak IA in PD neurons under control (0 mM 4-AP) and 1 mM 4-AP. A significant decrease was observed overall (2-way RM-ANOVA, n = 3, P = 0.012), with asterisks indicating the source of the difference from Tukey pairwise comparisons: **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001. B: effect of dynamic-clamp injection of INL in the absence of 4-AP (gNL = −0.16 μS; ENL = −72 mV). Top: membrane potential. Bottom: dynamic-clamp current. C: effect of dynamic-clamp injection of INL in the presence of 1 mM 4-AP (gNL = −0.16 μS; ENL = −72 mV).

Similar results were observed when comparing the PD and VD neurons, the latter another follower cell in the pyloric network. IHTK in PD neurons was found to be significantly lower in amplitude across its voltage activation range than in VD neurons (2-way ANOVA, P = 0.001; Fig. 7A, Table 2), whereas, unlike the comparison of PD and LP neurons, there was no significant difference in IA between these two cells (2-way ANOVA, P = 0.787; Fig. 7B).

Fig. 7.

Fig. 7.

High IHTK levels are responsible for the inability of VD neurons to generate oscillatory activity. A: I-V curves show that the peak IHTK in VD neurons is almost twice as large as in PD neurons (2-way ANOVA, P = 0.001) over most of its activation range. B: I-V curves of IA show no significant difference between PD and VD neurons (2-way ANOVA, P = 0.787). C: I-V curves of the peak IHTK in VD neurons under control (0 mM TEA) and 8 mM TEA. A significant decrease is observed overall (2-way RM ANOVA, n = 4, P = 0.003), with asterisks indicating the source of the difference from Tukey pairwise comparisons: *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001. D: sensitivity of IHTK peak of the VD neuron to TEA. IHTK peak was normalized to the current measured in control (0 mM TEA). Mean ± SE is plotted. The overall reduction of IHTK peak by TEA was significant (1-way RM ANOVA, n = 4, P = 0.001). E and F: effect of dynamic-clamp injection of INL (gNL = −0.08 μS; ENL = −70 mV) in normal saline (E) and in the presence of 8 mM TEA (F). Top: membrane potential. Bottom: current injected by the dynamic-clamp circuit.

Table 2.

IHTK and IA parameters in PD and VD neurons

PD VD PD VD t (df) P
gmax_HTK, μS 1.37 2.22 0.66 1.21 −1.894 (15) 0.078
V1/2_HTK, mV −11.9 −13.5 9.8 13.5 0.274 (15) 0.788
Vslope_HTK, mV 16.8 14.9 6.1 6.0 0.605 (15) 0.554
gmax_A, μS 1.06 0.81 0.41 0.47 1.183 (15) 0.255
V1/2_A, mV −12.5 −19.2 12.3 15.8 0.974 (15) 0.345
Vslope_A, mV 14.6 9.2 2.8 3.7 3.366 (15) 0.004

Parameters were obtained from fits of a sigmoidal function to conductances calculated from IHTK and IA measurements and a driving force = (VmErev), with Erev = −80 mV.

Bath application of 8 mM TEA reduced the amplitude of IHTK significantly (Fig. 7C; n = 4, 2-way RM-ANOVA, P = 0.003). The effect of TEA in the VD neuron was dose dependent (1-way RM-ANOVA, P = 0.001; Fig. 7D). When INL was injected (gNL = −0.08 μS) in control medium (0 mM TEA), VD neurons such as the one shown in Fig. 7E depolarized but never generated oscillations (see also Fig. 3). However, in the presence of 8 mM TEA the same INL injection elicited oscillations (Fig. 7F) comparable to those produced by INL in PD neurons in normal TTX saline (Fig. 1, B and C) and LP neurons in TEA (Fig. 5D).

Modeling Description of Experimental Observations

We performed simulations using Eq. 1 to determine whether a theoretical model provides a framework for understanding our experimental findings. The main question we investigated was whether differences in various K+ currents could cause a model neuron to either oscillate or not. Additionally, we checked to see what computational predictions our model made with regard to period and amplitude as functions of parameters associated with INL.

To guide the simulations, we first discuss the phase-space structure of the model. Recall that we are keeping gKdr fixed throughout at 0.0325 μS and gL at 0.00325 μS. This is to ensure oscillations in the absence of additional K+ currents when INL is added. Now we examine the role of other K+ currents known to be expressed in most neurons, and in pyloric neurons in particular. When IA = 0, the model equations involve only the v and w variables, allowing for phase-plane analysis. The nullclines of Eq. 1 are obtained by plotting the set of points that satisfy v′ = 0 and w′ = 0, respectively. The v-nullcline is decreasing for v < ENL. If |gNL| is sufficiently large relative to gL, then the nullcline can increase for a range of values v ≥ ENL. The w-nullcline is a monotone increasing sigmoidal function. If it intersects the v-nullcline along its decreasing portion, then a stable fixed point ensues and oscillations are not possible. If the intersection of the two nullclines occurs for v ≥ ENL, then oscillations may be possible and depends on the slope of each at the point of intersection. We show that, as gHTK is increased, oscillatory behavior is destroyed.

Figure 8A1 shows the phase plane from Eq. 1 when gNL = −0.0195 µS, gHTK = 0.013 µS, and gA = 0 µS. For this choice of parameters, the w-nullcline intersects the v-nullcline along a portion where the latter is increasing with a sufficiently large slope at the point of intersection. This produces an unstable fixed point. A periodic solution surrounds this unstable fixed point because as v becomes too hyperpolarized INL current drives the voltage away from ENL. At larger values of v, IKdr activates and restricts the voltage from increasing too much. This result is consistent with our prior work (Bose et al. 2014) in which IHTK was not present. Thus the addition of this small amount of HTK conductance does not play a role in the generation of oscillations, but it does limit the amplitude at both higher and lower values of v. Indeed, the largest amplitude oscillation under these conditions exists when gHTK = 0 (Fig. 8B).

Fig. 8.

Fig. 8.

Effect of IHTK on the existence of oscillations. A: A1 shows the v-w phase plane for low values of gHTK in which an oscillatory solution exists (shown as dark closed path). For larger values of gHTK the oscillatory solution fails to exist, as shown in A2, because the stronger IHTK stabilizes the fixed point at the intersection of the 2 nullclines. B: bifurcation diagram showing how the existence and amplitude of oscillatory solutions depend on gHTK. Gray curve indicates the voltage limits of oscillatory solutions, whereas the black line indicates a fixed point. Solid and dashed lines indicate stable and unstable fixed points, respectively. Arrows from A1 and A2 show the values of gHTK used to produce those simulations. Oscillatory solutions are lost through a Hopf bifurcation as gHTK increases. C: bifurcation diagrams showing behavior of solutions at fixed values of gHTK while gNL is varied. The range of gNL values for which oscillations exist decreases as gHTK increases (compare C1 and C2). If gHTK is too large (C3), no amount of gNL can restore oscillations. D1 and D2: voltage traces corresponding to the dashed lines in C1 and C2, respectively. E: behavior of the model in the gHTK-gNL parameter space. Oscillations are limited to parameter values in the gray region.

We then increased the value of gHTK to 0.0975 µS. Figure 8A2 shows the ensuing phase plane. Note that the only change is that the v-nullcline now has a much steeper and pronounced right branch along which it is decreasing. Moreover, the slope of the v-nullcline at the intersection with the w-nullcline has decreased enough to stabilize that fixed point. This change is indicative of a Hopf bifurcation, which in fact occurs as gHTK is increased. Figure 8B shows that as gHTK is increased from lower values the periodic solution decreases in amplitude (upper and lower bounds of oscillations shown by solid gray curves); moreover, the unstable fixed point (dashed curve) gains stability through a Hopf bifurcation near gHTK = 0.078 µS, and oscillations cease to exist. The reason for this loss of excitability is that IHTK is too strong and destroys the balance between IKdr and INL-cut that could produce oscillations. In short, too much IHTK is incompatible with the production of oscillations. This finding is consistent with our experimental results shown in Figs. 5 and 6.

We next varied gNL to further understand the relationship between these currents. Figure 8C shows bifurcation diagrams for three different fixed values of gHTK, indicated by arrows from Fig. 8B, as we vary gNL. Figure 8C3 shows that if gHTK is too large then no amount of INL-cut can produce oscillations. Indeed for all values of gNL, the stable fixed point remains. For smaller values of gHTK (Fig. 8, C1 and C2), oscillations are present over an interval of gNL values (voltage traces shown in Fig. 8, D1 and D2, respectively). This interval is a decreasing function of gHTK as summarized in Fig. 8E. There, we show a two-parameter bifurcation diagram where the curve is the boundary between oscillatory and nonoscillatory behavior. For any choice of parameters that lies within the gray shaded parabola-like region, oscillations are possible. For choices outside of this region, oscillations are not possible. The diagram clearly shows that the interval of gNL values over which oscillations occurs shrinks as gHTK is increased.

Our experimental findings, as summarized in Fig. 7, suggest that IA plays no role in generating oscillations but may affect the properties of the oscillatory solution. Therefore, we investigated what role, if any, IA may play in the generation of oscillations. With a non-zero value of IA, Eq. 1 becomes three-dimensional and direct phase-plane analysis is not possible. Thus we now project the solution trajectory onto the v-w phase plane to study how the shape of the respective nullclines varies as a function of parameters associated with IA. For example, Fig. 9A1 shows the case where gA = 0.0325 µS. Note that the projected nullclines look very much the same as those in Fig. 8A1. As we varied the value of either gA or the half-activation voltage of h(v), we found little change in the shape of the projected nullclines. Thus we concluded that the addition of IA plays no role in whether a periodic solution exists, consistent with results of the prior subsection. However, an interesting effect of a large IA current was found to occur. A very strong A current can induce bistability between a periodic solution and a stable fixed point. Figure 9A2 shows the case of gA = 0.195 µS. For this parameter value, a stable periodic solution coexists with a stable fixed point. The figure shows an example of a trajectory that starts at the stable fixed point where h = 0.45 (lower v-nullcline). Leaving the initial values of v and w unchanged, we switched to the initial condition h = 0. This has the effect of assigning a new initial condition in the full three-dimensional v-w-h phase space that is not a fixed point (though the location looks unchanged in the projection onto the v-w phase plane). The ensuing trajectory leaves that location and is seen to converge to the stable periodic orbit. The associated bifurcation diagram in Fig. 9B shows that the stable fixed point loses stability through a subcritical Hopf bifurcation as gA is decreased. The gray roughly horizontal curves depict the upper and lower limits of the periodic solution.

Fig. 9.

Fig. 9.

Effect of IA on the existence of oscillations. A1: projection onto the v-w phase plane for gA = 0.033 µS. No qualitative difference is found from the gA = 0 µS case (shown in Fig. 8A1). The third variable, h (not shown), also oscillates but remains small. The v-nullcline shown is for the largest value of h along the periodic solution. The intersection of the projection of the v and w-nullclines is not a fixed point. A2: projection onto the v-w phase plane at gA = 0.195 µS for which bistability exists between the periodic solution and a stable fixed point. The lower of the two v-nullclines occurs for h = 0.45 at the value corresponding to a stable fixed point (open circle). The upper of the 2 v-nullclines occurs at the largest h value along the periodic solution. B: bifurcation diagram showing how the bistability of solutions depends on gA. Gray curves indicate the voltage limits of oscillatory solutions, whereas the black line indicates a fixed point. Solid and dashed lines, respectively, indicate stable and unstable. Arrows from A1 and A2 show the values of gA used to produce those simulations. The unstable fixed point (dashed black curve) undergoes a subcritical Hopf bifurcation as gA increases, resulting in a stable fixed point and an unstable branch of periodic solutions.

Note that the bifurcation diagram is also a projection onto the v-gA space. In this projection, the value of h for the fixed point cannot be discerned. Indeed, the bifurcation diagram at gA = 0.195 µS suggests that the stable periodic solution encloses the stable fixed point (Fig. 9B). But from the projected phase plane in Fig. 9A2 it appears that the stable periodic solution encloses an unstable fixed point. In reality, neither case is true. There is a stable fixed point whose projection in the v-w phase plane occurs at the intersection of the lower v-nullcline and the w-nullcline in Fig. 9A2, and which occurs for h = 0.45. The intersection of the upper v-nullcline and the w-nullcline is not a fixed point, as the value of h is not constant along the periodic solution. Instead, it is oscillating near h = 0. In addition, the periodic solution has lower and upper v limits that are smaller and larger than the v value at the stable fixed point. This is why the bifurcation diagram misleadingly suggests that the stable periodic solution encloses the stable fixed point.

Figure 10 shows model predictions for how the period and amplitude of oscillations depend on either gNL (Fig. 10, A and B) or ENL (Fig. 10, C and D). In all cases, the model is consistent with experiments in that the oscillations exist over a bounded interval of both gNL and ENL. Over a range of parameters, the model also qualitatively reproduces the dependence of period on both gNL and ENL (compare Fig. 10A to Fig. 2B and Fig. 10C to Fig. 2D).

Fig. 10.

Fig. 10.

Effect of INL parameters on oscillation period and amplitude. A and C are model analogs of Fig. 2, B and D, showing how period depends on gNL and ENL, respectively. The simulations qualitatively match the behavior of the experimental system. B1 and D1 plot the bifurcation diagrams obtained by respectively varying gNL and ENL. B2 and D2 are model analogs of Fig. 2, C and E, showing how oscillation amplitude depends on gNL and ENL, respectively. Amplitude is calculated as a difference between the minimum (bottom gray) and maximum (top gray) voltage for each parameter value in B1 and D1. ENL = −65 mV in A and B; gNL = −0.0195 µS in C and D; and gA = 0 µS in all panels.

The dependence of the amplitude of oscillations on gNL and ENL (Fig. 10, B2 and D2, respectively) is obtained by subtracting the upper value of voltage from the lower value (upper branch of grey curve minus lower branch of gray curve) in Fig. 10, B1 and D1. The model does a poor job of describing the larger-amplitude oscillations that arise in experiments for small absolute values of gNL (compare Fig. 10B2 with Fig. 2C). Mathematically this is because oscillations in the model arise because of a supercritical Hopf bifurcation, whereas those that arise in the experiments may correspond to a subcritical Hopf bifurcation. The dependence of amplitude on ENL (compare Fig. 10D2 with Fig. 2E) is reasonably well described qualitatively by the model. Oscillations begin at small amplitude at low values of ENL due to a supercritical Hopf bifurcation. There is a local maximum in the amplitude at higher values of ENL, followed by a decrease in the amplitude just before oscillations cease to exist.

In sum, the simulations provide a theoretical framework to support the notion that the balance between high-threshold outward currents and INL is critical to create preconditions for the existence of oscillations. Once this is in place, the simulations confirm that too much IHTK (or too little total outward current) destroys this balance and thus can be used to determine which pyloric neurons can actually produce oscillations based on the INL protocol. The model also confirms that IA does not appear to play a significant role in the generation or even modulation of oscillatory activity at least at relatively low amplitudes of the current.


We have shown previously (Zhao et al. 2010) that the nearly linear and negatively sloped portion of the inward modulator-activated current (IMI) is the key element to produce oscillations in pacemaker cells of the pyloric central pattern generator. In crustaceans, the pacemaker of the pyloric network consists of two very strongly electrically coupled cell types, the AB neuron and the PD neurons. The AB neuron is considered to be the primary driver of the pacemaker unit. However, the strong electrical coupling between these cells allows the PD neurons to strongly influence pacemaking activity. In fact, we have shown previously that oscillations can be induced by injecting INL into either PD or AB neurons (Zhao et al. 2010). In Bose et al. (2014), we addressed the question of what currents are minimally necessary to produce oscillatory activity in a single-cell model of a neural pattern generator. We did so by examining a simplified model of an oscillator consisting of a delayed rectifier K+ current and a linear inward current that describes the behavior of this negative-conductance component of IMI and which we call the negative-conductance leak current (INL). That work suggested, but left open, the question of how a balance between inward and distinct outward currents arises in pyloric neurons and whether there are systematic differences in this balance between pacemaker and follower cells. Here, using both experiments and simulations, we provide evidence that pyloric neurons contain different levels of specific outward currents and that this may be the key distinction between what makes a neuron a pacemaker or a follower. In the present study we have focused on the PD neuron of the pacemaker unit. We believe that our conclusion would not be affected if the same were done with the AB neuron, even though some of the quantitative aspects might be affected.

Experimentally, we find that one cell type, the PD neurons, which are considered part of the pacemaker groups of neurons in the network (Marder and Eisen 1984), are the only ones that can generate oscillations when driven by INL: PD neurons can sustain oscillations over a large but finite range of conductances and equilibrium potentials of INL. In contrast to the PD neurons, we find that no value of INL conductance (or combination of gNL and ENL) can induce oscillations in any of the follower neurons. These findings are consistent with the effect of the endogenous neuromodulatory peptide proctolin on the pyloric network neurons (Hooper and Marder 1987; Zhao et al. 2010). Proctolin is one of the neuromodulators that activate IMI, the current for which INL is a simplified (linear) version. Although proctolin produces oscillations in the pyloric pacemaker neurons, it does not produce oscillations in any of the synaptically isolated pyloric follower neurons (Hooper and Marder 1987; Zhao et al. 2010).

Because pyloric neurons have the same set of ionic currents (Schulz et al. 2006, 2007; Temporal et al. 2012, 2014), we explored the mechanisms that preclude endogenous oscillations in the follower neurons. We found that in follower LP and VD neurons high-threshold outward currents (IHTK) are much too large, compared with the same currents in the PD neuron, to permit INL-induced oscillations. However, oscillations in both of these follower neuron types could be produced if IHTK was reduced pharmacologically. These results suggest that, to be able to produce endogenous oscillations, a relative balance between the pacemaker current (for which INL is a surrogate) and the counteracting outward currents needs to be maintained. Interestingly, we also observe that increasing the INL conductance alone cannot, at least in these cells, balance the high levels of outward currents. To address why the large outward currents cannot simply be balanced by increasing the inward currents, we used a simplified mathematical model. This model confirmed that there is a finite region in the gNL-gHTK space within which oscillations are possible (Fig. 8E). The bounds on this region result from either insufficient inward current when gHTK is low (lower edge of oscillation region in Fig. 8E) or the inability of INL to balance the total K+ currents, which includes two currents, IHTK + IKdr, when IHTK is too high.

Several theoretical studies have suggested that a balance between inward and outward current is required for oscillatory activity to be generated (Doloc-Mihu and Calabrese 2014; Goldman et al. 2001; Hudson and Prinz 2010; Lamb and Calabrese 2013; Zhao and Golowasch 2012). In the leech, it was shown that a close linear correlation between three currents, a leak current, a persistent K+ current, and a persistent Na+ current, was required to ensure bursting oscillatory activity (Doloc-Mihu and Calabrese 2014; Lamb and Calabrese 2013). Although in our case the relationship between gK and gNL is not linear as in the leech studies, but rather bell shaped and broad (Fig. 8E), those studies are consistent with ours in that relatively strict relationships must be maintained to ensure the generation of a number of features of activity, including oscillatory and bursting activity. Another example that supports the relationship between oscillatory activity and an inward/outward current balance is that of bursting pacemaker neurons in the rodent pre-Bötzinger respiratory center, in which a higher ratio of persistent Na+ current to leak current (INaP/Ileak) is characteristic of pacemaker neurons, while a lower ratio is typical of follower neurons (Del Negro et al. 2002).

Studies with cultured STG neurons (Haedo and Golowasch 2006; Turrigiano et al. 1995) have shown that neurons may be programmed to maintain and even restore such relationships after the loss of oscillatory activity. In these studies, recovery of rhythmic activity in cultured crab STG neurons after dissociation required the reduction of IHTK and the increase in inward currents whose voltage dependence resembles that of IMI and INL. These cells are capable of doing this over the course of hours to days in culture. Thus we conclude that pacemaker activity in individual neurons involves a careful balance, not simply a linear correlation, of an inward pacemaker current with some type of current, such as IHTK, which promotes the recovery from depolarization.

In the STG, IHTK is composed of two high-threshold currents, the delayed rectifier IKdr and the calcium-dependent IKCa. The former is known to be involved in action potential generation, while IKCa may more directly be involved in oscillatory activity (Haedo and Golowasch 2006; Soto-Treviño et al. 2005). Nevertheless, here [and earlier (Bose et al. 2014)] we showed that IKdr is also capable of generating oscillatory activity in conjunction with IMI or INL. In other systems also, high-threshold K+ currents have been shown to be essential elements of oscillatory mechanisms (e.g., Aplysia egg laying; Hermann and Erxleben 1987), but the specific relationship with the inward currents engaged in oscillatory activity in that system has not been examined.

Interestingly, the transient A current does not typically seem to be involved in pacemaker activity generation, as we confirmed in this study, even though its activation properties can be quite similar to those of high-threshold K+ currents. In our study, IA has the same voltage dependence of activation as IKdr, but only IKdr can participate in the generation of oscillatory activity (see also Bose et al. 2014). Thus the differences in the kinetics and voltage dependencies of the inactivation variable are probably sufficient to determine or exclude its participation in pacemaker activity. Additionally, the transient IA was not involved in the recovery of rhythmic activity in crab cultured cells (Haedo and Golowasch 2006), consistent with the result reported here.

Our modeling results also provide the basis to interpret and understand some of our experimental results regarding the dependence of period and amplitude on parameters associated with INL. They show that in most cases the results are qualitatively consistent over a subset of parameter values of the model. A comparison between Fig. 2, B–E (experimental results) and Fig. 10 (model results) relative to how period and amplitude vary with gNL and ENL, for example, reveals a consistent relative independence of cycle period on gNL (Fig. 2B). In the model, changes in gNL simply shifted the v-nullcline up or down in the phase space but left the overall balance of currents largely intact over a large range of values. As a result, neither period nor amplitude varies much (Fig. 10, A and B). Variations due to changes in ENL were also consistent across both experiment and model. When ENL becomes too small, the inward effect of INL is mitigated by the outward effect of IKdr (their reversal potentials are too close). Alternatively, when ENL is too large the model cell is attracted to a higher-level stable fixed point because the inward effect is too strong to be overcome (the driving force from INL is too large). The model also makes predictions about how oscillations are lost through specific kinds of bifurcations as gNL or ENL are varied. It would be of interest to test whether these predictions are borne out experimentally, which would provide further insight into the mechanisms of rhythm generation in pacemaker neurons similar to pyloric pacemaker neurons.

In conclusion, we observe that a coordinated balance of high-threshold outward currents and inward pacemaker currents is required for the generation of oscillatory activity. This is consistent with previous experimental and theoretical observations, but here we show both approaches confirming this in the same biological system and using a minimal model that captures the essential features of these relationships.


This work was supported by National Science Foundation Grant DMS1122291 (A. Bose), National Institutes of Health (NIH) Grants MH-064711 and NS-085330 (J. Golowasch), and NIH Grant MH-060605 (F. Nadim).


No conflicts of interest, financial or otherwise, are declared by the authors.


J.G., A.B., and F.N. conceived and designed research; J.G., A.B., Y.G., D.S., and F.N. analyzed data; J.G., A.B., and F.N. interpreted results of experiments; J.G., A.B., and F.N. prepared figures; J.G., A.B., and F.N. drafted manuscript; J.G., A.B., and F.N. edited and revised manuscript; J.G., A.B., Y.G., D.S., A.R., and F.N. approved final version of manuscript; A.B., Y.G., D.S., and A.R. performed experiments.


Preprint available at


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