This article presents long-term analyzed rainfall and temperature data obtained from the National Metrological Agency (NMA) of Ethiopia. Using tables and graphic trends of analysis, the article shows the low and declining level of average annual rainfall as well as the high inter-annual fluctuations for 18 weather stations located in different agro-climatic zones of the country. The high variation of annual maximum and minimum temperature has been similarly observed for decades in the stations. Ethiopia's average annual temperature has risen between 1955 and 2015 by 1.65 °C. The country's agricultural production depends heavily on local temperature and rainfall. The evidence is clear that a slight change in such climatic elements negatively affects the food security condition of both producers and consumers. Although data from the Central Statistical Agency (CSA) show that major cereal crop production has increased at the national level, partly due to the increasing application of fertilizers and modern seeds, Ethiopia's food security condition is deteriorating due to global climatic events caused droughts and rain failure. The rate of food price inflation is thus often higher than the general consumer price inflation rate.
Keywords: Erratic rainfall, Temperature, Farm inputs, Cereals, Consumer price, Ethiopia
Specification Table
Subject area | Environmental studies |
More specific subject area | Climate change |
Type of data | Figures and tables |
How data was acquired | Climate data were obtained following formal application procedure to the authority. Different year agricultural sample survey and the consumer price index data available at the CSA of Ethiopia were used. |
Data format | Analyzed |
Data source location | 18 weather stations: Addis Ababa; Arba Minch; Axum; Bahir Dar; Beshoftu; Combolcha; Debre Markos; Dire Dawa; Gode; Gondar; Gore; Hawassa; Jimma; Mekele; Methara; Neghele; Nekemte; and Robe. |
Experimental factors | Data used in this article were obtained from the NMA and CSA of Ethiopia. |
Experimental features | Tables and graphic trends of analysis were employed. |
Data accessibility | The data are with this article. |
Value of the data
Gives information on the changing condition of climatic elements' impact on production and food prices.
Can be reproduced by researchers and experts working in the field.
Useful to identify vulnerable communities and social groups to the effects of climate change risk for interventions.
1. Data
The figures and tables of rainfall and temperature were analyzed based on the data obtained from 18 weather stations located in different agro-climatic zones of Ethiopia. Fig. 1 is the location map of metrological stations. The declining and low level of average annual rainfall overtime as well as high inter-annual fluctuation for 18 weather stations are presented in Fig. 2, Fig. 3, Fig. 4, Fig. 5, Fig. 6, Fig. 7, Fig. 8, Fig. 9, Fig. 10, Fig. 11, Fig. 12, Fig. 13, Fig. 14, Fig. 15, Fig. 16, Fig. 17, Fig. 18, Fig. 19, Fig. 20. Information on temperature are presented in Tables. Table 1 shows the average annual temperature of Ethiopia (1980–2016). The mean annual temperature of Ethiopia is presented in Table 2. The following tables (Table 3, Table 4, Table 5, Table 6, Table 7, Table 8, Table 9, Table 10, Table 11, Table 12, Table 13, Table 14, Table 15, Table 16, Table 17, Table 18, Table 19) present the variation of mean annual maximum and minimum temperatures of the weather stations. In Fig. 21, Fig. 22 area cultivated under improved seeds, local seeds and use of fertilizers and types of fertilizers for cereals crop only are presented. The last two Fig. 23, Fig. 24 demonstrate the progressive increase in agricultural production such as cereals, oil seeds and pulses and the consumer price index respectively.
Fig. 1.
Location map of 18 weather stations.
Fig. 2.
Mean annual rainfall of Ethiopia.Source: Computed based on raw data from National Metrological Agency (NMA) of Ethiopia.
Fig. 3.
Annual rainfall in Addis Ababa weather station.Source: Computed based on raw data from National Metrology Agency (NMA) of Ethiopia.
Fig. 4.
Annual rainfall in Arba Minch weather station.Source: Computed based on raw data from National Metrology Agency (NMA) of Ethiopia.
Fig. 5.
Annual rainfall in Axum weather station.Source: Computed based on raw data from National Metrology Agency (NMA) of Ethiopia.
Fig. 6.
Annual rainfall in Bahir Dar weather station.Source: Computed based on raw data from National Metrology Agency (NMA) of Ethiopia.
Fig. 7.
Annual rainfall in Beshoftu weather station.Source: Computed based on raw data from National Metrology Agency (NMA) of Ethiopia.
Fig. 8.
Annual rainfall in Combolcha weather station.Source: Computed based on raw data from National Metrology Agency (NMA) of Ethiopia.
Fig. 9.
Annual rainfall in Debre Markos weather station.Source: Computed based on raw data from National Metrology Agency (NMA) of Ethiopia.
Fig. 10.
Annual rainfall in Dire Dawa weather station.Source: Computed based on raw data from National Metrology Agency (NMA) of Ethiopia.
Fig. 11.
Annual rainfall in Gode weather station.Source: Computed based on raw data from National Metrology Agency (NMA) of Ethiopia.
Fig. 12.
Annual rainfall in Gondar weather station.Source: Computed based on raw data from National Metrology Agency (NMA) of Ethiopia.
Fig. 13.
Annual rainfall in Gore weather station.Source: Computed based on raw data from National Metrology Agency (NMA) of Ethiopia.
Fig. 14.
Annual rainfall in Hawassa weather station.Source: Computed based on raw data from National Metrology Agency (NMA) of Ethiopia.
Fig. 15.
Annual rainfall in Jimma weather station.Source: Computed based on raw data from National Metrology Agency (NMA) of Ethiopia.
Fig. 16.
Annual rainfall in Mekele weather station.Source: Computed based on raw data from National Metrology Agency (NMA) of Ethiopia.
Fig. 17.
Annual rainfall in Metehara weather station.Source: Computed based on raw data from National Metrology Agency (NMA) of Ethiopia.
Fig. 18.
Annual rainfall in Neghele weather station.Source: Computed based on raw data from National Metrology Agency (NMA) of Ethiopia.
Fig. 19.
Annual rainfall in Nekemte weather station.Source: Computed based on raw data from National Metrology Agency (NMA) of Ethiopia.
Fig. 20.
Annual rainfall in Robe weather station.Source: Computed based on raw data from National Metrology Agency (NMA) of Ethiopia.
Table 1.
Average annual temperature in Ethiopia: representative weather stations.
Year | Addis Ababa | Arba Minch | Hawassa | Combolcha | Debre Markos | Debre Zeit | Dire Dawa | Robe | Gode Metekel | Gondar | Gore | Jimma | Mekele | Metehara | Neghele | Nekemte | Average annual Temp. |
1955 | 18.9 | – | – | 17.69 | 15.24 | 18.55 | 24.86 | – | – | 18.65 | 17.85 | 18.54 | – | – | 18.37 | – | 18.70 |
1960 | 18.85 | – | – | 19.7 | 15.2 | 18.87 | 24.97 | 12.72 | – | 18.37 | 18.17 | 19.3 | 17.62 | – | 19.66 | – | 18.49 |
1965 | 18.9 | – | – | 18.89 | 15.28 | 19.09 | 24.7 | 12.19 | 27.98 | 19.59 | 17.73 | 18.82 | 18.57 | – | 19.11 | – | 19.23 |
1970 | 19.65 | – | – | 19.2 | 16.45 | 19.07 | 24.93 | 12.93 | 28.82 | 19.9 | 18.24 | 18.73 | 18.63 | – | 19.38 | 17.25 | 19.47 |
1975 | 19.82 | – | 18.68 | 17.82 | 15.76 | 18.26 | 25.02 | 12.82 | 28.86 | 20.03 | 17.9 | 18.6 | 16.99 | – | 19.17 | 17.06 | 19.05 |
1980 | 19.92 | – | 19.9 | 19.07 | 16.22 | 18.93 | 25.4 | 14 | 28.92 | 19.97 | 18.6 | 19.19 | 17.66 | – | 20.05 | 18.06 | 19.70 |
1985 | 15.72 | 24.62 | 18.74 | 15.82 | 16.06 | 18.38 | 25.17 | 15.12 | 28.05 | 20.16 | 18.1 | 18.83 | 17.21 | 24.89 | 19.12 | 17.65 | 19.60 |
1990 | 16.1 | 24.08 | 19.76 | 19.73 | 16.04 | 19.13 | 25.37 | 15.02 | 29 | 19.54 | 19.95 | 19.01 | 11.2 | 25.37 | 21.23 | 18.51 | 19.94 |
1995 | 16.6 | 23.8 | 20.2 | 19.49 | 16.95 | 19.65 | 25.85 | 14.93 | – | 20.85 | 19.17 | 19.94 | 17.88 | 26.17 | 21.12 | 18.75 | 20.30 |
2000 | 16.62 | 23.66 | 19.88 | 19.3 | 16.35 | 19.41 | 25.68 | 14.08 | 28.91 | 19.44 | 18.82 | 19.79 | 18.15 | 25.42 | 20.75 | 18.6 | 20.69 |
2005 | 16.89 | 23.88 | 20.21 | 19.73 | 16.83 | 18.48 | 26.06 | 15.2 | 29.72 | 20.67 | 19.56 | 19.6 | 18.01 | 25.93 | 21.28 | 19.0 | 20.56 |
2010 | 16.95 | 23.94 | 20.62 | 20.4 | 17.09 | 18.78 | 25.9 | 15.43 | 30 | 20.73 | 19.42 | 20.14 | 18.23 | 26.07 | 21.76 | 18.99 | 20.75 |
2015 | 18.55 | 24.65 | 21.44 | 20.48 | 17.37 | 20.18 | 25.71 | 15.72 | 29.67 | 20.67 | 19.36 | 20.43 | 18.23 | 26.88 | 22.44 | 18.57 | 20.35 |
Source: Computed based on raw data from National Metrological Agency (NMA) of Ethiopia. Note: data from Bahir Dar and Axum weather stations are not included here.
Table 2.
Variation of annual maximum and minimum temperature in Addis Ababa (1955–2015).
Year | Average annual temp. (Max) | Average annual temp. (Min) | Mean annual temperature | |
Addis Ababa | 1955 | 29.75 | 8.04 | 18.90 |
Addis Ababa | 1960 | 29.80 | 7.90 | 18.85 |
Addis Ababa | 1965 | 30.36 | 7.44 | 18.90 |
Addis Ababa | 1970 | 30.50 | 8.80 | 19.65 |
Addis Ababa | 1975 | 30.97 | 8.67 | 19.82 |
Addis Ababa | 1980 | 30.79 | 9.05 | 19.92 |
Addis Ababa | 1985 | 22.63 | 8.82 | 15.72 |
Addis Ababa | 1990 | 23.19 | 9.02 | 16.10 |
Addis Ababa | 1995 | 23.73 | 9.48 | 16.60 |
Addis Ababa | 2000 | 23.58 | 9.66 | 16.62 |
Addis Ababa | 2005 | 23.80 | 9.98 | 16.89 |
Addis Ababa | 2010 | 22.87 | 11.04 | 16.95 |
Addis Ababa | 2015 | 24.30 | 12.80 | 18.55 |
Source: Computed based on raw data from National Metrology Agency (NMA) of Ethiopia.
Table 3.
Variation of annual maximum and minimum temperature in Arba Minch (1975–2015).
Year | Average annual temp. (Max) | Average annual temp. (Min) | Mean annual temperature | |
Arba Minch | 1985 | 31.06 | 18.18 | 24.62 |
Arba Minch | 1990 | 30.20 | 17.95 | 24.08 |
Arba Minch | 1995 | 30.36 | 17.23 | 23.80 |
Arba Minch | 2000 | 30.65 | 16.67 | 23.66 |
Arba Minch | 2005 | 30.35 | 17.40 | 23.88 |
Arba Minch | 2010 | 29.99 | 17.89 | 23.94 |
Arba Minch | 2015 | 31.38 | 17.91 | 24.65 |
Source: Computed based on raw data from National Metrology Agency (NMA) of Ethiopia.
Table 4.
Variation of annual maximum and minimum temperature in Axum (2006–2016).
Year | Average annual temp. (Max) | Average annual temp. (Min) | Mean annual temperature | |
Axum | 2006 | 24.30 | 12.03 | 18.16 |
Axum | 2007 | 26.26 | 12.28 | 19.27 |
Axum | 2008 | 26.30 | 12.18 | 19.24 |
Axum | 2009 | 27.37 | 12.57 | 19.97 |
Axum | 2010 | 26.65 | 12.19 | 19.42 |
Axum | 2011 | 26.05 | 11.70 | 18.87 |
Axum | 2012 | 26.04 | 11.73 | 18.88 |
Axum | 2013 | 26.04 | 11.90 | 18.97 |
Axum | 2014 | 25.94 | 11.58 | 18.76 |
Axum | 2015 | 26.59 | 11.78 | 19.18 |
Axum | 2016 | 26.92 | 12.33 | 19.62 |
Source: Computed based on raw data from National Metrology Agency (NMA) of Ethiopia.
Table 5.
Variation of annual maximum and minimum temperature in Bahir Dar (2002–2016).
Year | Average annual temp. (Max) | Average annual temp. (Min) | Mean annual temperature | |
Bahir Dar | 2002 | 26.20 | 7.3 | 16.75 |
Bahir Dar | 2003 | 29.55 | 12.7 | 21.13 |
Bahir Dar | 2004 | 25.56 | 12.68 | 19.12 |
Bahir Dar | 2005 | 26.96 | 12.92 | 19.94 |
Bahir Dar | 2006 | 26.75 | 12.87 | 19.81 |
Bahir Dar | 2007 | 26.78 | 10.32 | 18.55 |
Bahir Dar | 2008 | 26.83 | 11.59 | 19.21 |
Bahir Dar | 2009 | 27.60 | 12.33 | 19.96 |
Bahir Dar | 2010 | 27.07 | 12.52 | 19.80 |
Bahir Dar | 2011 | 26.99 | 11.46 | 19.22 |
Bahir Dar | 2012 | 27.68 | 12.11 | 19.85 |
Bahir Dar | 2013 | 28.78 | 11.61 | 20.20 |
Bahir Dar | 2014 | 27.69 | 14.08 | 20.88 |
Bahir Dar | 2015 | 28.50 | 13.78 | 21.17 |
Bahir Dar | 2016 | 27.02 | 14.68 | 20.85 |
Source: Computed based on raw data from National Metrology Agency (NMA) of Ethiopia.
Table 6.
Variation of annual maximum and minimum temperature in Beshoftu (1951–2013).
Year | Average annual temp. (Max) | Average annual temp. (Min) | Mean annual temperature | |
Beshoftu | 1951 | 25.56 | 9.95 | 17.75 |
Beshoftu | 1955 | 26.27 | 10.84 | 18.55 |
Beshoftu | 1960 | 26.19 | 11.56 | 18.87 |
Beshoftu | 1965 | 26.50 | 11.69 | 19.09 |
Beshoftu | 1970 | 26.34 | 11.80 | 19.07 |
Beshoftu | 1975 | 25.49 | 11.03 | 18.26 |
Beshoftu | 1980 | 26.58 | 11.28 | 18.93 |
Beshoftu | 1985 | 25.96 | 10.80 | 18.38 |
Beshoftu | 1990 | 26.30 | 11.95 | 19.13 |
Beshoftu | 1995 | 26.86 | 12.43 | 19.65 |
Beshoftu | 2000 | 26.72 | 12.10 | 19.41 |
Beshoftu | 2005 | 26.60 | 10.37 | 18.48 |
Beshoftu | 2010 | 26.54 | 11.02 | 18.78 |
Beshoftu | 2013 | 29.45 | 10.91 | 20.18 |
Source: Computed based on raw data from National Metrology Agency (NMA) of Ethiopia.
Table 7.
Variation of annual maximum and minimum temperature in Combolcha (1952–2015).
Year | Average annual temp. (Max) | Average annual temp. (Min) | Mean annual temperature | |
Combolcha | 1952 | 20.98 | 8.34 | 14.66 |
Combolcha | 1955 | 23.15 | 12.24 | 17.69 |
Combolcha | 1960 | 26.80 | 12.65 | 19.7 |
Combolcha | 1965 | 25.90 | 11.87 | 18.89 |
Combolcha | 1970 | 26.00 | 12.40 | 19.20 |
Combolcha | 1975 | 24.99 | 10.65 | 17.82 |
Combolcha | 1980 | 26.38 | 11.75 | 19.07 |
Combolcha | 1985 | 26.05 | 5.59 | 15.82 |
Combolcha | 1990 | 26.50 | 12.96 | 19.73 |
Combolcha | 1995 | 26.38 | 12.60 | 19.49 |
Combolcha | 2000 | 26.80 | 11.79 | 19.30 |
Combolcha | 2005 | 27.25 | 12.20 | 19.73 |
Combolcha | 2010 | 27.49 | 13.325 | 20.40 |
Combolcha | 2015 | 28.11 | 12.85 | 20.48 |
Source: Computed based on raw data from National Metrology Agency (NMA) of Ethiopia.
Table 8.
Variation of annual maximum and minimum temperature in Debre Markos (1955–2015).
Year | Average annual temp. (Max) | Average annual temp. (Min) | Mean annual temperature | |
Debre Markos | 1955 | 21.58 | 8.90 | 15.24 |
Debre Markos | 1960 | 22.25 | 8.15 | 15.20 |
Debre Markos | 1965 | 21.98 | 8.58 | 15.28 |
Debre Markos | 1970 | 22.96 | 9.94 | 16.45 |
Debre Markos | 1975 | 22.40 | 9.12 | 15.76 |
Debre Markos | 1980 | 22.45 | 10.00 | 16.22 |
Debre Markos | 1985 | 21.90 | 10.21 | 16.06 |
Debre Markos | 1990 | 22.57 | 9.51 | 16.04 |
Debre Markos | 1995 | 23.34 | 10.56 | 16.95 |
Debre Markos | 2000 | 22.60 | 10.09 | 16.35 |
Debre Markos | 2005 | 23.05 | 10.60 | 16.83 |
Debre Markos | 2010 | 23.05 | 11.12 | 17.09 |
Debre Markos | 2015 | 23.56 | 11.18 | 17.37 |
Source: Computed based on raw data from National Metrology Agency (NMA) of Ethiopia.
Table 9.
Variation of annual maximum and minimum temperature in Dire Dawa (1952–2015).
Year | Average annual temp. (Max) | Average annual temp. (Min) | Mean annual temperature | |
Dire Dawa | 1952 | 32.58 | 12.56 | 22.57 |
Dire Dawa | 1955 | 31.69 | 18.03 | 24.86 |
Dire Dawa | 1960 | 31.26 | 18.68 | 24.97 |
Dire Dawa | 1965 | 31.22 | 18.19 | 24.70 |
Dire Dawa | 1970 | 31.07 | 18.79 | 24.93 |
Dire Dawa | 1975 | 31.26 | 18.79 | 25.02 |
Dire Dawa | 1980 | 31.20 | 19.60 | 25.40 |
Dire Dawa | 1985 | 31.21 | 19.14 | 25.17 |
Dire Dawa | 1990 | 31.45 | 19.30 | 25.37 |
Dire Dawa | 1995 | 32.36 | 19.33 | 25.85 |
Dire Dawa | 2000 | 32.58 | 18.79 | 25.68 |
Dire Dawa | 2005 | 32.93 | 19.19 | 26.06 |
Dire Dawa | 2010 | 32.65 | 19.15 | 25.90 |
Dire Dawa | 2015 | 33.00 | 18.43 | 25.71 |
Source: Computed based on raw data from National Metrology Agency (NMA) of Ethiopia.
Table 10.
Variation of annual maximum and minimum temperature in Gode (1966–2015).
Year | Average annual temp. (Max) | Average annual temp. (Min) | Mean annual temperature | |
Gode | 1966 | 34.82 | 21.14 | 27.98 |
Gode | 1970 | 35.00 | 22.63 | 28.82 |
Gode | 1975 | 34.80 | 22.93 | 28.86 |
Gode | 1980 | 34.39 | 23.46 | 28.92 |
Gode | 1985 | 34.14 | 21.95 | 28.05 |
Gode | 1990 | 34.62 | 23.38 | 29.00 |
Gode | 2000 | 34.61 | 23.20 | 28.91 |
Gode | 2005 | 35.21 | 24.24 | 29.72 |
Gode | 2010 | 35.56 | 24.51 | 30.0 |
Gode | 2015 | 35.31 | 24.04 | 29.67 |
Source: Computed based on raw data from National Metrology Agency (NMA) of Ethiopia.
Table 11.
Variation of annual maximum and minimum temperature in Gondar (1952–2015).
Year | Average annual temp. (Max) | Average annual temp. (Min) | Mean annual temperature | |
Gondar | 1952 | 25.65 | 11.90 | 18.77 |
Gondar | 1955 | 25.87 | 11.42 | 18.65 |
Gondar | 1960 | 25.46 | 11.28 | 18.37 |
Gondar | 1965 | 26.63 | 12.55 | 19.59 |
Gondar | 1970 | 27.04 | 12.76 | 19.90 |
Gondar | 1975 | 26.71 | 13.35 | 20.03 |
Gondar | 1980 | 26.55 | 13.40 | 19.97 |
Gondar | 1984 | 26.77 | 13.55 | 20.16 |
Gondar | 1990 | 26.7 | 12.32 | 19.54 |
Gondar | 1995 | 27.33 | 14.37 | 20.85 |
Gondar | 2000 | 27.30 | 11.58 | 19.44 |
Gondar | 2005 | 27.46 | 13.88 | 20.67 |
Gondar | 2010 | 28.00 | 13.45 | 20.73 |
Gondar | 2015 | 27.40 | 13.94 | 20.67 |
Source: Computed based on raw data from National Metrology Agency (NMA) of Ethiopia.
Table 12.
Variation of annual maximum and minimum temperature in Gore (1952–2015).
Year | Average annual temp. (Max) | Average annual temp. (Min) | Mean annual temperature | |
Gore | 1952 | 22.16 | 12.56 | 17.36 |
Gore | 1955 | 22.79 | 12.90 | 17.85 |
Gore | 1960 | 23.40 | 12.94 | 18.17 |
Gore | 1965 | 22.35 | 13.11 | 17.73 |
Gore | 1970 | 23.41 | 13.06 | 18.24 |
Gore | 1975 | 22.67 | 13.14 | 17.90 |
Gore | 1980 | 23.44 | 13.77 | 18.60 |
Gore | 1985 | 22.50 | 13.70 | 18.10 |
Gore | 1990 | 25.20 | 14.70 | 19.95 |
Gore | 1995 | 24.56 | 13.78 | 19.17 |
Gore | 2000 | 24.01 | 13.64 | 18.82 |
Gore | 2005 | 24.50 | 14.62 | 19.56 |
Gore | 2010 | 24.20 | 14.65 | 19.42 |
Gore | 2015 | 24.60 | 14.12 | 19.36 |
Source: Computed based on raw data from National Metrology Agency (NMA) of Ethiopia.
Table 13.
Variation of annual maximum and minimum temperature in Hawassa (1975–2015).
Year | Average annual temp. (Max) | Average annual temp. (Min) | Mean annual temperature | |
Hawassa | 1975 | 25.79 | 11.57 | 18.68 |
Hawassa | 1980 | 27.18 | 12.61 | 19.90 |
Hawassa | 1985 | 26.42 | 11.05 | 18.74 |
Hawassa | 1990 | 27.21 | 12.30 | 19.76 |
Hawassa | 1995 | 27.86 | 12.55 | 20.20 |
Hawassa | 2000 | 27.35 | 12.41 | 19.88 |
Hawassa | 2005 | 27.61 | 12.81 | 20.21 |
Hawassa | 2010 | 27.05 | 14.20 | 20.62 |
Hawassa | 2015 | 28.54 | 14.35 | 21.44 |
Source: Computed based on raw data from National Metrology Agency (NMA) of Ethiopia.
Table 14.
Variation of annual maximum and minimum temperature in Jimma (1952–2015).
Year | Average annual temp. (Max) | Average annual temp. (Min) | Mean annual temperature | |
Jimma | 1952 | 25.76 | 11.25 | 18.50 |
Jimma | 1955 | 26.95 | 10.12 | 18.54 |
Jimma | 1960 | 28.28 | 10.33 | 19.30 |
Jimma | 1965 | 26.69 | 10.95 | 18.82 |
Jimma | 1970 | 26.18 | 11.28 | 18.73 |
Jimma | 1975 | 26.39 | 10.81 | 18.60 |
Jimma | 1980 | 27.18 | 11.20 | 19.19 |
Jimma | 1985 | 26.97 | 10.69 | 18.83 |
Jimma | 1990 | 26.52 | 11.50 | 19.01 |
Jimma | 1995 | 28.05 | 11.83 | 19.94 |
Jimma | 2000 | 28.62 | 10.95 | 19.79 |
Jimma | 2005 | 27.90 | 11.31 | 19.60 |
Jimma | 2010 | 27.37 | 12.91 | 20.14 |
Jimma | 2015 | 28.54 | 12.32 | 20.43 |
Source: Computed based on raw data from National Metrology Agency (NMA) of Ethiopia.
Table 15.
Variation of annual maximum and minimum temperature in Mekele (1960–2015).
Year | Average annual temp. (Max) | Average annual temp. (Min) | Mean annual temperature | |
Mekele | 1960 | 24.38 | 10.87 | 17.62 |
Mekele | 1965 | 25.53 | 11.60 | 18.57 |
Mekele | 1970 | 25.67 | 11.60 | 18.63 |
Mekele | 1975 | 22.56 | 11.41 | 16.99 |
Mekele | 1980 | 24.21 | 11.11 | 17.66 |
Mekele | 1985 | 24.12 | 10.30 | 17.21 |
Mekele | 1990 | 22.40 | 11.20 | 11.20 |
Mekele | 1995 | 23.93 | 11.83 | 17.88 |
Mekele | 2000 | 24.46 | 11.85 | 18.15 |
Mekele | 2005 | 24.50 | 11.52 | 18.01 |
Mekele | 2010 | 24.45 | 12.00 | 18.23 |
Mekele | 2015 | 24.58 | 11.88 | 18.23 |
Source: Computed based on raw data from National Metrology Agency (NMA) of Ethiopia.
Table 16.
Variation of annual maximum and minimum temperature in Metehara (1985–2015).
Year | Average annual temp. (Max) | Average annual temp. (Min) | Mean annual temperature | |
Metehara | 1985 | 33.27 | 16.50 | 24.89 |
Metehara | 1990 | 32.97 | 17.76 | 25.37 |
Metehara | 1995 | 33.80 | 18.55 | 26.17 |
Metehara | 2000 | 33.62 | 17.21 | 25.42 |
Metehara | 2005 | 34.06 | 17.80 | 25.93 |
Metehara | 2010 | 33.82 | 18.32 | 26.07 |
Metehara | 2015 | 35.19 | 18.58 | 26.88 |
Source: Computed based on raw data from National Metrology Agency (NMA) of Ethiopia.
Table 17.
Variation of annual maximum and minimum temperature in Neghele (1952–2015).
Year | Average annual temp. (Max) | Average annual temp. (Min) | Mean annual temperature | |
Neghele | 1952 | 25.10 | 12.22 | 18.66 |
Neghele | 1955 | 24.88 | 11.87 | 18.37 |
Neghele | 1960 | 25.67 | 13.65 | 19.66 |
Neghele | 1965 | 25.97 | 12.25 | 19.11 |
Neghele | 1970 | 25.31 | 13.45 | 19.38 |
Neghele | 1975 | 25.35 | 12.99 | 19.17 |
Neghele | 1980 | 27.08 | 13.01 | 20.05 |
Neghele | 1985 | 25.03 | 13.22 | 19.12 |
Neghele | 1990 | 27.46 | 15.01 | 21.23 |
Neghele | 1995 | 26.35 | 15.89 | 21.12 |
Neghele | 2000 | 26.64 | 14.86 | 20.75 |
Neghele | 2005 | 26.33 | 16.24 | 21.28 |
Neghele | 2010 | 27.06 | 16.46 | 21.76 |
Neghele | 2015 | 28.22 | 16.66 | 22.44 |
Source: Computed based on raw data from National Metrology Agency (NMA) of Ethiopia.
Table 18.
Variation of annual maximum and minimum temperature in Nekemte (1970–2015).
Year | Average annual temp. (Max) | Average annual temp. (Min) | Mean annual temperature | |
Nekemte | 1970 | 24.00 | 10.50 | 17.25 |
Nekemte | 1975 | 23.15 | 10.97 | 17.06 |
Nekemte | 1980 | 23.48 | 12.65 | 18.06 |
Nekemte | 1985 | 23.18 | 12.11 | 17.65 |
Nekemte | 1990 | 23.99 | 13.03 | 18.51 |
Nekemte | 1995 | 24.35 | 13.16 | 18.75 |
Nekemte | 2000 | 24.40 | 12.80 | 18.60 |
Nekemte | 2005 | 24.87 | 13.28 | 19.00 |
Nekemte | 2010 | 24.56 | 13.41 | 18.99 |
Nekemte | 2015 | 24.15 | 12.99 | 18.57 |
Source: Computed based on raw data from National Metrology Agency (NMA) of Ethiopia.
Table 19.
Variation of annual maximum and minimum temperature in Robe (1962–2015).
Year | Average annual temp. (Max) | Average annual temp. (Min) | Mean annual temperature | |
Robe | 1962 | 19.65 | 5.80 | 12.72 |
Robe | 1965 | 18.40 | 5.97 | 12.19 |
Robe | 1970 | 19.40 | 6.47 | 12.93 |
Robe | 1975 | 19.69 | 5.95 | 12.82 |
Robe | 1980 | 21.45 | 6.55 | 14.00 |
Robe | 1985 | 21.22 | 9.01 | 15.12 |
Robe | 1990 | 21.61 | 8.42 | 15.02 |
Robe | 1995 | 21.91 | 7.95 | 14.93 |
Robe | 2000 | 21.99 | 6.18 | 14.08 |
Robe | 2005 | 22.45 | 7.95 | 15.20 |
Robe | 2010 | 21.85 | 9.01 | 15.43 |
Robe | 2015 | 22.83 | 8.60 | 15.72 |
Source: Computed based on raw data from National Metrology Agency (NMA) of Ethiopia.
Fig. 21.
Area cultivated under improved seeds, local seeds and fertilizer for cereals only in Ethiopia.Source: Computed based on raw data from Central Statistical Agency (CSA) of Ethiopia.
Fig. 22.
Fertilizer applied area and types of fertilizer for cereals only in Ethiopia.Source: Computed based on raw data from Central Statistical Agency (CSA) of Ethiopia.
Fig. 23.
Major crops production in Ethiopia (1994/95–2014/15).Source: Computed based on raw data from Central Statistical Agency (CSA) of Ethiopia. Note: Grain refers to all cereals, pulses and oil seeds. 1 quintal=100 kg.
Fig. 24.
Consumer Price Index in Ethiopia.Source: Computed based on raw data from Central Statistical Agency (CSA) of Ethiopia.
2. Methods and materials
The unprocessed long-term elements of climate such as rainfall and temperature data obtain from the National Metrological Agency (NMA) of Ethiopia were analyzed using tables and graphic trends of analysis. Annual rainfall and mean annual temperature of 18 representative weather stations were computed in order to calculate the country's mean annual rainfall and the inter-annual fluctuations and average annual temperature. The article used different year agricultural sample survey reports of Central Statistical Agency (CSA) of Ethiopia. Based on the data, the trends of major cereals crop production, area cultivated under improved seeds, local seeds, types of fertilizer and applied areas and the consumer price index in Ethiopia were calculated and presented. The author used Microsoft EXCEL software to analyze the data and present the result in graphs and tables.
The author would like to thank the Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund for granting scholarship to study Ph.D. in Norway and the National Metrological Agency of Ethiopia for providing long-term climate data.
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