Local host defenses limit proliferation and systemic spread of pathogenic bacteria from sites of mucosal colonization. For pathogens such as streptococci that fail to grow intracellularly, internalization and killing by epithelial cells contribute to the control of bacterial growth and dissemination. Here, we show that group A Streptococcus (GAS), the agent of streptococcal sore throat and invasive soft tissue infections, evades internalization and intracellular killing by pharyngeal epithelial cells. Production of the cholesterol-binding cytotoxin streptolysin O (SLO) prevented internalization of GAS into lysosomes. In striking contrast, GAS rendered defective in production of SLO were internalized directly or rapidly transported into lysosomes, where they were killed by a pH-dependent mechanism. Because SLO is the prototype of cholesterol-dependent cytolysins produced by many Gram-positive bacteria, cytolysin-mediated evasion of lysosomal killing may be a general mechanism to protect such pathogens from clearance by host epithelial cells.
Keywords: Streptococcus pyogenes, streptolysin O, virulence
Epithelial cells of mucosal surfaces constitute an early line of defense against infecting microorganisms. These cells protect the host not only by acting as a physical barrier but also by secreting antimicrobial molecules and by recruiting professional immune cells to the site of infection (1–5). Also, epithelial cells have the capacity to internalize and kill bacteria. Extracellular pathogens such as streptococci, Staphylococcus aureus, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa can be internalized by epithelial cells but do not appear to multiply in the intracellular environment (6–11). Rather, internalized bacteria are killed over time. Therefore, to persist at the mucosal surface, extracellular bacterial pathogens must evade internalization and killing by epithelial cells.
In this study, we investigated the effects of streptolysin O (SLO) on the interactions of group A Streptococcus (GAS), the agent of streptococcal sore throat and severe, invasive, or “flesh-eating” infections, with human oropharyngeal epithelial cells. SLO is the prototype of a family of cholesterol-binding cytotoxins produced by many pathogenic Gram-positive bacteria including Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumolysin), Listeria monocytogenes (listeriolysin O), Clostridium perfringens (perfringolysin O), and Bacillus anthracis (anthrolysin) (12–14). The cholesterol-binding cytotoxins share the property of poreforming activity for a broad range of cholesterol-containing cell membranes (12, 15). However, it remains unknown whether they serve a common functional role in pathogen–host biology for the diverse species that produce them. Here, we report that SLO is a critical modulator of GAS internalization, intracellular trafficking, and bacterial killing by human oropharyngeal keratinocytes. We found that SLO prevented direct uptake of GAS into lysosomes and efficient pH-dependent intracellular killing. On the basis of these findings, we propose that SLO enhances GAS survival in the human host by interfering with both bacterial uptake and intracellular killing of GAS by pharyngeal epithelial cells.
Experimental Procedures
Detailed information about materials and experimental methods is given in Supporting Experimental Procedures, which is published as supporting information on the PNAS web site.
Reagents. Synaptotagmin VII (SytVII) fused to EGFP in vector pEGFP-N1 was kindly provided by Norma W. Andrews (Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT), and Rab5 fused to EGFP in vector pEGFP-C1 was kindly provided by Marino Zerial (Max Planck Institute, Berlin).
Bacterial Strains. The hyaluronic acid capsule inhibits GAS internalization by epithelial cells to a variable extent dependent on strain and growth phase. To avoid confounding by effects of the capsule, we performed the experiments in this investigation in the background of strain 188, a derivative of the M type 3 wild-type strain 950771 in which the hasA gene encoding hyaluronan synthase has been inactivated (7, 16). Other GAS strains used in the study were 188SLO–, a slo-negative deletion mutant of strain 188 (17); 188NADase–, an nga-negative deletion mutant of strain 188 (see below); and 188SLO–/NADase–, an nga-negative deletion mutant in the 188SLO– background (see below). Plasmid pngaΔ was transformed into GAS strains 188 and 188SLO–, where it was used for allelic exchange mutagenesis at the nga locus, as described (18), to produce the nga– mutant strains 188NADase– and 188SLO–/NADase–, respectively. The expected phenotypes for 188NADase– were confirmed in assays for SLO-mediated hemolysis and NAD glycohydrolase (NADase) enzymatic activity (19, 20).
Cell Culture. Culture of OKP7 primary human soft-palate keratinocytes (21), assays for GAS adherence and internalization, immunofluorescent staining, confocal microscopy, and flow cytometry were performed as described (see refs. 22 and 23 and Supporting Experimental Procedures).
Transfection of Keratinocytes. The constructs carrying Rab5 or SytVII were transiently transfected into confluent keratinocytes by using 1.5 μg of expression construct per 1 μl of Lipofectamine 2000 transfection reagent (Invitrogen) with volumes of Lipofectamine per area of cell growth being half of that recommended in the manufacturer's instructions. The transfection was done in OptiMEM transfection medium for 5 h, and the medium was then changed back to keratinocyte serum-free medium (GIBCO). Twenty-four hours later, the monolayers were inoculated with GAS.
Endosome Acidification. Labeling of bacteria. GAS were grown to early exponential phase, washed, and resuspended to the original culture volume in 100 mM potassium phosphate buffer (pH 9). We incubated 200 μlofa5 × 107 colony-forming units (cfu)/ml suspension with 125 μg/ml SNARF-1 succimidyl ester for 1 h at room temperature. The bacteria were washed extensively and resuspended in keratinocyte serum-free medium for infection of OKP7 cells.
Measurement of intracellular pH. The pH surrounding the SNARF-1-labeled bacteria was measured by confocal microscopy using a LSM5 Pascal instrument (Zeiss). Red fluorescence signal was captured as light with a wavelength of ≥635 nm, and yellow fluorescence signal was captured by using a 560–615 band-pass filter. The pixel intensities of the yellow image were divided by the pixel intensities of the red image, and the resulting ratio was multiplied by 50 using pascal 5 software (Zeiss). The resultant value was represented in a pseudocolored image. The mean pixel intensity of the bacteria in the pseudocolored image was measured and used to determine the pH. A pH standard curve was constructed for each experiment by measuring the mean pixel intensity of bacteria incubated in buffer with pH 3–10. Measurements from at least 10 bacteria at each pH value were used to construct the standard curve.
Statistics. Significance calculations from data comparisons were obtained by the Mann–Whitney U test by using PRISM 4 software for Macintosh (GraphPad, San Diego)
Results and Discussion
SLO Prevents Internalization of GAS by Oropharyngeal Keratinocytes. Results of an earlier study suggested that SLO and/or the exotoxin NADase contribute to GAS survival in the human host by inhibiting internalization of the bacteria into pharyngeal epithelial cells (23). That study showed that internalization of an encapsulated SLO– mutant was ≈4-fold higher than the wild-type parent strain. In this study, we examined in greater detail the role of the two exotoxins, SLO and NADase, in the process of internalization of GAS into primary keratinocytes, the principal cell type of the human pharyngeal epithelium. GAS strain 188 and isogenic mutants that lacked expression of SLO (188SLO–), NADase (188NADase–), or both toxins (188SLO–/NADAse–) were used to infect monolayers of OKP7 primary oropharyngeal keratinocytes at a multiplicity of infection (moi) of 1 cfu per keratinocyte. There were no significant differences in adherence (i.e., overall bacterial association) of the isogenic mutant strains compared with strain 188 (Fig. 1). However, the absence of SLO was associated with a significant increase in internalization compared with strain 188 (Fig. 1). The addition of purified SLO at a concentration that did not cause measurable cytotoxicity to cells inoculated with 188SLO– reduced the internalization by 71%, a result that supports a specific role for SLO in blocking internalization. We considered whether the lower recovery of strain 188 from infected keratinocytes might be an artifact of SLO-mediated damage to the keratinocyte cell membrane that allowed entry of antibiotics and killing of internalized GAS. However, the experiments were performed under conditions that produced minimal cytotoxic damage (moi of one bacteria per cell, 4 h of incubation; see Fig. 5, which is published as supporting information on the PNAS web site). Also, microscopic examination of infected cells confirmed the results of antibiotic exclusion assays, so the difference in recovery of intracellular organisms was not due to increased cellular toxicity mediated by SLO (data not shown). Strain 188NADase– was internalized somewhat more efficiently than strain 188 but much less efficiently than 188SLO– (Fig. 1). These results suggested that SLO rather than NADase was primarily responsible for the inhibition of internalization.
Fig. 1.
Interaction of GAS with OKP7 keratinocytes. Total cell association (black bars) and internalization (gray bars) of GAS to OKP7 cells is shown. OKP7 cell monolayers were inoculated with GAS at an moi of 1 cfu per cell and incubated for 4 h. Results are expressed as viable cfu per monolayer in 24-well plates (mean of five experiments ± SD).
SLO Mediates Evasion of Lysosomal Uptake. Certain pathogens have evolved specialized systems to invade host cells and to exploit the eukaryotic cell machinery for invasion and spread into deeper tissues. For these intracellular pathogens, internalization and trafficking have been well studied (24–28). However, the intracellular localization and fate of primarily extracellular pathogens, such as GAS, in cells other than specialized immune cells, is largely unknown.
To investigate uptake and intracellular trafficking of GAS, OKP7 keratinocytes were inoculated with strain 188 for 30 min, or 1, 2, or 4 h. The cells were then fixed, permeabilized, and stained with antibodies to GAS and to endosomal markers. The specificity of the staining and the functionality of the endosomal pathway in the OKP7 cells were verified by colocalization experiments with staining reagents against early endosomal, late endosomal, and lysosomal antigens and with uptake studies by using fluorescently labeled dextran, respectively (Fig. 6, which is published as supporting information on the PNAS web site). These control experiments demonstrated the expected colocalization of internalized dextran with early endosomal markers early endosomal antigen 1 (EEA-1) and Rab5 after 30 min, then with late endosomal and lysosomal markers lysosome-associated membrane protein 1 (LAMP-1) and SytVII at 4 h. By contrast, experiments with internalized GAS showed no colocalization with EEA-1 at any time point suggesting that the bacteria were not internalized into early endosomes (Fig. 2A). These results were confirmed by using keratinocytes transfected with the early endosomal protein Rab5 fused to GFP. Infection of Rab5–GFP-transfected keratinocytes with 188 did not result in colocalization of GAS with this marker of early endosomes (Fig. 2 A).
Fig. 2.
Association of intracellular GAS with endosomal markers in OKP7 keratinocytes. (A) Absence of colocalization of intracellular GAS 188 (blue) with early endosomal antigens (red, EEA-1; green, Rab5) or with lysosomal antigens LAMP-1 (red) and SytVII (green). Intracellular location of the bacteria was verified by staining extracellular bacteria green before permeabilization of the cells. Bacteria stained blue but not green were intracellular. (B) Absence of colocalization of intracellular GAS 188SLO– (blue) with early endosomal antigens (red, EEA-1; green, Rab5). Colocalization of intracellular GAS 188SLO– (stained blue) with the lysosomal antigens LAMP-1 (red) and SytVII (green). Intracellular localization of GAS was verified as described above.
Cells infected with strain 188 showed a similar lack of association between antibodies to the late endosomal/lysosomal marker LAMP-1 and internalized GAS at all investigated time points, indicating that the bacteria were not localized to either late endosomes or lysosomes (Fig. 2 A). To verify the lack of localization to lysosomes, we used keratinocytes transfected with a plasmid encoding the lysosomal protein SytVII fused to GFP. In CHO cells and NRK cells, SytVII is primarily expressed in the lysosomal membrane (29–31), whereas in PC-12 pheochromocytoma cells and rat neurons, SytVII expression is restricted to the plasma membrane, as is the case with other synaptotagmins involved in synaptic vesicle trafficking (32, 33). In OKP7 keratinocytes, we found that SytVII–GFP was distributed both to lysosomes and the plasma membrane (Fig. 2). After infection with strain 188, the SytVII–GFP-transfected OKP7 cells were stained for GAS. Again, no colocalization between 188 and lysosomes was seen (Fig. 2 A). However, circumferential colocalization of LAMP-1 with 188 bacteria was seen frequently at 24 h after inoculation, a time at which very few intracellular GAS remain viable (data not shown). This observation suggested that 188 bacteria that die in the intracellular environment eventually traffic to lysosomes. Failure of viable GAS to colocalize with LAMP-1 or SytVII implies that the bacteria actively prevent their trafficking into lysosomes (Fig. 2 A). This conclusion was also supported by the finding that paraformaldehyde-fixed 188 bacteria were readily internalized into LAMP-1-stained vesicles.
SLO-Mutant GAS Are Internalized into Lysosomes. Like the parent strain 188, the SLO-deficient strain 188SLO– showed no association with either of the two early endosomal markers EEA-1 or Rab5 (Fig. 2B). The absence of colocalization of those markers with GAS suggested that the bacteria were not internalized into an early endosome.
In striking contrast to the results obtained with strain 188, all internalized 188SLO– bacteria showed homogeneous ring-like staining of LAMP-1 around the bacteria consistent with localization of 188SLO– inside LAMP-1-containing vesicles (Fig. 2B). This localization was seen as early as 30 min after inoculation, and no intracellular bacteria could be detected that were not associated with LAMP-1. When SytVII-transfected cells were used, we found a high degree of colocalization between LAMP-1 and SytVII–GFP (Fig. 6), and both markers were closely associated with the SLO-mutant bacteria (Fig. 2B). These results suggested strongly that production of SLO prevents internalization of GAS into lysosomes.
SLO Triggers Lysosomal Exocytosis. The lack of association of GAS with early endosomes and the difference in localization to lysosomes between 188 and 188SLO– led us to investigate lysosomal trafficking in more detail. Lysosomes can be mobilized to the plasma membrane as a cellular-repair mechanism in response to membrane damage or to agents that cause an influx of extracellular Ca2+ (29, 34). The molecule responsible for the calcium-mediated fusion of lysosomes with the plasma membrane is SytVII (30, 35). Thus, SLO-mediated membrane damage may trigger the mobilization of lysosomes to move to the cell surface and fuse with the plasma membrane.
We investigated whether GAS triggered exocytosis of lysosomes by infecting keratinocytes with GAS and then measuring release of the lysosomal enzyme β-hexosaminidase and monitoring the appearance of LAMP-1 on the cell surface. As a positive control, we used ionomycin, a calcium ionophore that has been used extensively to study lysosomal exocytosis (30, 34). Addition of 4 μM ionomycin caused release of 7.2% of the total cell content of β-hexosaminidase after 4 h of incubation (P < 0.05 compared with uninfected cells; Fig. 7A, which is published as supporting information on the PNAS web site). By comparison, inoculation of keratinocytes with GAS strain 188 at an moi of 1 had a similar effect resulting in release of 5.9% of cellular β-hexosaminidase (P < 0.05 compared with uninfected cells), whereas infection with 188SLO– caused a more modest release of 3.9% (P = 0.12, compared with uninfected cells). The effect of strain 188 could be mimicked by adding purified SLO at sublytic concentrations that caused release of 5.2% of cellular β-hexoseaminidase (P < 0.05, compared with uninfected cells). Inoculation of keratinocytes with strain 188 resulted in the appearance of LAMP-1 on the keratinocyte surface in 32% of cells by flow cytometry analysis compared with 8% of cells infected with 188SLO– (Fig. 7B). The SLO-stimulated increase in LAMP-1 staining appeared to reflect a specific effect on LAMP-1-bearing vesicles (i.e., late endosomes and/or lysosomes) because staining with antibody to the early endosome marker EEA-1 revealed little change in surface expression after infection with strain 188 (5% positive cells above the uninfected control; Fig. 7B). These results are consistent with SLO-mediated injury to the keratinocyte plasma membrane triggering mobilization of lysosomes to the cell surface, fusion with areas of membrane damage, and resultant exocytosis of lysosomal contents to the extracellular milieu.
Direct Lysosomal Uptake of SLO-Negative GAS. To visualize the potential colocalization of lysosomal markers with GAS at the keratinocyte cell surface, cells were infected with GAS and then stained with antibodies specific for GAS, LAMP-1, and the surface marker CD44. Because cells were not permeabilized in these experiments, antibody staining for LAMP-1 visualized the protein only on the cell surface and not on intracellular vesicles. Uninfected keratinocytes had CD44 homogeneously distributed in the cell membrane but little or no LAMP-1 staining (Fig. 3). Inoculation of keratinocytes with the SLO-positive GAS strain 188 resulted in the appearance of LAMP-1 staining of the keratinocyte cell surface in multiple discrete patches, often with a ring-shaped appearance. However, LAMP-1 staining was rarely observed in close proximity to bound bacteria. In striking contrast, antibody staining of keratinocytes inoculated with 188SLO– revealed bacteria surrounded by LAMP-1 on the cell surface (Fig. 3).
Fig. 3.
GAS-induced exocytosis of lysosomes. Cell surface staining for CD44 (green) and LAMP-1 (red) in nonpermeabilized OKP7 cells after inoculation for 2 h with GAS 188 or GAS 188SLO– is shown. The images show a confocal micrograph of the apical surface of the cells. GAS 188 caused extensive exocytosis of LAMP-1 that was not associated with adherent bacteria. GAS 188SLO– caused a more modest exocytosis and precise surface localization of LAMP-1 to cell-associated bacteria.
These data suggest that SLO secretion by GAS causes keratinocyte membrane damage that results in exocytosis of lysosomes. Although lysosomes are presumably mobilized to fuse with the plasma membrane at sites of SLO-mediated injury, they do not colocalize with SLO-producing GAS bound to the cell surface. In contrast, SLO-negative bacteria bound to the cell surface elicit mobilization of lysosomes precisely to the site of bacterial attachment. The observed circumferential colocalization of lysosomal markers with SLO-negative GAS at the cell surface suggests that these bacteria are taken up directly into lysosomes. This conclusion is also consistent with the finding that intracellular SLO-negative GAS were not observed to colocalize with early endosomal markers before their appearance in lysosomes (Fig. 2B).
SLO Delays Intracellular Killing of GAS in Primary Keratinocytes. Studies have shown that GAS that are internalized into epithelial cells are killed over time (6, 7), but to our knowledge, the role of SLO in intracellular survival has not been studied. By using a similar experimental protocol as that described above for studies of GAS internalization, we assessed intracellular survival by killing extracellular GAS at 3.5 h after inoculation and then harvesting replicate wells of infected keratinocytes at 4, 7, or 24 h for determination of intracellular cfu. In accordance with earlier studies, GAS, irrespective of genotype, were almost completely eliminated from the monolayer of cells with <20 cfu remaining viable at 24 h. Still, a difference in elimination rate was detected that was SLO-dependent. For strain 188, 42 ± 11% of the intracellular bacteria detected at 4 h were still viable at 7 h. In contrast, for 188SLO– only 8 ± 6% of the cfu measured at 4 h survived at 7 h (P < 0.05). The greater relative survival of 188 compared with the 188SLO– suggested that expression of SLO protects the bacteria from rapid intracellular bacteriolysis.
SLO-Negative GAS Are Killed by a pH-Dependent Mechanism. Lysosomes contain multiple effector molecules that degrade foreign material and may contribute to the killing of endocytosed bacteria. These include acid hydrolases such as cathepsins B, D, and L, as well as elastase (36–38). Epithelial cells also produce reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (39, 40), but it is not known whether the production is localized to lysosomes. A pH gradient in the endocytic system is created by the vacuolar H+-ATPase (41). The acidic environment of the lysosome can inhibit or kill bacteria directly, and it is also required for optimal activity of endosomal proteases. To investigate which of these mechanism(s) mediate killing of internalized GAS, we specifically inhibited the actions of various lysosomal effector molecules.
Cells were inoculated with GAS for 3.5 h, and extracellular bacteria were then killed with penicillin and gentamicin. At 4 h, the viable intracellular bacteria were quantified, and inhibitors were added to replicate samples. At 3 h later, the viable intracellular bacteria were again measured and survival of intracellular GAS in the presence of inhibitors was compared with that in infected cells not treated with an inhibitor. Results of these experiments indicated that trafficking between endosomal compartments was not involved in bacterial killing because we observed no inhibition of killing in infected cells treated with calcium chelators or with inhibitors of actin- or microtubule-based vesicle trafficking (Fig. 8, which is published as supporting information on the PNAS web site). Inhibition of acid hydrolases and elastase also had no effect on intracellular killing, nor did inhibitors of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species generation (Fig. 8). By contrast, blocking the acidification of intracellular vesicles reduced intracellular killing of 188SLO– by >50% (Fig. 8B). Similar inhibition of killing of 188SLO– was observed when the vacuolar H+-ATPase was inhibited with bafilomycin A (53 ± 26% inhibition) or concanamycin A (53 ± 21% inhibition) or by buffering the intracellular pH with ammonium chloride (52 ± 7% inhibition). However, none of these interventions affected the killing of strain 188 (Fig. 8).
These data point to an essential role of vacuolar acidification in the intracellular killing of SLO-negative GAS. They further support that SLO production results in trafficking of GAS to a distinct intracellular compartment in which the organisms are protected from rapid lysosomal killing.
Lysosomal Acidification as a Mechanism of Intracellular Killing. Because proteases, reactive oxygen species, and reactive nitrogen species appeared not to be required for intracellular killing of GAS, we considered whether lysosomal acidification might be a sufficient mechanism for bacterial killing. To investigate the direct role of lysosomal pH in intracellular killing, we first assessed the sensitivity of the bacteria to acid stress in vitro. Incubation of either strain 188 or 188SLO– at a pH of ≤4.5 resulted in essentially complete killing (>6 log reduction in cfu) in 2 h, whereas a pH of ≥5.5 had little effect (Fig. 4B).
Fig. 4.
Lysosomal acidification in the intracellular killing of GAS. (A) Ratiometric images used to measure pH of intracellular GAS. OKP7 cells were inoculated with SNARF-1-labeled GAS 188 or 188SLO– for 2 h to allow internalization of bacteria. Extracellular bacteria were killed by antibiotic treatment, and 2 h after treatment, confocal microscopy images were collected in the presence or absence of the vacuolar H+-ATPase inhibitor bafilomycin A. Yellow and red fluorescence intensities were collected separately and are displayed as a pseudocolor corresponding to the ratio of yellow to red pixel intensities. The images displayed represent a stack of 25 z-sections viewed en face (X–Y) or at 90° angle (X–Z). The approximate location of the cell border has been drawn in a white dashed line. The color scale bar was calibrated by using images of bacteria incubated in buffer with known pH. (B) Survival of GAS after incubation for 2 h in potassium phosphate buffer with pH values of 3.5–7. Similar results were obtained for GAS 188 and GAS 188SLO– (mean ± SD of 4 experiments). (C) Mean and range of pH values of SNARF-1-labeled intracellular GAS 2 h after extracellular antibiotic treatment of OKP7 cells infected with GAS 188 or 188SLO– as in A. The results are based on measurement of 30 intracellular bacteria of each strain in two separate experiments.
To measure the pH surrounding the bacteria in the intracellular environment, we labeled live GAS cells with the fluorescent pH indicator SNARF-1. After inoculating keratinocytes with the labeled bacteria, we identified intracellular bacteria by the absence of staining with anti-GAS antibodies added to the extracellular medium. The pH was measured by ratiometric analysis of fluorescence emission of the labeled bacteria, a technique that exploits the pH-dependent biphasic emission spectrum of SNARF-1 (Fig. 4A and C). When the cells were treated with bafilomycin A to block the vacuolar ATPase, pH of the intracellular bacteria was slightly higher than 7.0 (Fig. 4A). At 2 h after inoculation, the mean pH of intracellular 188 bacteria was 5.1 (range, 3.9–6.4; Fig. 4C), whereas the pH of the 188SLO– bacteria was significantly lower (pH 4.4; range, 3.5–4.9; Fig. 4C).
The local pH environments observed for intracellular GAS strains 188 and 188SLO– are consistent with the relative efficiency of killing of the two strains. Whereas the pH surrounding strain 188 was higher and more variable, 188SLO– was localized to a compartment that was acidified consistently to a pH below that at which efficient killing was observed in vitro. Thus, in the absence of SLO, GAS are internalized into lysosomes, where they are efficiently killed by exposure to a highly acidic environment. SLO production protects the organisms from this killing mechanism by preventing their trafficking to lysosomes.
Bacterial Uptake and Killing by Epithelial Cells in Mucosal Host Defense. Certain bacterial species have evolved specialized systems to invade host cells and use the eukaryotic cell machinery for intracellular survival. For intracellular pathogens such as mycobacteria, salmonellae, and L. monocytogenes, microenvironments within epithelial cells or immune cells represent specialized niches essential to the survival of the organisms in the infected host (24, 27). It is less clear that internalization into host cells contributes to survival of primarily extracellular pathogens. For example, internalization of Klebsiella pneumoniae or P. aeruginosa by epithelial cells has been suggested to mediate local control of respiratory tract infection, whereas extracellular bacterial proliferation is associated with progressive pneumonia (42, 43). This observation suggests a surveillance role for the epithelium against infecting bacteria that has to be overcome by the bacteria for persistent colonization or infection to occur. In the case of GAS, the hyaluronic acid capsular polysaccharide prevents internalization of the organisms into epithelial cells but enhances both pharyngeal colonization and invasive infection (16, 44–46). For organisms such as GAS, internalization by pharyngeal epithelial cells prevents bacterial translocation across the epithelial barrier (22). These observations, together with findings of the current investigation, support the hypothesis that internalization of extracellular bacterial pathogens by epithelial cells represents a mode of host control of pathogenic bacteria at the mucosal surface.
Results of the present study demonstrate that, in the absence of SLO, GAS are either taken up directly or trafficked quickly into lysosomes, where they are susceptible to efficient, pH-dependent killing. Professional phagocytes use an elaborate system of effector molecules, including reactive oxygen and nitrogen species and acid hydrolases, to effectively kill phagocytosed bacteria (47–49). Epithelial cells are known to produce acid hydrolases, antimicrobial peptides, and reactive oxygen species (3, 39, 50, 51), but the specific localization and effect of these molecules in the intracellular environment has not been well studied. In this study, we found that the acidic pH in the lysosomal compartment is a sufficient mechanism for nonprofessional phagocytes such as epithelial cells to kill internalized bacteria.
In certain respects, our findings conflict with those reported recently by Nakagawa et al. (52). They found evidence that internalized GAS accumulated within autophagosome-like vacuoles that later fused with lysosomes, whereas an SLO mutant strain remained trapped in early endosomes. Differences between the two models may explain the discrepant results; we used a more virulent GAS strain, a much lower moi, and a physiologically relevant cell type (primary oropharyngeal keratinocytes rather than a cervical epithelial cell line). Under the experimental conditions that we used, intracellular SLO-producing GAS were killed slowly and failed to traffic to lysosomes until many hours after internalization, whereas SLO-mutant bacteria were enveloped quickly by lysosomes and killed by lysosomal acidification. The less efficient, non-pH-dependent mechanism by which SLO-producing GAS are killed may also contribute to some extent to killing of SLO-negative bacteria. Although our data do not exclude a role for autophagy of wild-type GAS, they suggest that it occurs as a relatively late cellular response, perhaps to bacteria already killed by another mechanism.
Direct uptake of microorganisms into lysosomes is not unprecedented; such a mechanism has been suggested for Trypanosoma cruzii infection of nucleated cells (53). During GAS infection in vivo, this process of internalization and lysosomal killing would be expected to limit GAS survival on the pharyngeal mucosa. However, SLO both reduces GAS internalization by pharyngeal epithelial cells and blocks trafficking of internalized bacteria to lysosomes, thereby preventing efficient intracellular killing. Thus, production of SLO enables more of the bacterial population to remain extracellular and prolongs survival of those organisms that are internalized. Although most intracellular GAS are eventually killed, a small subpopulation may survive long enough to be released to the extracellular space, perhaps contributing to the well known clinical problems of relapsing infection and persistent carriage despite antibiotic treatment. Because SLO prolongs intracellular survival of GAS, it may be an important factor in antibiotic treatment failure, relapse, and prolonged pharyngeal colonization.
These data identify a role for SLO in bacterial pathogenesis. The action of SLO to block trafficking of GAS to lysosomes is somewhat analogous to that of LLO that lyses the macrophage phagosome, releasing L. monocytogenes into the cytosol (26). However, SLO is distinctive in that GAS is primarily an extracellular pathogen, the affected host cells are epithelial cells, and the effect is to block uptake into lysosomes. Many other bacterial species that produce cholesterol-dependent cytolysins are also extracellular organisms that interact with the human host at an epithelial surface. Cytolysins produced by these bacteria may serve a similar function to interfere with bacterial uptake and killing by epithelial cells, thereby enhancing bacterial survival in the host.
Supplementary Material
We thank Mandana Farhadi for expert technical assistance. This work was supported in part by National Institutes of Health Grant R01AI29952 and Contract N01AI30040.
Author contributions: A.H., C.C.B., and M.W. designed research; A.H. and E.A.S. performed research; A.H. and M.W. analyzed data; and A.H. and M.W. wrote the paper.
This paper was submitted directly (Track II) to the PNAS office.
Abbreviations: cfu, colony-forming units; moi, multiplicity of infection; SLO, streptolysin O; GAS, group A Streptococcus; NADase, NAD glycohydrolase; SytVII, synaptotagmin VII; EEA-1, early endosomal antigen 1; LAMP-1, lysosome-associated membrane protein 1.
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