a–f, Hoxa11as (probe A) (a, c, e) and Hoxa11 (b, d, f) expression in E11.5 limb buds from wild-type (a, b), Hoxa13−/− Hoxd13+/− (c, d) and Hoxa13−/− Hoxd13−/− (e, f) mouse embryos. Arrows in c and d show the group of cells still expressing Hoxa11as in Hoxa13−/−Hoxd13+/− limbs (c), which corresponds to distal cells in which Hoxa11 expression is not gained (d). g, h, Skeleton of RosaHoxa11/Hoxa11 (g) and Prx1Cre; RosaHoxa11/Hoxa11 (h) distal forelimb at postnatal day 0 (P0). Anterior is up. Original magnification, ×31.5 (a–f) and ×20 (g, h).