In the article, we mistakenly stated that we drew select items from the World Health Organization’s Composite International Diagnostic Interview 2.0 (WHO CIDI-2.0) substance abuse module to assess substance use disorders. However, we actually used select items from the WHO World Mental Health-CIDI [WMH-CIDI]: Additionally, the DSM-5 has only one set of criteria for all substance use disorders, including tobacco. Because the WMH-CIDI does not contain all the criteria for DSM-5 Tobacco Use Disorder, we adapted the language from the WMH-CIDI items from the drug section to assess tobacco use disorder. Readers of our article should note the mislabeling “modified CIDI-2” in Fig. 1 and on page 95. The correct description should read “modified WMH-CIDI.”
The authors would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused.