PLANT BIOLOGY. For the article “A plasma membrane H+-ATPase is required for the formation of proanthocyanidins in the seed coat endothelium of Arabidopsis thaliana,” by Ivan R. Baxter, Jeffery C. Young, Gordon Armstrong, Nathan Foster, Naomi Bogenschutz, Tatiana Cordova, Wendy Ann Peer, Samuel P. Hazen, Angus S. Murphy, and Jeffrey F. Harper, which appeared in issue 7, February 15, 2005, of Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (102, 2649–2654; first published February 4, 2005; 10.1073/pnas.0406377102), due to a printer's error, Ivan R. Baxter should have been credited in all categories of author contributions, and Jeffery C. Young should have been credited for writing the paper. The corrected author contributions footnote, which appears online only, is below.
Author contributions: I.R.B., J.C.Y., W.A.P., A.S.M., and J.F.H. designed research; I.R.B., J.C.Y., G.A., N.F., N.B., T.C., W.A.P., S.P.H., and A.S.M. performed research; I.R.B., J.C.Y., W.A.P., S.P.H., A.S.M., and J.F.H. analyzed data; and I.R.B., J.C.Y., and J.F.H. wrote the paper.