Figure 11.
In vivo efficacy of H2aL2a and H2aL2a conjugated DM1 in breast tumor model treatment with antibody treatment beginning at day seven after tumor implantation. A) 1 × 107 MDA-MB-231 cells were injected into female SCID mice intra-mammary gland on day 0. Antibody treatment began on day 7 and animals were given i.p. injection of PBS, H2aL2a (30 mg/kg), or H2aL2a-DM1 (15 mg/kg). Mice were injected once a week for 6 weeks. Arrows indicate injection days. n = 10 mice per group. Tumor growth was monitored for 50 days. ANOVA Analysis of PBS versus H2aL2a-DM1, PBS versus 30 mg/kg H2aL2a (*P = .05, **P = .01, ****P < .001). B) Bar graphs representing the mean tumor weights ± S.E in the control and antibody treatment groups of tumors removed at day 50. * Unpaired t test was used to analyze the PBS control versus H2aL2a-DM1. Treatment groups were approaching significance when tumor weights were compared.