Extended Data Figure 6. MD recruitment by PFC is related to delay period length in the 2AFC task.
(a) Bilateral optogenetic LGN suppression through activation of NpHR3.0 (yellow bar) had no effect on PFC tuning during the delay period but did increase errors in the 2AFC task. (a1) Raster and PSTH examples of neurons tuned either early or late in the delay (yellow shading indicates laser presentation), shows that rule tuning persists during LGN inactivation. (a2) Laser impact on population rule information over the delay (n = 33 cells, 2 mice). (a3) Laser impact on behavior (n = 2 mice, 3 sessions each). (b–e) MD suppression using the same approach as in LGN leads to loss of tuning and disrupts behavioral performs. Data is presented as example units (b1-e1), followed by PCA for the laser on vs. off conditions (b2–e2) and behavioral impact (b3–e3). e4 shows the direct comparison between late PFC (Extended Data 4, d2) suppression and late MD suppression (e2) on PFC rule information in the last 100 ms (mean ± 95% CIs).