Stress is considered a potent environmental risk factor for many behavioral abnormalities, including anxiety and mood disorders1,2. Animal models can exhibit limited but quantifiable behavioral impairments resulting from chronic stress, including deficits in motivation, abnormal responses to behavioral challenges, and anhedonia3–5. The hippocampus is thought to negatively regulate the stress response and to mediate various cognitive and mnemonic aspects of stress-induced impairments2,3,5, though the neuronal underpinnings sufficient to support behavioral improvements are largely unknown. Here, we acutely rescue stress-induced, depression-related behaviors by optogenetically reactivating DG cells that were previously active during a positive experience. A brain-wide histological investigation, coupled with pharmacological and projection-specific optogenetic blockade experiments, identified glutamatergic activity in the hippocampus-amygdala-nucleus accumbens pathway as a candidate circuit supporting the acute rescue. Finally, chronically reactivating hippocampal cells associated with a positive memory resulted in a rescue of stress-induced behavioral impairments and neurogenesis at time points beyond the light stimulation. Together, our data suggest that activating positive memories artificially is sufficient to suppress depression-like behaviors and point to DG engram cells as potential therapeutic nodes for intervening with maladaptive behavioral states.
Our recent studies have demonstrated that DG cells that express c-Fos during fear or reward conditioning define an active neural population that is sufficient to elicit both aversive and appetitive responses, and that the mnemonic output elicited by these artificially reactivated cells can be updated with new information6–8. These findings raise the possibility of alleviating stress-induced behavioral impairments via a defined set of DG cells active during a positive experience. Indeed, how positive episodes interact with psychiatric disease-related behavioral states, including depression-related impairments, at the neuronal and systems level remains largely unknown, despite the promising cognitive treatments available in humans9.
To address this issue, we utilized our recently developed method that enables labelling and manipulation of memory engram cells (See Methods) 6–8. Exposing animals that were taken off Dox to a naturally rewarding experience8 (i.e. exposure to a female mouse in a modified homecage, hereafter referred to as a “positive experience” and further validated in Extended Data Fig. 1), a neutral context (hereafter referred to as a “neutral experience”), or a single bout of immobilization stress (hereafter referred to as a “negative experience”) all elicited comparable levels of ChR2-mCherry expression in the dentate gyrus (DG; Extended Data Fig. 2a–e).
As shown in Figure 1a, mice were split into six groups (See Methods). After 10 days of chronic immobilization stress (CIS)(Extended Data Fig. 2f) or in a homecage, all groups were put through the open field test (OFT) and elevated plus maze test (EPMT) as measures of anxiety-like behaviors, as well as the tail suspension test (TST) as a measure of active/passive escape behavior in response to a challenging situation, and the sucrose preference test (SPT) for anhedonia11–15. In unstressed animals, optogenetic reactivation of cells previously active during a positive experience did not significantly change anxiety-related measures, time spent struggling, or preference for sucrose compared to unstressed mCherry controls (Fig. 1b–e). In the stressed groups, the CIS paradigm elicited a robust decrease in time struggling and preference for sucrose, as well as increased anxiogenic responses, consistent with previous reports14,15 (Fig. 1b–e).
However, optically reactivating DG cells that were previously active during a positive experience, but not a neutral or a negative experience, in stressed animals acutely increased time struggling and sucrose preference to levels that matched the unstressed groups’ behavior (Fig. 1b, c). Additionally, optical reactivation of DG cells associated with a positive experience decreased the latency to feed in a novelty- suppressed feeding test15 (NSFT) (Extended Data Fig. 3a) without affecting hunger or satiety (Extended Data Fig. 3b). Once again, the CIS paradigm had an anxiogenic effect across all groups, and all groups failed to show light-induced behavioral changes in the OFT or EPMT (Fig. 1d, e). Similarly, total distance traveled was consistent across groups (Extended Data Fig. 4c). Taken together, these data argue that reactivating DG cells labeled by a positive experience is sufficient to acutely reverse the behavioral effects of stress in the TST, SPT, and NSFT.
To identify potential neural loci that mediate the light-induced reversal of the stress-induced behaviors observed in our experiments, all subjects first underwent the CIS protocol and then were exposed to the TST while DG cells previously active during a positive experience were optically reactivated. We then performed a brain- wide mapping of c-Fos expression in areas activated by this treatment (Fig. 2a). Optical reactivation of DG cells labeled by a positive experience correlated with a robust increase of c-Fos expression in several brain areas, including the nucleus accumbens shell (NAC-Sh), lateral septum (LS), basolateral amygdala (BLA), central amygdala (CeA), as well as the dorsomedial, ventromedial, and lateral hypothalamus (Fig. 2b–i and Extended Data Fig. 5a, b), but not in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) (Fig. 2j–m) or in several other loci (Extended Data Fig. 5c–e). Furthermore, we monitored single-unit activity in the BLA of mice while simultaneously activating DG positive memory-engram cells with blue light and found that ~8% of cells (9/106; n = 3 mice) had excitatory (8/9 cells) or inhibitory (1/9 cells) responses (Extended Data Fig. 4a). A parallel set of experiments in which unstressed animals received optical stimulation of DG cells revealed mostly similar patterns of c-Fos expression (Extended Data Fig. 6).
The NAC has been heavily implicated in stress responses, mood disorders, and processing natural rewards 2,5,11–13,16–21. Moreover, pathophysiological dysfunction of the NAcc in response to various stressors has been implicated in anhedonia and reward conditioning18–21. Our within-subject experiments revealed that, in the TST, the behavioral effects of optically reactivating DG cells labeled by a positive experience were blocked in the group of mice that concurrently received the glutamate receptor antagonists NBQX and AP5 in the NAcc, but not in the group that received saline, without altering basal locomotion (Extended Data Fig. 4b, c). Blocking dopaminergic activity yielded a similar blockade of the DG light-induced effects (Extended Data Fig. 7a).
The BLA is known to have robust glutamatergic inputs to the NAcc20, and previous studies have implicated BLA projections to the NAcc in enabling reward- seeking behavior20. We therefore investigated whether the hippocampus (DG)-BLA- NAcc functional pathway is crucial for the real-time light-induced rescue of depression-related behavior. The c-fos-tTA mice were bilaterally injected with TRE- ArchT-eGFP into the BLA to allow for activity-dependent ArchT-eGFP labeling of axonal terminals from the BLA to the NAcc in response to a positive experience10 (Fig. 3a, b). Optic fibers were bilaterally placed over the NAcc and the DG to allow for real-time inhibition of these terminals originating from ~18% (Fig. 3c) of BLA neurons and simultaneous activation of ChR2-mCherry-positive DG cells, respectively, in stressed mice. At the neuronal level, light-induced reactivation of DG cells previously activated by a positive experience also reactivated BLA8 and NAcc19, but not mPFC, cells (i.e. endogenous c-Fos+ cells, red) previously activated by the same positive experience (i.e. Arch T-eGFP+ cells, green) (Fig. 3c). These results suggest that the DG engram cells are functionally connected to BLA engram cells and NAcc engram cells. At the behavioral level, inhibition of BLA terminals onto the NAcc blocked the DG light-induced rescue in both the TST and SPT (Fig. 3d–g). Within the same behavioral session for the TST, and across two days for the SPT, when ArchT-mediated inhibition was released (i.e. the green light was turned off), the rescue effects of reactivating DG cells previously active during a positive experience were rapidly observed in all groups (Fig. 3d–g). Arch-T-mediated inhibition of BLA- NAcc terminals alone did not negatively affect behavior in the TST or SPT beyond the levels of the stressed animals (Fig. 3d–g insets). The specificity of the hippocampus (DG)-BLA-NAcc pathway for the rescue was supported by an analogous experiment conducted with bilateral injections of TRE-ArchT-eGFP into the mPFC. Although the mPFC is also known to provide robust glutamatergic input to the NAcc20, the induction of c-Fos expression in this area upon optogenetic activation of DG cells associated with a positive experience was not significantly higher than that observed with a neutral experience (Fig. 2m), and mPFC cells reactivated by DG cell reactivation was at chance level (Fig. 3c). Correspondingly, inhibition of terminals originating from ~12% of the mPFC (Fig. 3c) onto the NAcc did not block the DG light-induced rescue in either the TST or SPT (Fig. 3d–g). Moreover, inhibition of BLA, but not mPFC, terminals onto the NAcc partially inhibited the DG- mediated, light-induced increase of c-Fos+ cells observed in the NAcc shell (Fig. 3h), supporting the conclusion that the hippocampal DG-BLA-NAcc pathway of positive engrams plays a crucial role in the rescue of depression-related behavioral phenotypes.
Recent meta-analyses have suggested that treating psychiatric disorders through prescribed medication or cognitive interventions are capable of producing symptom remission when administered chronically21, though the neural underpinnings inducing and correlating with long-lasting rescues are poorly understood21–23. The aforementioned acute intervention did not induce enduring behavioral changes (Extended Data Fig. 7b). We therefore investigated whether chronic reactivation of DG engram cells could have an attenuation of depression-related behaviors that outlasted acute optical stimulation following the protocol depicted in Figure 4A (See Methods). The positive experience and 5-day stimulation group, but not 1-day or no stimulation group, showed a reversal of the stress-induced behavioral deficits measured in the TST and SPT that was not significantly different from an unstressed control group (Fig. 4b, c). A neutral experience and 5 day group stimulation group were reactivated for 5-days did not show such effects, nor did a group that was exposed to a natural social reward for 5-days (Fig. 4b–d). Histological analyses revealed decreased levels of neurogenesis as measured both by the polysialylated neuronal cell adhesion molecule (PSA-NCAM) and doublecortin (DCX)—often considered markers of developing and migrating neurons24,25—in all stressed groups except for the positive experience and 5-day stimulation group, and the unstressed control group (Fig. 4d, Extended Data Fig. 8). This increase in adult-born neurons positively correlated with the degree to which each group preferred sucrose in the SPT (Extended Data Fig. 9a); moreover, performance levels on the SPT and TST positively correlated with one another on an animal-by-animal basis (Extended Data Fig. 9b).
Our data demonstrate that the depression-related readouts of active/passive coping-like behavior and anhedonia, as measured in the TST and SPT, respectively, can be ameliorated by activating cells in the hippocampus associated with a positive memory, while anxiety-related behaviors measured by the OFT and EPMT remained unchanged. Differential regulation of depression- and anxiety-related behavior could have been achieved by leveraging the functional segregation present along the hippocampus dorsal-ventral axis; for instance, activation of ventral hippocampal DG engram cells could reveal heterogeneous, behaviorally relevant roles in the emotional regulation of anxiety and stress responses that our dorsal hippocampus manipulations presumably did not access26,27. To that end, we speculate that, at the engram level, the circuitry sufficient to modulate anxiety-related behavior relies more heavily on a synaptic dialogue within the amygdala, its bidirectional connections with the ventral hippocampus, and its effects on downstream mesolimbic and cortical structures11,12,26,27.
Depression is diagnosed as a constellation of heterogeneous symptoms; their complex etiology and pathophysiology underscore the varied responses to currently available treatments. While most psychopharmacological treatments take weeks to achieve effects, other alternative treatments such as deep-brain stimulation (DBS) and the NMDA antagonist ketamine have been reported to have rapid effects in a subset of patients28. In rodents, optogenetic stimulation of mPFC neurons, mPFC to raphe projections, and VTA dopaminergic neurons achieved a rapid reversal of stress- induced maladaptive behaviors4,11,12.. We speculate that our acute behavioral changes reflect the degree to which directly stimulating positive memory engram-bearing cells might bypass the plasticity that normally takes antidepressants weeks or months to achieve, thereby temporarily suppressing the depression-like state. In support, we observed that the effects of optically stimulating a positive memory are contingent on active glutamatergic projections from the amygdala to the NAcc in real-time, as well as intra-NAcc dopamine activity19. Our data dovetail with this circuit’s proposed role of relaying BLA stimulus-reward associations to a ventral striatal motor-limbic interface. This interface is thought to be capable of coalescing such information with motivational states and finally translating such activity into behaviorally relevant outputs5,18–20.
Moreover, our chronic stimulation data reveal that repeatedly activating DG engram cells associated with a positive experience elicits an enduring reversal of stress-induced behavioral abnormalities and an increase in neurogenesis. While future experiments are required to identify the causal link between chronically reactivated positive memory engrams and the corresponding rescue of behaviors, many tantalizing hypotheses surface, including a normalization of VTA firing rates29, epigenetic and differential modification of effector proteins (e.g. CREB, BDNF) in areas upstream and downstream of the hippocampus30, and a reversal of neural atrophy in areas such as CA3 and mPFC or hypertrophy in BLA26. The aforementioned molecular and homeostatic mechanisms—in addition to our observed increase of adult-born neurons in the 5-day stimulation group—could be partly realized in a hormone- or neuromodulator-mediated manner (Extended Data Fig. 5). Finally, our data demonstrate that exposing stressed subjects to a natural positive experience repeatedly is not effective, while repeated direct reactivations of DG engram cells associated with a previously acquired positive memory (Fig. 4b–d). We speculate that invasively stimulating these DG cells is effective in activating both the internal contextual representation associated with a positive experience as well as associated downstream areas, while exposure to natural exogenous positive cues may not be able to access similar neural pathways in subjects displaying depression-like symptoms such as passive behavior in challenging situations and anhedonia (Fig. 4b–d).
Collectively, the data described here build a novel experimental bridge between memory engrams in the brain and animal models of psychiatric disorders. We propose that direct activation of DG engram cells associated with a positive memory offers a potential therapeutic node for alleviating a subset of depression-related behaviors and, more generally, that directly activating endogenous neuronal processes may be an effective means to correct maladaptive behaviors.
Extended Data
We thank B. Chen, D.S. Roy, and J. Kim for help with the experiments, T.J. Ryan and T. Kitamura for the TRE-ArchT-eGFP construct, J. Sarinana, and E. Hueske for comments and extensive discussions on the manuscript, and all the members of the Tonegawa lab for their support. This work was supported by RIKEN Brain Science Institute and Howard Hughes Medical Institute.
Author Contributions:
S.R., X.L., A.M., J.Z., R.L.R. and S.T. contributed to the study design. S.R., X.L., A.M., J.Z., C.M., and R.L.R. contributed to the data collection and interpretation. X.L. cloned all constructs. S.R., X.L., J.Z., and A.M. conducted the surgeries, behavior experiments, and histological analyses. S.R., X.L., and S.T. wrote the paper. All authors discussed and commented on the manuscript.
The authors declare no competing financial interests.
Readers are welcome to comment on the online version of this article at www.nature.com/nature.
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