FIG 4 .
Pigmentation of strains with covRS-related mutations. (A) Level of pigment production plotted against the phylogeny of 18 different CC17 strains. Strains WT1 to WT9 correspond to isolates with no mutations in genes assumed to affect the activity of CylE (covR, covS, abx1, stk1, and cylE). For the remaining strains, mutations potentially affecting covRS or cylE are indicated next to the heat map. Strains WT1, WT2, and WT4 to WT9 were obtained from carriers, while all others were collected from infections. (B) Plate image of the strains tested, with average values and standard deviations of the pigment levels obtained from four independent experiments depicted below the spots. Ratios ranging from 0 to 1 were the result of normalization against the sample with the highest intensity in each test, calculated with ImageJ (