Proofs for this manuscript were not received by the corresponding author. There are a number of changes that should have been made at the proofs stage, which are summarised as follows:
p. 195: Incorrect e-mail address for the corresponding author. This should read as “”
p. 197: Knee joint injection sites and approaches, col 2, para 2, line 11, “lateral” should be “medial”—thus “..femoral condyle and the medial border of patella..”
p. 200: Para 3, insertion of incorrect phrase that should be deleted, which reads “Accuracy of injection for ultrasound-guided injections was not improved except with injection of the anterior lateral joint line site”
p. 198: Footnote under Table 1, “Shaded row: within study analyses” should be omitted, since the table is now shaded throughout.
Yours sincerely,
Nasimah Maricar, Matthew Parkes, Michael Callaghan, David Felson, Terence O'Neill
This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative, Commons Attribution-Non-commercial-No Derivative Works License, which permits, non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided, the original author and source are credited.
This review was funded by a program grant from Arthritis Research UK (Grant no. 18676). Nasimah Maricar is funded by a Clinical Doctoral Fellowship award from the National Institute for Health Research.