MEDICAL SCIENCES. For the article “Oral administration of a corticotropin-releasing hormone receptor antagonist significantly attenuates behavioral, neuroendocrine, and autonomic responses to stress in primates” by Kamal E. Habib, Katherine P. Weld, Kenner C. Rice, Judy Pushkas, Maribeth Champoux, Samuel Listwak, Elizabeth L. Webster, Arthur J. Atkinson, Jay Schulkin, Carlo Contoreggi, George P. Chrousos, Samuel M. McCann, Stephen J. Suomi, J. Dee Higley, and
Philip W. Gold, which appeared in number 11, May 23, 2000, of Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (97, 6079–6084), the authors note the following corrections. The sixth line of the next to last paragraph on page 6080 should state 30 sessions rather than 60, and reference 43 should read Korte, S. M., Bouws, G. A. & Bohus, B. (1993) Horm. Behav. 27, 167–183.