Scientific Reports 7:70; doi:10.1038/s41598-017-00171-2; Article published online 06 March 2017
This Article contains an error in Figure 5, where ‘T7 Promoter ’ is incorrectly given as ‘H4’ and 'T7 Terminator' is incorrectly given as 'Actin'. The correct Figure 5 appears below as Figure 1.
There are in-text errors under the sub-heading “Larval-stage of H. contortus displaying internalized transgenic Escherichia coli”, where
“The expression cassette plasmid, H4-DHFR-EYFP-ACT (Fig. 5)”
should read:
“The expression cassette plasmid, T7 Promoter-DHFR-EYFP-T7 Terminator(Fig. 5)”
In addition,
“was constructed from the recombinant plasmid pd2EYFP-N1+ formerly described by21. The mic1-EYFP and RFP were replaced with H4-DHFR.”
should read:
“was constructed from the recombinant plasmid pd2EYFP-N1+ formerly described by21 and pET vector (Novagen, Madison,WI, USA).”
“coding region is flanked by the Histone 4 (H4) promoter from E. tenella and 3′region of actin”
should read:
“coding region is flanked by the T7 promoter of pET vector and Terminator of pET vector”
There is also an error in Table 2, where the column sub-headings for ‘H. contortus eggs vs H. contortus larva’ should read Chi-square and Asymp. Sig.
Furthermore, this Article contains an error in the legend of Figure 2:
“GoldViewTM Nucleic Acid Stained 1.5% Agarose gel of V3–V4 region of 16S RNA gene sequence (1, 2 and 3) and V5–V7 region of 16S RNA gene (4, 5 and 6) amplified product of eggs, L3larvae and adults of H. contortus. Lane 1 and 8: Direct-load™ Star Marker Plus (D2000 Plus); GenStar Biosolutions Co. Ltd, Beijing, China.”
should read:“GoldViewTM Nucleic Acid Stained 1.5% Agarose gel of V3–V4 region of 16S RNA gene sequence (1, 2 and 3) and V5–V7 region of 16S RNA gene (5, 6 and 7) amplified product of eggs, L3larvae and adults of H. contortus. Lane 1 and 8: Direct-load™ Star Marker Plus (D2000 Plus); GenStar Biosolutions Co. Ltd, Beijing, China.”
Finally, there is an error in the legend of Figure 11:
“Double hierarchical dendrogram of the top 50 ranked H. contortus microbiota showing the relative abundance of the bacterial community at the genus level for different life-cycle stages of H. contortus using primer pairs targetingV3–V4 (A) and V4–V5 (B) regions.”
should read:“Double hierarchical dendrogram of the top 20 ranked H. contortus microbiota showing the relative abundance of the bacterial community at the genus level for different life-cycle stages of H. contortus using primer pairs targetingV3–V4 (A) and V4–V5 (B) regions.”
The online version of the original article can be found at