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. 2017 Aug 3;7(8):e016242. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-016242

Telehealth and patient satisfaction: a systematic review and narrative analysis

Clemens Scott Kruse 1, Nicole Krowski 1, Blanca Rodriguez 1, Lan Tran 1, Jackeline Vela 1, Matthew Brooks 1
PMCID: PMC5629741  PMID: 28775188



The use of telehealth steadily increases as it has become a viable modality to patient care. Early adopters attempt to use telehealth to deliver high-quality care. Patient satisfaction is a key indicator of how well the telemedicine modality met patient expectations.


The objective of this systematic review and narrative analysis is to explore the association of telehealth and patient satisfaction in regards to effectiveness and efficiency.


Boolean expressions between keywords created a complex search string. Variations of this string were used in Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature and MEDLINE.


2193 articles were filtered and assessed for suitability (n=44). Factors relating to effectiveness and efficiency were identified using consensus. The factors listed most often were improved outcomes (20%), preferred modality (10%), ease of use (9%), low cost 8%), improved communication (8%) and decreased travel time (7%), which in total accounted for 61% of occurrences.


This review identified a variety of factors of association between telehealth and patient satisfaction. Knowledge of these factors could help implementers to match interventions as solutions to specific problems.

Keywords: patient satisfaction, telehealth, telemedicine, quality, access, patient quality, telecommunications, home telehealth.

Strengths and limitations of this study.

  • Inserting technology into a medical intervention should not be without deliberate design. This review serves as a voice of the patient to help guard against the implementation of technology merely for its convenience or shiny appeal.

  • This study uses the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta Analysis standard, which is an internationally recognised protocol for the conduct and reporting of systematic reviews that increases the validity of the results.

  • A group >30 selected from Medical Subject Headings key terms indexed through established research databases increases the reliability of the review.

  • Published studies do not often clearly set out reasons for inserting technology into an intervention, and therefore, it is not clear whether the patient satisfaction observed was congruent with the change of intervention.

  • Telehealth, in general, is a relatively new topic in medicine (since the 1990s) so inferences that result from studies are difficult to compare to older, more traditional interventions.



The mental image of medical house calls is one of archaic practices in small towns and otherwise rural communities, or something associated with concierge medicine. However, telehealth brings the doctor back into the patient's home. Healthcare has begun transitioning to more technological-delivered services, making it possible to receive healthcare services from the comfort of one's home, without driving to the clinic, or frustratingly trying to find a parking spot before one's appointment. This review examines telehealth and any association it might have with patient satisfaction.

This review uses the definition of telehealth from WHO:

The delivery of health care services, where distance is a critical factor, by all health care professionals using information and communication technologies, for the exchange of valid information for diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease and injuries, research and evaluation, and for the continuing education of health care providers, in all the interests of advancing the health of individuals and their communities.1

Following WHO's example, we did not distinguish between telehealth and telemedicine; instead we used the term telehealth to address both telehealth and telemedicine.1 This broad definition of telehealth encompasses several modes of delivery, such as videoconferencing, mobile applications and secure messaging. WHO recognises several branches of telemedicine: teleradiology, teledermatology, telepathology and telepsychology.1 With the increased use of technology in healthcare, there has been a great emphasis on telehealth because it can extend the services of providers to remote locations and capitalise on the availability of subject matter experts and overcome the barrier of proximity. Telehealth extends access, and it has the potential of making healthcare services more convenient for patients, especially those in rural areas, those with small children (child care) and those with mobility restrictions.2 3

Patient satisfaction is a growing concern in all aspects of healthcare, and as the voice of the customer, it is a measure of quality that is published in the USA through its Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set, and it can be tied to reimbursements from the Center for Medicare and Medicaid through results of Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems. As with traditional modalities of healthcare delivery, telehealth relies heavily on reports of patient satisfaction because the patients are the only source of information that can report how they were treated and if the treatment received met the patients’ expectations of care.4 5 If the patients are not happy with their healthcare services being provided remotely, the service becomes redundant and expensive. With the increase in prevalence of telehealth, it is important to maintain the key quality indicator of patient satisfaction regardless of modality of delivery. The voice of the customer needs to be continuously heard so that telehealth developers can exercise agility in the development process while the healthcare organisation continues to develop more technology-based care that meets the needs of patients and providers. The technology base inherent to telehealth dramatically changes the mode of delivery, but a strong patient-to-provider relationship must be maintained independent of the modality. A definition of patient satisfaction, effectiveness and efficiency is provided at the end of the article.


We had multiple research questions. R1: Is there an association of telehealth with patient satisfaction? R2: Are there common facilitators of either efficiency or effectiveness mentioned in the literature that would provide a positive or negative association between telehealth and patient satisfaction?


Information sources, search and study selection

The two sources of data were the Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) via EBSCOhost and PubMed (MEDLINE). We used the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta Analysis as our basis of organisation.6 We used a variety of key search terms, as listed in the Medical Subject Headings combined with Boolean operators. Search terms were adapted for use in the different databases. Details for each database are provided as onlinesupplementary file 1.

Supplementary file 1

bmjopen-2017-016242supp001.pdf (8.3KB, pdf)

Inclusion criteria were 2010–2017, English only, full text available and human research. We also filtered for all but academic publications (peer-reviewed in CINAHL) and in CINAHL we excluded MEDLINE to eliminate the duplicates already captured in PubMed. Instead of including reviews in the analysis, two reviews on a similar topic were earmarked for later comparison with our own results. Abstracts were reviewed for suitability based on our research concept that included both telehealth and some assessment of patient satisfaction.

Data collection process

A flow chart of our data collection process is located as online.supplementary material. Before reviewing abstracts for suitability to our objective, we agreed to look for articles that included telehealth and some measure of patient satisfaction. Articles were assessed according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria described above. Discussion sessions and consensus meetings were held to increase the inter-rater reliability of the group as they conducted the screening and analysis. During the consensus meetings, factors and themes were identified through observation and discussion; for example, as we discussed the articles, it became evident that patient satisfaction was often stated in terms of effectiveness and efficiency, so these became the themes.

Supplementary file 2

bmjopen-2017-016242supp002.jpg (1.4MB, jpg)

Standard systematic review procedures were followed to control for selection bias and ensure our search was exhaustive.

Reviewers compiled their notes on patient satisfaction, effectiveness and efficiency in a literature matrix. Another consensus meeting was conducted to discuss findings and make inferences. During the consensus meeting, individual observations were discussed and combined into similar groupings throughout the sample to simplify our assessment of associations. This is a form of narrative analysis and sensemaking.7 Observations of effectiveness and efficiency were combined and sorted into an affinity matrix for final analysis.

Data items and summary measures

Our litmus test was to include articles that included a combination of telehealth and patient satisfaction, and a measure or assessment of effectiveness or efficiency. We eliminated those that fell short of those goals.

Risk of bias in individual studies and risk of bias across studies

Bias was discussed during consensus meetings. The consensus meetings served as a control on our own selection bias and selective reporting within studies.

Summary measures and synthesis of results

Our review examines articles that combine telehealth intervention with patient satisfaction and include some mention of effectiveness or efficiency. A physical count of these observations was made. After all observations were combined into an Excel file, and after all observations were condensed into themes of effectiveness or efficiency, all themes were displayed in an affinity matrix to identify the number of occurrences of each theme. These were sorted by frequency.


Study selection, study characteristics and results of individual studies

Our search process is illustrated in figure 1.

Figure 1.

Figure 1

Literature search process with inclusion and exclusion criteria. CINAHL, Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature.

After the initial search yielded 2193 results, 193 underwent abstract and then full-text review resulting in 44 papers being included in the study.

Table 1 lists a summary of our analysis and observations from our team (n=44). For every article/study in the sample, we made observations for satisfied, which was a screening criteria, and effective and efficient. Studies are listed in order of publication with the most recent at the top. The reference numbers correspond to those in the references section.

Table 1.

Compilation of observations for our sample

Date Author Title Journal Summary/relevance Technology used Potential bias, sample size, miscellaneous comments
April 2017 Schulz-Heik et al 8 Results from a clinical yoga program for veterans via telehealth provides comparable satisfaction and health improvements to in-person yoga. BMC Complement Altern Med Clinical yoga with US Veterans Affairs population Videoconferencing VA population in Palo Alto only (geographically limited), acceptable sample size (n=29 control, n=30 intervention)
January 2016 Iqbal et al 9 Cost effectiveness of a novel attempt to reduce readmission after ileostomy creation JSLS Patient satisfaction: satisfaction scored 4.69 out of 5 Effective: hospital readmission rates decreased $63 821 (71%) (p=0.002) Telephone call (daily) for 3 weeks after discharge Limited to one area of the country and beneficiaries to University of Florida health system (geographically limited), good sample size (n=23 preintervention, n=32 postintervention)
May 2016 Muller et al 10 Acceptability, feasibility, and cost of telemedicine for nonacute headaches: a randomized study comparing video and traditional consultations J Med Internet Res Used telehealth to diagnose and treat non-acute headaches
Satisfaction: patients satisfied with video and sound quality
Efficient: median travel distance for rural patients was 7.8 hours, cost €249, lost income €234 per visit (saved)
Effective: intervention group's consultations were shorter than control group
Videoconferencing Non-acute headache patients from Northern Norway, strong sample size (n=200), participants randomised
April 2016 Dias et al 11 Voice telerehabilitation in Parkinson's disease Codas Satisfaction: reported as high
Effective: preference for telehealth intervention
Videoconference and telephone 85% male (gender bias), videoconferencing mimicked the face-to-face rehabilitation for Parkinson's patients, small sample size (n=20)
November 2016 Langabeer et al 12 Telehealth-enabled emergency medical services program reduces ambulance transport to urban emergency departments West J Emerg Med Satisfaction: no decrease
Efficient: 56% reduction in ambulance transports and 53% decrease in response time for the intervention group than the control
Telephone Limited to patients regional to Houston, Texas (geographically limited), no randomisation, strong sample size (n=5570)
2016 Hoaas et al 13 Adherence and factors affecting satisfaction in long-term telerehabilitation for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a mixed methods study BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making Satisfaction: generally highly satisfied
Effective: increased health benefits, self-efficacy, independence, emotional safety and maintenance of motivation
Webpage for daily telemonitoring and self-care and weekly follow-up videoconference consults with a physiotherapist Remote population of northern Norway, small sample size (n=10)
2016 Jacobs et al 14 Patientsatisfaction with a teleradiology service in general practice BMC Family Practice Satisfaction: island residents, the elderly and those with no history of trauma were more satisfied with the technical and interpersonal aspects of the teleconsultation than non-residents, younger patients and those with history of trauma Teleradiology Restricted to rural health and Netherlands (geographically limited), strong sample (n=381)
February 2017 Bradbury et al 15 Utilizing remote real-time videoconferencing to expand access to cancer genetic services in community practices: A multicenter feasibility study Journal of Medical Internet Research Satisfaction: all patients reported satisfaction and knowledge increased significantly
Effective: general anxiety and depression decreased
Videoconferencing Restricted to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (geographically limited), good sample size (n=41)
January 2016 AlAzab and Khader16 Telenephrology application in rural and remote areas of Jordan: benefits and impact on quality of life Rural and Remote Health Satisfaction: patient satisfaction mean=96.8
Effective: mean SF8 score increased significantly (physical components of quality of life)
Electronic monitoring and telephone calls Rural health (geographically limited), strong sample size (n=64)
March 2016 Fields et al 17 Remote ambulatory management of veterans with obstructive sleep apnea Sleep Satisfaction: no difference in functional outcomes, patient satisfaction, dropout rates or objectively measured PAP adherence
Effective: telemedicine participants showed greater improvement in mental health scores and their feedback was positive
Telemonitoring and telephone follow-up calls Restricted to veterans in the Philadelphia area (geographically limited), good sample size (n=60)
January 2016 Georgsson and Staggers18 Quantifying usability: an evaluation of a diabetes mHealth system on effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction metrics with association user characteristics in the US and Sweden Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association Satisfaction: good
Effective: good but not excellent usability
mHealth application Younger patients with more experience with information technology scored higher than others (age and technology bias), small sample size (n=10)
March 2016 Polinski et al 19 Patients' satisfaction with and preference for telehealth visits Journal of General Internal Medicine Satisfaction: 33% preferred telehealth visits to traditional in-person visits; women preferred telehealth visits
Efficient: telehealth increased access to care. Lack of insurance increased odds of preferring telehealth
Efficient: other positive predictors were quality of care received, telehealth convenience and understanding of telehealth
Videoconferencing at Minute Clinics with diagnostic tools operated by a nurse 70% women (gender bias), test was conducted in California and Texas (convenience sample), strong sample (n=1734)
2015 Levy et al 20 Effects of physical therapy delivery via home video telerehabilitation on functional and health-related quality of life outcomes Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development Satisfied: all but one participant reported satisfied or highly satisfied
Effective: participants demonstrated significant improvement in most outcomes measures
Efficient: participants avoided 2,774.7 =/– 3197.4 travel miles, 46.3±53.3 hours or driving time, and $1151.50 ± $1326.90 in travel reimbursement
Videoconferencing Convenience sample, 92% male (gender bias), 69% >64 years (age bias), US Veterans only, small sample (n=26)
2014 Holmes and Clark21 Technology-enabled care services: novel method of managing liver disease Gastrointestinal Nursing Satisfied: high, patients liked the self-manage aspect
Effective: participants lost weight, outcomes improved, readmissions decreased from 12 to 4 Efficient: average cost per patient 68.86 British pounds
Remote monitoring and text messaging Small sample size (n=12)
2015 Levy et al 22 The Mobile Insulin Titration Intervention (MITI) for insulin glargine titration in an urban, low-income population: randomized controlled trial protocol JMIR Research Protocols Highly satisfied: patientsin the intervention group reported higher levels of satisfaction
Effective: significantly more in the intervention group had reached their optimal insulin levels
Mobile Insulin Titration Intervention True experiment (randomised, good sampling technique)
2015 Moin et al 23 Women veterans’ experience with a web-based diabetes prevention program: a qualitative study to inform future practice Journal of Medical Internet Research Effective: improved behavioural outcomes, more appropriate for women
Satisfied: participants felt empowered and accountable, they felt it was convenient and a good fit with their health needs and lifestyle
Web-based Women veterans, computer literacy was an issue for some (gender bias), small sample size (n=17)
2015 Cotrell et al 24 Patient and professional user experiences of simple telehealth for hypertension, medication reminders and smoking cessation: a service evaluation BMJ Open Satisfied: positive patient satisfaction indicators
Effective: improvements were made over Florence, and users took an active approach to achieve their goals, patients felt empowered
Telemonitoring and medication reminders Satisfaction with the service appeared optimal when patients were carefully selected (selection bias), strong sample (n=1707)
2014 Tabak et al 25 A telehealth program for self-management of COPD exacerbations and promotion of an active lifestyle: a pilot randomized controlled trial International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Satisfied: satisfaction was higher with the control group than the telehealth group
Effective: better clinical measures in the telehealth group
Web-based and smartphone application with an activity coach Strong study design, small sample size (n=19)
2014 Kim et al 26 Costs of multidisciplinary parenteral nutrition care provided at a distance via mobile tablets Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Satisfied: easy to use, very convenient
Effective: outcomes similar to in-clinic visits
Efficient: cost $916.64 per patient
Telephone with semistructured interviews Good sample size (n=20 visits for 45 patients)
2014 Cancela et al 27 Wearability assessment of a wearable system for Parkinson's disease remote monitoring based on a body area networkof sensors Sensors Satisfied: overall satisfaction high, but some concern over public perceptions about the wearable sensors
Effective: for remote monitoring, wearable systems are highly effective
Remote monitoring based on a body area networkof sensors An extension of the Body Area Network sensors (limited population), good sample size (n=32)
2014 Casey et al 28 Patients' experiences of using a smartphone application to increase physical activity: the SMART MOVE qualitative study in primary care Br J Gen Pract Satisfied: good usability
Effective: transformed relationships with exercise
Smartphone application Small sample size (n=12)
January 2014 Tsai et al 29 Influences of satisfaction with telecare and family trust in older Taiwanese people International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Satisfied: user satisfaction very high
Effective: user perception of high quality
Telemonitoring, web-based, telephone Focus was on older users and their families, convenience sample, good size (n=60)
2014 Oliveira et al 30 Telemedicine in Alentejo Telemedicine and e-Health Satisfied: positive impact on patient experience
Efficient: average time and cost of a tele-appointment is 93 min for teleconsultation and 9.31 pounds versus 190 min and 25.32 pounds for a face-to-face
Telephone Participants are older and less educated than the rest of the population of Portugal (age and education bias)
2013 Minatodani et al 31 Home telehealth: facilitators, barriers, and impact of nurse support among high-risk dialysis patients Telemedicine and e-Health Satisfaction: patients reported high levels of satisfaction with RCN support because of the feedback on identification of changes in their health status, enhanced accountability, self-efficacy and motivation to make health behaviourchanges
Effective: through telehealth, greater self-awareness, self-efficacy and accountability
Efficient: feedback was more efficient
Telemonitoring with nurse support Limited population, good sample size (n=33)
2013 Akter et al 32 Modelling the impact of mHealth service quality on satisfaction, continuance and quality of life Behaviour & Information Technology Satisfied: satisfaction is related to service quality, continuance intentions and quality of life
Effective: mHealth should deliver higher-order, societal outcomes
Smartphone application Selection bias
2014 Hung et al 33 Patient satisfaction with nutrition services amongst cancer patients treated with autologous stem cell transplantation: a comparison of usual and extended care Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics Satisfied: higher use was indicative of higher satisfaction
Effective: higher use was clinically important to outcomes
Telephone Small sample size (n=18)
December 2015 Buis et al 34 Use of a text message program to raise type 2 diabetes risk awareness and promote health behavior change (part II): assessment of participants' perceptions on efficacy Journal of Medical Internet Research Satisfied: 67.1% reported very high satisfaction
Effective: txt4health messages were clear, increased disease literacy and more conscious of diet and exercise
Efficient: low participant costs
Text messaging Michigan and Cincinnati only (geographically limited), strong sample (n=159)
2013 Houser et al 35 Telephone follow-up in primary care: can interactive voice responsecalls work Studies in Health Technology and Informatics Satisfied: strong satisfaction reported for the interactive voice response system, IVRS
Effective: patients felt informed
Telephone Small sample of those who received the call IVRS, small sample size (n=19)
2013 Kairy et al 36 The patient's perspective of in-home telerehabilitation physiotherapy services following total knee arthroplasty International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Satisfied: feeling an ongoing sense of support
Effective: tailored challenging programmes using telerehabilitation
Efficient: improved access to services with reduced need for transportation, easy to use
Videoconferencing Convenience sample, single case, small sample size (n=6)
2013 Bishop et al 37 Electronic communication improves access, but barriers to its widespread adoption remain Health Affairs Satisfied: easier access to and better communication with provider
Effective: patients with repeat issues of a condition are able to reset the treatment for the most recent episode
Efficient: it takes about 1 min per email, and it improves the efficiency of an office visit
Email and videoconferencing New York City only, strong resistance to change cited (geographically limited), strong sample (n=630)
2013 Pietta et al 38 Spanish-speaking patients' engagement in interactive voice response (IVR) support calls for chronic disease self-management: data from three countries Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare Satisfied: 88% patients reported ‘very satisfied’, 11% ‘mostly satisfied’
Effective: 100% patients felt the interactive voice response: IVR were helpful, 77% reported improved diet, 80% reported improved symptom monitoring, 80% reported improved medication adherence
Telephone 73% women, average 6.1 years of education (age and education bias), strong sample (n=268)
2013 Gund et al 39 A randomized controlled study about the use of eHealth in the home health care of premature infants BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making Satisfied: parents felt that the Skype calls were better than regular follow-up, and it often replaced an in-home visit
Effective: same or better outcomes because the parents did not have to bring infants in
Efficient: Nurses took <10 min of work time daily to answer questions
Videoconferencing Randomisation used
Semistructured interviews were only used for 16 families, small samples (n=13, 12, 9)
2013 ter Huurne et al 40 Web-based treatment program using intensive therapeutic contact for patients with eating disorders: before-after study Journal of Medical Internet Research Satisfied: high satisfaction
Effective: significant improvements in eating disorder psychopathology, body dissatisfaction, quality of life, and physical and mental health; body mass index improved for obesity group only
Efficient: task completion rate was 80% for the younger group and 64.6% for the older group
Web-based Not all participants reported the same diagnoses, strong pre–post design, strong sample (n=89)
2012 Chun and Patterson41 A usability gap between older adults and younger adults on interface design of an Internet-based telemedicine system Work Satisfied: on a seven-point scale, satisfaction scores were 3.41 younger and 3.54 older, although there was equal dissatisfaction with the design of the system Web-based Small sample size (n=16)
2012 Lee et al 42 The VISYTER Telerehabilitation system for globalizing physical therapy consultation: issues and challenges for telehealth implementation Journal of Physical Therapy Education Satisfied: reported as high and very high
Effective: increases access where proximity is an issue
Efficient: links multiple providers together for teleconsultation
Videoconferencing Limited scope for conclusions, patients in Mexico, providers in the USA (cultural bias), small sample (n=3)
2012 Saifu et al 43 Evaluation of human immunodeficiency virus and hepatitis C telemedicine clinics The American Journal of Managed Care Satisfied: 95% reported highest level of satisfaction
Effective: 95% reported a preference for telemedicine versus in-person visit
Efficient: reported a significant reduction in health visit-related time, mostly due to decreased travel
Videoconferencing Veterans in Los Angeles, California, only, convenience sample (geographically limited), strong sample (n=43)
2012 Lua and Neni44 Feasibility and acceptability of mobile epilepsy educational system (MEES) for people with epilepsy in Malaysia Telemedicine and e-Health Satisfied: 74% reported very or quite useful
Effective: excellent modality for education, drug-taking reminder and clinic appointment reminder
Text messaging Good mix of genders, homo-ethnic sample: 92.2% Malay (racial bias), median age 25 (age and technology bias— younger may already be more receptive to technology), good size sample (n=51)
2012 Finkelstein et al 45 Development of a remote monitoring satisfaction survey and its use in a clinical trial with lung transplant recipients Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare Satisfied: 90% of the subjects were satisfied with the home health telehealth service
Effective: frequency of communication increased
Remote monitoring Limited population
2011 Gibson et al 46 Conversations on telemental health: listening to remote and rural First Nations communities Rural and Remote Health Satisfied: 47% positive response, 21% neutral, 32% negative
Effective: increased comfort in the therapeutic situation, increased usefulness
Efficient: increased access to services
Videoconferencing First-nations communities only (limited population), strong sample (n=59)
2010 Doorenbos et al 47 Satisfaction with telehealth for cancer support groups in rural American Indian and Alaska Native communities Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing Satisfied: participants reported high levels of satisfaction with support groups via videoconference
Effective: results of this descriptive study are consistent with other research that shows the need for support groups as part of overall therapy for cancer survivors
Voice teleconference for group meetings All participants were women (gender bias), rural care only, participants were members of American Indian or Alaskan Native (limited population), strong sample size (n=900)
2010 Breen et al 48 Formative evaluation of a telemedicine model for delivering clinical neurophysiology services part II: the referring clinician and patient perspective BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making Satisfied: teleneurophysiology improved satisfaction with waiting times, availability of results and impact on patient management
Effective: telephysiology and control groups were equally as anxious about their procedure, telephysiology can improve access to CN services and expert opinion
Efficient: reduced travel burden and need for overnight journeys
Teleneurophysiology which included an EEG Remote-rural population of Northern Ireland, small sample of physicians (n=9 physicians, 116 patients)
2010 Everett and  Kerr49 Telehealth as adjunctive therapy in insulin pump treated patients: a pilot study Practical Diabetes International Satisfied: patients reported more understanding, insight and control by viewing data and easy access to health professional
Effective: intervention group demonstrated improved diabetes control
Efficient: health professional time was <10 min each day to review data and was incorporated into current workload
Telemonitoring and text messaging Each user's home was visited to set up and demonstrate the system (good control for validity), small sample (n=16)
2010 Gardner-Bonneau50 Remote patient monitoring: a human factors assessment Human Factors Horizons Satisfied: the intervention device was intuitive to use
Effective: telehealth group showed clinical improvements
Efficient: economic analysis showed savings in the COPD telemonitoring group, software issues caused many interventions by medical staff which consumed time
Remote monitoring Medical literacy became an issue when the device asked patients if their readings were normal, small sample size (n=27 control, n=19 intervention)
2010 Shein et al 51 Patient satisfaction with Telerehabilitation assessments for wheeled mobility and seating Assistive Technology Satisfied: higher satisfaction with telerehabilitation
Efficient: great time savings in travel
Videoconferencing 89.6% Caucasian, average age was 55, (racial and age bias), good sample (n=32)

CN, Clinical Neurophysiology; COPD, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease; IVRS, Interactive Voice Response System; PAP, Positive Airways Pressure; RCN, Remote Care Nurse; VA, Veterans Affairs.

Synthesis of results

We analysed the way 44 articles reported patient satisfaction.8–51 In tota, 248 9 11 13 15–18 21–25 27–29 32 33 35 38 40 44 45 47 studies reported patient views on effectiveness, 610 12 14 30 41 51 studies reported patient satisfaction and 1419 20 26 31 34 36 37 39 42 43 46 48–50 studies reported both. The third column lists comments and details that could point to selection bias. Potential risk of bias among papers included no randomisation,12 small sample size,11 13 18 21 23 25 28 33 35 36 41 48 50 limited population,15 20 27 29 31 45–47 gender bias,19 20 23 38 47 technology bias,18 23 44 50 selection bias,24 32 38 geographically limited,8 9 12 14 16 17 34 37 43 age bias,20 29 30 38 44 51 education bias30 38 and racial bias.44 51

Additional analysis

Table 2 outlines the frequency with which different factors were raised among the included paper. Through a narrative analysis we identified commonalities among the various studies (19 factors) and compiled them into an affinity matrix to show frequency of occurrence. The matrix is sorted by frequency of occurrence.

Table 2.

Affinity matrix

Factor Article reference number Frequency
Improved outcomes 8 9 11 13 15–18 20–26 31–33 38–41 47 50 24
Preferred modality 8 9 11 14 15 19 22 26 34 43 44 46 12
Ease of use 18 19 23 26 28 36–38 46 49 50 11
Low cost or cost savings 10 14 16 20 21 23 26 34 50 9
Improved communication 24 27 31 36 37 39 42 45 49 9
Travel time 10 12 20 30 36 43 48 51 8
Improved self-management 13 21 23 28 31 32 48 7
Quality 16 19 29 32 40 5
Increased access 19 42 46 48 4
Increased self-awareness 31 34 35 38 4
Decreased wait times 16 43 48 49 4
Fewer miles driven 10 14 20 51 4
Decreased in-person visits 12 39 43 3
Improved self-efficacy 13 23 31 3
Good modality for education 15 34 44 3
Low time to manage 37 39 49 3
Improved medication adherence 13 38 44 3
Decreased readmissions 9 21 2
Fewer missed appointments 44 1

We acknowledge that frequency of occurrence does not equate to importance, but it has been used in other literature reviews as simply an issue of probability.52–54 Five factors were mentioned in the literature 65/119 occurrences (55%): improved outcomes,8 9 11 13 15–18 20–26 31–33 38–41 47 50 preferred modality, 8 9 11 14 15 19 22 26 34 43 44 46 ease of use,18 19 23 26 28 36–38 46 49 50 low cost or cost savings, 10 14 16 20 21 23 26 34 50 and improved communication.24 27 31 36 37 39 42 45 49


Summary of evidence

Telehealth has the potential to extend the boundaries of providers’ practices by overcoming the barrier of proximity. Along with the introduction of a new modality of care comes change, and the literature mentioned various reactions to this change. One study identified heavy resistance to change,29 37 while others mentioned an embrace of the change.29 48 Older patients, in general, do not embrace change, but recent studies have identified a generational acceptance of technology and mHealth in general.55

Our findings from this systematic review and narrative analysis identify some issues that are salient in the literature. To help overcome provider resistance to change to telehealth, it should be noted that over the last 7 years 20% of the factors of effectiveness in the literature were improved outcomes. Providers and patients should embrace telehealth modalities because of its ease of use,18 19 23 26 28 36–38 46 49 50 its tendency to improve outcomes8 9 11 13 15–18 20–26 31–33 38–41 47 50 and communication,24 27 31 36 37 39 42 45 49 and its low cost.10 14 16 20 21 23 26 34 50 It can decrease travel time10 12 20 30 36 43 48 51 and increase communication with providers. Telehealth can provide a high-quality service, increase access to care,19 42 46 48 increase self-awareness31 34 35 38 and item powers patients to manage their chronic conditions.13 21 23 28 31 32 48 Healthcare organisations should embrace telehealth because it decreases missed appointments,44 is a good modality for education,15 34 44 decreases wait times,16 43 48 49 decreases readmissions9 21 and improves medication adherence.13 38 44 But most importantly, policymakers need to help legislation catch up with the technology by enabling additional means of reimbursement for telehealth because the modality improves outcomes,8 9 11 13 15–18 20–26 31–33 38–41 47 50 which improves public health.


The results of our review and narrative analysis are consistent with other reviews. Health outcomes have been identified as a factor of effectiveness in chronically ill patients in multiple studies.56 Improvements have been identified for both physical and behavioural conditions. The review by de Jong et al, did not identify a significant decrease in use.56 This review also focused on interventions that used asynchronous communication, like email and text messages, with an older population. Our study included both asynchronous and synchronous interventions with all ages.

We were able to locate a study from 2011 that also evaluated telehealth and patient satisfaction.57 The researchers used secondary data analysis as the basis for their study. Their study focused on patient satisfaction and home telehealth in US Veterans. Similar to the de Jong review, this study focused on an older population ranging from 55 to 87, while our analysis included younger age groups. Its focus on US Veterans while ours included this group as only part of our population. Our approach can equate to a greater external validity to our analysis. The Young et al review found that its participants were extremely satisfied with the care coordination/home telehealth programme. The US Veterans in this review embraced the new modality. The researchers found a decrease in use associated with the telehealth modality.


We identified several limitations in the conduct of our literature review and narrative analysis. Selection bias is possible within this study; however, our group consensus methods will have mitigated against this risk. Publication bias is another risk, particularly as we did not extend our search to the grey literature. Limiting our search to only two databases could easily have omitted valid articles for our review. We controlled for inter-rater reliability through the initial focus study of the topic followed by several consensus meetings held along the iterative process. By continuing to review our findings, we follow the example of other reviews and narrative analyses.52–55

The final limitation that we identified was the young age of the telehealth modality of care. It has existed since the early 1990s, but compared with traditional medicine, it is quite young. Because it is technologically based, we chose to only look at the last five years, which could also limit our findings, but the rapid advancement of a technologically based modality drives a more recent sample to make current observations and conclusions.


Overall, it was found that patient satisfaction can be associated with the modality of telehealth, but factors of effectiveness and efficiency are mixed. We found that patients’ expectations were met when providers delivered healthcare via videoconference or any other telehealth method. Telehealth is a feasible option for providers who want to expand their practices to remote areas without having to relocate or expand their footprint of their practice. As telehealth continues to be developed, special care should be given to incorporate features that enable acceptance and reimbursement of this modality.

Basic definitions

Patient satisfaction: The U.S. Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services defines this term as the patient's perspective of care which can be objective and meaningful to create comparisons of hospitals and other healthcare organisations.58

Effective: Successful or achieving the results that you want.59 Usually associated with outcomes.

Efficient: Performing or functi8oning in the best possible manner with the least waste of time and effort; having and using requisite knowledge, skill and industry.60

Supplementary Material

Reviewer comments
Author's manuscript


The authors acknowledge Texas State University for using their library database for their research.


Contributors: CK directed the initial research, served as lead author, mediated discussions about the merit of abstracts/articles, integrated the input from all team members and helped refine the figure and tables to provide continuity and flow. NK contributed the initial draft of the introduction and integrated her viewpoints into the methods, discussion and worked with JV on the in-text citations. BR contributed the initial draft of the abstract and integrated her viewpoints into the methods, discussion (benefits). LT created the initial draft of figure 1 (literature review process) and the initial draft of benefits and barriers charts. JV integrated her viewpoints into the methods, the initial draft of the discussion (barriers) section and worked with NK on the in-text citations. MB served as an expert in research in U.S. Veterans due to his research in this area, and he contributed meaningful contribution to the formation of analysis and conclusion.

Competing interests: None declared

Provenance and peer review: Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.

Data sharing statement: All data are freely available.


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