Figure 5. The down-regulation of SOX7 expression in BCP-ALL cells decreases leukemogenesis burden.
A-B. Kaplan-Meier survival analysis. Mice were injected i.v. with RS4;11 human leukemia cells A. transduced with SOX7 or control shRNA or with NALM6 human leukemia cells B. transduced with an inducible SOX7 shRNA. Statistical differences between groups were calculated using the survival curve statistics Log-rank (Mantel-Cox) test (GraphPad Prism software). RS4;11 data are representative of three independent experiments (** P<0.05), NALM6 data represent two experiments (* P=0.08). (N=5 mice per group per experiment). C. May-Grünwald-Giemsa staining of spleen sections from mice engrafted with RS4;11 human leukemia cells transduced with two different SOX7 shRNAs (shSOX7-2 and shSOX7-3) or control construct (Scramble). Yellow arrowheads indicate leukemic cells. D. Bar chart representing the number of leukemic cells per section. Data are shown as the mean of cell number counted from four different areas in each section. Error bars indicate mean ± standard deviation (n=4, Leica scan and software, magnification: 40X). Data are representative of three independent experiments.