Page 10862. The NSF grant supporting the Caltech EPR facility was inadvertently omitted from the Acknowledgments. The correct Acknowledgments is as follows, which differs from the originally published version through the addition of a last sentence “The Caltech EPR Facility is supported by NSF-1531940.”
We acknowledge the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation and the Beckman Institute at Caltech for their generous support of the Molecular Observatory at Caltech. We thank the staff at Beamline 12-2, Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource (SSRL), operated for the DOE and supported by its OBER and by the NIH, NIGMS (P41GM103393), and the NCRR (P41RR001209). We thank Dr. Angelo Di Bilio for assisting with the EPR experiments; Dr. Lorenz Heidinger for providing a script for EPR simulations; Dr. Paul Oyala for assistance with the EPR simulations and analysis; Dr. Jens Kaiser, Dr. Kathryn Perez, Dr. Helen Segal, Belinda Wenke, and Renee Arias for helpful discussions. The Caltech EPR Facility is supported by NSF-1531940.