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Persoonia : Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi logoLink to Persoonia : Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi
. 2016 Aug 26;38:38–57. doi: 10.3767/003158517X693174

Taxonomy of Tricholoma in northern Europe based on ITS sequence data and morphological characters

J Heilmann-Clausen 1,, M Christensen 2, TG Frøslev 3, R Kjøller 4
PMCID: PMC5645187  PMID: 29151626


Based on molecular and morphological data we investigated the taxonomy and phylogeny of the ectomycorrhizal genus Tricholoma in northern Europe. Our phylogenetic tree confirmed the presence of at least 72 well circumscribed species within the region. Of these, three species, viz. T. boreosulphurescens, T. bryogenum and T. ilkkae are described as new to science, based on morphological, distributional, ecological and molecular data. Several other terminal branches represent putative cryptic taxa nested within classical species or species groups. Molecular type studies and/or designation of sequenced neotypes are needed in these groups, before the taxonomy can be settled. In general our phylogenetic analysis supported previous suprageneric classification systems, but with some substantial changes. Most notably, T. virgatum and allies were found to belong to sect. Tricholoma rather than sect. Atrosquamosa, while T. focale was found to be clearly nested in sect. Genuina rather than in sect. Caligata. In total, ten sections are accepted, with five species remaining unassigned. The combination of morphological and molecular data showed pileus colour, pileipellis structure, presence of clamp connections and spore size to be rather conservative characters within accepted sections, while the presence of a distinct ring, and especially host selection were highly variable within these.

Keywords: Agarics, biogeography, cryptic species, ectomycorrhizal fungi, host selection, morphological traits, phylogeny, Tricholomataceae


The genus Tricholoma is a classic genus of agarics already proposed as a section by Fries (1821) and subsequently erected as a genus by Staude (1857).

Over the years more than 850 species epithets have been published or combined in the genus. Many of these have since been transferred to other genera, including Lepista, Leucopaxillus, Lyophyllum and Melanoleuca based on various deviations, mainly in microscopic characters. Molecular studies have supported the segregation of most of these more modern genera, and Tricholoma in its narrow circumscription (e.g. Noordeloos & Christensen 1999) is supported as a monophyletic genus of ectomycorrhizal fungi within the Tricholomataceae (e.g. Moncalvo et al. 2002). According to Ryberg & Matheny (2012), the genus seems to have segregated from its ancestral clade some 60–90 million years ago in the late Cretaceous, possibly with Pinaceae as mycorrhizal partners. A recent study (Sánchez-García et al. 2014) surveyed in depth the Tricholomataceae based on several molecular markers and concluded that only the genera Albomagister, Corneriella, Dennisiomyces, Leucopaxillus, Pseudotricholoma, Porpoloma s.str. and Tricholoma belong to the family, while other previously contained genera should be assigned to families, including the Lyophyllaceae and a poorly resolved residual Tricholomatoid clade. Of the genera included in the Tricholomataceae, also Porpoloma s.str. is proven ectomycorrhizal, while a biotrophic lifestyle is indicated to be probable in Albomagister and Pseudotricholoma. Only the latter genus is known to occur in Europe, were Pseudotricholoma metapodium is widespread.

Tricholoma has a worldwide distribution (Tedersoo et al. 2010), but seems to be most prominent in temperate and subtropical zones in both the southern and northern hemisphere. All known species are known or supposed to be ectomycorrhizal (Ryberg & Matheny 2011), mainly with trees in the Pinaceae, Betulaceae and Fagaceae, but the genus also contains species that are associated with Eucalyptus, Dryas and Helianthemum (Bougher 1996, Christensen & Heilmann-Clausen 2013). Some species form dual ectomycorrhizal and monotropoid associations linking trees and monotropoid plants (Leake et al. 2004). The centre of species richness appears to be in North America. According to Bessette et al. (2013), more than 100 species are reported from this continent while 63 to 88 species are listed from Europe (Riva 1988, Bon 1991, Kirby 2012). Several species are described or reported from Japan, New Zealand and Australia (e.g. Hongo 1988, Bougher 1996, Orlovich & Cairney 2004), but the overview of the species diversity in these regions is fragmentary due to the lack of modern comprehensive treatments.

Tricholoma species show limited microscopic variation, and are characterized by hyaline, subglobose to oblong spores, simple pileipellis structures and lack of well-differentiated sterile elements, including cystidia. Hence, species identification and partly also the infrageneric classification has mainly been based on macromorphology. Singer (1986) divided the genus in four subgenera, mainly based on pileipellis structure and the presence or absence of clamp connections. The four subgenera were further divided into nine sections, of which three (Leucorigida, Iorigida and Adusta) do not belong to the genus in the current circumscription. In their treatment of the genus, Noordeloos & Christensen (1999) accepted the four subgenera suggested by Singer (1986), but with a more narrow definition of sections, especially in subg. Tricholoma, in which seven sections were accepted. Slightly deviating classification systems have been proposed by other authors, including Bon (1984a, 1991). For a more throughout evaluation see Riva (1988) and Christensen & Heilmann-Clausen (2013).

Despite their attractive fruit bodies, and a long mycological tradition, the overall taxonomy in Tricholoma is still poorly resolved in Europe. Molecular data have been used to study the taxonomy and phylogeny of some species groups (e.g. Comandini et al. 2004, Jargeat et al. 2010, Ota et al. 2012, Moukha et al. 2013), typically resulting in the identification of cryptic diversity within previously accepted species. Simultaneously, several species have been proposed in recent years without a published test of taxonomic placement based on molecular markers (e.g. Kalamees 2001, Musemeci & Contu 2008, Ferrarese & Zaffalon 2010, Ludwig 2012), adding to taxonomic confusion in the genus.

Recently, Christensen & Heilmann-Clausen (2013) monographed the genus in northern Europe, backed by sequences of the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS). The main objective of the present paper is to present the results of the underlying scientific studies in a coherent form, with the following specific aims:

  1. to evaluate the monophyly of proposed subgenera and sections as defined by Singer (1986) and Noordeloos & Christensen (1999);

  2. to investigate the congruence between ITS and morphology in hypothesized sections; and

  3. to resolve the taxonomical delimitation of Tricholoma species occurring in northern Europe, with a consideration of possibly related taxa occurring in other continents, especially North America.


Studied material

Specimens studied for this paper were mainly collected by the first two authors during collection trips throughout Europe, since the early 1990s. It was the intention to obtain representative collections of all species present in northern Europe according to modern identification books (Gulden 1969, 1992, Noordeloos & Christensen 1999, Christensen & Heilmann-Clausen 2012), but in addition a number of species recorded from southern Europe were included. Generally, several collections of each species were included in the analysis, and if possible, specimens from different geographical regions were selected. In addition to own material we have studied a number of collections, including type-specimens from various public and private herbaria throughout Europe, and for the phylogenetic analyses selected relevant and trustworthy ITS sequences were downloaded from GenBank and Unite. Finally, we included a few original ITS sequences kindly provided by Tor Erik Brandrud (Norway) and Sven-Gunnar Ryman (Sweden).

Scoring of morphological characters

Macromorphological characters were mainly scored on fresh material or more rarely photographs (for details on studied collections see Christensen & Heilmann-Clausen 2013). Morphological characters were described according to the standard terminology published by Knudsen & Vesterholt (2008), while colours were recorded according to Kornerup & Wanscher (1974). Microscopical characters were recorded from rehydrated specimens in 2 % KOH or 5–10 % NH3. From each collection a minimum of 20 randomly selected spores were measured, avoiding obviously malformed or unripe spores. For this study, data on pileus and gill colour, pileus surface texture, presence of a ring-zone, spore size and the presence/absence of clamp connections were explored in more detail, but many other characters were described for accepted species in Christensen & Heilmann-Clausen (2013).

Molecular & phylogenetic methods

DNA was extracted from dried specimens by the CTAB-chloroform method described by Gardes & Bruns (1993). Usually, one lamella was taken with a flamed pair of forceps from the specimens. The internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region was amplified with the primer combination ITS1-F and ITS4 (White et al. 1990, Gardes & Bruns 1993). The PCR products were sequenced by Europhins Genomics (previously MWG-Biotech) or Macrogen ( Forward and reverse strands were sequenced using ITS1F or ITS5 (White et al. 1990) and ITS4 as sequencing primers. If sequencing of either the ITS-1 or ITS-2 region proved difficult, additional sequencing was performed using ITS2 and ITS3 (White et al. 1990) as sequencing primers. Sequence contigs were assembled using Sequencher (v. 3.1). Alignment was done with MAFFT (online v. 7) using the settings G-INS-i (Katoh et al. 2005), with minor manual adjustments in Se-Al (Rambaut 1996) for some sequences with incomplete ends or internal gaps. Two alignments were produced, one containing all sequences in the dataset, and one based on a reduced dataset containing only one representative of each of 72 end-clusters accepted to represent described or putative species present in northern Europe. For each alignment Maximum Likelihood phylogeny estimates were produced with RAxML v. 8.1.16 (Stamatakis et al. 2008) with 1 000 fast bootstrap replicates and GTR + CAT base substitution model. Both alignments were also subjected to bayesian phylogenetic analyses using MrBayes v. 3.2 (Ronquist et al. 2011) using the GTR+I+gamma model (nst = 6, rates = invgamma) with two independent runs of 4 chains for 5 000 000 generations with sampling every 1 000th generation. Trees from the last 1 000 000 generations from each run (2 000 trees from each analysis) were summed in a consensus tree with branch frequencies corresponding to bayesian posterior probabilities.

Sequences used in this study are listed in Table 1 including source information, geographic origin, and accession numbers. Alignments can be obtained from the first author.

Table 1.

Sequences included in this study. For sequences retrieved from genbank or unite, only accession numbers and country of origin is given, for new sequences obtained for this study, year of collection, locality and fungarium data is given. Species names are given as in Fig. 1.

Species Voucher Collection year Locality Origin of sequence Herbarium Herbarium no. Unite accession no GenBank accession no. Notes
Hypsizygus marmoreus HM561970 Malaysia GenBank HM561970 Outgroup
T. ‘Sp. Mex1’ AB510472 Mexico GenBank AB510472
T. acerbum AF377247 Norway GenBank AF377247
JV99-638 1999 Denmark, Jylland, Elbæk Skov This study C C-F-41483 UDB001474 LT000005
MC00-204 2000 Slovenia, Central Slovenia, Vino This study C C-F-96223 UDB002361 LT000134
T. aestuans JV02-540 2002 Denmark, Jylland, Sønder Herreds Plantage This study C C-F-40955 UDB000779 LT000006
MC94-008 1994 Denmark, Jylland, Hårup Sande This study C C-F-59265 LT000007
MC97-072 1997 Sweden, Medelpad, Harrån This study C C-F-58885 UDB001434 LT000153 neotype
T. ‘aff. sejunctum’ JN021102 Canada, Ontario GenBank JN021102
T. ‘aff. virgatum’ MC05-201 2005 Nepal, Mustang, Kunjo This study C C-F-96250 UDB002370 LT000115
T. albobrunneum MC99-060 1999 France, Provence This study C C-F-96268 UDB001444 LT000077
UDB001218 Sweden Unite UDB001218
UDB018044 Estonia Unite UDB018044
T. album MC01-201 2001 Slovenia, Ljubljana This study C C-F-96234 UDB001413 LT000135
MC95-159 1995 Denmark, Jylland, Skivum Krat This study C C-F-96254 LT000008
UDB011580 Estonia Unite UDB011580
T. anatolicum AB510358 Turkey GenBank AB510358
AB699646 Morocco GenBank AB699646
T. apium JHC95-049 1995 Sweden, Medelpad, Borgsjö, Bergåsen SÖ This study C C-F-35189 UDB001467 LT000154
JV00-215 2000 Denmark, Jylland, Skagen Klitplantage This study C C-F-41884 UDB001685 LT000009
MC98-034 1998 Norway, Hedmark, Hornmoen This study C C-F-59207 LT000118
T. argyraceum JHC95-112 1995 Denmark, Sjælland, Geel Skov This study C C-F-35092 UDB000780 LT000010
JHC96-244 1996 Denmark, Sjælland, København, Botanisk Have This study C C-F-96212 UDB000781 LT000011
JHC97-092 1997 Sweden, Värmland, Långban S of Lesjöfors This study C C-F-96213 UDB000782 LT000155
JHC97-174 1997 Sweden, Medelpad, Bräcke, Grötingen This study C C-F-96215 UDB001692 LT000156
MC03-251 2003 Slovakia, Presov, Snina This study C C-F-96245 UDB001419 LT000127
MEN9491 1994 The Netherlands, Groningen, Verhildersum near Leens This study L L0374886 UDB000785 LT000198 epitype
T. arvernense MC95-102 1995 Sweden, Medelpad, Borgsjö This study C C-F-59014 LT000157
MC98-020 1998 Norway, Hedmark, Hornmoen This study C C-F-59200 UDB002362 LT000119
MC98-120 1998 France, Franche-Comte, St. Sifolene This study C C-F-59255 UDB001438 LT000078
T. ‘atrosquamosum’ AF349701 USA, Califonia GenBank AF349701
T. atrosquamosum O-F159872 2005 Norway, Hordaland, Granvin, Urdanes NR This study O O159872 LT222019
O-F188799 2003 Norway, Møre og Romsdal, Norddal This study O O188799 LT222024
O-F64018 2010 Norway, Buskerud, Øvre Eiker, Gommerud, Vestfossen This study O O-64018 LT000120
TEB55008 2008 Norway, Aust-Agder, Evje & Hornnes, Dåsvassdalen, Husefjell SW This study TEB LT222031
T. ‘atroviolaceum’ AY750166 USA, Washington GenBank AY750166
T. ‘aurantium’ AF377233 USA, Califonia GenBank AF377233
T. aurantium MC96-303 1996 Italy, Toscana, Cipressa di Agnese This study C C-F-59329 UDB001470 LT000100
MC97-227 1997 Denmark, Møn, Møns Klint This study C C-F-59330 UDB001471 LT000012
T. ‘bakamatsutake’ AB036898 Japan GenBank AB036898
AB856037 Japan GenBank AB856037
T. basirubens MC01-209 2001 Croatia, Primorsko-Goranska, Krk This study C C-F-96240 LT000001
TL5303 1998 Sweden, Öland, Halltorps Haga This study C C-F-38408 LT000158
T. batschii AF377238 USA, Califonia GenBank AF377238
MC01-200 2001 Croatia, Istarska, Kanegra This study C C-F-96233 UDB001412 LT000002
UDB011587 Estonia Unite UDB011587
T. bonii AM181413 Estonia GenBank AM181413
JHC91-721 1991 Denmark, Anholt This study C C-F-96201 UDB000811 LT000013
LUG-F8450 1996 Italy, Probe Brallo, Pavia This study LUG LUG F 8450 UDB000790 LT000101 holotype
MEN96112 1996 Italy, Trento, Spera val Campanella This study L L0354472 UDB000791 LT000102
T. boreosulphurescens IK971187 1997 Finland, Outer Ostrobothnia, Tervola, Peura, Raemäki This study H H6002040 LT000199
JF908737 Finland GenBank JF908737
SAE9507 1995 Sweden, Medelpad, Stöde, V. Västansjö, Kockerabäcken This study C C-F-59441 UDB001475 LT000159
TROM-F21089 2007 Norway, Troms, Storfjord, Lullesletta This study TROM OF21089 LT222032
O-F187683 2004 Norway, Finnmark, Alta, Kålfjordsbotten This study O O187683 LT222023 holotype
T. borgsjoeënse JHC95-067 1995 Sweden, Medelpad, Borgsjö, Julåsen This study C C-F-96211 LT000160
JV95-307 1995 Sweden, Medelpad, Borgsjö, Julåsen This study C C-F-96219 UDB000807 LT000161
TEB22606 2006 Norway, Oppland, Nord-Aurdal, Mjølkebekken nordre This study TEB LT222030
T. boudieri MC01-600 2001 Slovenia, Ljubljana This study C C-F-90092 LT000136 epitype
MC95-317 1995 Denmark, Jylland, Moesgaard Skov This study C C-F-59305 UDB001428 LT000014
T. bresadolanum CL94-166 1994 Sweden, Öland, Haltorp Hage This study C C-F-59442 UDB000792 LT000162
MC96-264 1996 Italy, Toscana, Monte Soldano This study C C-F-59341 UDB000549 LT000103
MC96-265 1996 Italy, Toscana, Monte Soldano This study C C-F-59342 UDB000550 LT000104
TRgmb00652 2006 Italy, Sardegna, Sassari, Calangianus, Baldo This study TR TRgmb00652 LT000105
T. bryogenum MC97-101 1997 Sweden, Jämtland, Brunflo This study C C-F-59167 AY462034 holotype
O-F160040 2006 Norway, Oppland, Øystre Slidre, Heggnes This study O OF160040 LT222020
O-F52108 1979 Norway, Nord-Trøndelag, Levanger, Ytterøya This study O OF52108 LT222026
TROM-F6702 1995 Norway, Troms, Storfjord, Lullesletta This study TROM OF6702 LT222034
T. ‘caligatum’ AF309520 Costa Rica GenBank AF309520
T. caligatum JV07-451 2007 Spain, Valencia, E of Gandía, N of Els This study LT000152
T. ‘caligatum’ KC152249 Mexico GenBank KC152249
T. caligatum KC565866 Algeria GenBank KC565866
PH99-519 1999 France, Provence This study C C-F-96274 UDB000793 LT000079
T. ‘cedrotorum’ MC99049 1999 France, Provence, Massif des Cedres This study C C-F-96265 UDB001442 LT000074
T. ‘cf. japonicum’ JN021103 Canada, Quebec GenBank JN021103
T. cingulatum MC03-252 2003 Slovakia, Presov, Havesova This study C C-F-96246 UDB001420 LT000128
MC96-134 1996 Denmark This study C C-F-59057 UDB000543 LT000015 neotype
MC96-170 1996 Denmark, Jylland, Borum This study C C-F-59068 UDB000544 LT000016
MEN95210 1995 The Netherlands, Drenthe, Boekweitveentje This study L LT000200
T. colossus MC01-205 2001 Slovenia, Ljubljana This study C C-F-96238 UDB001417 LT000137
MC97-047 1997 Sweden, Jämtland, Ysjö This study C C-F-59154 UDB001433 LT000164
T. columbetta AF349693 Norway GenBank AF349693
MC95-181 1995 Denmark, Jylland, Skivum Krat This study C C-F-58898 UDB001468 LT000017 neotype
T. ‘dryophilum’ AF377239 USA, Califonia GenBank AF377239
T. dulciolens AB738883 Sweden GenBank AB738883 holotype
AF309523 USA, Califonia GenBank AF309523
JF908732 Italy GenBank JF908732
T. equestre MC94-027 1994 Denmark, Jylland, Hoverdal Plantage This study C C-F-58886 UDB001508 LT000018
MC95-187 1995 Denmark, Jylland, Hoverdal This study C C-F-96256 LT000019
MC96-155 1996 Denmark, Jylland, Bakkerne near Ørsted This study C C-F-58890 UDB001469 LT000020
T. filamentosum C-F35924 1996 Sweden, Skåne, Balsberget This study C C-F-35924 UDB001506 LT000165
JHC0-1202 2001 Slovenia, Ljubljana (exhibition) This study C C-F-96191 UDB000804 LT000138
MC00-218 2000 Slovenia, Gorizia, Idria This study C C-F-96226 LT000139
MC03-242 2003 Slovakia, Presov, Rozok This study C C-F-96243 UDB000803 LT000129
T. ‘flavovirens’ AB036895 Japan GenBank AB036895
AF458452 USA, Oregon GenBank AF458452
AF458453 USA, Oregon GenBank AF458453
AF458456 USA, Oregon GenBank AF458456
DQ822834 USA, California GenBank DQ822834
T. ‘focale’ AF309534 USA, Califonia GenBank AF309534
AF377236 USA, Califonia GenBank AF377236
T. focale JV97-239 1997 Sweden, Jämtland, Orrskäret This study C C-F-27500 UDB001501 LT000166 neotype
JV99-603 1999 Denmark, Læsø, Træbakke at Holtemmen This study C C-F-41444 UDB001500 LT000021
MC98-600 1998 Denmark, Jylland, Skagen This study C C-F-96260 UDB002364 LT000022
T. ‘frondosae’ MC98-086 1998 France, Franche-Comte, Winkel This study C C-F-59243 UDB001504 LT000075
T. frondosae type I AF349689 USA, New Mexico GenBank AF349689
MC95-130 1995 Sweden, Medelpad, Borgsjö This study C C-F-59031 LT000167
MC97-151 1997 Sweden, Jämtland, Fillstabäcken This study C C-F-59188 LT000168
T. frondosae type II MC00-225 2000 Slovenia, Gorizia, Idria This study C C-F-96227 LT000140
MC96-235 1996 Denmark, Jylland, Mols This study C C-F-59084 UDB001509 LT000023
MC97-158 1997 Sweden, Jämtland, Kyckås This study C C-F-59395 UDB002363 LT000169
T. fucatum MC97-149 1997 Sweden, Jämtland, Fillstabäcken This study C C-F-58980 LT000170 neotype
MC98-023 1998 Norway, Hedmark, Sørskogbygdn This study C C-F-59201 LT000121
T. ‘fulvocastanem’ AB289668 Japan GenBank AB289668
DQ067895 Thailand GenBank DQ067895
T. fulvum JHC03-019 2003 Slovakia, Poloniny National Park, Nova Sedlica This study C C-F-96193 UDB001695 LT000130
JHC04-251 2004 Sweden, Halland, Varberg, Åkulla, Valaklitt This study C C-F-96195 UDB001700 LT000171
MC98-078 1998 France, Franche-Comte, Winkel This study C C-F-96259 UDB002365 LT000080
T. guldeniae JuV16997 2000 Finland, Varsinais-Suomi, Vahto, Seppälä, Ryssänvuori This study TURA UDB001701 LT000070
MC95-103 1995 Norway, Akershus This study C C-F-96251 LT000122
T. hemisulphureum JV08-364 2008 Estonia, Saaremaa This study C C-F-96217 LT000065
O-F74354 2005 Norway, Hordaland, Ulvik, Finse This study O O74354 LT222027
T. ‘huronense’ AF377229 USA, Califonia GenBank AF377229
T. ilkkae AB738881 Spain GenBank AB738881
AB738882 Spain GenBank AB738882
MC98-602 1998 Sweden, Gotland This study C C-F-96261 LT000172
S-F173364 2007 Sweden, Uppland, Gräsö par., Djupdal 3 km NE of Gräsö church This study UPS F-173364 LT222028
S-F513823 2000 Sweden, Gotland, Eksta par, Ekstastrand This study UPS F-513823 LT222029 holotype
T. ‘imbricatum’ AF377242 USA, Califonia GenBank AF377242
T. imbricatum MC94-046 1994 Denmark, Jylland, Bakkerne near Ørsted This study C C-F-59268 UDB001421 LT000024 neotype
UDB000699 Sweden Unite UDB000699
T. ‘inamoenum’ AF377246 USA, Califonia GenBank AF377246
T. inamoenum JHC95-042 1995 Sweden, Medelpad, Tubbobäcken This study C C-F-35182 UDB001688 LT000173 neotype
MC95-115 1995 Sweden, Medelpad, Borgsjö This study C C-F-59020 UDB001424 LT000174
T. inocybeoides JHC95-072 1995 Sweden, Medelpad, Borgsjö, Erikslund This study C C-F-35211 UDB000796 LT000175
MC03-229 2003 Denmark, Jylland, Århus This study C C-F-96242 UDB000783 LT000025
MC95-152 1995 Denmark, Jylland, Aarhus This study C C-F-59272 UDB000537 LT000026
MC96-172 1996 Denmark, Jylland, Aarhus This study C C-F-59094 UDB000538 LT000027
MC97-060 1997 Sweden, Jämtland, Østersund This study C C-F-59159 UDB000539 LT000176
T. ‘japonicum’ AB036900 Japan GenBank AB036900
T. ‘joachimii’ HM590876 France GenBank HM590876
T. joachimii MC98-603 1998 Sweden, Gotland This study C C-F-96262 LT000177
TRgmb00060 2005 Italy, Trento, Baselga di Piné, Cané This study TR TR gmb 00600 LT000106
T. ‘joachimii’ O-F167194 2004 Norway, Akershus, Bæarum, Borøya This study O O167194 LT222022
T. josserandii MC99-053 1999 France, Provence, Massif des Cedres This study C C-F-96266 UDB000797 LT000081
MC99-056 1999 France, Provence, Massif des Cedres This study C C-F-96267 UDB000798 LT000082
T. lascivum JHC03-020 2003 Slovakia, Poloniny National Park, Rozok This study C C-F-96194 UDB001696 LT000131
MC00-519 2000 Denmark, Sjælland, Rude Skov This study C C-F-96230 UDB000005 LT000028
MC99-197 1999 Denmark, Sjælland, Lellinge Skovhusvænge This study C C-F-59446 LT000029
T. ‘leucophyllum’ EU597086 Canada, British Columbia GenBank EU597086
JN021108 Canada, Ontario GenBank JN021108
T. ‘luteomaculosum’ AF458448 USA, Oregon GenBank AF458448
T. ‘magnivelare’ AF377224 USA, Califonia GenBank AF377224
T. matsutake AF309538 China, Yunnan GenBank AF309538
JuV23362F 2005 Finland, Koillismaa, Oulanka national park, NWW of biological field station This study TURA LT000071
MC03-600 2003 Sweden, Jämtland This study C C-F-96247 LT000178
TMU62964 South Korea GenBank TMU62964
T. ‘moserii’ AF377211 USA, Califonia GenBank AF377211
T. ‘mutabile’ AF458445 USA, Oregon GenBank AF458445
T. olivaceotinctum JHC95-070 1995 Sweden, Medelpad, Borgsjö, Julåsen This study C C-F-35209 UDB000526 LT000179
KJ1993 1993 Sweden, Lappland, Åsele Lappmark, Risbäck, S slope of arksjöberget This study S UDB000799 LT000180
MC95-135 1995 Sweden, Medelpad, Borgsjö This study C C-F-59036 UDB000527 LT000181
MC97-103 1997 Sweden, Jämtland, Brunflo This study C C-F-59168 UDB000525 LT000182
OP1981 1981 Sweden, Jämtland, Sällsjö This study UPS UDB000800 LT000183
T. orirubens JHC01-200 2001 Slovenia, Idria, Mehke Dolina This study C C-F-96189 UDB000524 LT000141
JHC93-261 1993 Denmark, Jylland, Trelde Østerskov This study C C-F-96208 UDB000523 LT000030
MC03-243 2003 Slovakia, Presov, Rozok This study C C-F-96244 UDB000801 LT000132
MC96-301 1996 Italy, Toscana, Cipressa di Agnese This study C C-F-59365 UDB000522 LT000107
MC97-258 1997 Denmark, Jylland, Moesgaard Skov This study C C-F-59427 UDB000521 LT000031
MC98-214 1998 England, Surrey, Norbury Park This study C C-F-59315 UDB000520 LT000202
T. ‘palustre’ DQ494699 USA, Massachusetts GenBank DQ494699
T. pardinum JHC01-201 2001 Slovenia, Idria, Pringle This study C C-F-96190 UDB000802 LT000142
T. pessundatum JV04-482 2004 Denmark, Jylland, Ålbæk Klitplantage This study C C-F-43780 UDB001502 LT000032 epitype
UDB011581 Estonia Unite UDB011581
T. populinum MC00-236 2000 Slovenia, Gorizia, Idria This study C C-F-96229 UDB001410 LT000143
UDB011624 Estonia Unite UDB011624
T. portentosum AF349686 USA, Califonia GenBank AF349686
JHC04-431 2004 Sweden, Halland, Hylte, Ödegärdet This study C C-F-96197 UDB001698 LT000184
JHC92-277 1992 Denmark, Lolland, Christianssædeskovene This study C C-F-96202 UDB001686 LT000033
MC00-206 2000 Slovenia, Central Slovenia, Vino This study C C-F-96224 UDB001409 LT000144
MC94-082 1994 Denmark, Sjælland, Ordrup Næs This study C C-F-58959 LT000034
MC96-156 1996 Denmark, Jylland, Bakkerne near Ørsted This study C C-F-59053 UDB001429 LT000035 neotype
MC98-116 1998 France, Franche-Comte, Doubs, St.-Julien les Russey This study C C-F-59262 LT000083
T. psammopus MC04-600 2004 Slovenia, Ljubljana This study C C-F-96248 LT000145
MC96-345 1996 Italy, Toscana, Monte Soldano This study C C-F-59324 LT000108
MC98-048 1998 Denmark, Jylland, Fløjstrup Skov This study C C-F-59212 UDB001472 LT000036
MC99-089 1999 France, Provence This study C C-F-96273 UDB001503 LT000084
T. ‘quercetorum’ MC99-044 1999 Portugal, Leiria This study C C-F-96263 UDB000795 LT000125
T. ‘ramentaceum var. pseudotriste’ HQ184102 France GenBank HQ184102
T. rapipes MC03228 2003 Denmark, Jylland, Stråsø Plantage This study C C-F-96241 UDB001418 LT000037
MC98-106 1998 France, Franche-Comte, Doubs, St.-Julien les Russey This study C C-F-59258 UDB001439 LT000085 epitype
T. roseoacerbum IK881120 1988 Finland, Sompio Lapland, Sodankylä, Jeesiö-Tepsa This study H H6002032 LT000072
IK922945 1992 Finland, Uusimaa, Hanko, Koverhar, Krogars This study H H6002034 LT000073
T. rufenum MC96-376 1996 Italy, Lazio, Monte Rufenum This study C C-F-59393 UDB001432 LT000109
T. saponaceum C-F23337 1992 Denmark, Lolland, Ryde Skov This study C C-F-23337 UDB001499 LT000038
JHC00-049 2000 Norway, Sogn og Fjordane, Leikanger, Horpa This study C C-F-96188 UDB001693 LT000123
JHC03-015 2003 Poloniny National Park, Stuzika This study C C-F-96192 UDB001694 LT000133
JHC04-429 2004 Sweden, Halland, Hylte, Ödegärdet This study C C-F-96196 UDB001697 LT000185
JHC04-439 2004 Sweden, Halland, Laholm, Blåalt This study C C-F-96198 UDB001699 LT000186
JHC95-165 1995 Denmark, Sjælland, Sorø Sønderskov This study C C-F-35147 UDB001505 LT000039
JHC97-237 1997 Denmark, Sjælland, Frederikskilde Skov This study C C-F-96216 UDB001689 LT000040
JV87-682 1987 Denmark, Jylland, Fløjstrup Skov This study C C-F-96218 UDB001507 LT000041
MC98-059 1998 France, Franche-Comte, Foret de Leval This study C C-F-59217 LT000086
TF98-098 1998 France, Doubs, Forêt Valdahon This study C C-F-96276 UDB001498 LT000087
T. ‘saponaceum’ DQ494700 USA, Massachusetts GenBank DQ494700
T. scalpturatum JHC93-263 1993 Denmark, Jylland, Trelde Østerskov This study C C-F-96210 UDB000541 LT000042
JHC94-231 1994 Denmark, Fyn, Tankefuld W. of Svendborg This study C C-F-35309 UDB000542 LT000043
MC00-207 2000 Slovenia, Ljubljana This study C C-F-96225 LT000146
MC95-165 1995 Sweden, Jämtland, Sundsnäs This study C C-F-59399 LT000187 neotype
T. ‘scalpturatum forma meleagroides’ HQ184113 France GenBank HQ184113 holotype
T. ‘scalpturatum var. atrocinctum’ JHC93-243 1993 Denmark, Jylland, Nystrup Klitplantage This study C C-F-96206 UDB000784 LT000004
T. sciodes MC94-007 1994 Denmark, Jylland, Fløjstrup Skov This study C C-F-58902 UDB000547 LT000044
MC95-182 1995 Denmark, Jylland, Borum Skov This study C C-F-96255 UDB000548 LT000045
T. ‘sejunctum’ AB036899 Japan GenBank AB036899
AF377192 USA, Califonia GenBank AF377192
EU819447 USA, Wisconsin GenBank EU819447
T. sejunctum MC95-187 1995 Denmark, Jylland, Enemærket Skov This study C C-F-58998 LT000046
MC96-314 1996 Italy, Toscana, Cipressa di Agnese This study C C-F-58979 UDB001431 LT000110
T. squarrulosum JHC93-224 1993 Denmark, Jylland, Trelde Østerskov This study C C-F-96205 UDB000532 LT000047
JHC93-262 1993 Denmark, Jylland, Trelde Østerskov This study C C-F-96209 UDB000530 LT000048
JHC95-169 1995 Denmark, Sjælland, Lellinge Skovhusvænge This study C C-F-35151 UDB000786 LT000049
MC01-202 2001 Croatia, Primorsko-Goranska, Krk This study C C-F-96235 UDB001414 LT000003
MC01-700 2001 Slovenia, Ljubljana This study C C-F-96239 UDB000528 LT000147
MC96-269 1996 Italy, Toscana, Monte Soldano This study C C-F-59343 UDB000531 LT000111
MC98-081 1998 France, Franche-Comte, Winkel This study C C-F-59238 UDB000529 LT000088
T. stans MC95-131 1995 Sweden, Medelpad, Borgsjö This study C C-F-59032 UDB001426 LT000188
MC95-145 1995 Sweden, Medelpad, Borgsjö This study C C-F-59042 UDB001427 LT000189 epitype
MC98-018 1998 Norway, Hedmark, Hornmoen This study C C-F-96258 LT000124
T. stiparophyllum MC95-117 1995 Sweden, Medelpad, Borgsjö This study C C-F-96252 LT000190
UDB002398 Scotland Unite UDB002398
UDB011582 Estonia Unite UDB011582
T. sudum JV96-306 1996 Denmark, Læsø, Læsø Klitplantage, Vester Højsandshoved This study C C-F-96221 UDB001684 LT000050
MC98-601 1998 Denmark, Jylland, Råbjerg Plantage This study C C-F-90094 UDB002366 LT000051 neotype
T. sulphurescens clade 1 MC96-296 1996 Italy, Toscana, Cipressa di Agnese This study C C-F-59362 UDB000809 LT000112
MC99-063 1999 France, Provence This study C C-F-96269 UDB002367 LT000089
T. sulphurescens clade 2 TRgmb00062 2005 Italy, Trento, Baselga del Bondone This study TR TR gmb 00062 LT000113
UDB011543 Estonia Unite UDB011543
T. ‘sulphureum’ AF377244 USA, Califonia GenBank AF377244
EU819448 USA, Wisconsin GenBank EU819448
HQ650743 Canada, British Columbia GenBank HQ650743
T. sulphureum clade 1 JHC08-049 2008 Sweden, Halland, Halmstad, Nissaström This study C C-F-96200 LT000191
MC96-245 1996 Denmark, Jylland, Øjesø This study C C-F-59115 AY462037
T. sulphureum clade 2 JHC07-236 2007 Denmark, Lolland, Favrsted Skov This study C C-F-96199 LT000053
MC01-204 2001 Slovenia, Ljubljana This study C C-F-96237 UDB001416 LT000148
MC07-001 2007 Sweden, Skåne, Drakamöllan This study Missing LT000192
MC94-023 1994 Denmark, Jylland, Kås Hoved This study C C-F-58914 AY462036
MC95-188 1995 Denmark, Jylland, Enemærket Skov This study C C-F-59292 AY462038
MC96-162 1996 Denmark, Jylland, Løvenholm Skov This study C C-F-59062 AY462035
MC98-109 1998 France, Franche-Comte, Doubs, St.-Julien les Russey This study C C-F-59260 UDB001440 LT000090
O-F288529 2008 Norway, Oppland, Vang, Uri This study O OF288529 LT222025
TROM-F30019 1996 Norway, Troms, Storfjord, Lullesletta This study TROM OF30019 LT222033
T. sulphureum clade 3 AF377245 Norway GenBank AF377245
TF06045 2006 France, Doubs, Forêt de Levier This study C C-F-96275 LT000091
T. ‘terreum’ EU439339 China, Yunnan GenBank EU439339
EU439340 China, Yunnan GenBank EU439340
T. terreum JHC93-260 1993 Denmark, Jylland, Trelde Østerskov This study C C-F-96207 UDB000536 LT000057
JHC95-118 1995 Denmark, Sjælland, Kongelunden This study C C-F-35098 LT000058
JHC95-172 1995 Denmark, Sjælland, København, Assistens Kirkegård This study C C-F-35154 UDB000812 LT000059
MC01-020 2001 Slovenia, Ljubljana This study C C-F-96232 UDB001411 LT000149
MC05-200 2004 Nepal, Mustang, Lete This study C C-F-96249 UDB002368 LT000116
MC95-119 1995 Sweden, Medelpad, Borgsjö This study C C-F-96253 UDB001425 LT000193
MC98-209 1998 Holland, Schouwen-Duiveland This study C C-F-59313 UDB000533 LT000201
MC99-071 1999 France, Provence, Foret des Caderach This study C C-F-96271 UDB001445 LT000092
MC99-074 1999 France, Provence, Foret des Caderach This study C C-F-96272 UDB001446 LT000093
MEN95192 1995 Germany, Bayern, Sperberslohe near Roth This study L L0374887 UDB000813 LT000098 epitype
O-F165767 2005 Norway, Oppland, Lunner, Grua, Olsknappen This study O O165767 LT222021
TL11317 1993 Denmark, Jylland, Klim Bjerg This study C C-F-96277 UDB000808 LT000060
T. terreum (albinistic) JHC93-222 1993 Denmark, Jylland, Trelde Østerskov This study C C-F-96204 UDB000534 LT000061
JV95-519 1995 Denmark, Jylland, Staksrode Skov This study C C-F-96220 UDB000535 LT000062
T. ‘tridentinum’ JV99-700 1999 France, Provence, Petit Luberon, Massif des Cedres This study C C-F-96222 UDB000805 LT000076
T. triste E3754 1996 Germany, Baden-Württemberg, Seedorfer Wald, Schwarzwald This study L UDB000814 LT000099 neotype
JHC97-169 1997 Sweden, Jämtland, Lockna, W. of Änge This study C C-F-96214 UDB001691 LT000194
JuV5271F 1990 Estonia, Pärnu rajooni, c. 40 km S of Pärnu, Kabli This study TURA LT000066
T. ‘ulvinenii’ IK931613 1993 Finland, Satakunta, Jämijärvi, Hämeenkangas This study H H6002036 LT000067
JuV13229F 1997 Finland, Varsinais-Suomi, Dragsfjärd, Ölmos This study TURA LT000068
JuV26740F 2008 Finland, Satakunta, Alastaro, Virttaankangas This study TURA LT000069
UDB011557 Estonia Unite UDB011557
UDB011558 Estonia Unite UDB011558
UDB011559 Estonia Unite UDB011559
T. umbonatum type I MC00A01 2000 Denmark, Lolland, Roden Skov This study C C-F-96231 UDB002369 LT000063
T. umbonatum type II TRgmb00651 2006 Italy, Veneto, Belluno, Meleré This study TR TRgmb00651 LT000114
T. ustale AF377234 The Netherlands GenBank AF377234
JHC92-299 1992 Denmark, Sjælland, Suserup Skov This study C C-F-96203 UDB000551 LT000064
T. ‘ustaloides’ AF377240 USA, Califonia GenBank AF377240
T. ustaloides MC99-047 1999 Portugal, Leiria This study C C-F-96264 UDB000816 LT000126
MC99-067 1999 France, Provence, Foret des Caderach This study C C-F-96270 UDB000815 LT000094
UDB011564 Estonia Unite UDB011564
T. vaccinum MC00-229 2000 Slovenia, Gorizia, Idria This study C C-F-96228 UDB001511 LT000150
MC95-109 1995 Sweden, Medelpad, Borgsjö This study C C-F-59017 UDB001423 LT000195
T. ‘venenatum’ AF377230 USA, Califonia GenBank AF377230
T. virgatum JHC95-063 1995 Sweden, Medelpad, Björnö, Björkviken This study C C-F-35203 UDB000546 LT000196
MC01-203 2001 Slovenia, Ljubljana This study C C-F-96236 UDB001415 LT000151
MC97-164 1997 Sweden, Jämtland, Halåsen This study C C-F-59398 UDB000545 LT000197 neotype
T. viridilutescens type I MC98-061 1998 France, Franche-Comte, Bois de la Brosse This study C C-F-59219 UDB001436 LT000095
MC98-080 1998 France, Franche-Comte, Winkel This study C C-F-59237 UDB001473 LT000096
MC98-093 1998 France, Franche-Comte, Bois Lachat This study C C-F-59249 UDB001437 LT000097
T. viridilutescens type II UDB011588 Estonia Unite UDB011588
UDB011595 Estonia Unite UDB011595
T. ‘viridiolivaceum’ MC96-002 1996 New Zealand, Arthurs Pass National Park This study C C-F-96257 LT000117
‘Uncultured ectomycorrhiza’ FJ197008 Mexico GenBank FJ197008


In total we obtained 217 novel ITS sequences for this study, while 84 published sequences were downloaded from GenBank (67) and Unite (17). The alignment contained 170 unique sequence reads, represented as terminal clusters in the phylogenetic tree based on maximum likelihood (Fig. 1). The Bayesian analyses did not contradict the ML phylogeny. Based on tree topology these were assigned to 108 putative species hypotheses, of which 27 were represented only by extra-continental sequences, while seven represented accepted species or species hypotheses only recorded from southern Europe. Of the 81 species hypotheses identified among European sequences, 72 were selected for scoring of morphological characters and evaluation of previously published infrageneric classification systems (Fig. 2).

Fig. 1.

Fig. 1

Fig. 1

Fig. 1

Phylogeny inferred from ITS regions for the full dataset, with branch lengths based on the Maximum Likelihood analysis. No notable differences in branching patterns were observed between the Bayesian and the Maximum Likelihood analysis. Maximum Likelihood bootstrap values are indicated above branches, while Bayesian posterior probabilities are indicated below branches. * Denotes 100 % support in both analyses. New sequences obtained for this study are indicated in regular letters, while sequences obtained from GenBank or Unite are given in italics. Species names without quotes represent our interpretation of relevant taxa as discussed in this paper. Names in quotes are not interpreted by us, but are given as in the original source, or by the collector. Hypothesized sections are indicated by background shadings with names in capital letters.

Fig. 2.

Fig. 2

Phylogeny inferred from ITS regions for a reduced dataset, based on representative sequences for 72 well-circumscribed species or species hypotheses.Branch lengths and branching patterns are based on the Maximum Likelihood analysis. Branching patterns were similar in the Bayesian analysis, except for sect. Atrosquamosa, were the alternative configuration is shown as an insert. Maximum Likelihood bootstrap values are indicated above branches, while Bayesian posterior probabilities are indicated below branches for proposed sections indicated with background shadings and names in capital letters. * Denotes 100 % support in both analyses. Coloured bars show the affiliation to subgenera in the sense of Singer (1986). Host selection and six different morphological traits are scored using different symbols, to illustrate their distribution across the phylogeny, and to the proposed sections.

Below we first evaluate the infrageneric classification system, and subsequently the species level taxonomy is reviewed. We have applied commonly used section names as practical labels for clades in order to guide readers. We have not intended to resolve the nomenclatural history of each section in depth, as this would require a deeper and quite time-consuming nomenclatural study on candidate section names. As long as the details of the infrageneric classification remain open, due to limited sapling of the genus in North America, and the use of only one molecular marker, we find the time unripe to perform such a study. In the section on species level taxonomy nomenclatural details are given on all species epithets.

Infrageneric classification and congruence with morphology

The phylogenetic analysis did not support a clear division of the genus in four subgenera as proposed by Singer (1986) and adopted by most subsequent authors. However, ten sections could be reasonably separated based on molecular data and scoring of morphological traits (Fig. 2), with some species remaining unclassified. Pileus colour, pileipellis structure, presence of clamp connections and spores size and shape appeared as rather constant characters supporting the validity of sections, while the presence of a distinct ring, and especially host selection was variable within sections. It is well known that the ITS region alone is poorly suited for resolving higher level phylogenies (e.g. Frøslev et al. 2005), and our infrageneric classification should be viewed as phylogenetic supported, but preliminary. However, we do trust the sections defined below as relevant hypothetical monophyletic entities that should be tested in future studies combining a global taxon sampling with multiple molecular markers.

Species with a greyish, radially fibrillose, squamulose to felty cap

Species with a dry, grey and a radially fibrillose, squamulose to felty pileipellis quite clearly represent a paraphyletic group, that we here split across four sections; Terrea, Atrosquamosa, Tricholoma and Pardinicutis (Fig. 2). Section Terrea contains species characterized by a dry, felty or squamulose pileipellis, predominantly greyish colours, and spores with a relatively high Q-value. Our concept of the section is narrow, and corresponds to stirps Terrea in Singer (1986). Most previous authors, including Noordeloos & Christensen (1999) operated with a much broader concept of the section, which included also the stirps Virgata and Atrosquamosa ss. Singer (1986). Here, we accept the latter as a separate section, although our ITS phylogeny provide only limited support for monophyly, especially in the maximum likelihood analysis (Fig. 2). The similarity in morphological traits of the assigned species is, however, striking. Species in the section are morphologically very similar to species in sect. Terrea, but tend to have spores with a higher Q-value, and are characterized by peculiar smells reminding of honey, ground pepper or cedar wood (compared to absent to farinaceous in sect. Terrea). The species belonging to stirps Virgata in the sense of Singer (1986) (i.e. T. aestuans, T. bresadolanum, T. sciodes and T. virgatum) were in our analysis deeply nested in sect. Tricholoma. As discussed later, this makes good sense morphologically. Finally, our analysis supported sect. Pardinicutis as a separate section. The members of this section are characterized by a grey, scaly pileipellis, large spores and the presence of clamp connections, a combination that has lead most modern authors to accept Pardinicutis at the subgenus level.

Species with a reddish brown cap

For the reddish brown species our ITS phylogeny showed a division in three relatively well-supported sections, sect. Caligata, sect. Genuina and sect. Megatricholoma (Fig. 2). The members of sect. Caligata are characterized by an annulate stipe, a whitish, pale brown to dark reddish brown squamose pileus, rather large spores with low Q-value, and a strong perfumed smell. All European species are associated with conifers, but according to Murata et al. (2013) basal members of the clade from other parts of the world associate with deciduous hosts. The annulate species T. focale has traditionally been included in the section (e.g. Noordeloos & Christensen 1999), but the current study shows it to be deeply nested in sect. Genuina, close to the subannulate T. batschii (Fig. 2). The species lack a perfumed smell and has no broad scales on the pileus so this makes sense morphologically. Section Megatricholoma was originally erected as a monotypic genus to accommodate T. colossus (Kost 1984). Based on detailed morphological and ontological studies the genus was by its author suggested to be only distantly related to Tricholoma s.str., a view that was challenged by Christensen & Noordeloos (1999) who recombined Megatricholoma as a section in Tricholoma. Our study supports this disposition, and gives reasonable support for the inclusion of T. acerbum and T. roseoacerbum in the section (Fig. 2). In the preliminary phylogeny presented in Christensen & Heilmann-Clausen (2013) there was no support for this, but the broader taxon sampling and more careful alignment in the current analysis has changed this. All three species share a very robust and short stipe, close lamellae, and an involute pileus margin, but T. colossus stands apart by its annulate stipe, and large spores. Section Genuina in our circumscription include species with a reddish brown and glutinous pileipellis, as well as several species with paler brown colours and/or a dry squamulose pileus. Noordeloos & Christensen (1999) divided these in sect. Imbricata (with a dry fibrillose to squamulose pileipellis) and sect. Albobrunnea (with glutinous pelipellis). Both are moderately well supported in our ITS phylogeny, but at present we prefer to treat them as entities below the section level.

Species with a smooth, white to yellowish cap

Species with a smooth, white to yellowish, dry pileipellis and presence of clamp connections were divided across four clades in our tree, which we here assign to three sections; Contextocutis, Sericella and Lasciva (Fig. 2). Members of sect. Contextocutis are characterized by reddening flesh, a soapy odour, greenish to greyish colours and small spores, and the section has long been recognized as a separate entity, often at the subgenus level (e.g. Singer 1986, Noordeloos & Christensen 1999). In contrast most previous authors have not separated Sericella and Lasciva at the section level (e.g. Bon 1984a, Singer 1986, Riva 1988, Noordeloos & Christensen 1999). However, Bon (1984a) and Riva (1988) distinguished two subsections, Sulphurea (corresponding to our sect. Sericella) and Lasciva. Our analysis do not suggest the two sections to be closely related, and they are morphologically well differentiated. Thus, species in sect. Sericella are characterized by very large spores, a strong gas-like odour and white to yellow colours, while members of sect. Lasciva have small spores, initially whitish to yellowish grey pileus colours, and a strong, complex odour combining aromatic flowery, gas-like and rancid components. A single member of sect. Sericella, i.e. T. inamoenum, was by Noordeloos & Christensen (1999) assigned to a separate sect. Inamoena, but our analysis clearly shows this section to be redundant. The species assigned to sect. Lasciva is in our analysis divided among two terminal clades (Fig. 2), one containing species with non-yellowing context close to T. lascivum, the other species with yellowing context. Based on morphological similarities, we expect that future multigene phylogenies will show the two clades to be more closely related than our current analysis proposes, and at present we prefer to keep sect. Lasciva as a single taxonomic unit.

Species with a radially fibrillose, whitish, greyish, greenish or yellow cap

The great majority of species characterized by an innately fibrillose to squamulose pileipellis and whitish, greyish, greenish or yellow colours, were joined in one terminal clade in our tree. These are here assigned to sect. Tricholoma in accordance with Noordeloos & Christensen (1999). The T. equestre group including T. columbetta and T. umbonatum form a well-supported core clade. Tricholoma columbetta has traditionally been assigned to the separate sect. Albata (e.g. Noordeloos & Christensen 1999), but this is not supported by our analysis. Two less well-supported subclades are formed by T. sejunctum and allied species, and by sect. Virgata in the sense of Singer (1986) with T. portentosum taking up an intermediate position. Tricholoma guldeniae appears to be the most deviant and basal member of the section. We previously did not consider it as a member of this section (Christensen & Heilmann-Clausen 2013), but our current phylogenetic analysis gives reasonable support for its inclusion.

For five species, viz. T. apium, T. avernense, T. borgejoensis, T. fucatum and T. josserandii, our analysis do not support a clear assignment to traditionally accepted sections (Fig. 1, 2), and appear to represent deviant lineages. These species are discussed further in the next section.

Species level taxonomy

Below we give an overview of the accepted sections, and their circumscribed species accepted by us to occur in northern Europe. We compare our results with earlier studies and comment on further taxa revealed by the analysed ITS data. For further details on the ecology, morphology and practical differentiation of discussed taxa we refer to Christensen & Heilmann-Clausen (2013).

Section Terrea

Our detailed phylogenetic tree supports the presence of seven well-differentiated terminal clades in this section, viz. T. argyraceum, T. cingulatum, T. scalpturatum, T. inocybeoides, T. terreum, T. bonii and T. triste (Fig. 1). All of these are known from northern Europe. Many authors (e.g. Huijsman 1968, Krieglsteiner 1982, Clémençon 1983, Riva 1988) accepted T. gausapatum and T. myomyces as distinct species close to T. terreum, differing by small differences in pileipellis structure, veil development and colouration. Based on our quite intensive sampling, we have found no congruence between variation in these traits and ITS phylogeny, and we doubt that T. gausapatum and T. myomyces as typically interpreted auct. are taxonomically different from T. terreum. Also material fitting with T. leucoterreum show no ITS difference to typical T. terreum, and we interpret this taxon to represent an albinistic form of T. terreum. In fact, albinism seems to be rather common in the section, with albinistic forms and varieties described also in T. cingulatum and T. scalpturatum (Hermosilla & Sánchez 1994, Bidaud & Thévenard 2003). Also T. bonii was originally described as a species with whitish colours (Basso & Candusso 1997), but the type shows 100 % ITS sequence similarity with collections with greyish pileus colours. The taxonomy and phylogeny of the species group around T. argyraceum was studied in great detail by Jargeat et al. (2010) using three molecular markers. The study found very consistent phylogenies for all markers, supporting the clear delimitation of T. argyraceum, T. inocybeoides, T. cingulatum and T. scalpturatum as biological species. Especially T. argyraceum was shown to encompass forms and varieties described to differ in colouration from pure white to strongly coloured. Two recently described species from Europe, T. urbicum and T. distantifoliaceum, have been assigned to the section. They are unknown to us, and type-material should be sequenced to compare their relatedness to more classical species. Tricholoma moseri described from North America clearly also belongs to this section, and is close to or even conspecific with T. triste, as suggested by our ITS analysis. Both species share small fruit bodies and very long elongate spores. Based on ITS data T. triste is also present in China, which is also the case for T. bonii (Fig. 1).

Section Atrosquamosa

Our analysis supports the presence of five well-circumscribed European species in this section, viz. T. atrosquamosum, T. orirubens, T. basirubens, T. squarrulosum and T. olivaceotinctum (Fig. 1). The European species fall in two distinct clades with T. squarrulosum and T. orirubens as central species, respectively. As discussed thoroughly by Christensen & Heilmann-Clausen (2009) we use the name T. atrosquamosum differently than done by Noordeloos & Christensen (1999), and apply it for a taxon close to T. orirubens, but mainly associated with conifers and lacking yellow mycelia. Conversely T. basirubens, that was first described as a variety to T. orirubens (Bon 1975), is closely related to T. squarrulosum based on our data. The section appears to be well represented, but poorly resolved in North America. Tricholoma michinganense clearly belongs to this section but appears to be poorly represented in modern literature. Bessette et al. (2013) presented three photographs labelled as T. squarrulosum, which appear to be somewhat deviant from our concept of this species, based on the slender stipe and occurrence under conifers. The included American sequence labelled as ‘T. atrosquamosum’ in our tree, is clearly deviant from included European taxa, but it is unknown if it corresponds to T. michinganense or T. squarrulosum in the sense of Bessette et al. (2013).

Section Pardinicutis

Our analysis supports five species in this section (Fig. 1), of which only two, i.e. T. filamentosum and T. pardinum, are known with certainty from Europe. Bon (1991) included a number of additional taxa in his treatment of the section, including T. tumidum, T. cookeanum and T. cedrorum, the latter two being described from Morocco. All are unknown to us. At least three North American taxa are described in this section, viz. T. huronense, T. venenatum and T. vernaticum. Our tree supports the two former as distinct species, assuming that the two sequenced specimens have been correctly labelled.

Section Caligata

Our analysis supports at least ten species in this section (Fig. 1), of which only two are known to occur in northern Europe, viz. T. matsutake and T. dulciolens. Two further species, viz. T. caligatum and T. anatolicum occur in southern Europe or adjacent regions. Kytövuori (1988) made a careful taxonomic treatment of the section in Europe, and described T. dulciolens as new to science based on collections from Fennoscandia, while T. anatolicum was recently described from Cedrus forests in Turkey (Intini et al. 2003). This species has since been recorded from Morocco (Ota et al. 2012), and might well occur in southern Europe. A fifth species, T. ilkkae, is here described as new to science. It has long been known from the Swedish island of Gotland in the Baltic Sea, but has been identified as either T. dulciolens or T. caligatum. Tricholoma ilkkae share small spores with the first mentioned species, and general colouration with the latter, so the confusion is not surprising. ITS data, however, show that T. ilkkae is clearly differentiated from both species, showing most affinity to T. dulciolens. We have studied material of the species only from Sweden, but have seen photographs of the species from Norway, and ITS sequence data show that it is also present in Spain (Murata et al. 2013) and Turkey (unpubl. data from Nicklas Bergius). Most likely it is widely distributed but rare in Europe. Quite likely, Armillaria caligata forma gracilis represent an earlier synonym, but as the name has not been combined in Tricholoma or proposed at the species level, it has limited nomenclatural relevance.

The global phylogeny of the section has been studied rather intensively (Chapela & Garbelotto 2004, Ota et al. 2012, Murata et al. 2013, Gulden et al. 2014). These studies show T. matsutake (possibly as a species complex) to be present in both Europe, Asia and North America, while T. dulciolens so far is confirmed from Europe and North America. The other recognized species appear to be restricted to smaller biogeographic regions, i.e. T. anatolicum, T. caligatum and T. ilkkae to Europe (including adjacent North Africa and Asia Minor), T. bakamatsutake, T. fulvocastaneum to eastern Asia and T. magnivelare and at least two undescribed lineages (one denoted as ‘Mexican magnivelare’ in Gulden et al. (2014), and one or two labelled as T. caligatum) in Chapela & Garbelotto (2004), to North America. These taxa are represented in our dataset, as ‘T. sp. Mex1.’ from Mexico and ‘T. caligatum’ from Mexico and Costa Rica, respectively.

Section Genuina

Our analysis supports the presence of at least 18 species in this section in Europe, which fall in two more or less well-supported subclades (Fig. 1).

The largest subclade contains species with reddish brown colours and a glutinous pileipellis, i.e. T. focale, T. batschii, T. pessundatum, T. populinum, T. stans, T. aurantium, T. albobrunneum, T. fulvum, T. ustale and T. ustaloides, all known from northern Europe. Many authors have accepted T. pseudonictitans as a separate species close to T. fulvum, but differing by less pronounced yellow tinges in the gills and flesh of the stipe, and by the association with conifers. Our ITS data do not support this separation (JHC04-251 and MC98-078 were collected under Picea and Abies, respectively, while JHC03-109 was collected under Betula), and hence we treat T. pseudonictitans as a synonym to T. fulvum (see also Christensen & Heilmann-Clausen 2013). On the other hand, collections from southern Europe identified as T. cedretorum and T. quercetorum appear to represent distinct species based on ITS, but we have studied too little material and literature to have any opinion on the correct nomenclatural judgments regarding these. Further European taxa characterized by a reddish brown and glutinuous pileus include T. tridentinum, T. ustale var. rufoaurantiacum, T. ustaloides var. aurantiodes and T. ezcarayense. The latter taxon, T. ezcarayense, however possesses clamp connections (Hermosilla & Sánchez 1994), which are otherwise absent in the section and is probably unrelated. The North American sequences included in the tree suggest that T. aurantiacum, T. batschii, T. focale and T. stans are present also on this continent, with T. zelleri and T. dryophilum being potential synonyms to the two latter species. In contrast, the included American sequence assigned to T. ustaloides represents a distinct taxon not closely related to our concept of this species. Judging from photos and descriptions in Bessette et al. (2013) T. muricatum, T. pudorinum ined. and T. transmutans are further North American taxa in this group, with T. fulvum, T. pessundatum, T. populinum and T. ustale being also recorded as North American. Grubisha et al. (2012) investigated the phylogeography of T. populinum in Scandinavia and North America, and found no signs of recent intercontinental gene flow in this specific partner of Populus spp. Based on the molecular clock approach they estimated divergence between European and American populations to have happened between 1 and 1.7 million years ago.

A smaller, and slightly less well-supported subclade contain species with a dry, squamulose pileus. Our analysis include only three European species in this group, viz. T. psammopus, T. vaccinum and T. imbricatum, but Moreau (2011) presented and discussed two additional central-European taxa, viz. T. inodermeum and T. subfusipes. Both appear to be well delimited species, close to T. imbricatum and T. vaccinum, respectively, but with slightly different macroscopic characters (Moreau 2011) and deviant ITS data (P.-A Moreau pers. comm.). Ecologically, T. subfusipes differs from T. imbricatum by being associated with Larix rather than Pinus. A third species, T. pseudoimbricatum, described from Denmark is by us regarded as a synonym to T. imbricatum (for details see Christensen & Heilmann-Clausen 2013). The included North American sequence of T. imbricatum is quite deviant from the two European sequences, and might represent a distinct species. Both T. imbricatum and T. vaccinum are illustrated with several photographs from various American states in Bessette et al. (2013). The variation in colouration, stature and pileipellis structure is quite striking, and suggests the presence of several additional species on the continent.

Section Megatricholoma

This relatively well-supported section was not accepted in Christensen & Heilmann-Clausen (2013) but as mentioned above the present analysis has lead us to treat it in a wider sense than done previously, by including the non-annulate species T. acerbum and T. roseoacerbum beside the types species T. colossus. Thus, our concept of the section includes three well known species in Europe (Fig. 1, 2), with T. robustum representing a tentative fourth, badly known member (see Christensen & Heilmann-Clausen 2013). Tricholoma roseoacerbum appears to be remarkably widely distributed, with almost perfect ITS sequence matches connecting collections and environmental samples from Finland, Japan, Canada and Mexico. Tricholoma japonicum probably represents the oldest valid name for this species, with T. radotinense representing a further potential synonym. Also T. manzanitae described from North America belongs to this group, judging from the presentation in Bessette et al. (2013).

Section Sericella

This section contains six well-separated European end-clusters in our tree. Two additional sequences appear to represent distinct taxa occurring in Canada and the USA (Fig. 1). Across continents, only three of these can be assigned to well-known species, i.e. T. inamoenum, T. hemisulphureum and T. sulphureum, while a forth, T. bryogenum is described as new to science in this paper. Already Comandini et al. (2004) reported the presence of cryptic diversity within the section, but mainly concluded that T. bufonium, described to differ from T. sulphureum by more reddish to purplish pileus colours, could not be readily separated from T. sulphureum. Our studies partly confirm pileus colours to be poorly suited to differentiate taxa within the section (Christensen & Heilmann-Clausen 2013), but we are not convinced that the cryptic taxa detected by the phylogenetic analysis are truly indistinguishable from T. sulphureum s.str. The colours of the lamellae and basal mycelium appear to be promising characters in this respect, but we also expect differences in ecology and biogeography. At least this is the case for T. bryogenum that differs from T. sulphureum by its habitat in boreal coniferous forests, the dull yellow colours and the whitish basal mycelium. No modern type exists of T. sulphureum, and hence it remains unknown which of the three additional lineages in our tree corresponds to T. sulphureum s.str. Hence they are labelled as type I to III in correspondence with Comandini et al. (2004) and Christensen & Heilmann-Clausen (2013). A large number of varieties have been described in T. sulphureum (see Bon 1991 for an overview). Some of these might correspond to the presently cryptic species in our tree. According to our phylogenetic tree, T. inamoenum occurs also in North America, at least based on ITS data. Another species from this continent that clearly belongs to this section is T. odorum.

Section Contextocutis (= section Rigida)

This section contains at least four European taxa in our tree, viz. T. saponaceum, T. sudum, T. rapipes (comb. nov.) and T. boudieri (Fig. 1, 2). Of these, the two latter are normally not differentiated from T. saponaceum at the species level, but we find that differences in morphology and ITS sequence data warrant their distinguishing. A large number of further varieties have been described in the section, mainly based on pileus colours and surface texture of the stipe (see Bon 1991). Our studies indicate that these characters are quite plastic characters with limited taxonomic relevance (Christensen & Heilmann-Clausen 2013). Based on the collections studied by us, T. saponaceum and T. boudieri are associated with deciduous hosts, while T. rapipes and T. sudum are associated with conifers (Christensen & Heilmann-Clausen 2013). We are far from convinced that these preferences are strict, and await future studies testing host selection and taxonomy in the group. Our current analysis indicates that our concept of T. boudieri could cover more than one species, and we would not be surprised if more dedicated studies would prove the existence of additional species in the section in Europe. The two included extralimital sequences from New Zealand and North America represent further independent species in the section, which judging from the photographs given in Besseette et al. (2013) contains several different species in North America.

Section Lasciva

In our tree this section is split across two subclades, containing a total of five species (Fig. 1, 2) in northern Europe, viz. T. lascivum, T. album, T. stiparophyllum, T. sulphurescens and T. boreosulphurescens. The latter is described as new to science in this paper. A sequence labelled a T.sulphurescens from Estonia, appears to represent a further, undescribed species. The taxonomy of the section was discussed in detail by Christensen & Noordeloos (1999) who neotypified T. lascivum, T. album and T. stiparophyllum. Tricholoma albidum and T. farinaceum in the sense of Bessette et al. (2013) appear to represent North American members of this section.

Section Tricholoma

This section contains at least 13 species in northern Europe, viz. T. virgatum, T. sciodes, T. bresadolanum, T. aestuans, T. portentosum, T. sejunctum, T. viridilutescens, T. equestre, T. frondosae, T. joachimii, T. columbetta, T. umbonatum and T. guldeniae, but several included subclades have complex ITS sequence patterns, and remain poorly resolved in our tree. This is especially the case in the T. equestre group, but also T. sejunctum/viridilutescens and T. umbonatum represent species complexes based on our phylogeny. The complex phylogeny of T. equestre was noted previously by Horton (2002) based on North American specimens, and have been confirmed by subsequent studies, dealing with the group across the northern hemisphere (Moukha et al. 2013). Even before molecular phylogenies were available, a number of taxa were proposed but often synonymized in this group, with T. equestre, T. auratum and T. flavovirens representing classical names. Kalamees (2001) studied the group based on ecological and morphological characters. He described two new species, T. frondosae and T. ulvinenii, and at the same time assigned T. auratum and T. flavovirens as synonyms to T. equestre. The study was not supported by molecular sequences, and unfortunately we have been unsuccessful in our attempts to extract DNA from the types of the two new species. In our analysis collections labelled as T. frondosae form three groupings in the tree, but we are quite convinced that T. frondosae type I match the type, as all collections have been characterized by warm colours and small spores as emphasized in the diagnosis. Tricholoma frondosae type II have larger spores and more greenish colours and seem to represent an undescribed species. A further collection from France (MC98-086) is only distantly related to the T. equestre core group based on ITS data.

Collections labelled as T. ulvinenii fall in two distinct clusters within the poorly resolved core T. equestre clade, and it is unknown if any of these represent the type concept of this species. Collections identified as T. ulvinenii by Kuulo Kalamees (viz. UDB011557–UDB011559) are separated on both groups, indicating them to be difficult to separate based on morphological characters. In our simplified overview tree (Fig. 2) T. ulvinenii is represented by the upper terminal clade containing four collections labelled with this name, and illustrated in Christensen & Heilmann-Clausen (2013: 103).

Collections labelled as T. joachimii appear on three widely divided branches in the tree. We have not studied the type of this species, and as far we know no type sequence is available to test the correct position of this species in the phylogeny.

The included extra-liminal sequences add to the complexity of the groups. A global analysis including multiple genetic markers, and renewed attempts to sequence type collections is needed to resolve the taxonomy of the group, which also contains T. chrysophyllum, described from southern Europe (Riva 1988), and T. intermedium, described from North America. Somewhat surprisingly, the two whitish species with radially fibrillose pileipellis, T. columbetta and T. umbonatum seem to have a basal position to the T. equestre complex. As already emphasized by Christensen & Heilmann-Clausen (2013) collections labelled as T. umbonatum fall in two distinct subclades.We are quite convinced that type II, as illustrated in Christensen & Heilmann-Clausen (2013), corresponds to the original concept of this species as presented by Clémençon & Bon in Bon (1984b). Judging from Bessette et al. (2013) also T. subresplendens belongs to this species group.

The T. sejunctum/viridilutescens group is another poorly resolved subclade in sect. Tricholoma. Except for the South-European taxon T. rufenum that has a grey pileus, the European members of this group are characterized by greenish to yellowish pileus colours. In our recent monograph, we accepted only two species viz. T. sejunctum and T. viridilutescens to occur in northern Europe, but the current analysis shows that our concept of T. viridilutescens as presented in Christensen & Heilmann-Clausen (2013) circumscribes two well separated species based on ITS. These are here denoted as T. viridilutescens type I and II, respectively. Further collections from North America labelled as T. sejunctum and T. leucophyllum represent further distinct terminal branches. In our data T. viridilutescens type I is represented by two collections from France, quite close to the type locality in the Austrian Alps, and it might well represent T. viridilutescens s.str. Type II is represented by two collections from Estonia, that have high ITS similarity to collections from Canada and Japan. Tricholoma subsejunctum described from eastern North America is a relevant candidate name for these collections. We have studied the type collection of T. subsejunctum which is in poor condition and unlikely to yield usable ITS data. Tricholoma eosinobasis and T. clavocystis are additional European species described in this group and represent further candidate names (or synonyms) for T. viridilutescens type I and II. Types of the mentioned taxa have not been studied by us.

Also T. viridifucatum and T. luridum are characterized by greenish to olivaceous pileus colours and both may belong to this group, even if the squamulose stipe in the former and the greyish lamellae in the latter are deviant. We have been unsuccessful in obtaining sequence data for these two taxa. Chapon (2011) compared T. viridifucatum with a further taxon denoted as T. coryphaeum. This species might well belong to this group but could also be part of the T. equestre complex. For a nomenclatural discussion on this name see Christensen & Heilmann-Clausen (2013). Judging from descriptions and photos in Bessette et al. (2013), also the North American taxa T. davisiae and T. subluteum belong to this group, probably together with T. muscarium described from Japan (e.g. Hongo 1988). Comprehensive studies using a global sampling strategy, type studies and multiple molecular markers are needed to resolve the taxonomy of this difficult species complex.

Species with a grey or yellow, radially fibrillose dry pileus (sect. Virgata ss. Singer 1986) form a relatively well-resolved subclade in our tree, with the glutinous T. portentosum having a more distant position. According to our data, T. bresadolaum is heterogeneous in the ITS region, and in general we would not be surprised if a more comprehensive sampling would show the subclade to contain more species in Europe. Several additional species have been described in the group, including T. lilacinocinereum, T. sciodellum and T. vinaceogriseum, and some authors also distinguish T. hordum as a separate species close to T. sciodes (but see Christensen & Heilmann-Clausen 2013). The subclade seems to be richly represented in North America. Judging from Bessette et al. (2013) at least T. acris, T. argenteum, T. atrodiscus, T. palustre and T. pullum belongs here. The included sequence of the latter species is close to T. aestuans. Finally, the sequence of T. aff. virgatum from Nepal clearly represent a separate taxon close to T. virgatum.

Unassigned species

Apart from the species that are assigned to the ten hypothesized sections discussed above, five sequenced North-European species, viz. T. arvernense, T. josserandii, T. fucatum, T. borgsjoeënse and T. apium, remain unclassified at section level (Fig. 2). Despite the presence of clamp connections, T. arvernense has traditionally been assigned to the clampless sect. Tricholoma (e.g. Riva 1988, Noordeloos & Christensen 1999), but in our tree it forms an isolated cluster with a sequence identified as T. luteomaculosum from North America (Fig. 1). This species is characterized by a greyish, fibrillose to squamulose pileus and yellowing flesh and in contrast to T. arvernense, it is described to lack clamp connections (Ovrebo 1986). Smith (1942), who described the species, pointed out its similarity with T. scalpturatum, which lead Singer (1986) to regard it as a possible member of sect. Terrea. This placement is not supported by our analysis. The second unclassified species, T. josserandii, has traditionally been considered as a close relative to T. virgatum (Bon 1984a, Riva 1988), but this is disapproved by our analysis. Instead, the species clusters closely with two sequences from North America identified as T. mutabile, and more distantly so with a third unassigned species, T. fucatum, that has traditionally been assigned to sect. Tricholoma (e.g. Riva 1988, Noordeloos & Christensen 1999). All three species are characterized by slender fruit bodies with a cylindrical stipe, a radially fibrillose pileipellis and large spores. Based on photographs and descriptions in Bessette et al. (2013), the North American T. aurantio-olivaceum appears to be a close relative of T. fucatum, together with T. olivaceobrunneum. All the above species might form an evolutionary lineage worth accepting at the section level. A further deviant lineage is formed by T. borgsjoeënse that clusters closely with a sequence of T. atroviolaceum from North America. Both species share a dark grey, felty to squamulose pileus, greyish lamellae and large spores. When describing T. borgsjoeënse, Jacobsson et al. (2006) assigned the species to sect. Terrea, but the current phylogenetic analysis indicates it to be only distantly related to this section. The large spores and the quite special pileipellis structure (see Christensen & Heilmann-Clausen 2013: 20) support the isolated position among European Tricholoma species. Interestingly, our analysis points to substantial variation in the ITS region in T. borgsjoeënse, with the Norwegian collection deviating considerably from the two Swedish collections that both stem from the type locality.

Finally, T. apium appears to be isolated among the species analysed. Noordeloos & Christensen (1999) classified it in sect. Imbricata (here a part of sect. Genuina). The species do show some morphological resemblance to species in this section, and might have a basal position in it, as suggested by the maximum likelihood analysis.


Tricholoma rapipes (Krombh.) Heilm.-Claus. & Mort.Chr., comb. nov. — Mycobank MB816908

Basionym. Agaricus rapipes Krombh. (1836: 22).

Description in Christensen & Heilmann-Clausen (2013).


Tricholoma ilkkae Mort.Chr., Heilm.-Claus., Ryman & Niclas Bergius, sp. nov. — MycoBank MB816909; Fig. 3a, b

Fig. 3.

Fig. 3

Fruitbodies of Trichloma species. a. Tricholoma ilkkae (holotype); b. Tricholoma ilkkae, older specimens (UPS-F173364); c. Tricholoma bryogenum (holotype); d. Tricholoma boreosulphurescens (holotype). — Scale bars = 1 cm.

Etymology. Latin ‘ilkkae’ in honour of the Finnish mycologist Ilkka Kutövuori.

Holotype. SWEDEN, Gotland, Eksta par, Ekstastrand, coniferous forest dominated by Pinus sylvestris, with scattered Picea abies on old beach ridges, 21 Sept. 2000, leg. Svengunnar Ryman 9080 (UPS, F-513823).

Diagnosis — A medium-sized to large Tricholoma, with a distinct ring, and fawn to dark brick, confluent fibrillose patches on the pileus and girdles on the stipe. Mycorrhizal with Pinus and possibly Picea.

Pileus 40–100 mm, at first hemispherical to convex with involute margin, later convex to flattened, often with low, broad umbo, in central part soon breaking up into appressed, ± confluent scales, which are fawn, orange brown to dark brick, on a cream to straw yellow background; scales gradually or more abruptly thinning out towards the marginal zone, which is typically white to straw yellow or pale mouse grey; margin in young fruit bodies shaggy due to remnants of veil, but soon ± smooth to somewhat felty-costate. Lamellae emarginate, with even to somewhat eroded edges, whitish, with age sometimes with orange brown spots, rather close to medium spaced. Stipe 50–100 × 15–25 mm, cylindrical or tapering downwards, often somewhat rooting, with a distinct, persistent, cuff-like, cottony-woolly ring, whitish and granulose or slightly fibrillose above ring, below ring with irregular, fawn, orange brown to dark brick confluent girdles and patches on a whitish background, basal part occasionally with a weak greenish tinge. Flesh whitish; smell sweetish, perfumed fruity, similar to Inocybe corydalina or Hemipholiota heteroclita; taste unknown. Spores 4.5–6.7 × 3.9–5.5 μm, average 5.1–6.0 × 4.4–4.9 μm, predominantly broadly ellipsoid, Q = 1.0–1.5, average 1.15–1.31. Basidia 30–40 × 6–8 μm, 4-spored. Cheilocystidia not observed. Pileipellis cutis made up of cylindrical, warm brown hyphae, 50–300 × 5–15(–20) μm, pigment not incrusting. Clamp connections absent.

Ecology & Habitat — Ectomycorrhizal with Pinus and possibly Picea, mainly in forests on calcareous ground.

Known distribution — Central Sweden (holotype), Norway, Spain and Turkey; most likely widespread in Europe.

Additional material examined. SWEDEN, Gotland, Eksta Par., Ekstastrand, coniferous forest on old beach walls, 9 Oct. 1998 (MC98-602, C-F-96261); ibid., 18 Sept. 2000 (UPS-F013888); ibid., associated with T. aurantium, T. fracticum, Hydnum albidum, Hygrophorus latitabundus and Sarcodon fuligineoviolaceous, 3 Oct. 2009, Irene Anderson & Michael Krikorev (MKR 091003-4, IMG: 100/1208-11); ibid., 29. Sept. 2011 (TF2011-201); Uppland, Gräsö par., Djupdal 3 km NE of Gräsö church (Grid: RN1648667 x 6697072), in needle bed under Picea abies in old Picea/Pinus forest, 2 Oct. 2007, Gillis Aronsson (UPS-F173364); Uppland, Börstil par., the turnaround on NW Tvärnö (Grid: RN1648788 x 6681279), under Picea abies and Pinus sylvestris in older, grass-dominated forest on old slag heap, 13 Sept. 2007 (UPS-F173264); ibid., 24 Sept. 2009, Gillis Aronsson (UPS-F173265).

Notes — According to the phylogenetic analysis the new species is close to T. dulciolens. Both species share small spores, but T. ilkkae is easily distinguished from T. dulciolens by the shorter stem and much darker pileus scales and stipe girdles. Another similar species is T. caligatum, which is distinguished by larger spores and by slightly darker, more contrasting pileus scales and stipe girdles. In addition, the two species differ in habitat and distribution, as T. caligatum seems to be a strictly Mediterranean species, in contrast to T. ilkkae, which so far is known from more temperate environments. Finally, T. matsutake differs by duller colours, larger fruit bodies and larger spores. Armillaria caligata var. gracilis, as illustrated by Bresadola (1927), matches well with T. ilkkae, but we don’t know if authentical material exists that could prove this. A potential synonymy will not have nomenclatural consequences as Armillaria caligata var. gracilis has never been combined as a species epithet.

Tricholoma bryogenum Mort.Chr., Heilm.-Claus. & Vauras, sp. nov. — MycoBank MB816910; Fig. 3c

Etymology. From Greek ‘βρύον’ (moss) and ‘γεννώ’ (born), referring to the habitat in mossy Picea-forests.

Holotype. SWEDEN, Jämtland, Brunflo, under Picea abies on rich soil, among mosses, 4 Sept. 1997, Morten Christensen MC97-101 (C-F59167).

Diagnosis — A small to medium-sized Tricholoma, with dull yellow colours on stipe, lamellae and pileus margin and a strong, chemical smell. Differing from the closely related T. sulphureum by the duller colours, white basal mycelium and by the occurrence in mossy Picea forests.

Pileus 30–100 mm, at first conical, bell-shaped or convex, soon low convex to plane, with or without a low umbo, smooth, glossy, at margin whitish chrome to pale chrome, with age and towards centre darker, pinkish buff to ochraceous orange. Lamellae adnate to deeply emarginate, rather broad and thick, medium spaced to rather distant, lemon yellow to lemon chrome or honey, more saturated than the margin of the pileus. Stipe 50–130 × 8–25 mm, cylindrical or slightly club-shaped, smooth or more often distinctly fibrillose, at base often with white tomentum, straw yellow, pale yellow to light chrome, darkest and most yellow towards base, with age often duller, pale cream to cream, with a ± fibrillose brownish covering; basal mycelium whitish to faintly yellowish. Flesh rather firm, coloured more or less like the surface; smell strong, tar- or gas-like as in T. sulphureum, after cutting more farinaceous; taste unpleasant, mild, farinaceousrancid to slightly bitter. Spores 8.2–14.4 × 4.7–8.4 μm, average 9.4–12.3 × 5.6–7.5 μm, ellipsoid to elongate or amygdaliform, Q = 1.3–2.0, average 1.62–1.69. Basidia 35–60 × 7.5–10.0 μm, mainly 2-spored. Cheilocystidia not observed. Pileipellis an interwoven cutis with individual hyphal elements generally 50–150 × 3–6 μm; subpellis poorly differentiated. Clamp connections not observed, apparently absent.

Ecology & Habitat — Ectomycorrhizal with Picea and possibly Pinus, mainly in rich, mixed forests on calcareous soils. Most records are from moist, eutrophic depressions, or spring-fed slopes with abundant bryophytes, but there are also some records from drier soils.

Known distribution — Central Sweden, Norway and Finland; most likely widespread in Fennoscandia, and possibly in the mountains of central Europe.

Additional material examined. FINLAND, Koillismaa, Kuusamo, Iivaara, E slope, S of Saunakunnas, near Isokorpi, forest with mainly Picea abies and scattered Pinus sylvestris, Alnus incana and Betula, eutrophic depression, 29 Aug. 2007, Jukka Vauras (25068, TURA); Perä-Pohjanmaa, Rovaniemi rural commune, Jaatila, Jaatilanvaara, near Kylmäojao brook, fairly rich, gently W-sloping, spring-fed forest with Picea abies, Betula, Alnus incana, Populus tremula and Pinus sylvestris, 11 Aug. 1999, Jukka Vauras (15082F, TURA); ibid., 19 Aug. 1999, Jukka Vauras (15223F, TURA).

Notes — The new species is distinguished from T. sulphureum mainly by its habitat, the dull yellow colours and the whitish basal mycelium. The difference in coloration is distinct even in exsiccata, which are typically pale buff in T. bryogenum, but cinnamon to greyish brown in T. sulphureum. A further difference may be the absence of clamp connections in T. bryogenum, but we are not certain if this character difference is truly stable. Tricholoma bryogenum is quite similar to T. odorum described from North America, but the latter taxon has more crowded lamellae.

Tricholoma boreosulphurescens Mort.Chr. & Heilm.-Claus., sp. nov. — MycoBank MB816911; Fig. 3d

Etymology. From latin ‘borealis’ (northern) combined with the species epithet of Tricholoma sulphurescens, a closely related and morphologically almost similar relative with a southern distribution in Europe.

Holotype. NORWAY, Finnmark, Alta, Kåfjordsbotten, S of Hesteskovattnet, under Betula, 18 Aug. 2004, Per Marstad 197-04 (O-F187683).

Diagnosis — A medium-sized to large Tricholoma, with whitish colours and strongly yellowing context. Mycorrhizal with Betula and possibly Picea in boreal and subalpine forests on calcareous soils. Morphologically very similar to T. sulphurescens, but with substantial differences in the mitochondrial ITS region and a different ecology and distribution range.

Pileus 30–100 mm, at first bell-shaped to convex, soon low convex to plane or slightly depressed, often irregularly wavy, with or without a low umbo, dry and dull, very finely velutinate, without radial structure, white when young, becoming pale chrome, ochraceous or yellowish brown with age, especially in central part, strongly yellowing when touched, after some time fading to ochre. Lamellae adnate to emarginate, medium broad, medium spaced to rather crowded, whitish to cream or pale chrome, with age becoming lemon yellow to honey, especially near the edges or when damaged. Stipe 50–100 × 10–20 mm, ± cylindrical, mostly widened at base, more rarely tapering, smooth, but mostly finely floccose to squamulose at top, at base often velutinate, at first white to whitish chrome, staining lemon yellow to pale chrome, especially when touched, slowly fading to clay buff reddish brown. Flesh rather firm, white to cream, staining lemon yellow to sulphur yellow after cutting; smell strong, at first recalling lemons, then complex nauseating, combining aromatic flowery, gas-like and rancid components; taste first mild, but after a while somewhat acrid to bitter. Spores 4.5–7.6 × 3.9–6.0 μm, average 5.6–6.4 × 4.2–5.1 μm, predominantly broadly ellipsoid, Q = 1.0–1.5, average 1.20–1.25. Basidia 25–35 × 5.5–8 μm, mainly 4-spored. Cheilocystidia not observed. Pileipellis an irregularly interwoven cutis with individual hyphal elements generally 50–200 × 4–10 μm; subpellis poorly differentiated. Clamp connections present at some septa.

Ecology & Habitat — Ectomycorrhizal with Betula and possibly Picea on calcareous soils in rich, mixed Picea dominated forests and in subalpine Betula forests near the timber line.

Known distribution — Seemingly with an eastern distribution in Fennoscandia; known from several localities in the northern part of Finland, but only from scattered localities in Sweden and Norway. Probably distributed eastwards in Russia, and perhaps even present in other parts of Europe, e.g. in subalpine forests in central European mountain chains.

Additional material examined. FINLAND, Outer Ostrobothnia (PeP/Obu), Tervola, Peura, Raemäki, E of the forest road to Syvälampi, between the pond Pikku-Ruuntana and Raemäenjänkä, S-sloping, grass-herb spruce forest with spring-fed depressions on calcareous ground, 11 Oct.1997, Ilkka Kytövuori 97-1187 (H6002040); Koillismaa, Kuusamo, Oulanka National Park, N of the biological field station, E of Puukkosuo, herb rich forest with Picea abies, Pinus sylvestris, Betula, Populus tremula and Salix, eutrophic depression with Daphne mezereum, Filipendia ulmaria, Goodyera repens, Cirsium helenoides and Elymus caninus, 4 Sept. 2005, Jukka Vauras (23414F, TURA); Koillismaa, Kuusamo, Oulanka National Park, Ampumavaara, E of Puukkosuo, S of the main road, margin of eutrophic depression with Picea abies, Pinus sylvestris, Alnus incana, Betula and Salix. 30 Aug. 2007, Emanuele Campo & Jukka Vauras (25089F, TURA).

Notes — Tricholoma sulphurescens has long been known as rare but easily identified species characterized by whitish colours and strongly yellowing context. While working with the volume on Tricholoma in Fungi of Northern Europe (Christensen & Heilmann-Clausen 2013) we realized that collections from boreal to subalpine Fennoscandia represented a clearly different lineage, than collections from southern Europe that are typically associated with Fagus and Quercus, on warm calcareous soils. Since T. sulphurescens was originally described from Italy (Bresadola 1905) we here describe the new species as T. boreosulphurescens emphasizing its boreal distribution. The new species is very similar to T. sulphurescens in all important morphological characters. Our updated phylogeny presented here strongly indicates the presence of a third cryptic taxon in the group represented by one collection from Italy and one from a boreonemoral forest with Quercus and Tilia in Estonia. It remains to be determined which of the two non-boreal lineages corresponds to the type specimen of T. sulphurescens originally described by Bresadola, and the degree to which they are separable based on morphological or ecological characters.


With the present study we have provided a first comprehensive phylogenetically supported taxonomic overview of the genus Tricholoma in northern Europe. Based on this we consider sections Caligata, Atrosquamosa and Terrea as rather well evaluated taxonomically on the European continental scale. All three sections have been sampled intensively in this or other studies, and we would be surprised if future studies will change fundamentally with the species delimitations presented here and elaborated in more detail by Christensen & Heilmann-Clausen (2013). For all other sections our sampling is limited and additional European species are likely to occur, not least in southern Europe. The sections Genuina, Contextocutis, Sericella and Tricholoma in particular are in need of further phylogenetic studies with T. equestre, T. sulphureum and T. viridilutescens/sejunctum representing species complexes with considerable cryptic diversity. These are all represented across the northern hemisphere and future studies addressing these two groups should apply a comprehensive sampling strategy and apply multiple genetic markers to unravel the complex phylogeography of both groups.

Many Tricholoma species appear to have a circumboreal distribution based on the data presented in our study. At least T. aurantium, T. batschii, T. bonii, T. dulciolens, T. focale, T. frondosae, T. inamoenum, T. matsutake, T. portentosum, T. roseoacerbum T. stans and T. triste have almost exact ITS similarity across two or three continents, and according to Jargeat et al. (2010) the same applies for T. argyraceum and T. cingulatum. Most extreme in this respect is T. roseoacerbum, which according to our data, is present in Finland, Canada, Japan and Mexico. In Europe it is considered a rarity (Riva 1988, Christensen & Heilmann-Clausen 2013), making the wide distribution particularly intriguing. The above-mentioned species with an intercontinental distribution are all associated with widely distributed boreal host tree genera: T. dulciolens and T. inamoenum are primarily associated with Picea, T. frondosae with Populus, T. cingulatum with Salix, while T. aurantium and T. argyraceum have a broad host selection. The remaining species are associated primarily or exclusively with Pinus. Thus, none of the species associated exclusively with nemoral deciduous hosts, including Fagus and Quercus occurs across continents based on our data. Grubisha et al. (2012), investigated in more detail the phylogeography of T. populinum and found substantial divergence between North American and Fennoscandian populations, pointing to a reproductive isolation established 1–1.7 million years ago. Similar studies investigating the phylogeography of the apparently circumboreal species mentioned above would be interesting.

Regarding the higher level taxonomy, our study has provided support for several classical sections accepted in Tricholoma, but with some modifications. Most importantly our data showed T. focale to be a member of sect. Genuina, rather than sect. Caligata, while T. sciodes and allied taxa were shown to belong to sect. Tricholoma rather than to sections Terrea or Atrosquamosa. While ITS appears to be a stable marker for species delimitations in Tricholoma (Mouhamadou et al. 2008, Jargeat et al. 2010) there are no reasons to believe that the region can resolve higher taxonomic relationships at a sufficiently detailed level (e.g. Frøslev et al. 2005). Hence the here suggested infrageneric classification should be viewed as preliminary, and we encourage further studies using multiple molecular markers to investigate the infrageneric phylogeny of the genus. As the majority of known species in Tricholoma occurs in North America it is obvious that a careful sampling of North American taxa should be part of such a study, but even Asia, Australia, New Zealand and southern South America host Tricholoma species that are highly relevant to include in future attempts to unravel the biodiversity, evolution and phylogeography of this important ectomycorrhizal genus.


Irene Andersson, Niclas Bergius, Tor Erik Brandrud, Gro Gulden, Liz Holden, Claes Ingvert, Thomas S. Jeppesen, Kuulo Kalamees, Tommy Knutsson, Michael Krikorev, Lasse Kosonen, Ilkka Kytövuori, Christian Lange, Perry Larsen, Thomas Læssøe, Jens Maarbjerg, Michal Mikšik, Pierre-Arthur Moreau, Siw Muskos, Johan Nitare, Machiel Noordeloos, Clark Ovrebo, Scott Redhead, Alfredo Riva, Svengunnar Ryman, Sigvard Svensson, Jukka Vauras and Jan Vesterholt† are thanked for valuable discussions, for giving us the opportunity to study their interesting collections and for allowing us to use their sequence data. The curators of the herbaria C, E, H, K, L, LIP, LUG, M, O, OULU, S, TAA and UPS are thanked for arranging loans. We want to thank the J. E. Lange and the Flora Agaricina Danica Foundations for supporting collection trips outside Denmark, while UNITE is thanked for supporting the sequencing of collections.


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Articles from Persoonia : Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi are provided here courtesy of Naturalis Biodiversity Center & Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures