Several errors occurred in this paper by Williams and others (13 March 1999, pp 693-8). Because earlier versions of the figures were inadvertently submitted with the final manuscript, some of the data are incorrect. Figure 1 should have shown that 42 [not 41] infants who received iron supplemented formula milk remained in the study. Figures 2 and 3 should have shown that, due to missing data, comparative studies were carried out on 38 pairs of observations [not individual] in infants receiving unmodified cows' milk; correct versions of figures 2 and 3 appear below. In the results section of the abstract the 95% confidence intervals for personal and social scores should have read 1.2 to 16.8 [not −5.4 to 17.2]. The conclusions remain unchanged.
Figure 2.
Changes in Griffiths general quotient score between enrolment and 24 months of age in infants receiving unmodified cows' milk or iron supplemented formula milk
Figure 3.
Changes in Griffiths subscales between enrolment and 24 months of age