Figure 3.
Local efficiency of right dorsal anterior cingulate cortex/middle frontal gyrus (R dACC/MFG) showed a significant group difference between task and rest. For global graph metrics, linear mixed effects (LME) models used to assess graph metric showed a significant interaction of group (MDD, CTL) by brain state (REST, TASK); for local graph metrics, LMEs testing group by brain state interaction effects were conducted for each of the 16 nodes of interest. Only local efficiency of the right dACC/MFG was significant after Bonferroni correction. (a) Graph representation of unweighted connections between right dACC/MFG (shown in black) with all other network nodes colored according to network membership (see Figure 1) using Gephi ( (b) Sagittal view of right dACC/MFG in MNI space (radiological convention). (c) Post hoc t-tests indicated that individuals with MDD did not significantly differ in local efficiency of right dACC/MFG between rest and task, whereas the CTL individuals showed lower local efficiency of right dACC/MFG during the task compared to rest.