Figure 3. Ab Blocks Fsh-Fshr Interaction to Activate Ucp1.
Immunostaining with an anti-Fshr antibody of inguinal (iWAT) and visceral WAT (vWAT) and BAT sections (see Methods) (representative from 4 mice/group) (a). Cyclic AMP levels in differentiated 3T3.L1 cells (3 biologic samples, in duplicate) (b). Luc2 activity in Thermo cells cultured in 10% (v/v) FBS (containing Fsh) (three biological replicates) (c). Luc2 radiance in nu/nu mice (normal chow) injected with Ab or IgG (200 µg/day, i.p., 8 weeks) after implantation of 1.5×106 Thermo cells into both flanks (two mice were also transplanted in upper trunk) (3 and 4 mice/group) (d). Ctrl: two non-transgenic mice injected with D-Luciferin. (e) tdTomato fluorescence in frozen sections of cell-implanted areas from the experiment in (d). Two-tailed Student’s T-test, *P≤0.05, **P≤0.01, ^P=0.0756; mean ± SEM.