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. 2017 Aug 22;115:T4.

Evaluation of Visual Field and Imaging Outcomes for Glaucoma Clinical Trials (An American Ophthalomological Society Thesis)

David F Garway-Heath 1,, Ana Quartilho 1, Philip Prah 1, David P Crabb 1, Qian Cheng 1, Haogang Zhu 1
PMCID: PMC5652981  PMID: 29085257



To evaluate the ability of various visual field (VF) analysis methods to discriminate treatment groups in glaucoma clinical trials and establish the value of time-domain optical coherence tomography (TD OCT) imaging as an additional outcome.


VFs and retinal nerve fibre layer thickness (RNFLT) measurements (acquired by TD OCT) from 373 glaucoma patients in the UK Glaucoma Treatment Study (UKGTS) at up to 11 scheduled visits over a 2 year interval formed the cohort to assess the sensitivity of progression analysis methods. Specificity was assessed in 78 glaucoma patients with up to 11 repeated VF and OCT RNFLT measurements over a 3 month interval. Growth curve models assessed the difference in VF and RNFLT rate of change between treatment groups. Incident progression was identified by 3 VF-based methods: Guided Progression Analysis (GPA), ‘ANSWERS’ and ‘PoPLR’, and one based on VFs and RNFLT: ‘sANSWERS’. Sensitivity, specificity and discrimination between treatment groups were evaluated.


The rate of VF change was significantly faster in the placebo, compared to active treatment, group (−0.29 vs +0.03 dB/year, P<.001); the rate of RNFLT change was not different (−1.7 vs −1.1 dB/year, P=.14). After 18 months and at 95% specificity, the sensitivity of ANSWERS and PoPLR was similar (35%); sANSWERS achieved a sensitivity of 70%. GPA, ANSWERS and PoPLR discriminated treatment groups with similar statistical significance; sANSWERS did not discriminate treatment groups.


Although the VF progression-detection method including VF and RNFLT measurements is more sensitive, it does not improve discrimination between treatment arms.


There has been considerable interest over the last decade in improving the design of clinical trials for glaucoma interventions and, in particular, assessing the potential for imaging measurements of optic nerve structure to be surrogate outcomes for clinical trials. This is motivated by the perception that that visual field (VF) measurements of optic nerve function are too insensitive or imprecise, or both, to be able to measure treatment effects in clinical trials over a short duration.

Visual field loss deterioration is a recognised outcome for glaucoma clinical trials,1 however, VF measurements are variable and the variability becomes greater as the VF deteriorates.24 Mitigation of the effects of variability, to accurately detect true disease deterioration (‘progression’), requires frequent VF testing and/or a long period of time.5,6 In clinical trials with a VF outcome, variability results in the requirement for large numbers of patients over long observation periods. Historically, the observation periods for trials with a VF outcome have been 4 years or longer,710 with the shortest being 30 months,11 until the recently-reported United Kingdom Glaucoma Treatment Study (UKGTS).12 The UKGTS was designed with more frequent VF testing, and with short between-test intervals at the baseline, 18-month and 24-month visits (‘clustering’),13 to establish whether frequent and clustered tests enable shorter observation periods. The primary outcome analysis was for a difference in time to a VF progression event at the 24-month follow-up time point between latanoprost-treated and placebo treated participants. A highly statistically significant difference was evident at 24 months (P=.0003) and the difference was even significant at 12 months (P=.035).

The UKGTS was also designed to enable the evaluation of optic nerve imaging measurements as potential clinical trial outcomes (VF surrogates), using imaging devices available at the initiation of the trial: scanning laser ophthalmoscopy,14,15 scanning laser polarimetry16 and time-domain (TD) optical coherence tomography (OCT).17 For a surrogate, or biomarker, to be suitable as an alternative outcome, it must be strongly associated with the outcome of greatest relevance to the patient – in the case of glaucoma, this is visual function. The accepted measure of glaucomatous damage to visual function is standard automated perimetry (SAP), colloquially, the VF test. Candidates as surrogate outcomes include intraocular pressure (IOP) and measurements of optic nerve structure derived from ocular imaging.

The effect of therapeutic interventions on the IOP has long been used as an outcome in clinical trials of glaucoma treatments. However, whilst the association between the level of IOP and rate of glaucoma deterioration is statistically highly significant, IOP is a poor predictor of deterioration because many other (‘non-IOP’) factors affect glaucoma susceptibility so that patients deteriorate at all levels of IOP.11,18,19 Furthermore, IOP is unsuitable as an outcome of a disease-modifying treatment which has no effect on IOP (so-called ‘neuroprotective’ treatments).

The rationale for the use of imaging outcomes as surrogates for VF loss is more obvious. The loss of vision in glaucoma is a consequence of damage to, and death of, retinal ganglion cells (RGCs).20,21 The quantitative and spatial relationship between image-based measurements of the neural rim at the ONH and RNFL loss and VF damage is well-recognised2228 and imaging-based quantitative measurements have diagnostic utility.2935 Numerous publications support the ability of imaging-based measurements to identify glaucoma deterioration14,3645 and progressive structural change has been shown to be useful as a predictor of subsequent VF loss.46,47

The ability of imaging to detect progression has been compared to that of VF testing, controlling for the false-positive rate of the chosen progression criteria;14,39 with criteria matched for specificity, studies have found similar detection sensitivity for imaging compared to VF testing.14,39 However, agreement on the eyes demonstrating glaucomatous progression was poor (for the most part, different eyes were identified as progressing by structure and function).48 Measurement variability prevents deterioration from being identified in a proportion of eyes.3,4958 Because the source of measurement variability is different in VF testing and imaging, the eyes in which deterioration is missed are different for the two techniques. It makes sense, therefore, to make use of imaging data to compensate for the failure of VF testing to identify some of the deteriorating eyes.

At present, regulatory authorities recognise VF test outcomes for trials evaluating therapeutic interventions for glaucoma, but not yet structural outcomes based on imaging.1,59 Surrogate outcomes, such as structural measurements based on imaging, need to be strongly correlated with the clinically relevant outcome, in this case VF loss, and capture the effect of a treatment intervention on that clinically relevant outcome.60,61 The correlation between structural and VF measurements has been established25,26,46,47 and the potential for structural measurements (scanning laser ophthalmoscopy measurements of the ONH) to capture treatment effects has been demonstrated.62 However, no clinical trial data demonstrating that structural outcomes capture treatments effects on the VF have been published.

Making use of imaging measurements does not necessarily require that the measurements be used directly as a surrogate outcome, as an alternative to VF deterioration. Instead, the imaging measurements can be combined in Bayesian statistical models with VF data, to provide a background (prior) probability that the visual function of an eye might be deteriorating. This allows the additional information on the deterioration status of the eye provided from imaging to be utilized, but VF loss remains the primary outcome. Establishing whether a new model of deterioration better describes the true underlying disease behaviour is not straight-forward, because there is no external ‘gold standard’ measurement of glaucoma deterioration.63,64 An approach to evaluate a model is to apply it to initial data in a series and use it to predict observed data later in the series;6569 the model with smaller prediction errors can be assumed to be a better representation of the underlying data than the model with greater prediction errors. Russell demonstrated that the prediction of future visual function states, based on linear regression of observed VF series, improved when the analysis included the rate of neural rim loss, measured with the scanning laser ophthalmoscope, as a Bayesian prior.70 Applying a different statistical approach, Medeiros also used a Bayesian method to jointly model structural and functional progression and found that prediction accuracy was greater when structural data were included.67 Other methods to combine imaging and VF data are emerging in the literature.7173

Validation of any approach to identify glaucoma deterioration is challenging because, as mentioned, there is no ‘gold standard’ arbiter of the ‘truth’. Various methods have been used in the past to compare different approaches, all of which make certain assumptions. A general method is to match the false positive frequency for criteria so that technologies/approaches being compared have similar criterion specificity; it is then assumed that the technology with the higher ‘hit’ frequency (identified deterioration) is the more sensitive. 3,14,16,39,7481 An indicator of a test criterion false positive frequency is the number of eyes with stable glaucoma which are flagged as deteriorating. Defining ‘stable glaucoma’ with a progression criterion becomes a circular argument, so typically patient cohorts are selected which are at low risk for progression and tested sequentially over a sufficiently short period of time that measureable change would not occur.82,83 The main assumption with this approach is that the variability characteristics for the tests are the same over the short period as they would be over typical clinical time scales. 68,84

The variability in VF measurements is well known and often regarded as a consequence of the subjective, psychophysical nature of the test. On the other hand, imaging devices are regarded as acquiring measurements objectively, with an expectation that measurement variability would be low. There is, however, appreciable imprecision in structural measurements. A discernible change in RNFL thickness can be described by ‘tolerance limits’ for test retest variability (1.645 × √2 × test retest standard deviation).85 For a widely-used commercial spectral-domain OCT, the Cirrus OCT, the tolerance limit for average RNFL thickness measurement is 3.9μm. The dynamic range of RNFL thickness measurements varies between commercial devices; for the Cirrus OCT, a value of 35.5μm has been reported.86 The number of steps of discernible change across the dynamic range is, therefore, about 9. Measurement imprecision is greater for TD OCT, with tolerance limits reported of between 6.4 to 8μm.87 It is, therefore, by no means clear that imaging provides a more precise estimate of glaucoma deterioration than VF testing. A recent study showed that deterioration may be identified by either VF testing or OCT imaging across the spectrum of glaucoma severity, but estimated that deterioration is more likely to be identified with spectral-domain OCT imaging of the RNFL than VF testing in the earlier stages of glaucoma (up to around a VF mean deviation [MD] of −10dB) and is more likely with VF testing in the later stages of glaucoma.45

The purpose of this study was to evaluate various statistical methods to identify VF deterioration and to establish whether progression models which include TD OCT measurements of the RNFL are more sensitive in identifying deterioration and enable better discrimination between treatment arms of a clinical trial.

The analyses were undertaken in the UKGTS data sets.12

Specifically, in evaluating the TD OCT data, we ask the following questions:

  1. Does the rate of RNFL loss differ in the two treatment arms of the UKGTS?

  2. Is the rate of RNFL loss a significant predictor of VF loss in the UKGTS?

  3. Does a composite RNFL/VF outcome provide:

    1. more sensitive identification of progression?

    2. more accurate predictions of future VF loss?

    3. better discrimination between the treatment arms of the trial?

The main hypothesis being tested is whether a composite RNFL/VF outcome provides better discrimination between the treatment arms of a clinical trial of IOP-lowering medication. For reference, we provide sample size calculations for various clinical trial scenarios based of the analysis providing the best separation between treatment groups.



Two data sources were employed. One was a data set from the UKGTS placebo-controlled clinical trial,12 in which VF and OCT imaging data were acquired over an observation period of up to 2 years; OCT imaging was undertaken on participants from seven of the 10 study sites. This is termed the ‘UKGTS data set’. The second data set was a test retest data set of glaucoma patients attending a single study site with up to 11VFs and OCT images acquired within a 3-month interval. This is termed the ‘RAPID data set’.

UKGTS data set

The UKGTS design, participant characteristics and main outcomes are described in detail elsewhere.12,88,89 The UKGTS was a multicentre randomized controlled trial conducted at ten centres across the UK. Centres were district general hospitals, teaching hospitals and tertiary referral centres. The UKGTS was an RCT that compared the effects of latanoprost, a topical treatment to lower IOP, with placebo on survival from VF deterioration. 516 patients with newly diagnosed open-angle glaucoma were enrolled, with 777 eyes eligible for entry into the study.

Patients were followed up every 2–3 months after eye drop therapy was initiated, for up to 11 scheduled visits (Table 1). Participants attended for additional visits, at which VF testing and imaging were repeated, if tentative VF deterioration was identified according to certain pre-set criteria. Visual function was monitored by VF testing (detailed below) and ONH structured was monitored with the Heidelberg retina tomograph at all study locations and with the Stratus OCT (detailed below) and GDxECC Nerve Fiber Analyzer at locations with those devices. The subset of UKGTS participants with both VF testing and OCT imaging was used in this work.



Visual Fields 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2
HRT 3 2 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 1
Optic disc photography 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
GDxVCC 3 2 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 1
OCT 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 5

Number of tests/images at each visit (HRT: Heidelberg retina tomography, VCC: variable cornea compensation, OCT: optical coherence tomography)

The primary outcome for the trial was glaucomatous VF deterioration (progression) within 24 months. Details of the method for determining progression in the VFs has been published.12,88 Progression analysis was performed in the Humphrey Field Analyzer II-i Guided Progression Analysis (GPA) software. The criterion for tentative progression was three locations worse than baseline in two consecutive VFs (3 half-shaded locations [up to two of which could be fully-shaded]). If tentative deterioration was identified, participants returned for confirmation tests within 1 month. At this confirmation visit, 2 VF tests were performed; if the same criterion of three half-shaded (or full-shaded) locations was satisfied in these confirmation tests, then the patient was considered to have progressed. Patients deemed to have progressed left the trial and treatment was adjusted as deemed appropriate by the treating clinician. Patients leaving the trial were invited to an ‘exit visit’ before treatment adjustment. If a patient was found to not be progressing at the confirmation visit, then (s)he returned to the standard visit schedule (Table 1).

The study was undertaken in accordance with Good Clinical Practice guidelines and adhered to the Declaration of Helsinki. The trial was approved by the Moorfields and Whittington Research Ethics Committee on June 1, 2006 (reference 09/H0721/56). All patients provided written informed consent before screening investigations. An independent Data and Safety Monitoring Committee (DSMC) was appointed by the trial steering committee. The trial manager monitored adverse events, which were reported immediately to the operational DSMC at Moorfields Eye Hospital. Serious adverse events were reported to the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency. This trial registration number is ISRCTN96423140.

RAPID data set

The Rapid data set was acquired from volunteer patients attending the glaucoma clinics at Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, which functions as a district general and teaching hospital and a tertiary referral centre; VF testing and imaging was undertaken in the National Institute for Health Research Clinical Research Facility.

The study ‘Assessing the effectiveness of imaging technology to rapidly detect disease progression in glaucoma: ‘stable data’ collection’ was undertaken in accordance with Good Clinical Practice guidelines and adhered to the Declaration of Helsinki. The trial was approved by the North of Scotland National Research Ethics Service committee on September 27, 2013 (reference 13/NS/0132) and NHS Permissions for Research was granted by the Joint Research Office at University College Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust on December 3, 2013. All patients provided written informed consent before screening investigations.

The recruitment criteria for the ‘Stable Glaucoma’ Cohort were similar to those of the UKGTS clinical trial and the number of repeat tests approximated the number acquired during the UKGTS.

Inclusion Criteria:

  • Open angle glaucoma (OAG; including primary OAG, normal tension glaucoma and pseudoexfoliation glaucoma) in either eye according to the definition for entry to the UKGTS. 88

  • Age over 18 years

  • Snellen visual acuity equal to or better than 6/12

  • Able to give informed consent and attend at the required frequency for the duration of the study.

Exclusion criteria:

  • Visual field loss worse than −16 dB or paracentral points with sensitivity < 10dB in both the upper and lower hemifields in either eye

  • IOP > 30mmHg in either eye

  • Unable to perform reliable visual field testing (false positive rate > 15%)

  • Poor quality OCT (quality score < 15 for FD-OCT and < 7 for SD-OCT)

  • Refractive error outside the range − 8 to +8 diopters

  • Previous intraocular surgery (other than uncomplicated cataract extraction with posterior chamber lens implantation or uncomplicated trabeculectomy)

  • Cataract extraction with posterior chamber lens implantation within the last year

  • Diabetic retinopathy

Study schedule: participants attended approximately once a week and underwent VF testing and TD OCT imaging as outlined below. Two sets of tests from each device were acquired at the first visit and one from each at subsequent visits to give a total of 11 tests for each device. In addition to the VF tests and TD OCT imaging, participants were also imaged with the Spectralis OCT (Heidelberg Engineering, Heidelberg, Germany) and the DRI OCT-1 Atlantis (Topcon, Japan).

The sample size for the ‘specificity’ data set was determined as a pragmatic solution to balance precision of estimates and feasibility. A sample of 80 subjects was deemed sufficient to approximate between individual differences in test-retest variability.


Table 2 gives the principal demographic data for the subset of UKGTS participants with OCT images.88 The participant characteristics in the subset of UKGTS patients with OCT images are very similar to those of the full UKGTS data set.




Age (years) 66.3 47.3 – 81.1 65.7 44.7 – 79.6
IOP (mmHg) 19.0 12.0 – 28.0 19.0 12.5 – 27.0
SAP MD (dB) −2.73 −10.60 – −0.17 −2.57 −10.98 – −0.02
RNFL thickness (μ) 75.3 48.2 – 106.6 77.2 56.1 – 101.3
Visual acuity (Snellen) 6/6 6/5 – 6/9 6/6 6/5 – 6/12
Refractive error (D) 0.00 −6.85 – 3.13 −0.13 −6.13 – 2.29

Sex (female) 86 48 79 43
Ethnic origin
 White 153 86 165 90
 Black 15 8 8 4
 Indian subcontinent 4 2 8 4
 Other/unknown 6 3 2 1

Images age, sex and ethnic origin are subject variables; IOP and SAP MD and RNFL thickness are eye variables. Data are provided for eligible eyes.D = diopters; dB = decibel; mmHg = millimetres of mercury; IOP = baseline (pre-treatment) intraocular pressure; MD = baseline (visit 1) mean deviation; SAP = standard automated perimetry

The principal demographic data for participants in the RAPID test retest study are given in Table 3. The data are similar; RAPID participants have slightly more advanced glaucoma (VF MD −4.17 compared to −2.65 dB) and lower IOP (14.0 compared to 19.0 mmHg); there was a lower proportion of white participants in the RAPID study (67% compared to 88%).




Age (years) 70.3 50.0 – 85.6
IOP (mmHg) 14 8.0 – 21.0
SAP MD (dB) −4.17 −14.22 – 0.88
RNFL thickness (μ) 69.0 45.1 – 95.6
Visual acuity (Snellen) 6/6 6/4 – 6/12
Refractive error (D) −0.13 −7.48 – 2.95

Sex (female) 42 58
Ethnic origin
 White 48 67
 Black 16 22
 Indian subcontinent 4 6
 Other/unknown 4 6

Age, sex and ethnic origin are subject variables; IOP and SAP MD and RNFL thickness are eye variables. Data are provided for eligible eyes.D = diopters; dB = decibel; mmHg = millimetres of mercury; IOP = intraocular pressure; MD = mean deviation; SAP = standard automated perimetry

Visual field testing

SAP visual fields were tested with the Swedish interactive threshold algorithm (SITA) standard 24-2 program (Humphrey Field Analyzer, HFA; Carl Zeiss Meditec, Dublin CA). Reliable VF tests were included (<15% false positives and <20% fixation losses). Unreliable tests were repeated on the same day (with a break of at least 30 minutes). All patients had undergone a minimum of two visual field tests before the study started. At the first visit, patients underwent 2 VF tests and the mean of these was used as the baseline in the GPA analysis; if the GPA software rejected a baseline VF on the basis of ‘learning’, the next VF in the series was used as a baseline. VFs rejected by the GPA software were not included in the analyses by other methods.

A glaucomatous VF defect, for study inclusion, was defined as a reproducible (in at least 2 consecutive reliable VFs) reduction in sensitivity at two or more contiguous points with P<.01 loss or greater, or three or more contiguous points with P<.05 loss or greater, or a 10-dB difference across the nasal horizontal midline at two or more adjacent points in the total deviation plot.

Optical Coherence Tomography imaging

OCT imaging was performed through dilated pupils with the Stratus OCT (software version 5.0; Carl Zeiss Meditec) using the ‘landmark’ function. Each patient underwent RNFL scanning with the fast RNFL (3.4mm; 256 A-scans) protocol. The average RNFLT was used for this analysis.


Growth curve models

The aim of this analysis is to identify whether the rate of progression (slope), based on MD or mean RNFLT values over time, is different between the latanoprost and placebo groups.

Subject selection: This analysis considered the subset of UKGTS participants who had OCT imaging available. If both eyes had glaucoma at baseline (eligible for inclusion in the main UKGTS study), the eye with worse baseline VF MD was selected for analysis, as determined by the UKGTS statistical analysis plan. Data were included provided the tests met predetermined quality criteria (VF <15% false positive responses or measurements outside the range +4 to −30dB; OCT quality score ≥7, absence of an image warning message or measurements outside the range 20 to 135 microns RNFLT). Figure 1 details the selection flow chart for the analysis. The OCT data set comprises 284 participants; 3 of these did not qualify for the VF analysis, so that the VF data set comprised 281 participants.



Flow chart for subject and test data selection. Each OCT scan is comprised of 3 peripapillary sweeps; for the purpose of this analysis, each sweep is counted as an image.

A growth curve model is a type of multilevel random slope model where the predictor of interest is a measurement of time. When data are longitudinal and measurements are repeated within patients, time is used as an explanatory variable to describe the rate of change in the outcome. Longitudinal models were used in UKGTS to compare whether the rates of change in a particular outcome differ by intervention group. Thus interaction terms were used to estimate whether the rates are significantly different. Details of the model are given in the appendix.

In addition to the growth curve models, the raw rates of change were plotted to allow assessment of the distribution of rates of measurement change of the two treatment groups. A crude analysis comparing the VF MD and OCT RNFLT slope for each participant across treatments groups was made (Mann-Whitney test for independent samples); this does not take account of the variance in the individual slope estimates.

Association of RNFLT change with VF survival

Progression-free survival was assessed with a Kaplan-Meier survival analysis to illustrate the frequency of progression and the difference between treatment groups. The progression criterion applied was the GPA criterion used in the UKGTS outcome report; the participants analysed are the sub-set with OCT images. To identify whether the rate of OCT RNFLT change was associated with VF progression, a Cox proportional hazards model was fitted to the data with factors potentially associated with survival failure (treatment allocation, age, baseline IOP, baseline VF MD and the slope of RNFLT change). Calculations were performed with MedCalc Statistical Software version 17.1 (MedCalc Software bvba, Ostend, Belgium;; 2017)

Evaluation of 3 statistical models

Progression detection sensitivity

The purpose in this section was to evaluate the relative sensitivity of three methods for identifying progression. These methods were: analysis with non-stationary Weibull error regression and Spatial Enhancement (ANSWERS),69,90 permutation analyses of pointwise linear regression (PoPLR)91 and a modification of ANSWERS to incorporate the RNFLT slope as a prior: structure-guided ANSWERS (sANSWERS).

Subject selection: in this section, 445 eyes of 353 UKGTS participants with at least three follow-up visits and available OCT images, irrespective of image quality, were included. 107 eyes of 70 RAPID participants with 10 or more VF tests and OCT images were included.

ANSWERS: this method is a linear regression technique which formally takes into account the increasing variability of VF sensitivity estimates as sensitivity declines. It also takes into account the spatial correlation between sensitivity values at each location within a VF. Application of ordinary least squares linear regression (OLSLR) makes the assumption that the residuals from the regression are normally distributed. In reality, there is heteroscedasticity, with more dispersed residuals as sensitivity declines. ANSWERS models this heteroscedasticity with a mixture of Weibull distributions. Spatial correlation of measurements is also included into the model using a Bayesian framework. We have previously shown that this technique is more sensitive in identifying VF progression, and provides more accurate predictions of future VF states, than OLSLR of MD over time and PoPLR.69

PoPLR: this is a non-parametric approach based on randomly permuting the observed VF series to identify whether negative change identified in the observed (un-permuted) series is significant, based on the distribution of change identified in the permuted series. The slope of VF sensitivity change is determined by OLSLR and the statistical significance (P value) from each location across the VF is combined into a statistic ‘S’ by using the Truncated Product Method. The statistical significance of S in the observed series is calculated by comparing it with a null distribution of S, derived from permuted sequences of the series.

sANSWERS: this method is a modification of ANSWERS in which there is a 2-layered hierarchical Bayesian model; the prior distribution of the VF progression rate at each VF location is set by the slopes and variance of the rate of change in the RNFLT; this is similar to the approach described previously to incorporate scanning laser ophthalmoscope rim area measurement slopes into VF progression analysis.70 As the spatial correspondence of peripapillary circle sectors and VF locations is known,28 each VF location was mapped to one of 12 peripapillary RNFL sector measurements; the slope and variance of RNFLT over time formed the Bayesian prior for the VF slope.

The specificity of various criteria to ‘call’ progression was evaluated in the RAPID test retest data set and the ‘hit’ rate (a surrogate for criterion ‘sensitivity’ which includes true change and the false positive change allowed by the criterion specificity) was determined from the UKGTS data set for each criterion evaluated.

Criterion specificity was determined for the seven, 13, 18 and 22 month time point. When data were permuted, the VF tests and OCT images for the same day were tied (permuted together); when there was no OCT image associated with a VF test, the VF was permuted alone. 100 permutations were performed for each eye and each time point. The test schedule of the UKGTS was mimicked (Table 1), so that 2 VF tests and equivalent OCT RNFLT measurements were taken at visits 1, 2, 7, and 8 and the time interval between tests was assumed to be as for the UKGTS schedule. In this analysis, the RAPID data series comprise series lengths between 10 and 14 tests. The 18 and 22 month time points require 12 and 14 tests, respectively. Where fewer than these numbers were available in a RAPID series, the available data were taken and the series randomly re-sampled to make up the required series length.

a) Prediction of future VF state

The purpose in this section was to evaluate how well the three analysis methods (detailed above) model the true rate of VF loss. As there is no ‘gold standard’ for the true rate, a surrogate indicator was investigated. This surrogate is the accuracy for predicting the final VF (sensitivity at each location) in a series based on the initial 5 visits in the series and the rate of loss estimated by the analysis method.

This analysis was performed on 445 eyes in the dataset with sufficiently long follow-up and both VF tests and OCT images (irrespective of image quality). A trend line fitted to the tests in the first 5 visits by OLSLR (as in PoPLR) and with the ANSWERS and sANSWERS techniques. The per-subject error for a method is the average absolute difference between the measured sensitivity and the predicted sensitivity across the 52 non-blind spot locations in the VF. The absolute difference is the square root of the squared error.

Survival analyses

The purpose of this section is to evaluate the 3 methods (detailed above) for their ability to distinguish the treatment arms of the UKGTS in the subset of participants with OCT images (irrespective of image quality). The criterion selected for each method was that which gives a 5% false positive rate when applied at any particular time point in the series. The GPA criterion applied in the UKGTS is presented for comparison.

This analysis was performed on 353 UKGTS participant with OCT data, with the first eye showing progression labelling the participant has having progressed (failed); this mirrors the clinical trial scenario where the unit of analysis is the participant. The Hazard Ratio (HR) and associated P value are given as a measure of treatment group separation. Calculations were performed with MedCalc Statistical Software version 17.1 (MedCalc Software bvba, Ostend, Belgium;; 2017)

The criterion 5% false positive rate for the 3 methods does not control for the serial application of the criterion over time (at each test the participant performs), so that the false positive rate for the test series is likely higher (lower specificity). To offset this higher false positive rate, the combination of two criteria, ANSWERS AND PoPLR, was evaluated.

The agreement between methods in identifying progression in the UKGTS participants with OCT data was also assessed.

Sample size calculations

The purpose of this section was to estimate the required sample size for various clinical trial scenarios for observation periods of 12 and 18 months per participant and equal allocation of participants between study arms.

The trial scenarios were comparing:

  1. placebo with an intervention with an effect size of that observed for latanoprost in the UKGTS

  2. an intervention half as effective as latanoprost with an intervention with an effect size equivalent to latanoprost

  3. an intervention 75% as effective as latanoprost with an intervention with an effect size equivalent to latanoprost

  4. an intervention with an effect size equivalent to latanoprost with a combination treatment with an effect size equivalent to 2*latanoprost (latanoprost plus latanoprost)

  5. an intervention with an effect size equivalent to latanoprost with a combination treatment with an effect size equivalent to 1.5*latanoprost (latanoprost plus ½ latanoprost)

The sample size calculations were based on survival curves of UKGTS data and the ‘ANSWERS AND PoPLR’ criterion for VF deterioration. The hazard ratio (HR) for the Latanoprost group compared to the Placebo group was 0.472; a HR of 0.500 was taken for the calculations. In the UKGTS data, progression (deterioration) events were observed from 10 weeks onwards (once sufficient data had been collected for analysis), so the event rate was calculated over the 10 to 78 week (18 month) = 68 week interval (Figure 2). The event rate for the Placebo group was approximately 52% over 68 weeks = 0.76%/week; for the Latanoprost group, the rate was approximately 28% over 68 weeks = 0.41%/week. For each scenario, the calculations were made for the 42 and 68 week periods over which deterioration events could be identified and then the initial 10-week data collection period was added back to give the total observation period.



Survival curves based on the ‘ANSWERS AND PoPLR’ outcome criterion. The vertical grey lines mark the 10-week (earliest possible progression) and 78-week (18-month) time points. The diagonal grey lines approximate the cumulative proportion of participants with an endpoint between 10 and 78 weeks.

The observed attrition rate (loss to follow-up) over the 68 week period was approximately 0.5% per week. In addition, approximately 10% of UKGTS participants were lost to follow-up before the 10 week time point. These attrition rates were assumed for the sample size calculations.

Samples sizes were estimated for definitively-powered studies (Type I error rate of 0.05 and Type II error rate of 0.10) and pilot studies (Type I error rate of 0.10 and Type II error rate of 0.20) for various study scenarios.

The sample size calculations were made with an on-line calculator.92,93



Visual field analysis

There was a significant interaction between rate of change and intervention, so that latanoprost-treated eyes had a more positive rate of VF MD change than the placebo-treated eyes (P=.001;Tables 4 and 5).



Constant −4.33 (−4.87 to −3.8) <0.001
time −0.34 (−0.5 to −0.18) <0.001
latanoprost 0.61 (−0.16 to 1.37) 0.12
time x latanoprost 0.38 (0.16 to 0.61) 0.001
intercept variance 10.39 (8.77 to 12.31)
time variance 0.54 (0.41 to 0.72)
intercept-time covariance 0.59 (0.22 to 0.95)
Within individual variance 1.33 (1.26 to 1.39)


Placebo intercept −4.33 (−4.87 to −3.8)
Placebo slope −0.34 (−0.5 to −0.18)
Latanoprost intercept −3.73 (−4.27 to −3.19)
Latanoprost slope 0.05 (−0.11 to 0.2)

The distribution of rates of change is shown in Figure 3. It can be seen clearly in the histogram that the placebo group has faster rates of deterioration than the latanoprost group (data shifted to the left). The d’Agostino-Pearson test for Normal distribution rejected normality (P<.0001). A Mann-Whitney two-tailed test (independent samples) identified that the distribution of slopes was significantly different P=.0015.



Distribution of the rates of visual field mean deviation change for the subset of UK Glaucoma Treatment Study participants with OCT images (placebo, 143 participants; latanoprost, 141 participants)

OCT analysis

There was no difference in average RNFLT at baseline between intervention groups. Overall, average RNFLT changes at a rate of −1.39 (−1.79 to −0.99) microns per year (data not shown); there was a significant interaction showing that this rate of change was statistically significant (Table 6). There was, however, no significant difference in the rate of RNFLT change between the placebo- and latanoprost-treated groups. Table 7 give the average slope values for each group, −1.7 microns/year for the placebo group and −1.1 microns/year in the latanoprost group (P=.14).



Constant 75.19 (72.8 to 77.58) <0.001
Time −1.70 (−2.27 to −1.12) <0.001
Latanoprost 1.58 (−1.81 to 4.97) 0.36
Time x latanoprost 0.60 (−0.2 to 1.4) 0.14
Intercept variance 210.00 (177.83 to 247.99)
Time variance 8.18 (6.41 to 10.43)
Intercept-time covariance 2.38 (−3.43 to 8.2)
Within individual variance 16.89 (16.32 to 17.49)


Placebo intercept 75.19 (72.8 to 77.58)
Placebo slope −1.7 (−2.27 to −1.12)
Intervention intercept 76.77 (74.36 to 79.17)
Intervention slope −1.1 (−1.65 to −0.54)

The distribution of rates of change is shown in Figure 4. Similarly to the VF data, the placebo group has faster rates of deterioration than the latanoprost group (data shifted to the left). The d’Agostino-Pearson test for Normal distribution rejected normality (P=.0026). A Mann-Whitney two-tailed test (independent samples) identified that the difference in the distributions of slopes approached statistical significance P=.0799.



Distribution of the rates of optical coherence tomography retinal nerve fiber layer thickness change for the subset of UK Glaucoma Treatment Study participants with OCT images (placebo, 143 participants; latanoprost, 141 participants)


The VF progression-free survival is presented in Figure 5 for the participants in the UKGTS with OCT data.



Kaplan-Meier survival curves for the subset of UK Glaucoma Treatment Study participants with OCT images applying the Guided Progression Analysis criterion for progression.

The significance of the association of various factors with progression-free survival is given in Table 8. Only treatment allocation was significantly associated with survival (P=.0094), however, baseline (pre-treatment) IOP, baseline (visit 1) VF MD and the rate of OCT RNFLT change approached statistical significance (P between .07 and .08).



Age 0.01885 0.01357 1.9309 0.1647 1.0190 0.9923 to 1.0465
Allocation −0.7446 0.2865 6.7547 0.0094 0.4749 0.2709 to 0.8327
IOP 0.05189 0.02872 3.2655 0.0708 1.0533 0.9956 to 1.1142
Mean_MD 0.08614 0.04930 3.0533 0.0806 1.0900 0.9896 to 1.2005
OCT_RNFL_slope −0.07104 0.03952 3.2315 0.0722 0.9314 0.8620 to 1.0064


a) Progression detection sensitivity

Figure 6 illustrates the ‘hit rate’ (true positives plus false positives with the progression criterion in the UKGTS data set) plotted against the false positive rate (subjects identified as deteriorating in the ‘stable’ test retest data set) as the criterion for flagging an eye as deteriorating is varied.



The ‘hit rate’ is the proportion of UK Glaucoma Treatment Study participants identified as deteriorating at criterion false positive rates between 0 and 15%. Analyses are shown for ANSWERS, PoPLR and sANSWERS models. Data are show for series intervals (baseline to final observation) of up to 7, 13, 18 and 22 months. The shorter series are a subset of the longer series, so that an eye identified as ‘progressed’ earlier in the series is carried forward as ‘progressed’ in the later series. Data are shown for 445 eyes of 353 participants.

At the 5% false positive rate and after 22 months observation, the hit rate for the ANSWERS and PoPLR methods was very similar, at about 38%. For comparison, the hit rate with the GPA criterion applied in the UKGTS in this subset of eyes with OCT data was 87/394 eligible eyes (22%). The hit rate for sANSWERS was considerably greater at about 72%, suggesting that, for the same false positive, sANSWERS is much more sensitive at identifying a progressing eye. A similar pattern is seen for shorter follow-up durations, but with ANSWERS showing greater sensitivity than PoPLR for short follow-up durations.

b) Prediction of future VF state

The period over which the initial trend line was fitted was a mean (standard deviation) 43.7 (6.6) weeks and the interval from the initial period to the predicted VF was 54.0 (19.7) weeks. The median (5th to 95th centile) prediction error across subjects was 3.9 (1.9 to 8.2) dB for OLSLR, 3.1 (1.6 to 6.0) dB for ANSWERS and 2.5 (1.4 to 4.9) dB for sANSWERS. The difference between methods was evaluated with the Wilcoxon signed-rank test; all pairs of comparisons were significantly different at the P<.0001 level.


The following analyses apply to 353 UKGTS participants with OCT data, with the participant the unit of analysis (either eye, if eligible, showing progression).

  1. GPA analysis

    For reference, the survival analysis according to the GPA survival criterion applied in the UKGTS is shown in Figure 5.

    The HR is 0.543 (95% CI 0.312 – 0.838); Logrank test to compare the survival curves was significant at P=.006

    Four of 70 participants in the RAPID data set demonstrated progression by this criterion. Therefore, the false positive estimate for the VF series (when this criterion is applied to each VF test in the series) in the RAPID data was = 4/70 = 5.7% (95% CI 1.6% – 14.6%)


    The survival analysis according to the ANSWERS criterion is shown in Figure 7.

    The HR is 0.602 (95% CI 0.441 – 0.821); Logrank test to compare the survival curves was significant at P=.0012

  3. PoPLR

    The survival analysis according to the PoPLR criterion is shown in Figure 8.

    The HR is 0.590 (95% CI 0.435 to 0.800); Logrank test to compare the survival curves was significant at P=.0006


    The survival analysis according to the sANSWERS criterion is shown in Figure 9.

    The HR is 0.834 (95% CI 0.655 – 1.066); Logrank test to compare the survival curves was not significant (P=.13)

  5. Combined ‘ANSWERS AND PoPLR’

    The survival analysis according to the ‘ANSWERS AND PoPLR’ criterion is shown in Figure 10.

    The HR is 0.472 (95% CI 0.333 – 0.668); Logrank test to compare the survival curves was significant at P<.0001



Kaplan-Meier survival curves for the subset of UK Glaucoma Treatment Study participants with OCT images applying the ANSWERS criterion for progression.



Kaplan-Meier survival curves for the subset of UK Glaucoma Treatment Study participants with OCT images applying the PoPLR criterion for progression.



Kaplan-Meier survival curves for the subset of UK Glaucoma Treatment Study participants with OCT images applying the structure-guided ANSWERS (sANSWERS) criterion for progression.



Kaplan-Meier survival curves for the subset of UK Glaucoma Treatment Study participants with OCT images applying the ‘ANSWERS AND PoPLR’ criterion for progression.

The agreement between the GPA, ANSWERS and PoPLR criteria in identifying progression is shown in Figure 11. The agreement was ‘fair’ to ‘moderate’, with the following weighted Kappa values: GPA vs ANSWERS 0.34 (95% CI 0.25 to 0.42), GPA vs PoPLR 0.34 (95% CI 0.25 to 0.42) and ANSWERS vs PoPLR 0.58 (95% CI 0.50 to 0.67).



Venn diagram illustrating the agreement for UK Glaucoma Treatment Study participants identified as progressing by Guided Progression Analysis, ANSWERS and PoPLR criteria for progression. The numbers represent the number of participants in each category.

Sample size calculations have been calculated for studies of 12 and 18 months per participant and for a definitive study (Type I error rate of 0.05, Type II error rate of 0.10) and a pilot study (Type I error rate of 0.10, Type II error rate of 0.20). The numbers given are for the total sample (both arms).

  1. Sample size for a placebo-controlled study, with an effect size of that observed for latanoprost in the UKGTS (Table 9); assumed HR 0.50 and event rate in Placebo group of 0.76%/week (0.395 events/year).

  2. Sample size comparing an intervention half as effective as latanoprost (group 0) with an intervention with an effect size equivalent to latanoprost (Table 10); assumed HR 0.50 and event rate in group 0 of 0.58%/week (0.304 events/year).

  3. Sample size comparing an intervention 75% as effective as latanoprost (group 0) with an intervention with an effect size equivalent to latanoprost (Table 11); assumed HR 0.75 and event rate in group 0 of 0.50%/week (0.259 events/year).

  4. Sample size comparing an intervention with an effect size equivalent to latanoprost (group 0) with a combination treatment with an effect size equivalent to 2*latanoprost (latanoprost plus latanoprost) (Table 12); assumed HR 0.50 and event rate in group 0 of 0.41%/week (0.213 events/year).

  5. Sample size comparing an intervention with an effect size equivalent to latanoprost (group 0) with a combination treatment with an effect size equivalent to 1.5*latanoprost (latanoprost plus ½ latanoprost) (Table 13); assumed HR 0.75 and event rate in group 0 of 0.41%/week (0.213 events/year).



18 months 353 207
12 months 502 294

Includes 10% initial loss to follow-up and additional participant attrition of 0.5% per week



18 months 440 257
12 months 633 371

Includes 10% initial loss to follow-up and additional participant attrition of 0.5% per week



18 months 2552 1502
12 months 3689 2171

Includes 10% initial loss to follow-up and additional participant attrition of 0.5% per week



18 months 601 352
12 months 878 515

Includes 10% initial loss to follow-up and additional participant attrition of 0.5% per week



18 months 3029 1783
12 months 4417 2599

Includes 10% initial loss to follow-up and additional participant attrition of 0.5% per week


The results of this study show that, whereas the rate of RNFLT loss was faster in the placebo-treated eyes, the difference from the latanoprost-treated eyes did not reach statistical significance. However, the association of the rate of RNFLT change with incident VF loss approached significance and adding the rate of RNFLT change as a Bayesian prior in a model of VF progression made the model considerably more sensitive at identifying progression (for the same false positive rate) and more accurate in modelling the rate of progression. Despite this, adding the OCT structural data to the vision function data from VF testing did not provide greater separation between the treatment groups in the UKGTS.

Identifying the best model for analysing times series of repeated data is challenging. We chose growth curve models as the most suitable. This analysis identified a highly statistically significant difference (P=.001) between treatment groups based on the rate of VF MD change, but did not identify a difference (P=.14) between treatment groups based on the rate of OCT RNFLT change. It is obvious that the signal compared to the ‘noise’ (variability) is lower in the OCT data than in the VF. The growth curve models assume a Normal distribution of the rate of change data. Figures 3 and 4 show that the data are not normally distributed. There are likely two underlying distributions – the noise, which may be approximately normally distributed and the signal (true rates of change) which may have a distribution approximating a Weibull probability density function (κ=0.5, λ=1; Figure 12), with many subjects changing slowly and fewer changing more rapidly. The effect of treatment on these slopes of change may be greatest on those changing the fastest, so that a parametric approach fails to identify that signal. A Mann-Whitney test identified that the distribution of RNFLT slopes approached statistical significance (P=.08), however, this analysis does not take account of the variance in the measurements giving rise to the slope estimates. It may be that non-parametric multilevel models may better detect the signal in the data.94 That said, the principal problem is that the signal-to-noise ratio in the TD OCT data is low relative to that of the VF data. The variability characteristics of measurements from spectral-domain (SD) OCT images are much better, with the variability of SD OCT RNFLT measurements being about half that of TD OCT.95



Illustration of a Weibull probability density function (κ=0.5, λ=1)

The Cox proportional hazards analysis, with OCT RNFLT as a predictor variable, demonstrated that the rate of RNFLT changed approached significance as a predictor of incident VF loss (P=.0722). Thus, the data in this study support that the treatment effect on RNFLT measurements is in the same direction as that on VF measurements and that the structural outcomes are associated with the VF loss, but the signal-to-noise ratio of the TD OCT measurements is insufficient for the measurements to have much utility in the context of study power. SD OCT, because of its better signal-to-noise characteristics, may be more useful.

When the RNFLT rate of change is included as a Bayesian prior in the ANSWERS technique (structure-guided ANSWERS; sANSWERS), the accuracy of modelling the rate of VF loss, as estimated by the prediction of future VF loss, is improved over that of ANSWERS without the structural prior and the PoPLR technique. This implies that the RNFLT data contain information relevant to VF loss. Furthermore, when the false-positive rate was equated between techniques, sANSWERS had considerably greater sensitivity to identify progression than ANSWERS and PoPLR.

The optimal outcome measure for a clinical trial should distinguish the treatment groups (the HR should indicate a large difference) and the proportion of participants with an outcome should be high, so the number of participants required for the trial is low and/or the duration of observation is short. However, the proportion of participants with an outcome should not be so high that the identification of a difference between treatments groups is precluded. The GPA criterion applied in the UKGTS was chosen to have greater sensitivity in the 24-2 VF than the conventional GPA criterion (three locations different from baseline at the 5% level on three consecutive occasions), which was designed for the 30-2 VF tests used in the Early Manifest Glaucoma Trial (EMGT)96; the 30-2 test has 40% more test locations than the 24-2, so the opportunity to detect progression is greater for a 30-2 VF. The false-positive rate of the UKGTS criterion in the RAPID data set was 5.7% (95% CI 1.6% – 14.6%). This compares with an estimated false-positive rate of 2.6% over the course of 10 follow-up visits for the EMGT GPA criterion in the 24-2 VF.83 The UKGTS GPA criterion distinguished between the treatment groups well (the HR in the subset of UKGTS participants with OCT images was 0.543 (95% CI 0.312 – 0.838), P=.006). The ANSWERS and PoPLR techniques distinguished similarly well, but with a greater number of events (Figure 11), which is a positive attribute. The false-positive rate for the ANSWERS, PoPLR and sANSWERS was set at 5% for each application. In clinical practice, as well as in clinical trials, such progression analyses are applied at each visit. Thus, the serial application of the analysis is likely to inflate the false-positive rate. The approach taken in this work to mitigate this effect was to evaluate a criterion for progression that required change by both ANSWERS and PoPLR. This resulted in very good separation between treatment groups (HR 0.472 (95% CI 0.333 – 0.668); P<.0001) and a moderately high proportion of participants with progression.

The sANSWERS technique, as shown by the estimate of sensitivity at a 5% false-positive rate, is considerably more sensitive than the other techniques. However, the technique did not distinguish treatment groups, this may be because the treatment effect is smaller on more slowly progressing eyes.

The sample size estimates show that a placebo-controlled trial of an intervention as effective as latanoprost can be undertaken with an observation period of only 12 months and as few participants as 502. However, sample sizes need to be much larger for studies comparing the impact of the addition of a treatment to latanoprost. For example, identifying the treatment benefit of an intervention half as effective as latanoprost when added to latanoprost requires 3029 participants observed over a period of 18 months.

The sample size estimates are conservative, including both an initial drop-out rate of 10% and an additional rate of 25% per year over the duration of follow-up. These figures are based on the UKGTS, which had an especially onerous follow-up regime with many investigations and questionnaires at initial visits, as well as frequent visits. Although the frequency of visits would need to be maintained in future trials, the burden of tests could be reduced, with an anticipated beneficial impact on the loss to follow-up rate.

Naturally, these sample size estimates relate to cohorts similar to the UKGTS cohort; that is newly-diagnosed subjects with early glaucoma and relatively low IOP. Including newly-diagnosed patients has advantages and disadvantages. An important advantage is that such patients have not had any previous disease-modifying treatment, so the placebo arm fairly reflects the natural history of untreated glaucoma and the treatment arm provides information on the disease modifying effect of a single intervention. However, even though the UKGTS protocol included steps to minimize the inclusion of subjects still learning the VF test,88 the mean MD slope in the treatment arm was slightly positive (0.03 dB/year), despite approximately 20% of latanoprost-treated subjects being identified as having VF deterioration in the first year (by the ‘ANSWERS AND PoPLR’ criterion). This net slight improvement in VF MD suggests either that treatment induces visual field improvement in a proportion of patients or that VF learning effects are causing progressively more positive MD measurements over time. The former hypothesis was tested recently in the EMGT data and found not to be the case.80 If the latter hypothesis is the case, then the measured rates of VF likely underestimate the true rate of glaucoma-related VF loss. Thus the −0.29dB/year average rate of MD loss in the placebo-treated arm may be an under-estimate. Although the average IOP in the UKGTS cohort, at approximately 20mmHg,12 was less than 1mmHg lower than the average IOP in the EMGT, the rate of MD loss in the untreated arm was half that in the EMGT (−0.29 dB/year in the UKGTS and −0.6 dB/year in the EMGT,7 later revised to −1.03 dB/year for a longer observation period97). The rate of VF loss was measured over a longer period in the EMGT, so the impact of VF learning (if occurring mostly over the initial part of the observation period) may be less than that on the UKGTS data.

Quigley evaluated samples sizes for trials in glaucoma based on assumed rates of MD deterioration.98 The rates considered for the (treated) control group were all more than 50% greater than the observed mean rate in untreated patients in the UKGTS. Thus, the calculations may be over-optimistic, although the caveats stated above apply. Also, Quigley’s model assessed the mean and standard deviations of rates of change, whereas it is known that rate-of-change VF data are not normally distributed.97 His sample size estimate for a treatment reducing the rate of progression by 50% over that of a treated control group was 294 (323 adding a 10% initial loss to follow-up), although Type I and II error rates weren’t stated and the duration of observation was not defined. In the placebo group of the UKGTS, the mean rate of MD change was −0.29 dB/year (median −0.15 dB/year), with a standard deviation of 1.94 dB/year. An observation period longer than the 2 years in the UKGTS would be required to reduce the standard deviation of the rate of change to the 1.04 dB/year assumed by Quigley. Our sample size estimate for the same scenario (50% reduction in the rate of progression over that of a treated control group), based on UKGTS trial data, for an observation period of 18 months, was 601 participants (including the 10% initial loss to follow up).

Because the IOP level was not a recruitment criterion, the UKGTS cohort is probably fairly representative of an unselected clinical glaucoma population and the results of the trial can, therefore, be generalized to patients in the clinic. A caveat is that no data were obtained on the IOP and degree of VF loss of subjects declining to participate in the UKGTS. If there had been a tendency for individuals with higher IOP and greater degrees of VF loss to decline participation, then the UKGTS cohort may have ‘milder’ disease than the unselected clinical glaucoma population. Study power is strongly influenced by the event rate (in this case, VF deterioration) and, therefore, study power may be increased (and the required sample size and observation duration may be reduced) by enriching the study population with patients more likely to achieve a deterioration event. This can be done by selecting patients on the basis of risk factors for deterioration, such as higher IOP or the presence of optic disc haemorrhages. Whereas doing this may reduce the required sample size or observation duration, there are potential disadvantages. The outcome of such studies can only be generalized to similar patients and there is a risk that a treatment effect may be incorrectly estimated if the treatment is more, or less, effective in the trial cohort compared to the target clinic population. Disc haemorrhages, for example, are well known to be a risk factor for glaucoma deterioration,99,100 and, although IOP-lowering may be beneficial in these eyes,101 the incidence of disc haemorrhages does not seem to be affected by IOP-lowering treatment.102 If disc haemorrhages represent, at least in part, a non-IOP related risk, then enriching a population with patients with a history of disc haemorrhages in a study assessing the effect of IOP-lowering may not increase study power and may, in fact, have the opposite effect.


The major limitation in these data is the imaging technology that was available at the time. The finding of little benefit to trial power may relate to the low signal-to-noise ratio of the TD OCT RNFLT measurements. Future trials assessing the potential of SD OCT are warranted.

The ANSWERS, PoPLR and sANSWERS progression criteria were not adjusted to account for the impact of multiple testing in time on the false-positive rate. Further work will explore the adjusting of the significance criterion on the separation between treatment groups and the proportion of subjects identified as progression. An additional ‘rate of change’ threshold criterion may also be beneficial.

In searching for the appropriate statistical techniques to evaluate the difference in repeated measures over time, non-parametric approaches may be helpful.94 The joint modelling of incident VF loss with the rate of change in structural measurements, as suggested by Medeiros,62 may be helpful and non-parametric approaches need to be explored.103,104

A limitation that is hard to address when evaluating alternative progression criteria in real-world trial data is that the data are censored as a consequence of the progression criterion that were applied in the trial – once a participant is identified as progressing (s)he exits the study and the data series is curtailed. If an alternative progression criterion fails to identify progression in a censored series, it is not possible to know whether that criterion may have identified progression in that participant had the data not been censored. The only way around this problem is to build virtual models of progressing patients.

The estimate of specificity for the UKGTS GPA criterion was made in 70 RAPID study participants, so the estimate is fairly imprecise. Permuting the VF series from these 70 participants may increase the precision. However, it is presently not possible to permute VF data and analyse GPA progression with the GPA software.



The sponsor for both the UKGTS and RAPID data collection was Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. The Sponsor was responsible for ensuring the IRB approval and NHS Permissions were in place before the initiation of the studies and research governance. The Sponsor is the employer of two statisticians contributing to the analysis of the data (AQ and PP), but had no influence on the choice of analysis or interpretation of the data.

The principal funding for this work was the United Kingdom’s National Institute for Health Research Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Project Funding: 11/129/245 - Assessing the Effectiveness of Imaging Technology to Rapidly Detect Disease Progression in Glaucoma. Additional unrestricted funding was obtained from Pfizer Inc to support the statistical analyses.

Funding for the UKGTS was through an unrestricted investigator-initiated research grant from Pfizer, with supplementary funding from the UK’s NIHR Biomedical Research Centre at Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and UCL Institute of Ophthalmology, London, UK. Equipment loans were made by Heidelberg Engineering, Carl Zeiss Meditec and Optovue (Optovue, Fremont, CA, USA).

DFG-H, AQ, PP and HZ are partly funded by the NIHR Biomedical Research Centre based at Moorfields Eye Hospital and UCL Institute of Ophthalmology.

DFG-H’s chair at UCL is supported by funding from the International Glaucoma Association.

The views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the National Health Service, the National Institute for Health Research, or the Department of Health.


The equation for a longitudinal model allowing for the interaction between rate of change and intervention group is shown below:

  • i = occasion of repeated measure (level 1 indicator)

  • j = participant (level 2 indicator)

  • yij = Response of outcome at occasion i for participant j

  • tij = time of occasion i for participant j

  • randj = Randomisation group for participant j

  • β0 = Overall intercept, expected value of y when tij =0 and rand=0

  • β1 = Average regression coefficient of time for patients in the placebo group (rand=0)

  • β2 = Treatment effect/difference between treatments when tij =0

  • β3 = Interaction coefficient between time and intervention group

  • u0j = Individual-specific (between participants) random effect of the intercept (allows each patient to have their own intercept)

  • u1j = Individual-specific (between participants) random effect of the time coefficient (random slope: allows each patient to have their own slope)

  • ɛij = occasion-specific (within participant) residual

In Stata, the VF model specified was:

xtmixed md i.rand##c.ytime || studyno: ytime, cov(uns)

md = mean deviation; rand = randomised treatment (reference group = placebo); ytime = continuous time in years between visual field measurements

The OCT model specified was:

xtmixed mean_avg_thickness i.rand##c.ytime || studyno: ytime, cov(uns)

mean_avg_thickness = average RNFL thickness from repeats within visit; rand = randomised treatment (reference group = placebo); ytime = continuous time in years between OCT measurements;

VF measurements were repeated at several visits (1, 2, 7, 8 and 11); the intended purpose was to obtain a more precise estimate of the slope. This resulted in a 3-level structure of the data; tests at level 1, nested within visits at level 2, nested within participants at level 3 (Appendix Figure 1a).

In a longitudinal model, the measurement occasion and therefore its indicator (e.g. time) form level 1 units, however, available VF data indicated only the day of follow-up visit (level 2) rather than the exact time of each test, so that the time of the two measurements could not be distinguished at level 1. Therefore, we estimated the time tests were taken, based on knowledge of the study protocol (on average there was likely to be 2.5 hours between VF tests that were taken on the same day). We used the variable VF_id to order these repeat visual field tests within a visit and added 2.5 hours of time between visual field tests. Thus the data could now be restructured to 2-levels (Appendix Figure 1b).

OCT scans were taken at repeated follow-up visits. Within each visit, typically 3 scans were taken (5 at baseline and last visit), with three repeat instances within scans (fast RNFL protocol). Leading to a 4-level structure; instances at level 1, nested within scans at level 2, nested within visits at level 3, nested within participants at level 4 (Appendix Figure 2a). The three repeat instances within scans were averaged to provide a single scan result (mimicking the OCT software output). The time of each scan was recorded in the data, so we were able to restructure the data into two levels (Appendix Figure 2b) according to actual scan time.






Contributions of authors:

Design and conduct of study (DGH, DPC, HZ); analysis and interpretation (DGH, AQ, PP, QC, HZ); writing the article (DGH); critical revision and approval of manuscript (DGH, AQ, PP, DPC, QC, HZ); data collection (DGH, AQ); statistical expertise (DGH, AQ, PP, DPC, QC, HZ); obtaining funding (DGH, DPC, HZ); literature search (DGH)

The authors would like to thank Dr Tuan Ho for his administrative support for the study.


Funding support: NIHR (DGH, AQ, PP, DPC, HZ), Industry (Pfizer) through employer (AQ, PP), Industry (Alcon, Pfizer, Santen) through employer (DGH),

Financial disclosures: DGH (consulting fees Aerie, Alcon, Alimera, Allergan, CenterVue, Pfizer, Quark, Quethera, Roche, Santen, Santhera, Sensimed; Lecture fees Santen, Topcon); DPC (Lecture fees Allergan)

Pending patent: ANSWERS (DGH, DPC, HZ)


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