Owing to an error in the editing of this news article (1 January, p 9), it was stated that the trial at the North Staffordshire Hospital of a new technique—continuous negative extrathoracic pressure (CNEP)—involved only 122 premature babies, when in fact it involved 244 premature babies. Each arm of the trial comprised 122 babies. Consequently, the two subsequent sentences should have said: “Of the 122 babies treated with the new technique, 28 died and 15 sustained brain damage. Of the 122 babies in the control group, who received conventional treatment, 22 infants died and 10 experienced brain damage.”
. 2000 Jan 15;320(7228):140.
Doctors suspended in child health inquiry
Copyright © 2000, British Medical Journal
This corrects the article "Doctors suspended in child health inquiry" on page 9b.