An authors’ error occurred in this paper by P McQuillan and colleagues (20 June, pp1853-8). Dr C H Collins, consultant anaesthetist at the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital, should have been included as an author. Dr Collins was a member of the team that originally set up the protocol, and he helped organise the assessments. Randomised controlled trial of laparoscopic versus open mesh repair for inguinal hernia: outcome and cost An error occurred in the labelling of one of the figures in this paper by Wellwood and colleagues (11 July, pp 103-10). In figure 3 the blue solid line represents bilateral laparoscopic repair and the purple dotted line represents unilateral open repair.
. 1998 Sep 5;317(7159):631.
Confidential inquiry into quality of care before admission to intensive care
Copyright © 1998, British Medical Journal
This corrects the article "Confidential inquiry into quality of care before admission to intensive care" in volume 316 on page 1853.
This corrects the article "Randomised controlled trial of laparoscopic versus open mesh repair for inguinal hernia: outcome and cost" on page 103.