Ferrario-Méry, S., Valadiér, M.-H., and Foyer, C.H. Overexpression of Nitrate Reductase in Tobacco Delays Drought-Induced Decreases in Nitrate Reductase Activity and mRNA.
Figure 4 as printed on page 297 was submitted with incorrect data. The revised figure with its legend is reprinted below in its entirety.
Figure 4.
The effect of water deprivation on the foliar NO−3 content (A) and on foliar amino acid accumulation (B) in untransformed N. plumbaginifolia (stippled bars) and in 35S-NR transformants (shaded bars). The effect of rehydration after 3 d of water stress in untransformed N. plumbaginifolia (white bars) and in 35S-NR transformants (black bars) is also shown. Chl, Chlorophyll; DW, dry weight.