A) Two previously deleted regions (region 1 and 2) in the
hsPRC2 crystal structure are indicated with dashed underlines. (
Brooun et al., 2016). (
hsPRC2 wild type and two mutants (Δregion 1 and Δregion1 and 2 < crystallization construct>) were tested with (GGAA)
10 RNA.
Kdapp values and errors are mean and standard derivation of three independent experiments. (
C) Protein-RNA crosslinking experiment using a 5’-
32P-labeled G-quadruplex RNA (UUUGGGU(4-thio-U)UGGGUUGGGUUGGGUU). [Left panel] Protein samples and radiolabeled RNA were crosslinked using 365 nM UV light, resolved using SDS-PAGE and exposed to a phosphorimaging plate. Radiolabeled bands indicate that RNA is crosslinked to these polypeptides. [Right panel] Coomassie staining of the four protein samples on a SDS-PAGE gel.