Figure 2.
The efficiency of Sbp2 knockdown. Sbp2 (A) gDNA and (B) mRNA of liver and cerebrum. Five to eight male and female mice were studied in each group. As no differences were found between mice of same genotype irrespective of sex, results of both sexes were pooled per group. Western blot for Sbp2 and quantification in arbitrary units of the full-length Sbp2 isoform [molecular weight (MW) 120,000 indicated by arrows] normalized for β-actin in (C) liver and (D) cerebrum. For comparison of the Sbp2 isoforms present in these tissues, a Wt cerebrum sample is shown in (C), and a Wt liver sample is shown in (D), indicated in italics and separated by a dashed line. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001.