Figure 6. PRKCI regulates oncogenic function through the activation of the ERK and Akt signaling pathways.
A. Activities of ERK signaling and Akt signaling in the PRKCI-knockdown cells (KOC-7c and OVISE) and PRKCI-overexpressing cells (ES2 and TOV21G). The number beneath the band was the relative expression level of that protein. It was calculated first by normalizing with GAPDH and then in relation to the expression of the corresponding control sample. The results shown above are the representative one of three independent experiments. *p < 0.05. B. Immunohistochemistry staining of xenografts derived from ES2 PRKCI overexpressing or ES2 control cell lines. Typical sections stained for PRKCI, phospho-ERK, Phospho-Akt and Ki-67 were shown. Cell growth of PRKCI-knockdown cells (KOC-7c and OVISE) and PRKCI-overexpressing cells (ES2 and TOV21G) with the treatment of C. PD98059 and D. perifosine were determined by CellTiter Blue cell viability assay.