A. Representative immunohistochemistry image of cardiac section stained for DAPI (blue) and CD31, showing overlap of GFP expressing cells with CD31. B. Quantification of c-kit derived CD31+ cells. N=3 and 3, *p<0.05 C. Representative immunohistochemistry image of cardiac section stained for DAPI (blue) and CD45, showing overlap of GFP expressing cells with CD45. D. Quantification of c-kit derived CD45+ cells. N=3 and 3, *p<0.05 E. Representative immunohistochemistry image of cardiac section stained for DAPI (blue) and vimentin, showing overlap of GFP expressing cells with vimentin. F. Quantification of c-kit derived vimentin+ cells (only interstitial cells are quantified). N=3 and 3, *p<0.05 G and H. Perivascular GFP+ (green) cells co-stained with vimentin (red) in low (G) and high (H) power magnification. A, C, E and H: white arrows show overlap between antibody stain and GFP expressing cells.