Functional enrichment of dysregulated miRNA-mRNAs targets modules. A, Horizontal bar plots (on the left) show the GO enrichment status (top 20 terms) for 112 predicted mRNAs targets that anticorrelate with 22 miRNAs expression level in epileptogenesis (FDR < 5%, hypergeometric test). The miRNA-mRNA module is represented by a network graph (on the right) showing the connections between miRNAs based on the function of their mRNAs predictive targets revealed by the GO enrichment. B, Horizontal bar plots (on the left) show KEGG enrichment analysis for predicted mRNAs targets that anticorrelate with miRNAs expression level in epileptogenesis (FDR < 5%, hypergeometric test). miRNA-mRNA modules are represented with network plot (on the right) showing the connection between miRNAs based on the pathways in which are involved their predicted targets revealed by KEGG analysis. C, D, GO and KEGG enrichment status for 29 predicted miRNA targets that anticorrelate with five miRNAs differentially expressed in the chronic stage (FDR < 5%, hypergeometric test).