(A, B) Median filtered, maximum intensity projection of a red channel image from a single time point of an explanted lymph node from a Cd4-Salsa6f (Hom) mouse. Panel A is enlarged and cropped from panel B (gray rectangle). (C, E, G) Green channel images corresponding to A with different image processing protocols. (C) Maximum intensity projection without further processing. (E) Maximum intensity projection after subtraction of the average of all green channel frames. (G) Maximum intensity projection after subtraction of the corresponding scaled red channel image and subtraction of the subsequent average from all green channel frames. Green arrows in C,E,G indicate a subcellular Ca2+ signal. (D, F, H) Surface plots corresponding to the images in C,E,G, respectively, showing the subcellular Ca2+ signal as a green peak. Gray arrowheads indicate nearby background cell fluorescence that is progressively removed by image processing. Asterisk indicates a region containing an autofluorescent cell that has been cropped out. Scale bar in A is 25 µm (applies to C,E,G); scale bar in B and the horizontal scale bar in D are 50 µm (applies to F,H).