Imaginal wing disc FAIRE signal of H3.3 mutants is increased at telomeres and transposons. (A) Boxplot of average FAIRE enrichment determined by piPipes pipeline across 126 transposon families (Han et al. 2015). Genomic DNA from Drosophila embryos used as input control. (B) Boxplots in (A) shown alongside FAIRE enrichment for H3HWT and H3K9R mutants from a separate experiment (Penke et al. 2016). (C) FAIRE enrichment of H3.3 and H3K9R mutants at telomeric transposons. Error bars indicate SD from three replicates for each genotype. Statistical significance determined by paired t-test (* P < 0.05, ** P < 0.005, and *** P < 0.0005,). FAIRE, Formaldehyde Assisted Isolation of Regulatory Elements, n.s., not significant; WT, wild-type.