Figure 1.
BMS-204352 rescue of the hyperactivity phenotype of Fmr1-KO mice in a novel environment. (a) Single animal (left, WT; right, Fmr1-KO) total trajectory during a 1 h exposure to an open field never visited before. (b–f) Summary plots of locomotor activity during the initial 1 h spent in a novel open field for WT and Fmr1-KO mice pretreated with either vehicle or BMS-204352 (IP injection 30 min before introduction into the open field). WT+Veh, n=16, KO+Veh, n=13, KO+BMS-204352, n=13, WT+BMS-204352, n=15. (b) Total distance moved; (c) total time resting; (d) number of rotations (angle >180°); (e) total time resting in center; and (f) total time in center. *Statistically significant difference compared with all other groups (p<0.05). Note the general hyperactivity of KO mice, rescued by BMS-204352 treatment.