Table 1.
Include | Exclude |
Publisheda from January 2000 to February 2017 | Publisheda before 2000 |
Focused on one or more LMICb | Focused on high-income country(ies) |
Target population children under 5 years of age | Target population children over 5 years of age or unspecified |
Intervention is any rotavirus vaccine delivered in any manner | N/A |
Full-text paper | Abstracts, posters or presentations |
1. Study self-described as a BIA 2. Other full economic evaluation (CEA or CUA) |
1. Fiscal, revenue or cost-benefit analyses, or costing studies that do not capture both: (a) Costs of rotavirus vaccination; and (b) Cost savings 2. Studies that do not report either: (a) Novel analysis from primary data collection; or (b) Secondary analysis or modelling of primary data 3. Review, editorial, perspective or discussion pieces |
BIA budget impact analysis, CEA cost-effectiveness analysis, CUA cost-utility analysis, LMIC low- and middle-income country, N/A not applicable
a If unpublished, refers to date reported
b Based on World Bank Analytical Classification using gross national income per capita (Atlas methodology), based on the World Bank’s fiscal year at the time of publication