Figure 4. Caspase-generated ROS are required of recruitment and activation of hemocytes to scrib−/− RasV12 mosaic eye/antennal imaginal discs.
Hemocytes were labeled with the NimC antibody (Kurucz et al., 2007) (red in top panels; grey in (‘) panels and in (L–R)). Scale bars in (A–J’): 50 μm; in (L–R): 100 μm. (A,A’) Control mosaic discs (FRT +) carry small hemocyte clusters mostly at the antennal portion of the disc. (B,B’) scrib−/− RasV12 mosaic discs are covered by large quantities of hemocytes. + indicates scrib−/− RasV12 in otherwise wt background. (C–I) Hemocyte recruitment to scrib−/− RasV12 eye/antennal imaginal discs is strongly impaired upon loss of ROS (C–F’) and caspase activity (G–I'). (J,J’) Expression of a dominant negative JNK transgene (JNKDN) in scrib−/− RasV12 mutant clones blocks hemocyte recruitment. (K) Quantification of NimC labelings reveals that the number of hemocytes attached to scrib−/− RasV12 mosaic discs is significantly lower when ROS levels or caspase activity are reduced in scrib−/− RasV12 clones. To facilitate the quantification, the mean intensity of NimC labelings across the entire disc was determined, normalized to GFP (to account for the reduced size of ROS-depleted or caspase-inhibited scrib−/− RasV12 clones) and analyzed by one-way ANOVA with Holm-Sidak test for multiple comparisons. Error bars are SD. P values are referenced to scrib−/− RasV12 and are indicated by asterisks above each column. ****p<0.0001. Ten discs per genotype were analyzed. + indicates scrib−/− RasV12 in otherwise wt background. (L–R) High magnification images of hemocytes attached to the discs of indicated genotype. Note that in (M) hemocytes attached to scrib−/− RasV12 discs extend cellular protrusions (arrows), similar to cytonemes. These protrusions are absent in hemocytes attached to control (L) and caspase-inhibited or ROS-depleted discs (N–R). + in (M) indicates scrib−/− RasV12 in otherwise wt background. Genotypes: (A,L) yw ey-FLP/+; act>y+>Gal4, UAS-GFP56ST/+; FRT82B tub-Gal80/. FRT82B w+; (B,M) yw ey-FLP/+; act>y+>Gal4, UAS-GFP56ST/+; FRT82B tub-Gal80/UAS-RasV12 FRT82B scrib2; (C–I, N–R) yw ey-FLP/+; act>y+>Gal4, UAS-GFP56ST/UAS-X; FRT82B tub-Gal80/UAS-RasV12 FRT82B scrib2 with UAS-X being UAS-DuoxRNAi (C), UAS-hCatS (D,N), UAS-SOD1 (E), UAS-Catalase (F,O), UAS-SOD2 (P), UAS-droncRNAi (G,Q), UAS-drICERNAi (H,R) and UAS-p35 (I). (J) yw ey-FLP/UAS-JNKDN; act>y+>Gal4, UAS-GFP56ST/+; FRT82B tub-Gal80/UAS-RasV12 FRT82B scrib2.