Vaccination of DK/96 vaccines in ferrets. Ferrets (4–6 per group) are vaccinated with 30 or 90 μg of inactivated whole DK/96-wt or DK/96-Hu virus vaccines or PBS mock control. Serum samples are collected at 21 days post-vaccination to determine anti-DK/96-wt or anti-DK/96-Hu specific HI (A) or neutralizing antibody titers (B). Individual symbols represent each experimental ferret, and horizontal lines represent the geometric means (GMT). The limit of detection for both HI and neutralizing tests is
(or 10). If the titer is below detecting limit, it is assigned as
(or 5). Statistical significances are determined by two-way ANOVA and Bonferroni post-test, and double asterisks indicate the significant difference in antibody titers with p<0.01 and a single asterisk indicates the significant difference in antibody titers with p<0.05. At 21 days post-vaccination, ferrets are challenged with 106 EID50 of DK/96-wt virus and nasal wash samples are collected at days 2, 4, 6 and 8 post-challenge. Mean viral titers of each group are shown as log10 EID50/ml+SD (C). Statistical significances are determined by two-way ANOVA and Bonferroni post-test. An asterisk indicates a statistically significant (p<0.05) reduction in virus titers compared to PBS mock group.